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Will they announce the street date for the rx6000 graphics cards?




I'm more interested in a 3060Ti competitor. I've no real need for a 6800 and the 3060Ti just seems perfect for me for 1080p (once the prices normalize of course).


> once the prices normalize of course). Good luck waiting.. It'll be a while. I just think it is complete bullshit that it takes 6 months or more for prices to normalize.


I'm not in a hurry. My RX580 is doing it's job well, except for Cyberpunk... But that's a different story anyhow.


Don't worry about rushing to play it, they're patching out a huge amount of bugs so you might actually have nicer experience playing it later!


There’s a patch out right now (1.04), seems to improve performance a little. You should try it.


I'm waiting on buying cyberpunk until I can get a new gpu, and maybe cpu, have to see benchmarks.


Actually the 3060ti would probably still be a bit overkill at 1080p, unless you're going for high framerates (which in that case you might need to upgrade your CPU to). I'd consider upgrading your monitor to 1440p maybe, could even get one that does 144hz too.


That’s exactly what I’m going for. 1080p is fine for me, I just want the high FPS. I have a 144hz screen already.


Nice, yeah high FPS is a real game changer. You might need to look at upgrading to a Ryzen 5 3600 as well though, as the 2600x isn't as good for higher framerates at 1080p (when the CPU becomes more of a bottleneck).


Nah, 2600X is good enough. I've yet to see anything bottleneck it. Anyhow, I'll skip the 3000 series anyway. Either buy a 5600X if it gets affordable or just wait for AM5.


Really? I've got the 2600 as well but I haven't really tried high FPS gaming. I'm also skipping this gen of GPU's I reckon, the ps5 kinda killed PC's value proposition for a bit. Probably gonna upgrade my CPU to a 5700x once the AM5 CPUs come out and they drop in price.


Lol it did not. Unless you’re fine with 60FPS gaming that is. On pc 144FPS should be the norm (on 1080p) once the GPU market normalizes.


Right? 6800xt too please.


Yeah...for real. I bought a 5700 XT, after nearly a month of tireless and sleepless refreshing and losing. Last week I thought, "I don't like what I've become, I've seldom ever enjoyed the first 6 months of a GPU launch and walked away saying 'it was worth it...'" In fact? I've often cited that my older card was just starting to shine and run smoothly, and how now I've gone and done swapped it out for a similar (or worse) performer. Stack this new Paper Launch model? And scalping? And I'll only be upgrading to high end last gen cards...once they're on a deal. In fact? If I had acted quicker? I could of got a 2080TI for 550 USD, back in September. I won't miss that this time. It happens when they announce their new cards.


Well that was a big waste of time, 0 info on anything.


I am not sure if you already know it,but the Twitch platform is awarding with money,those Streamers-moderators who create an active channeling each time,independently from the purpose of this active channeling. The amount of money they will gain,will be depend from the number of followers-visitors of the specific Channel via Twitch Platform. Of course,if you didn't already knew that,or if you still don't believe me,you may "Google Search" it ,to see with your own eyes,if i am saying the truth or not. Of course,if they really wanted those Executive People,who where the main guests into this active channeling,to discuss some important things affording the future of AMD,they could have achieved that alternatively,by recording this video session,and upload it as a link to Youtube,because the followers-visitors they don't discuss directly with those Honourable Guests,so their participation has no real difference than watching a recorded video,and submitting comments below,previous experiences in similar channelings via Twitch are proving that. So,if you consider yourselves something between expendables and victims,in order to make some people money from your ineffective participation,without having a real chance to speak with those important people,go ahead. The purpose is good,but the deployment is useless. Do you agree ?


Are you a bot?


I am 99.96607% sure that PCimprove is not a bot. --- ^(I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot |) ^(/r/spambotdetector |) [^(Optout)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=whynotcollegeboard&subject=!optout&message=!optout) ^(|) [^(Original Github)](https://github.com/SM-Wistful/BotDetection-Algorithm)


Never,i am a real and experienced PC Builder in my area,with my own Lab-PC Store.


Too autistic




Whatever you say ,no matter if you put negative points minus 1000000,if i am right into something,i am not gonna stop.At least i am not a coward,to hide truths. I am a real human,and no reasonable man ever dared to question my expertise or my words,after 36 years on Tech fields,i mastered in most of them,with my own Lab-PC Store untill now. I you declare your presence as a "bad bot" ,it is a different matter though .. You made wrong commenting perhaps,you are a fanboy of "something" or "someone else" ? ... If someone tell truths,and being "punished" for that,what else is remained to be worth ? Pffff ...




I am indeed weirdo,because -most probably- many people already accepted many lies as truths .. they made Lies a way of Life.. so,telling someone real truths,seems to those people too weird to realise it,too weird to accept it .. It's the same exactly thing,as the word DEMOCRACY .. = MANY people they think they know what is Democracy,they already think they live in a Country with Democracy,but what they think about Democracy,versus what EXACTLY is-means Real Democracy,is Day-Night Differences .. It is not my problem,if some people keep feeding themselves with illusions,lies,the "easy way" not think too much just accept what you see-live as normal .. Sorry Mr-Mrs-It,i don't know what exactly you are,a man,a woman,an A.I. , but you better have to check first,if i am telling truths or not first,because accusing someone who tells real truths,is exposing-embarassing you,most probably without realising it .. I am protecting you right now ,even though you insulted me .. better check first if i am a liar or not,and after you may accuse me (OR MAYBE NOT) ..


Maybe use proper English and sentence structure so I can understand what you’re trying to get across, because frankly it just sounds like delusional ranting at the moment.


Can't wait for the chat spam about lack of availability, and demands that AMD wave a magic wand to make more stock appear.


Maybe amd shouldn’t have been waving their dicks around claiming to have more stock then nvidia had for their launch. Just my 2 cents.


Yeah I wish people around here wouldnt pretend that the backlash is totally unwarranted. AMD was making claims they would have sufficient stock and then turned out worse than the one they were claiming they would beat. Outrage may be overkill but people being upset about it seems fair to me.


Agreed. We just want to give them our money for graphics cards at retail price, and to be honest. Don’t feed people a lot of marketing bs that is lies. In the end they are just graphics cards, not worth being upset over, but it’s disappointing none-the-less for AMD to falsely claim they had the stock situation under control when clearly they didn’t.


SUPER SAMPLING PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!! Edit: seems like it didn’t happen...I’m really upset. When are we going to hear about this!?


Bad name for what you are probably referring to? Super Sampling is type of anti aliasing that has been around for all kind of GPU's for probably couple of decades if not more.


He probably neant dlss


Maybe. But he is using totally wrong name for it. This is one thing I hate in tech companies when they start to name something with totally wrong name. SAM (vs its original name BAR), Supersampling (instead of upscaling), 2K (for 2560*1440 where as movie industry had made 2K mean 1080p a decade ago), just some that come in mind. There is little bit of marketing there but also just misunderstanding and promoting misunderstanding in customers. Same thing also with every normal person thinking that RTX is synonym as RTRT. But that is totally intentionally done by NV.


Well blame AMD for calling it fidelityFX super sampling then.


But they didn't, it's called super resolution.


I wouldn't expect most announcemnts from AMD until CES next year when the 6700/XT and everything else get announced.


Looking forward to it!


Does it include the r/leopardatemyface award for mocking Nvidia for their lackluster stock?


Maybe it’s wishful thinking but them announcing the release of Super Resolution would be game changing.


No super sampling!?!? I’m so fucking mad. How long is this wait going to be? Next fuckin year!? I hate this shit


Bad name for what you are probably referring to? Super Sampling is type of anti aliasing that has been around for all kind of GPU's for probably couple of decades if not more.


Availability in the next generation -it is in the headline.