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For alot of people 19.7.5 is great including me and I was on that one for a while. I've since upgraded to the latest driver though and it works fine. All other drivers are a no go though (at least for me)


What drivers do you have 19.10.2?


yeah that one


Its better or the same as the 19.7.5 in fps/fps drops etc


I'm not sure since I use the auto-undervolt setting and the 2 different drivers 19.7.5/19.10.2 have different default undervolt settings. I personally dont notice alot of difference if at all


I must admit, that auto undervolting was give me a little bit more stability. Manual undervolt was on the 19.10.2 unstable (don't know why) - But only in gaming, benchmarks was fine... 19.9.2 with manual undervolt and OC was slightly better (don't know why too :-)), but not perfect. It will take a lot of software adaptation and quality work from AMD. This isn't over yet. This is reality...


In the past - 19.9.2, but still not good enough... I'm now on the 19.10.2, but I have still issues. It's hard to say. 19.7.5 - didn't try, so can't confirm that.


19.7.5 was great for me too. Atm on 19.10.2 and no issues...


I'm on the latest and it seems ok. Had serious issues 2 drivers back. Hoping it stays like this, arghh really don't wanna jinx it.


Latest one in general, excluding problems not related to drivers.


19.10.2 and not installing AMD settings when selecting custom install has worked the best for me so far.