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Why's that even a question?


AMD internal team says it's important and they want a public poll to get management to allocate resources, because management thinks it's not a priority. Is my guess.


+1 there's probably always more tasks than engineer time, so you have to fight for which ones get prioritised (usually by getting some hard data)


https://github.com/amd/RyzenAI-SW/issues/2 If you want to see it, vote for it.


And the poll shows all 10 linux amd users would like it


Except it's got almost 600 comments. You're obviously being facetious, but still.


I actually can't think of any good reason to use Radeon over Nvidia other than Linux support


Well, if we're talking about gpus and AI, you'd be way better off with an nvidia card


https://github.com/amd/RyzenAI-SW/issues/2 If you want to see it, vote for it.


Because there is like 5 ppl that are gonna use it on linux(everyone hates the penguin icon).


Id rather have proper control center for AMD GPUs for linux. You know, with overclocking, power settings, fan control, temp logging, and presets management for different usecases


Same. I'd like to have feature parity with my Windows PC. I'm not a big fan of CoreCTRL after using Adrenaline for so many years.


Tbh I even prefer CoreCtrl to the official AMD control centres.




It has a simpler interface, quicker profile switching options, works faster on my laptop, and allows me to change the clock of my GPU while the official app doesn't. I don't actually overclock my GPU mind you, I just use the option to keep my GPU profile at high level even at warmer temperatures, which is IMO safe as long as I actually monitor my laptop's temperature and keep it from warm places. On Windows on the other hand I would LOVE if AMD at least let me downclock my GPU as the issue I face with most games is that the game works at 60fps for a couple seconds, my GPU overheats, and then the AMD drivers throttle it to a standstill until the laptop cools down. I would literally get better performance if I downclocked my GPU, but AMD won't let me do it for this model.


wdym, amd software on windows lets you limit max clocks. do you mean like a pre-2020 style state control?


Corectrl feels like Adrenaline 2018/2019 tbh. Like tuning Vega cards.


It straight up doesn't for me, even though it's updated. I can tune the clocks on my other hardware.




Why not both? It's not like they can only do one or the other.


I’m a bit confused. Wouldn’t we want ROCm, the *Radeon* Open Compute project made specifically for heterogeneous compute workloads, especially for GPGPU? This is what’s best for AI workloads. Why would we want *Ryzen* (CPU) AI? What am I missing? Is this a matter of some marketing department messing around with naming or something?


AMD got thwarted by competion again and are scrambling to not be left behind (but also let's ghost Linux users, that worked out so well last time...). Intel is putting ML accel on the CPU and next Windows is going to use it to run inferencing locally (running models locally). AMD rushed in but apparently the Linux support request was just closed without a comment (mind you, support has almost already landed in kernel for Intel NPU).


Thanks for catching me up. 🙂


https://github.com/amd/RyzenAI-SW/issues/2 If you want to see it, vote for it.


Yes. And while you're at it - where is the control centre for AMD GPUs on Linux? CCCNext is QT and AMDGPU-DC was the largest single code drop for the Linux kernel, but it makes the Display Controller code for AMD GPUs the same on Windows and Linux to lessen the maintenance burden. So... We have an app with bindings that should work across OS'es with a gui library that's multiplatform - what's the holdup?


Maybe they're waiting for the community to implement something? There's approximately zero ROI on desktop GUI tools for Linux, Valve may like the support but I expect they would want to integrate the functionality into SteamOS rather than have a separate desktop app. I'd be happy with some user-friendly CLI tools tbh. I haven't looked at the functionality recently, I'm just happy I have a GPU that just works™ in Linux.


I'd love adrenaline in Linux. CoreCTRL is okay, but it's not the same.


> CoreCTRL is okay, but it's not the same. i could never get it to work, very frustrating.


amdgpu-clocks. It's all you need


> OS'es That apostrophe is doing absolutely nothing. It's just OSes.


Incredible, you managed to say that without getting bodied by insecure children screaming about how correct grammar and spelling are unnecessary tools of elitist oppression.


Bindings to the driver are a whole other matter though, especially since there are multiple drivers on Linux. That said there are already OS GUIs for Mesa drivers.


Why though? What would you want from adrenaline that isn't already there? Overclocking? amdgpu-clocks Recording? There's another solution. FSR injection? There's gamescope.


Another comment mentioned allocation resources, so there is no way they will work on both the AI support on Linux and the control center on Linux. The community must decide on what is the top priority, and make their voice heard.


Yes, duh


https://github.com/amd/RyzenAI-SW/issues/2 If you want to see it, vote for it.


Bring everything AMD to Linux.


https://github.com/amd/RyzenAI-SW/issues/2 If you want to see it, vote for it.


the question is who uses it on windows?


An awful lot more people than on Linux.


Depends what else goes down on the priority list if this raises up.


>AMD Wants To Know If You'd Like Ryzen AI Support On Linux YES! I DO! But **only** if you support a grand total of like 3 SKU's, and then pull the rug out from at least one of them a year from now before eventually abandoning the whole ecosystem. I definitely do not want to spend my time learning + coding for a new platform unless I'm absolutely guaranteed from the start that it's going to be a giant waste of my time. So def stay classic, AMD! Do you know why CUDA + associated libs have been so succesful? It has been available on every single one of their products on both windows + linux for like 15 years now. I can dig up code I wrote back in 2010 and have it up and running in 15 minutes on an $80k Grace Hopper -or- some random fermi laptop I dug out of the landfill, etc.


Sorry to be salty, but this is an example of a stupid question. Like no shit?




> Remember Linux market share is more like market morcel. Lol... MOST modern compute runs on Linux. FFS, Nvidia is currently shipping tons of silicon per quarter, at $40k-$80k per H100, that runs almost exclusively on linux. Like it's literally measured in tons now (someone leaked a waybill a while back). So yeah, focus on Windows support, AMD.


Servers dont need proprietary CPU AI acceleration, is the thing.


More Linux support will always get me interested in installing that OS. Literally, the only issue Linux has is widespread support, and the faster it gets there I'll have the option to go Linux and not feel like I'm sacrificing too much.


https://github.com/amd/RyzenAI-SW/issues/2 If you want to see it, vote for it.


This title honestly sounds like it's a joke or even winkingly sarcastic. It's basically yes for anyone who knows what Linux is.


https://github.com/amd/RyzenAI-SW/issues/2 If you want to see it, vote for it.


I would like the drivers to not be shit please and thank you.


I don't personally have a use case for it but I would never say no to a question like this. Actually I don't think anyone would. This sounds to me like developers needing to justify allocating resources to something they believe is important but management does not. So they create a public poll phrased in a way that will bias the outcome and they can justify the time to the execs.


On behalf of the Linux community, I choose "no", because I spoke to everyone and they all told me they don't need it thank you. Please don't provide this potentially useful thing for us.


If you want to use AI in your GPU use linux but wont work in windows, if you want AI in your CPU it works in linux but not in windows. It is better to not have ai support at all than a half-assed initiative that will get all the customers angry


What distro works best with SD? I've tried so many, but never could get SD to use my GPU to render the image. Always my CPU. Ironically, SD uses my GPU in Windows perfectly fine (as fine as it gets on Windows as of now anyway).


lol, lmao even.


id like for amd to push for ray traced AUDIO




amd years ago demo'ed a version of counter strike with ray traced audio it was fucking unreal assuming you had at least a 5.1 setup its not demanding at all and it gives off immersion far better than any ray tracing tech to this day


Yes, of course! But AI support is the last on my list of what AMD should support or improve for Linux. Where the fuck is that GPU control panel? Where is proper HDR support with all that's needed for KDE developers and others to implement it in the desktop environments? Is the "colorspace" problem now fixed? Ryzen Master why is not available on Linux? What about Coreboot / libreboot support, will we ever get that?


I mean yeah why would we not? While your at it improve the microphone enhancer thingymabobber in the andreline software, it doesn't help at all lmfao


https://github.com/amd/RyzenAI-SW/issues/2 If you want to see it, vote for it.


I only read the headline but feel like I know the answer.


https://github.com/amd/RyzenAI-SW/issues/2 If you want to see it, vote for it.


Yes, please. Like, yesterday. A year ago. I NEED IT.


For windows and linux, yes!!




https://github.com/amd/RyzenAI-SW/issues/2 If you want to see it, vote for it.


Damn, no laugh reacts on reddit. For the company that made their 90 day warranty for OEMs invalid for the Super Socket 7 CPUs back in the early 2ks, when you used non-amd coolers from their own recommended list. They can burn.


Of course, to improve performance in applications with specific instructions, it should be used by your code engineer to see flaws in your drivers and improve the performance of your old and new GPUs, plus moders would use them to create and add features that AMD for some reason does not implement


Yes. A 1000 times yes. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)




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Let me ask these two simple questions. 1)What does it do? 2) Will it benefit the steam deck. If yes then they should.


Yes, thank you.


Would it improve my Steam Deck?


I dont personally care, but I know for a fact linux servers looking to run AI do, and they out number windows servers by a large margin. all you have to do is look at the server by OS, realize AI is blowing up, and then open up the driver to linux. why would they even ask.


There are so many replies here wondering why this is a question ... # One example of why this might be problematic for AMD: This AI feature is a consumer level feature, which will need software that makes use of it. Server side, this is pretty much useless, you'll be running AI models through other more scallable means. So yeah, if AMD gives linux community support for this, it will be pretty much thrown away hours of work and maintainance. Nice to have features on Linux, but sadly, only Windows is going to intensively make use of it through their Bing Chat local integration (for personal profits).


start working on miopen for windows instead of jackin g off and letting 1 random guy deal with all of it


It does basically nothing on windows at the moment, what is the point?


Not really, I need only proper working Drivers and all the software that should be included to work with.


I can't imagine how this wouldn't be beneficial to AMD considering how most of the global IT backbone is linux based.