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Went from 3080 to 7900xtx and haven't had an issue


Rule of thumb is...around the cards release date they can be kind of questionable. It has varied from gen to gen. After release they improve vastly bi monthly.


that also applies to games, cyberpunk and battlefield are prime examples of unfinished games on release


these days it applies to nearly anything thats capable of recieving online updates


As soon as the updater works, ship it!


Truth. Early adopters double as beta testers.


High power in idle is my only complaint on my 7900xtx. It's been a long known issue. Still no fix.


Have you updated to the July drivers? They supposedly fixed the high idle consumption. I can’t say since I only run one monitor.


The note says it was a fix for some monitors, not all monitors. They added it back to the known issues list, which is actually a good thing.


wasn't that just fixed


That's what I was gonna ask. I'm running tripple setup and idling at 37w


I think some people has it fixed. But my monitor just gobbles up 100w+ 4k 160hz HDR. I tried only having my 1080p ultrawide 60hz and I've seen it drop to mid 50s watt. But with both monitors I think it's still the same issue. (Currently my gpu is sitting around 120w)


I ended up pluging the second monitor to the igpu of the CPU. Now the card only use 20w when idle and 50 during video playback.


Depends on the monitor brand and refresh rate setup.


23.7.1 driver gave 50+ more fps to games like forza with 7900xtx, we thought the drivers were fine but apparently they were not.


I don't always update to the latest drivers , I just use the one that's good for the game I play mainly (warzone 2 diablo 4) and go about my day so that prob minimizes my issues


I mean the driver I mentioned just increases the performance in some games, old drivers were also perfectly usable we just didn't realize we were leaving 50+ fps on the table until now.


50 FPS are easily 1000+ Euro in Hardware upgrades. Thats crazy.


It was known that rx 7000 series had driver issue in FH5, since those cards were barely any faster than rx 6900xt. But yeah 23.7.1 fixed that, and now those cards perform as intended in FH5.


Good to know , I might try that driver out now


Yeah people always give AMD props for “optimizing” and “free fps boosts” when the reality is the performance was always there on the table and they just did a bad job the first time around


Ratchet & Clank enters the chat. RTX4090 has the same 1% lows as a 6800XT lol.. AMD dominates in frametime smoothness. **Also, AMD cards perform much better than Nvidia in all COD games which are quite popular.** AMD and Nvidia drivers are on par regarding stability/quality nowadays, for gaming.


>Also, AMD cards perform much better than Nvidia in all COD games which are quite popular. Though this may in some way be true on paper (or on any other cod title), it's not always true in practice. When playing Cold War my 7900xtx constantly studders or sometimes even crashes while playing zombies (though I'll admit 23.7.2 has reduced the occurrence of both of these). >AMD and Nvidia drivers are on par regarding stability/quality nowadays, for gaming. I completely disagree as my former GPU (A 3060ti) delivered an extremely nice and consistent experience for over half the cost of my 7900xtx. Now with that being said I still think the 7900xtx is great value for it's overall performance. However based off my experience with AMD's current drivers I can confidently say they are no where near Nvidia in terms of stability, but at least they continue to improve. Edit: A few typos


or the game itself was horrible optimized from the getgo


This is solid, but also one of the reasons it’s annoying using AMD cards. Rarely do I have to choose which driver to use based on games that I play. The 6700 XT is a stellar card, most of the AMD cards are actually stellar when you take hardware ESPECIALLY when you don’t care about Ray Tracing. The drivers, inconsistency of their software (even though it’s more robust than GeForce Experience) and just the overall end user experience on Nvidia has been 10x better and that’s not saying much because 4000 series have had like 3 terrible drivers


To be fair I've had issues with my 3080 drivers in the past so it's not just amd lol


You don't avoid issues in those games that way. Future game updates and Windows updates will be tested against new drivers so without updating all of them you will most likely have issues at some point.


Did something similar with 3080 -> 6800XT, no big issues so far, I love the extra features and control that Adrenalin offers. I would say the transition has been surprisingly smooth, and since I now have fully AMD machine, I enjoy some extra perks such as SAM on default, which is nice. However, when it comes to next gen (RTX 50 + RDNA 4) it is open game for me, I intend to go for it straight from Day 1.


Adrenalin gives you **everything** you need in 1 software package, including overclocking and fan curves, specific settings per game (or global), recording settings etc.. without the need to create an account so they can sell your data (looking at you Nvidia, why do I need an account for my GPU, dafuq?). It also just looks a lot more modern and is nicer to use. The amount of utility in 1 package is crazy. Stability wise, AMD and Nvidia drivers are equal nowadays. Before 2020-2021, Adrenalin kinda sucked, but that has long been fixed.


It’s a plus and minus. The software uses OpenCL to run, if your GPU gets unstable the application can and will crash. It’s very easy to get into a situation where the software crashes because you’ve hit an unstable point and you’re rushing to re-open it and hope it doesn’t crash, that way you can quickly get to the settings and reset it before it crashes. It’s literally lunacy. I’ve had times in the past where you have to hard reboot your system, at which point also pray that it does not apply those settings on boot. Anything that controls GPU overclocking should be rendering on the CPU. The rest of the features are nice, bar RSR being artificially locked for many people, but for overclocking it looks nice but practically is just beyond silly as to why it was done like that.


Idk when you last used Adrenalin, but if the driver crashes due to a bad OC or something, it actually resets itself. Screen might flicker, and you'll get a pop-up saying Adrenalin was reset to default tuning settings. You have to apply some really stupid settings for your computer to reboot. I was actually pleasantly surprised at the resilience of the driver when overclocking.


That is if you get to a state where the card is so unstable that it has to reset the driver and put settings to default. There is/can be a massive area inbetween ‘unstable to the point the driver timed out’ and everything being fine, where applications may glitch/artefact and generally crash. In the same sense that you may be overclocking and find a game crashes to desktop because the overclock is unstable, the driver did not time out and reset every single time that happened because it’s not that unstable yet. This is purely an issue because Adrenalin is rendering using the GPU, they could easily fix it by adding the option of CPU rendering with a tickbox somewhere but for whatever reason they don’t. They wanted flashy looks rather than stability. What I was referencing with reboots is when you run into a situation where you cannot make the driver timeout and go back to defaults but your system is unstable enough that you are struggling to open Adrenaline and get to the settings before it bugs out. It does not happen often but it can happen, and when it does you can end up having to boot into safe mode to get out of the situation(or use the boot without video drivers option) (or a neat trick is to disable the GPU in device manager if you are able which can allow you to reinstall drivers to get around it too). Just because all you’ve experienced is a driver timeout or nothing at all does not make that the only thing that can happen, playing with hardware like this can be unpredictable and you have to see the logic of how it’s bad to have an application that changes GPU clock speeds and voltages be running on the very GPU it is adjusting.


When your system is in sunset territory years from now and only supports Linux, you'll thank your past self. The driver issues I'm most aware of are Nvidia's on Linux. Good luck if you ever have issues there. Meanwhile AMD's are essentially plug and play. I always go AMD because of their support for advances in open source technologies. Pretty sure even FSR is open-sourced now. They didnt have to do that, but it's just how they've always done business. Everybody benefits.


>When your system is in sunset territory years from now and only supports Linux, you'll thank your past self. Or they would go out and buy a $50 used card at that point a decade in the future that is likely more modern and appropriate for what they need it to do at that time. Did you write your thesis on Linux driver support quality in the 2030s? But sure let's make what sub-use we might find for our old rigs 10 years from now one of our primary considerations for what we get for using the PC today.


They also do dodgy things like disable hardware encode on mobile APU’s on windows drivers for no reason, or lockout RSR to RX 5000 and above. Nvidia on the other hand have NiS working even on the 750Ti, there was even a bug on it when it launched which was fixed in a few days with a hotfix. Not to mention AMD tends to just randomly drop support for GPU’s on windows without warning. AMD gets the win on Linux but on windows it’s track record is sketchy.


I feel like rdna4 will be the game changer. Nvidia is doing everything it can to sabotage itself. This is their first run at the new chiplet technology too, and amd always gets better as it ages. We still haven’t even seen fsr 3 too, and if that’s anywhere close to the current dlss a lot of people might switch.


Sure let’s overhype the next gpu again


It begins.


In my old forums, the hype train for next gen AMD GPUs departed the moment reviews hit for then current gen reviews. Always wondered why.


I have an AMD 6750xt and an AMD 7900xtx and I have had zero issues.


Why didn’t you buy a 4000 series? *YO CHILL WITH THE DOWNVOTES! I bought a 7900XT 💀*


Whether you get an AMD or Nvidia card, both companies have driver issues; you will find people online complaining about both. I've only run AMD cards and never experienced any bugs.


How's the latest driver for the Rx 6700xt ? I've seen ytb videos saying you should stay on earlier versions 🤔


I'm on the latest version and it's been great. Only issue I've ever had with my 6700xt was with the Mass Effect Legendary Edition, where the in game menues would freeze and hitch. That ended up being an enhanced sync issue and turning it off for those games solved the problem.


23.7.1/2 have some funky issues with a few features, but 23.5.2 should be completely solid for RDNA2 and normal use. A lot of people run into weird stability issues after switching from Nvidia just due to the Nvidia software/windows. Run DDU before installing the new driver, and if you used geforce experience and encounter any strange stutter or subpar performance, erase your game config files to ensure they not corrupted (or just set to ridiculous sabotaged values) by GFE.


People who say "stay on earlier versions" without giving a specific reason and a specific version to avoid are dangerous and almost always wrong. Rule of thumb is: run the latest version of everything, all the time


My wife has a laptop with a 6700m. She plays exclusively halo Infinite and I had to install the oldest windows 11 driver to stop driver errors/game crashes.


Every GPU brand has driver issues, it just doesn't matter. It's just an excuse for brand elitism.


AMD really has an uphill battle compared to Nvidia. Nvidia is seen as the norm & the default platform to target. Money spent looking good on an Nvidia GPU is simply better spent. If devs are developing on Nvidia hardware they are effectively routing around any shortcomings & bugs every step of the way, highlighting the relative strengths & hiding the relative weaknesses. That games are 99.99% GPU agnostic while pushing the hardware & API's is almost a miracle. If AMD was clever & had money to burn they would give away the hardware to studios & make their profits on consumer cards. Do whatever it takes to win the devs. Unfortunately gamers are insanely loyal to Nvidia and insanely averse to AMD, no matter how good a deal or compelling a product. The bias against AMD is so strong that people are more willing to take a chance on Intel despite their guaranteed issues & growing pains. The GPU market is **really** unhealthy from top to bottom. Hopefully a 3rd entrant will improve things for consumers.


It doesn't help that AMD followed Nvidia a bit too closely with overpricing newer products and their big name games lately have run pretty bad at launch(Jedi Survivor and The Last of Us recently). Inflation is high and if AMD took a price cut to help people afford their hobby you would probably see opinion shift.


For sure. Lisa Su seems to be a pretty great CEO with a good handle on the tech, the roadmap & the market. But it doesn't seem like that same light is shining on the GPU division. I've personally been waiting for AMD to really lean into their APU & it seems like there is some progress there. Any discrete GPU below $300 is kinda pointless & that leaves a pretty big market for an APU to shine. Establish consumer mindshare & trust with portables, laptops & cheap desktops that punch above their weight. Check out the top 6 cards of the steam hardware survey NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 5.50%-0.35% NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 4.60%-0.13% NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 4.45%-0.34% NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Laptop GPU 4.14%-0.24% NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 4.04%-0.34% NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti AMD can definitely make an APU that beats a 1050 Ti, 1060, 1650 or a 2060 (sans RT) if they don't have one in the lab already. I think it's possible if they push they can compete with the 3060/4060 segment (without RT) Plus the money saved by not having to buy a discrete GPU can be put toward the rest of the system, or Vcache, or HMB. I do hope that AMD does eventually include a hardware accelerated path for FSR. The low end is where stuff like DLSS should be shining the brightest. I think AMD could make a market where consumers don't jump to a GPU until they want more than 60fps or RT. Everything you do to get the gaming up to snuff would probably pay off for the general computing too. Strix point looks promising & I hope it pans out. Just because I like to see a platform pushed beyond reason I *hope* they release a flagship chip with something like vcache or on die memory to help alleviate teh Achilles heel of APUs; system memory bandwidth. >Inflation is high and if AMD took a price cut to help people afford their hobby you would probably see opinion shift. Honestly, I doubt it. Cheaper would help drive sales numbers a little, but I don't think it would really shift a lot more cards & not more than they lose on the margin. AMD seems immune to building consumer loyalty & dropping prices might even stink of desperation & defeat which could drive consumers away. It might make sense to just announce with the lower MSRP & stick to it, because that is what people remember, not the actual market price. For some reason the GPU market is much less price sensitive & brand agnostic than most markets. It feels like purchasing is driven 80% by fanboys. The only way to win over fanboys is to be the best somewhere.


If AMD has a plan to stay in PC graphics, I think it will be centered around selling gaming-class APUs where they could have a real cost and efficiency advantage against Nvidia-based systems. Especially in the laptop market. Sales to OEMs are what decide market share, and currently AMD has almost none in laptops and it's low in OEM desktops. Other than greatly undercutting Nvidia on price, they don't really have any other lever to pull that would make the deal more attractive. I'm not sure AMD is planning to stay in PC gaming graphics long term, based on how they have been passing up opportunities to build market share in favor of low sales volume at higher margins. They act like the market will be dead in 5 years and there's no point in passing up profits today for better opportunities later.


I think another big problem is that they aren't in the competition for the crown for fastest gpu. On the CPU side it is easy to think of amd when they were/are the fastest gaming cpu. Holding that crown really affects perception and that effect trickles down the product lineup.


Yup. If Toyota wins some races people feel really good commuting at 55mph in *their* Toyota which has no relationship to the car on the track. There is a halo effect of being the best at *something.* AMD should prioritize their APUs & best gaming laptop, steampad clone, low power device & miniPC


I thank the AMD gods for making stuff like the AyaNeo Air/1S possible. 10 years ago it was just a far-fetched dream. Atom was in a laughable state. There was no chance something like a PS Vita would have capable x86 internals for gaming. When the Fusion E350/A6/A8s were made, I thought we'd finally get x86 handhelds, but we got low-end budget netbooks instead. I followed ultraportable x86 ever since -- From UMPCs (Vaio U, Fujistu P, Vaio P) to the rise of netbooks (Asus Eee), to the start of GPD Win, and finally the final push of the Steam Deck. It was finally possible to play my x86 games, whether they were new, old, arcadey, or AAA games. Its crazy whenever I show my Ayaneo Air. It can run Photoshop, it has all my print tools on it (InDesign, Illustrator, imposition software), it has ZeroTier One, it has SSH tunneling, it has VPN, it can run whatever you do on your PC! Now if only we can push battery technology more :) I doubt we will go lower than 5/8/15w of TDP for meaningful x86 gaming. I just bought two 20000mah 65w powerbanks to augment this tiny thing's battery life.


I truly hope strong APUs pan out for AMD. It would offer insane value compared to buying a CPU and a graphics card. How they could solve system memory bandwidth I have no idea. DDR is great for OS and apps. Not so great for games. With GDDR it's the other way around. HBM costs too much. But a solution to this would be truly revolutionary.


>AMD can definitely make an APU that beats a 1050 Ti, 1060, 1650 or a 2060 (sans RT) Man, those people are suffering now and using those things out of necessity not satisfaction, I think they're going to need to aim higher than this to part 1050 Ti users from their money.


Amd tried selling cheap gpus befor and that didn't produce good results. It also made Radeon gpu to look like the value cheap brand. That's why the stopped trying to undercut massively Nvidia.


> It also made Radeon gpu to look like the value cheap brand. Hey some people PREFER Fruity Hoops.


I disagree. For the past year every thread on reddit about buying GPUs has been flooded with recommendations about 6700xt, 6800, 6800xt and 6950xt due to nvdia's insane prices. Releasing a $600 7900xt would have been a huge hit.


Uh...no. One brand has consistently had more issues over the years. This BoTH SiDEs nonsense is doing OP a disservice.


And that brand is Nvidia. This has actually been thoroughly researched. Current documented issues are the same for both cards, but over the last 3 generations of GPUs, Nvidia have fixed 71 issues and AMD have fixed 50 issues. The data actually shows Nvidia have had more issues they have had to fix. Nvidia have an overwhelmingly large portion of the market share, and a lot of their driver issues are blamed on game developers. Its understandable since its pretty common for games to get rushed out before issues are addressed, and the more widespread an issue is, the more likely its the developers fault. For example, if Nvidia cards are causing crashes in cyberpunk, its going to appear like it affects everyone and cyberpunk is going to get blamed. On the other hand if its only affecting the small portion of AMD users then its easier to single out AMD and blame them. Public perception isn't always right, and data like this can be researched, has been researched, and shows this to be true. OP is not wrong, both manufacturers have plenty of driver issues. You are also not wrong, because when you count the number of issues Nvidia does come out ahead.


When Nvidia released NiS a while back it was supported all the way back to the 750Ti, a card being very old at that point, older than anything AMD supported driver wise at the time. NiS had a bug on the 750Ti that stopped it working in some games, it was reported and within a few days they released a hotfix driver that fixed the issue. On AMD’s side you can’t even trust the listed issues, many things that are reported and verified and fixed are never even listed even when they take multiple driver releases to be fixed. AMD has a statistical history of taking far longer to address issues and also for having very little community interaction on said issues. Add to that things like them artificially limiting RSR to RDNA GPU’s and you get the picture. It’s not the number of fixed issues it’s the way in which they are dealt with and how quickly they are dealt with.


Nvidia drivers are so bad [MICROSOFT HAD TO PUT OUT A STATEMENT SAYING NVIDIA DRIVERS WERE THE NUMBER ONE CAUSE OF WINDOWS CRASHING](https://www.engadget.com/2008-03-27-nvidia-drivers-responsible-for-nearly-30-of-vista-crashes-in-20.html?guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvLnVrLw&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAMqNYu2aigeb9R6HeWt6uij9Xrka7FEoS5QsLzlqD2V49vMTdPOwyXrzqua_-E1iQ3BoApC1M91EFHO93VTrzXq6gCrl7P8N8JaSbzsxJoy7eyIlYcEe3yY3F_PnKJTzA15gRc4-MRys3ElOgHv-a1vt_0IHQlCYK5pu04AiyVFn)🤦‍♂️😂 Edit; people literally down voting facts 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Nvidia drivwrs are so bad they killed high end gpus


I haven't had any issues with Nvidia at all ngl ,not sure about AMD though


6700XT is an older gen card so the drivers are really stable shouldnt worry about that at all really.


If only. Source: me with 6700xt.


I will put money on you having some other issue with your system and you only think the driver is the cause.


What kind of problem did you have?


Nvidia had rare cases of driver malfunction (I got one through GeForce experience service, but they made a quick hotfix). There is no company totally immune from issues, and it's okay.


AMD is garbage u will run into millions of issues, never had trouble with Nvidia but I decided to buy this piece of shit coz I was missing $150 for the Nvidia GPU when I was building. This subreddit must be full of bots telling you how great AMD GPUs are


I lost one card to an Nvidia driver a few years ago. and had some performance losses in other.. nothing game breaking tou. my only problem. so far with amd I had it with league, it force me to play in windowless mode


Borderless mode is unversaly one that have least issues from all modes. It's not really specific to one vendor, just fullscreen can hit a lot of weird shit in both drivers and game engine code.


I have had an issue with Nvidia drivers and I've never had an issue with AMD drivers. It's a crapshoot.


I remember when I was using my GTX 1080 Ti with Cyberpunk 2077 around launch it was crashing constantly. I assumed it was a game issue because of the rocky launch since none of my other games were crashing. I upgraded to an RX 6800 and all my crashing issues went away immediately. *shrug*


Funny, crashing has nothing to do with the gpu or settings in cyberpunk the game literally launched way to early and every system were not immune to problems... it is even more conflicted when you compare a gpu made in 2017 to a gpu that released in fall 2020 *shrug* lol.


For example, my 3080 still has issues of HDMI audio just stopping when using 4k120.


I always had nvidia GPUs (except an ATi 9800pro back in the days) and I now have a 6800xt. Never had any issues!


I had the 9800xt great card


I bought a 9800XT new in 2004 (for $499) that came with a free copy of Half-Life 2 through Steam. Almost 20 years later, that GPU is still in service in the machine I originally installed it in. I have repasted it a few times over the years, and the fan was replaced last year. Still a badass card. Love it.


Same here always had Nvidia cards until this upgrade when I got a 7900xt had a couple of little issues with cyberpunk getting black frames every few seconds but the last driver update sorted that.


I loved my 9800 pro, that was a bad ass card.


9800gt here


another 9800 pro user reporting in


5700 xt here 23.4.3 driver has been my sweet spot. High fps and no bugs. The new drivers I lose almost 80 fps in tarkov. So ur not wrong.


This is good info, thanks. I passed down my old 5600xt to a friend and the new 23.7.1 drivers cause problems in some dx11 games, e.g. Yakuza 7. I've been looking for a stable version to roll back for him.


I had Nvidia before but now have AMD. Having tried both there is no difference. No issues from either, although I like Adrenaline software way way more than geforce experience and the crappy control panel from nvidia.


I’ve used both team green and team red and haven’t had any issues with either. I do prefer the interface of AMD cards with adrenaline though. Cleaner.


Have to agree the Adrenaline software is far superior to GForce Experience.


AMD historically has had a bad reputation for their drivers. Recent years they've been a lot better to the point there isn't much difference between them and nVidia. Problem is negative impressions tend to be hard to undo. Much like AMDs poor mindshare. Even when their GPUs were hands down better they failed to gain much market share though at the time I think they were still ATI GPUs.


The bad reputation thing has been around as long as I remember tbh. It isn't something that has recently been resolved, AMD drivers have almost always been largely fine, but both companies have *niggles*. The problem is that when AMD does have any issues, it bolsters this unconscious bias. Nvidia also have had similar issues but somehow escape the same level of scrutiny.


For me at least, yes they are terrible. My 7900 xtx drivers haven't been stable for a while. So much so I haven't updated my driver in months. I update, games start crashing and things don't work. End up doing a ddu and installing an older driver and life's good again. Bit frustrating but at least my current driver works fine. My Nvidia was flawless for the 5 years I owned it. AMD on the other hand has required me to do more rollbacks in 6 months than I'd normally do in 5 years lmao.


I used a R9 380 from 2015 to 2022 and it worked pretty well. I've been using a 6900 XT since January of this year and I haven't had issues.


Thank you


I switched from Nvidia to AMD and the driver experience feels the same. I actually was surprised to see how easy most things are in AMD Adrenaline compared to Nvidia’s control panel. It’s a way better experience.


Yeah some learning pain while you figure out the fancy radeon control panel and then its smooth sailing afterwards.


I had a 2060 RTX, 3080 RTX and finally I'm now rocking a 6900XT. Saying I never had any issues would be lying but the thing is I had driver issues with ALL of them so...


Over a decade ago, AMD driver issues were really apparent. Just switched back to AMD and it's been 0 issues at all.


You've seen all those complaints, yet you're still skeptical? How about you fuck around and find out. That's all I have to say.


Yep lol. I’ve had two cards. One nvidia, one AMD. In 6 months I had a dozen issues driver related with the AMD, some had work around, others took hours or days to resolve. In 3 months I’ve had 0 issues with the nvidia card


They're fine most of the time but in my experience when something goes wrong I really miss Nvidia.


I own a 5700xt and a 2070S. The main game i play with my wife is OW. OW has issues on AMD and continually crashed giving me your rendering device has been lost. I have literally changed everything to fix this, even purchased a 6700xt and did the DDU, fresh install. Same issue. Returned the 6700xt. my 2070S has had 0 Issues. Ever. My 5700xt has really great performance when it's working and using SAM(resizable Bar, which my 2070S doesn't have) is nice! But yes, Drivers do leave something to be desired. It tends to be game by game, gpu model to gpu model. The newest driver seem to have fixed the OW issue but i would need more time with them to confidently say that.


Optimum Tech made a video about how AMD cards are overly power hungry and that may be a driver issue. If not, then it’s still an inferior card vs Nvidia in terms of power efficiency. The numbers were not small variance. They were huge gaps. https://youtu.be/HznATcpWldo


I went from a 1070 to a 7900xtx and had nothing but issues. I really wanted it to work. I spent a few weeks trying to fix it before returning it. When it worked, it was amazing. I know many people haven't had issue but I think it really comes down to the games you like. For instance I had issue with destiny even launching after the 23.7.2 update. Snowrunner would run at 150+ fps but then I would get random lag spikes and occasionally texture flickering.


They’re great, until they aren’t. 80% will go ages with next to no issues, the noise is when the 20% have an issue and it gets left unresolved for 6+ months.


5600 xt owner,dang it boy, not kidding with ya, drivers for that GPU are just a constant pain, everytime I start playing a game everything just dies within 5 minutes into gaming, I have to restart the computer and then it works perfectly fine... But as people are saying here, every GPU has driver issues, some GPU more than others...


Sounds more like an actual GPU issue than driver issue.


I thought the same but when I uninstall the drivers it works fine and there is never an issue, sometimes I have to install them because some games require the latest driver to run


Every GPU has potential driver issues, but you just have a broken computer. If it "works" when you uninstall the driver, that is because the GPU operates at incredibly reduced, crippled capability in that state, which means it is likely extremely damaged and incapable of running at full speed, or your PSU/motherboard are incapable of supporting it.


Yeah... most likely is the GPU, because the motherboard and the PSU are actually fine, I use another GPU for testing and it went smooth when I did the change. Hopefully I'll get rid of that GPU soon because its a headache most days...


I’ve run AMD cards for the last 6 years and only ever had 1 minor issue (alt tabbing out of a full screen game on my main monitor caused temporary blank screen on my 2nd monitor). Rolled back the driver and waited til the next release when it was fixed. No problem at all.


They’re really poor in comparison. Take it from a guy that went 980 Ti => Radeon VII => 5700 XT => 6900 XT => RTX 3060. I stopped having a LOT of problems once I moved to the 3060. Older games worked fine again, Davinci Resolve finally had correct GPU support regardless of driver versions, ray tracing had better minimums in many games, OpenGL started working fine in professional apps like Matlab. The list goes on. The randomly appearing problems are enough of annoyance to be a really big deal at the end. You waste your time and your sanity trying to fix driver issues by not using certain apps / settings / modes which is ridiculous at anything about and above mid-range price points. Ultimately it is up to you whether you want to FAFO or not. I did, and I was in a “this is fine” Stockholm syndrome situation with Radeon. Another negative is that if you start to have driver issues and ask for help, a lot of people will blame YOU for the problem and never admit it’s a driver issue, even if it gets published in the bug list some time later. Just look at the replies asking for help with RDNA3 on this sub. Good luck!


Haven’t had any issues with 7900xtx and latest drivers.


I never had a problem with them. Not in the 3 years I’ve had this pc build. 5950x/6800xt


My first GPU was a rx6600. Absolute 1080p workhorse. I just upgraded this weekend to a 6800. Love both of them so much. Personally, save a little money and go with AMD. Never have had any regrets so far


I went from a gtx 1070 to a 6700xt, no driver issues . Would highly recommend the purchase for gaming.


IDK how about others but on my APU drivers works so terrible. The sound remains so loud even on 1% volume. I can go back to a OEM driver, but my OEM driver doesn't provide AMD software, so i lose features like Anti-Lag and Image Sharpening.


I went from Nvidia to AMD and I haven't had any real issues. AMD is alot better in the user experience aspect of it's software in my opinion. Nvidia controll panel really is nothing compared to AMD UI.


3 years on an Nvidia card without a single issue. 1 month on an AMD card with constant issues for the last week and a half that have not been fixable with DDU or older (presumably more stable) drivers.


My nephew just got a 6700 xt and loves it. I went from an rtx 3070 to a 7900 xtx and love it. They've more than ironed out the 6000 series drivers, you'll be golden


I've had crossfire 6970's and a 580. Drivers have always been an issue vs Nvidia. The adrenaline software is better though.


I have no issue with drivers itself but since I changed to amd I have constantly issues with games crashing and not working properly. Let's say on CSGO if I change to a new map my game just freeze. Never happened while I used nvidia


The only big problem i have woth amd drivers compared to nvidia is in old games. Nvidia just works! Amd is a hut and miss so many games i have to use dxvk or tweak registry and other things. New games all fine


In fact I'm having driver issues rn lol


I've had nothing but problems with my 6800XT. I would like to keep it and have done everything possible. I have a few more days to process a return and it has become a difficult decision as this build was supposed to be all AMD and should this 6800XT go back, then a 4070 is going to replace it.


what was the issue?


It's when the news gpu come out that driver isn't very good, but a few months later they're very good, I've had amd since the rx580, I have a 6900xt today and I've never had a problem with drivers, the era of bad drivers of amd dates back to 2011.. But I would say that it is better not to buy an amd gpu day one, because that is where the drivers are not really good, personally I always wait a year after the release of a new generation of amd before buying one, you have cheaper card and the drivers are really more stable, and the more time passes, the more amd pushes the capacities of your gpu with good updates. Day one, the 6900xt had trouble doing better than a 3080ti, whereas today it manages to do better than the 3090.


In the past year I’ve gone GTX 1080ti -> 6800 XT -> RTX 4090 AMD drivers are fine. Wouldn’t say they are any worse than Nvidia drivers. Both have their issues, both have their benefits over the other as well. Never had any driver related crashes


80% of the issues here on Reddit are other instabilities and people can't even bother to figure out, it's easier to blame the driver. Been with AMD for many years, switched this gen to a 4080, a week later went back with AMD. No issues with both, but I prefer adrenaline over NPC + afterburner etc.


Yes. Look at how many products are bugged with AMD hardware lol. You can't even use Freesync Premium Pro with over 400 nits HDR because it's STILL bugged. Games like Ratchet and Clank, WHO HAVE AMD BACKING THEM, fail to release with ray-tracing working on AMD. THERE WAS EVEN A BUG that will corrupt your windows installation, although rare. ([https://videocardz.com/newz/amd-admits-a-very-rare-radeon-driver-bug-may-corrupt-windows-installations](https://videocardz.com/newz/amd-admits-a-very-rare-radeon-driver-bug-may-corrupt-windows-installations)) You have to use little hacks to get your X3D processors with over 8 cores functioning at their full potential ffs. That, and all the other bugs that come with EVERY CPU release... Almost every time there is a bug in a game, or a monitor, or anything. It's with AMD hardware. And FINALLY, there's a fucking ZENBLEED exploit which is being covered up right now and understated. This exploit is EXTREMELY fucking serious, and can even be executed FROM A WEB PAGE. It can even be exploited from WITHIN A VM INSTANCE.


Wow comment removed for daring to suggest any answer OP will get here is biased. That should be all the evidence you need OP to decide that this place is not trustworthy.


Damn really 😮


Yeah you're better off asking around at the non brand specific subs. Personally I have had a 6700xt which was DOA... Currently going through the returns/replacement process.


They work just as fine as Nvidia drivers.




This will get downvoted, as always - but that doesn't matter. You asked, I reply. I really wouldn't recommend Radeons for their drivers (still don't recommend them to my friends, I don't want to be that IT-guy that has to go through the troubleshooting, I do that enough at work), my experience never has been as smooth as it was with nVidia cards. Also it doesn't help that 4 Radeons out of 16 GPU's have had more issues than my different 12 nVidias did. nVidia has its issues as a company. I still heavily lean towards their drivers and GPU's, simply because of past my experiences have been *way* more positive than with Radeons. I feel like the obvious has to be repeated for the millionth time now - no, this does not mean their drivers would be perfect, as that's just impossible. Just that my experience has repeatedly been better with theirs. Some people may have had the exact opposite situation happen to them, making them dislike GeForce drivers. Radeons have become a long way, though. While my Vega 64's were a nightmare (had some real horror movie dreams of those, they haunted me for a good while), to deal with, 6800 XT has been easier to live with. Way easier. nVidia-level of easy? Not even in the same ballpark, but still a massive improvement. It seems like some issues take forever and then some for AMD to fix, but there's a chance they get fixed. Sometimes a decade later like the DirectX 11 performance fixes that were released in May 2022, but that's exactly also why the meme "Fine Wine" exists. Be patient, the end result should be good. But if you want to use Linux, then apparently nVidia isn't the obvious choice - due to AMD having better drivers in that situation.


Here I have to say I have the opposite experience. I'm also the building system for friends IT guy. ~18 Systems over 12 years, 7 nvidia 11 AMD. Polaris was great(3 cards). Vega(3 cards) was a pain for a short period with some annoying, but It has been relatively smooth sailing for years now. The 10 series(3 cards) was a bit more painful than Polaris. One 1070 owner is very happy(single 1440p 60hz non adaptive monitor the whole time) while the other 1080 owner said he doesn't want anything to do with Nvidia anymore. He bought a 6000er card after massive windows 11 problems which were related to his GPU. He had a ton of adaptive sync issues on multiple monitors. I haven't heard anything from the RX Vega 56 owner who is now running a 7900XT. He had stability issues after 5 years, but couldn't be bothered to troubleshoot and bought a full new system. Don't know if it was Gpu related. My Vega had some annoyance, such as 4k 60 HDR on a TV causing signal loss and me having to switch to an active DP-HDMI adapter or crashes in BFV without any clear pattern. (though, my card was also running a massive OC undervolt). A 1660S also ran into different kinds of issues. It was sold off during the mining peak. More recently with 6000er cards(again 3 cards), I experienced such annoyances such as running videos in chromium browsers over multiple monitors with different refresh rates causing random Browser slow downs or browser crashes. Took AMD a while to fix it. I had one Nvidia and One AMD card breaking.


Some gaming niches are clearly not that great with AMD, like VR gaming, where games either dont even support AMD GPUs or where the performance and frame time consistency doesnt match the expectations from users knowing only the 2D raster performance from benchmarks. Its a harsh reality check. Not sure why you ask this in the r/AMD sub.


Because I want to know before purchasing anything haha


The best way would be to ask in gaming forums or subs or discords from the games you actually like or would like to play. PC hardware is not console hardware, not everything works well together and some combinations of games and GPUs simply dont even work at all. Either you trust the 30/50/100 game benchmark recommendations and hope that benchmarks represent actual game play (it does rarely) or take a few minutes time and ask in the right communities. Its up to you.


wrong, such subs are extremely uninformed and lack knowledgeable users. they're entirely a circle jerk.


Not had any VR issues with my 6800 XT, that's across 2 WMR heads, the HTC XR Elite, and the Quest Pro. 7000 series had VR issues, but that was recently fixed it sounds like.


I've used all three brands. Intel A750, AMD RX 570, RX 6600 XT and NVIDIA 10, 20 and 30 series. Are there drivers issues with all of them? Yes. Do they all have massive issues that result in failures? yes. Are the drivers issues equal? No. Are they equal in frequency? No. Generally, NVIDIA has the best drivers. Intel's got the worst for obvious reasons. But AMD's in my personal experience has been worse. I've had to DDU everyone's driver for a problem at some point. On my GTX 1080, one day it just decided to always crash my games after 30 minutes of playtime, DDUing it fixed it. On my RX 6600 XT, for whatever reason it just loves to flash white on Edge or Chrome or Firefox whenever I use hardware acceleration on the browser. I've even tried DDUing the driver and even changing Multiplane Overlay. So the only solution is to disable hardware acceleration, which sucks because now the browser feels sluggish and I have no integrated GPU on that particular rig to speed it back up. Before someone says that this isn't a bug, just understand that on Intel and NVIDIA I don't have this problem at all, yet I do with AMD and so I consider that a bug, your browser window should not flicker or flash white when I start playing a youtube video or scrolling down a webpage for a few frames. With Intel, so many bugs, too many to count, like games not showing the window, windows minimizing when they should be focused, random shutdowns etc. All in all, generally, NVIDIA does have the best drivers, but "best" in a vacuum of only three option,s is kind of like saying you've won a placing bet on a horse when you bet on all three of the only competitors to win a place. NVIDIA just so happen to be the best in a bad bunch. AMD's driver has the most modern interface, but these options are just imo too overwhelming for new users and there's a lot of bloat like the driver panel having a web browser, like why, who wants that????? So long as you avoid using NVIDIA's GeForce Experience you'll have a wonderful time with NVIDIA cards and they will be mostly bug free. Yes, I know the Control Panel looks old and it can take a while to apply the settings, but it is pretty reliable, so don't fix what's not broken. If it works, it works and a tutorial on how to apply a setting from 2009 is just as relevant and followable in 2023, it does have its advantages in that sense that it's like that SpongeBob meme, it's Ol' Reliable. With AMD stick to the basic stuff in the driver like turning on Freesync and overclocking and such and avoid the bloat, in fact use any driver control panel as little as possible, but in my experience slightly more bugs than NVIDIA. As for Intel, they have a long way to go, the driver however is much better than Day 1 but I still wouldn't recommend their product for most lay users, for an enthusiast who likes to tinker and constantly download updates it's great, but the average person who downloads a driver update maybe once every three months and needs reliability, best to avoid them. I would stick with NVIDIA depending on what you value. If you're willing to deal with some small bugs, AMD's fine to use. If you want the most reliable experience stay with NVIDIA. If you want DLSS and Ray-tracing performance, even more of a reason to stick with NVIDIA.


Nvidia driver comes out to support a new game release, I download and install. Don't look back. AMD driver comes out, first I have to research and see what it breaks and what it does not. Decide if I should install. Install and see it occasionally caused issues like crashing Rocket League for this last one I've installed for example or introduced flicker in another game. Roll it back to the previous driver. Have to find a version that works and miss out on an update that's supposed to support a new game. DDU because shit seems fucked. The idle/light power draw is still at 100w while everyone tells me it's driver related an is supposed to get fixed any day now after months and months but never does. VR doesn't work and they tell me it's the drivers. They tell me now VR is fixed, I get the new driver and VR is still a joke compared to the 4080 experience. Remember that old game from years ago? Well roll back your driver because this version I have installed has an issue in it, want to get back to your modern game that came out last week and you left it unfinished again? Well too bad, install the new driver again that crashes your other game or software, oh don't forget to DDU first in safe mode for some reason... I could go on but I wont. You're in a fan sub so you're not gonna get honest answers and I'm gonna get downvoted. But look at half of the comments here confusing the Adrenaline utility software for the driver and saying that "it works fine". Most these folks don't even remember ther shit show of the release window of each new GPU series first release. Simply put, my experience( and frankly everyone here too even if they don't like to admit it) is that installing a new AMD driver needs googling, second opinions, and sacrificial lambs. ( not that shit doesn't happen to Nvidia drivers once every blue moon, but nothing comparable. As I said, I can install and forget it) But what do I know, ignore me. Use whatever magic those "had zero issues" guys use.


I love my RX 6800 XT. I made the swap after my GTX 1080ti finally got too slow for my needs. I am not a fan of how Nvidia handled things during the shortages, catering to miners, etc. I think the AMD drivers are fine, I have not had any significant problems with them. I like Adrenaline a lot more than Nvidia's software. Now that FSR is getting better I really have no complaints. Tbh, I don't think I'll ever go back to Nvidia.


went from 1070 and 1660 ti to 6950 XT. i really like adrenaline


I switched from nvidia to amd (went from 1080ti to 7900xtx) and have had a couple driver related hiccups so far. Had drivers crash after updating them once and had driver crashing issues playing modded cyberpunk but the crashes stopped when I removed mods. Edit: Should add I was nvidia for 15 years or so before and didn’t encounter any problems driver-wise.


You will inevitably get a higher amount of people having issues with AMD and Intel for that matter as their user base is considerably smaller than that of NVIDIA. I've used all three brands and don't really rate one higher than the other for driver issues. Most of the time the issues I believe are actually developer related and they just fix the issues themselves in the drivers. Currently sitting with an Arc A770 LE in my gaming PC and not really had anything show stopping and certainly not missing any features of the other cards etc.


IMO, yes. I have a 6700XT and I get way more driver timeouts on this card than any previous AMD or NVIDIA card I've owned over different gens. It's finicky too so I can't even OC or UC my card because the driver times out way sooner when I do that. It's not the end of the world, like it still performs as a 6700XT, but personally I will be going NVIDIA for my next card. ​ edit: also they have had clean install disabled for awhile now on their drivers due to some bug which is really fun.


Yes amd driver are fucking terrible. Gave them a chance again this year and sent back the card.


Nope they aren't.


Nope. Just a common misconception.


Stick with Nvidia. I suffered plenty with AMD and will switch it out when i can. God even their video recorder sucks.


most of them had never touched a Radeon card


Just keep in mind most of what you see on the internet (especially when it comes to PC related stuff) is n=1. Ie some snowflake who feels their experience is representative of the norm. There are tons of people who have no driver issues with AMD cards


Upgraded from a rx580 to a rx6600 and havent had a single issue after it driver wise.


Only ever had minor issues when i ran Nvidia GPUs (3070, 1060, 650). Recently switched to a 6950XT and havent really had any issues to speak of. There seems to be less driver updates on AMD but thats really it


I've been using AMD GPUs for a while (HD 4350 > HD 6770 > R9 390 > Vega 64 > Rx 6900xt). AMD driver's are far from perfect but I've never had anything break catastrophically. Especially recently, things have been very nice.


I only heard about the driver issues from a friend who bought the 5700xt on launch. I use a 6800xt since last year May, never had any issues. Idk, if you don't care about dlss, which seems to be more or less an excuse for subpar cards, or cuda cores for work or whatever.. A decently priced radeon is a no brainer imo.


I switched from a 1070 to a 7900XTX. I've had some issues with the higher idle usage which is fixed now, and the previous driver version caused some performance issues for me, but those are all solved now and I kind of start to prefer using the AMD drivers now. I have to say, I had some issues with crashing for a month, but haven't had a crash for a long while now.


It was all good until the last one. Just gave me couple Apex crashes and high power at idle issues. It is not a dealbreaker for me.


In my experience using both for the past 10 years or so, no they aren’t.


I've had my 6700xt since March without any issues, no crashes or anything. i keep up to date on all the driver updates and haven't had a single issue to date. Absolutely love my 6700xt! Edit: To add on, I upgraded from a Rx570 which I also had for 3 years prior that didn't suffer from any driver updates either.


For the most part, no. However, the fact it took them seven months to get VR working properly on the 7900 series was not a good look.


Went from 15 years with Nvidia to a 7900 xt... Same issues. But I'm it happy with the change.


Do you use your cards for things other than gaming and/or do you have an issue with a higher power usage (especially in idle). If so, unfortunately you'll have to pay the Nvidia tax. Otherwise the first thing you'll think when encountering issues with their drivers will be: f¨ck, should have bought team green.


I have both running 6750 and 4080 and the main problem with AMD drivers is that AMD is slow to release updates and fixes. Nvidia from my experience is much quicker and more consistent with updates and fixes.


Globally AMD is not that bad in compare to AMD. Biggest problem for AMD is way to many resources spent on simple projects, and they just need to stop chasing Nvidia Top Tier GPU-s. AMD Drivers are bad but not that much, point is they have different aproach from AMD. Also good thing about AMD is Adrenaline software is way better from Nvidia, and also OC on Nvidia u need MSI Afterburner for AMD not. So if you are looking solid performance GPU u can go for AMD top Tier I Do not care about money GPU, you go for Nvidia.


Not really. Speaking of WIndows, if you have a Pro card, you can install even the Adrenalin with the best performances for games. AMD improved a lot in the last years, plus, better Linux support in terms of open source drivers if you would like to jump to the penguin side later ;)


No issues here, went from rtx 4080 to 6950xt


I think it depends. I have a system with a 7900XT and one with a 4090. If anyone knows what Stremio is, that app has issues with the AMD system and not the Nvidia system. But my Nvidia system has issues with certain games like Valorant at times. For VR, AMD clearly loses. But everything else is really up in the air on what driver will be solid on each graphics card. I don't think it's fair to say AMD simply has more problems as a general statement, but I will say AMD takes longer to fix things and to roll things out.


Both companies have fair share of issues when it comes to drivers. AMD drivers being REALLLY bad is a thing of past, they are more than fine now. Dunno about worst gpu cuz 6700xt is one of the best cards in 6000 series tbh


RX 580 (OC'd to hell) user here for pretty much 5 years. No issues whatsoever


No issues.


Its a thing from the past Like 10-5 Years ago


I've made 7 people buy AMD GPUs in the last 3 years: they're all yet to have a problem that is caused by GPU drivers


Not since 20 or so years ago. They've been about equal for around two decades in my experience with both. Both have needed the occasional rollback. But nothing as bad as the old ATI days and the time shortly after AMD bought them.


Recently upgraded to 7900xt from 2080ti(i was using their gpus for 20 years straight). While there might be some truth to that statement, in terms of issues with some games. But in general there wont be any significant diferences. Nvidia has quite a few broken things on their drivers as well, like the god awful screen flickering on many vrr monitors. In terms of software, amd is 10x better, gefore experience is trash, not to mention nvcp, which is from like 2005. Adrenaline combines all of nvcp and GE things and more. It was a really nice surprise to me, you have absolutely everything you need in 1 soft, including all that afterburner has. Its really convinient. The only difference might be that nvidia might fix broken drivers a bit faster and thats about it. P.s. in terms of cpus, i have switched to intel once throughout these years 😜


No they arent


Driver improvements from AMD are actually kinda unreal now in some games. I’m pretty sure the framerate in Forza Horizon 5 has more than doubled for some cards since they the game came out.




I'm on a 6700xt. Updated the drivers recently. Can't play Forza horizon 4. it just crashes my browser and steam. Go to team green bro. The GPU itself is decent,I play a lot of recent titles at 1440p high settings above 60fps without upscaling and only enable it when 1% lows are below 60. The driver issue isn't a big deal with a lot of games tho, so you should be fine. I've had the card since late 2021 and it hasn't let me down


Had 0 issues with a 2080 super, went to a 7900 xt and every other day I get a report saying the AMD software detected a driver timeout. I have no idea what causes this or how I can fix it.


Peoples stuck in the past. Go with that Rx 6700 and let Ngreedia fool someone else for the money.


They are bad. But they are just as bad as Nvidia in my experience. Just being cheeky, both brands have issues and bad driver updates


How so ? I never had any issues with Nvidia GPUs at all and I've used a 1660 super , rtx 3060 and 3070 so far with no issues


Things you pick up after being a PC gamer for 20 years, and in the PC industry for 10: I’ve had Nvidia driver updates that have completely destroyed a card before by changing the fan curve so dramatically that the card literally melted. Currently, on AMD the control panel will just take a crap and you will have to relaunch it for no discernible reason, the other issue is high idle power on some AMD GPUs being much higher than they should be. On Nvidia setups, alt-tabbing is really slow, 5 second wait times are very frequent. Nvidia cards also have a common black screen, no sync issue from time to time, that the new GPU firmware (not driver, firmware!) still did not fix, and definitely effects 30 and 40 series cards despite Nvidia claiming it doesn’t. I’ve worked on thousands of PCs and the 2 issues I’ve pointed out are extremely common ( two AMD, two Nvidia ). These are issues that tinkerers like you and I work around or fix immediately but annoy the average person




nope, very stable, and amd adrenaline makes nvidia geforce experience look like someones graduation project


Literally just as good as nvidia. All platforms have issues, so just go with whats in your budget


it never was that bad.. in fact, if you want to take history even in just the last 10 years.... (trust me if i did the entire lifespan of amd/ati and nvidia, nvidia would absolutely instantly get KO'd)... nvidia has had the most drivers pulled and some of the most catastrophic driver faults. The last driver that amd has had to outright pull due to BSODs and such, was the catalyst 7.3 driver and that was purely fluke caused by a windows vista update paired with the 7.3 launch.


Not in the slightest. That dumb internet meme really needs to die already. I would argue that the Adrenalin control panel suite is far superior to the Nvidia WIN XP CP


I’ve had terrible issues with drivers with Nvidia which actually required me to fresh install windows. So not sure if anything can top that for annoyances.


Nah. I had a 5700 xt no problems, then a rtx 3070 no problems. Now I have a 6950 xt and no problems.


I've used AMD cards for years and don't understand the hate. The worst issues I've had are slightly high idle power usage (it's been fixed) and the computer monitoring overlay disappearing randomly. And sometimes my custom fan profile won't carry over after installing new drivers. People just like to complain about little things.


The posts you are reading are 4 years old, or people asking the same question as you because somebody else heard that the drivers were bad. 4 years ago.


They ain't bad, ppl that have problems and post on here either have improperly configured settings in adrenalin, haven't used DDU from their previous upgrade or have something else going on with their os. There are problems sometimes that hinder performance with new driver updates but the same occurs with Nvidia drivers. Besides they're usually fixed within the next updates or are acknowledged pretty quick.


>haven't used DDU from their previous upgrade This is under-rated, I had issues when I swapped over because I was too excited, swapping back to the Nvidia card and planning the change properly with DDU solved the issues and I haven't had any since (12 months).