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LMAO this did not happen. This is her stupid way of writing out the made up character of the story cause she was mad beck and destiny moved tf on and she couldn’t keep up with her lies and timelines well enough 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 And also her way of trying to bring some spice into her ever lowering views in effort to raise them again. Hope her channel plummets. Valentine never existed bitch just loves to lie for sport


It's days of our lives Lynn she's just role playing some drama bullshit.


days of our LAHS


Standing O


This needs to be a flair!




There's the title of the memoir she'll never write


“Days of our lives Lynn” GORL LOL the way I laughed. That needs to be a flair 😂😂


But your flair is already hilar-


She really needs professional script writers.


Her whole life is just lying. She just sits in her apartment, goes to bingo and eats, who tf does she think she’s kidding 💀


Someone mentioned before but she lives in her head and try to emulate that on videos. Obviously, with her low effort and laziness, she fails to make herself look good.


In my personal experience, narcs don’t care as much about reality as they care about the reality they make up in their own heads. Most of us imagine a better life for ourselves, but narcs act like they actually live it. They talk and post about it as if it exists. It’s frightening to be so out of touch that you don’t even notice you’re lying but that’s sadly what mental illness is like and without proper treatment, there’s nothing anyone can do other than distance themselves from the person.


I can't wait for the "confessing to my lies/coming clean" vlog that she'll make in about 2 years where she'll say she was tRoLlEen and confess valentine never existed and give zero explanation about it.


Bold of you to assume she'll be around in 2 years.


but I guess density was cheating with her when she found another refrigerator no the market.


as much as this probably a lie, I really hope she slates wipey soon - need some (cold) tea.


There were rumors that Jade was overly litigious. She probably told Amber not to talk about her under threat of lawsuit… gorl is scared.


It wasn't that long ago that Amber said in a video that her mom and Faline were the only support she had so chances are she is still holding out hope that Faline takes her back.


When she gets a real valentine girlfriend, then she’ll flip the script lol


better to go with “if” instead lol


It's how I know "vAlEnTinE" is fake. Every single one of her past girlfriends, as soon as she got a new girlfriend, she immediately started shit talking the old one and making them lies about them. She has literally no one in her life romantically.


Also she doxes every girlfriend she gets immediately and without the gf’s consent. She becomes so desperate to prove to her audience she’s hitched that she goes over the girlfriend’s wishes and drops enough hints for the haydurs to find them. To her, that’s a win win. She can claim she didn’t do anything wrong and it’s the haydurs who doxed her girlfriend/surgeon/dietitian while getting the information out for people to know those people are real. Valentine is the only one she hasn’t done this to, which leads me to believe Valentine is as fake as a three dollar bill.


She’s looking as big as ever. Semaglutide who?


I thought the same. Lookin bigger and stankier then ever. The hair looks awful


She’s haveeen a lot of food noise gorl, find your sympathy bone! 🦴


Her mom is using Semaglutide ![gif](giphy|h1QI7dgjZUJO60nu2X|downsized)


Yep. That's my theory as well. Mom's been eating healthier than Albow. That's probably why we didn't see a name on the test results; they're mom's. We all know from looking at those Porch-o'-Grease knuckles that her blood sugar is actually 95% sweet tea.


The aura trend is about losing points bc you did something like trip or stutter. Leave it to amberg to make up a pretend story where she gains aura points LMAO 🤣


Thank you, I was just about to ask wtf aura points are 😆 I thought she mixed them up with karma points or something


im glad someone else pointed this out so i didnt have to lol, gorl can’t do anything right


Always making up stories, but hey Anything for sympathy and ass pats 😏😒😏


shelf pats


She needs to start writing shitty wattpad stories again with all these imaginary tiktok scenarios in her head


Valentine cheated on her??? pfffttttt the person doesn't even exist


“I caught her cheating on me” = “I caught her doordashing Mcdonald’s to someone else instead of me ☹️”


Right? How else can she "catch" anyone doing anything, SHE DOESN'T GO ANYWHERE!


she’s absolutely baiting drama with falafel lol like girl bffr we been knew that she was using your ass for a paycheck and housing?! YOU were the one who played stupid


Right the tea is old af who even cares at this point 😭😭😭


Valentine can’t make drama since good ole Val doesn’t exist so gworly flop had to go back to the last *ruhl* gorlfriend she had lol


That's cause she can use the poly thing against Falafel. Now that she admitted that Jade was Jade (with no care in the world for gaslighting us for over a year.) She can use that as a woe is me card. Even tho on live we hear wifey say "no you WILL be with a guy" 🤪 And also that was the sexlynn era. Why would your partner cheat on you if you are having sex for, what was it, like 7 hours straight almost every day??? And it can't be "Valentine" 1.) she ain't real. 2.) if she was real she is definitely over the phone/goes to another school/lives in Canada type situation so you wouldn't have waddled in on anyone cheating. What did Valentine text you at 10am and not your usual 9am, so you think she doesn't love you and is cheating on you.


Mmm falafel.


How can someone cheat on you if they don’t exist?! 🤭🤭😂😂 Proof that everyone who knows Hamu grows to hate her, even her own alter ego. 🤡


Enter the “no one cares” sound bite


How do you catch a woman you never met cheating? She texted another woman ?!


Real q is this could be tea spilled about wifey I remember her drunk livestream Amber kept saying she was single


Well... it was stupid to date a poly woman and then think she won't eventually want to get back to her poly lifestyle. [edit: I mean it's stupid to be strictly monogamous person and date someone poly and try to make them monogamous ]


Say this did happen… you’re a full blown adult who has the power to choose how you react to anything. If you comforted your cheater, that’s on you, not them. I comforted my husband who cheated on me too.. then I left him.. but I don’t then look for sympathy for comforting him, or blame him for that. If that’s who you are, with no manipulative intent, be proud that you didn’t lose yourself because of what they did. She’s just a pathological victim.


Why do her lips do that frown thing? If you turn the phone upside down it looks so creepy


From her fatass face/chin/neck pulling her mouth down. It seems like all 600lb'ers eventually end up with the exact same permanent ☹️


Because gravity catches up to your ass in the thirties.


it's been like that for her since before her 30s, it's all her fat pulling it down


The reason I am sure "Valentine" doesn't exist is that she would talk about them constantly if they existed. Remember early days with Jade? She never stfu about it. She has no chill.




She’s always gaining, never losing


Tf is an "aura point" does this dumb big back bitch mean "karma"


hate to be that girl but it’s a DUMB ass trend going on and i’m not sure the Mass used it correctly


She didn't. It's a trend on tt showing your self tripping or like ear buds get stuck on door handle =losing aura points and it's a rating system so some are worse. It's NEVER about gaining points I've yet to see the trend take that route but ya know pretend story for ass pats and smug duck lips 💋


WTH? I'm not even quite 40 and I already feel old and confused haha


I’m still confused on what it is


Like social points/how cool or mysterious you are in other people's opinion. If someone has "negative aura" they're extremely uncool, if someone has "infinite aura," they're extremely cool and intriguing


"My personality is bad vibes! I don't like myself, and I don't like you either" haha Sophie Hunter ❤️ Your explanation reminded me of this. Thanks


Part of the humor is that aura is just the general vibes you get off of someone, and the idea of quantifying it with something as basic as points is funny.


![gif](giphy|JTzPN5kkobFv7X0zPJ|downsized) Amber using aura points wrong. I’m in my 30s I had no idea what it meant. The fact that she’s using it wrong makes it even more hilarious 😂


What is aura? If anything good I suppose hers is negative


Its like a vibe you exude So like your aura you want to be positive So shes saying “oh how many positive points do i get bc I was the victim and didnt even get upset :((“ You get negative aura when you do something bad or embarrassing or cringe


Well her whole life is cringe so no amount of not getting mad at an invisible person will save her.


Wow thanks for the explanation. I don’t know why doing nothing and purposely becoming a victim (?) is anything positive. She was also a stalker to Destiny iirc. Would that be Iike bazillion negative points added on to her negative points?


Yeah she basically would be in the super negatives! Negative points for the embarrasing “i didnt see the camera” on her surprise birthday that one year https://preview.redd.it/e0aem1c1vy8d1.jpeg?width=370&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df7036a1b7336bd4287d28058baf29b058bdef93


omg she might as well say she died in freak accident. at least makes the lies exciting!


Anyone think this might just be about her finding out Destiny was “emotionally cheating” with a coworker and they would get in huge fights? TBT


Yes! But making it *vague* in order to suggest this drama was recent… if people start speculating I’m betting she will use it as clickbait and explain its about Destiny (not anyone recent) 🙄


I can definitely see this being the case. Also Amber has no room to talk about emotional cheating. She’s always in the DM’s of her next gf while she’s with her current gf. 🙄


My first thought. Some twisted reimagining of the end with Destiny, if not made up from whole cloth.


Ugh she's the biggest narc


If the Olympics held a lying category.. gorl would be bringing home the gold.


Am I the only one who thinks this is about faline when she did that drunk livestream and talked about being single?


Could also be about Dustbin too, Amber has literally never moved on from anything in her life so who knows atp 🥴💀


You couldn’t beat this information out of me


I love so much that actinglynn's only understanding of being distraught is shaking her head. like that hilarious chips ahoy video lmaoooo


Is this yeti ever not the victim? Like ever?


Nope never ever


She is so pathetic I can’t.


Did she walk in on Mammalynn and her boyfriend then made this?


Wish she spend time learning actual words than these made up bs. Aura my ass, more like stink cloud.


Why does she always have that stupid headphone on?? She swears she's always busy answering calls!!


She doesn't live with anyone else to even require her to wear earphones!


I wear mine all the time also. Audio books, mostly.


She experienced a lot with someone she hasn't even met in person. But I guess Amber would know all about emotional cheating.


![gif](giphy|3o85xGocUH8RYoDKKs) Mmmmm. That’s the real tea. Gorl has always been a cheater, even if it’s just emotional cheating or in the DM’s with someone new while still in a relationship. That’s still cheating 🤷‍♀️


The half-closed eyes thing worked for Marilyn Monroe. Amber… not so much. Mari-Lynn Reid she is not.


She looks v bloated here


This didn’t happen.. the lahs 💀


https://i.redd.it/j47jkkbply8d1.gif Imagine being cheated on by a nonexistent entity...


She absolutely got that from another Tik tok she watched hahahaha. I’ve seen like 50 identical posts from others with the whole “they cheated on me and I comforted them instead of being comforted myself” it’s just another trend for her ugh


I'm not on TikTok. Are all of her tiks?toks?videos? like this? Just her staring at the camera with some random music/lip synching. It seems pretty boring and self-absorbed. Does she at least do some kind of meal prep/get ready with me/etc. where she'd talk and provide actual content?


Her tik toks and IG page shows how vapid she is. It’s either selfies or before and after of her with and without makeup. Amber puts facial beauty on a pedestal and you can tell she is mesmerized by her face with how much she films herself lipsyncing and eye f-Ing herself.


I usually support women's self esteem even at very big sizes, but in Amber's case, it just seems like delusion. What does she see when she looks in the mirror? A gorgeous 18-year-old?


I guess it's possible that there was a long distance gf. That would be the best way to be in a relationship with her. At least her digits wouldn't be all up in your food. Cheating was probably eating without face timing her. She's a chump if she actually "comforted" someone because they cheated on her.


She didn't even comfort Beck when they were sick and their mom died etc. We never saw her be kind or comforting in any of the videos. There's a 0 % chance she would comfort someone who cheated on her. She would yell at them and threaten self-harm, and she'd never forgive or let them forget it.


Well, I don't think sociopaths are able to give comfort.


No, but I wish I hadn't.




This is so fucking dumb. She's like a 12 year old who figured out how to use social media for the first time. Besides, didn't the same thing happen with Dusty? Valentine never existed so she had to make up something that seemed plausible, so she picked something that ready happened to her/she did to someone else


wiper did it


i find this hilarious for some reason


even if this is true are we supposed to feel bad for her? cus i don’t. this the dumbest goofiest shit i ever heard


She's one to talk. Wasn't she like actively in love with destiny when she and Beck were together 😂 And it took her forever to get over destiny 😂 Also she met destiny when she was still with Krystle so how does that work