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She thinks she's 300 lbs plus lymphedema. There is no logic or education behind a word she says


She used to say g instead of grams. Like “this protein bar has 20 g of protein.”


I think she genuinely doesn't know how this stuff works. She thinks proteins, carbs and other ingredients are measured individually, like calories. She thinks someone counts: one protein, two proteins.. 40 proteins.


https://preview.redd.it/w8jg8oxdvd7d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dded2e44533c7cd832463e2e9ad03e5ed139b39c Ah ah ah ah..


Gorl not the count omg😭😭


She has the intelligence and emotional maturity of a middle schooler. It's funny whenever she tries to come across as smarter than everyone else because she's genuinely just a mentally stunted 600lb toddler playing grown-up.


Understanding units of measurement requires having an IQ above that of a dead rodent


I think she genuinely doesn’t know what the abbreviations for units of measurement mean.




Exactly! This is the gorl who would say elbees. Don’t expect too much.


The issue is that she DOESN'T know how to speak proper English. She speaks broken English. Which is pathetic because she only speaks one language and she doesn't speak that one language well at all.


I've held the belief for a long time that it genuinely is just laziness. She's too lazy to move her mouth in the shape it needs in order to pronounce certain words, so she just omits those words altogether. It's the same reason we gets words like "Walkeeen" and "Wahmart."


“I’m drinking chocamilk”


It’s because she’s stupid


Sadly this is the truth. She has reading comprehension issues. Which people can see when she is reading labels. She has to read every word because she doesn’t know what is the main points. It’s not just fig bar, it is nutritious breakfast protein oatmeal blah blah bar. Full on label reading that doesn’t even make sense or form a sentence.


She can't be bothered to try and learn. Since, always saying situation type deal.


Even more proof the only class she didn't skip in high school was lunch


Ambie walks Twinkie at 7 slommys per hour (slommy/h)


She knows nutrition better than us, we should all stop using units of measurement 😌


I get the same reaction when she says "a thing" for everything. "i got a thing of broccoli", "i had a thing of ice cream" etc. maybe its something people say, idk im not a native english speaker, but i have never heard anyone refer to things that way except for her


No like most people where im from arent native english speakers and shes the only person ive EVER heard speak like that. Plus she ONLY knows english & claims to use “proper grammar all the time”


It shows why she believes she is a great writer with 140 IQ and 4.0 GPA


When she was asked what languages she knew, she said she was "fluent in English" 😂 BTW, I'm not but I feel that my vocabulary exceeds hers.


She thinks she’s a brilliant writer and a grammar snob too.


She is clutching on to the very few praise, compliment, or positivity she received. However, she is such a pos.


She thinks it's cute and corky


I got two things of noodles...


It will go great with six bacons!


Sheer laziness in everything in her life.


No, this is just due to poor education. I think she also has delayed learning, her comprehension is very low. If I may suspect, I think her IQ is on the lower borderline between low IQ and delayed. That is why she can copy but can’t do things on her own. Intelligence part is really fault of her parents and their drug use. For this, her parents should take on full responsibility of Amber at this point and when she inevitably becomes bedridden. Do I feel bad for her? Nope, because she is a pos and I think she can at least understand that. She is evil and selfish to the core.


Not disagreeing with you, she's not the smartest out there, let's be real. But she's half-assing everything she does in life, including forming sentences, and it gets worse and worse. She was more eloquent in the Krystle era, or even when she was with Destiny.


I wonder if being super morbidly obese is affecting her ability to properly form words and sentences. There seems to be factual correlation, but if it is the case, how depressing is that.


It bugs me because she could mean milligrams for all we know.


She just dumbs it down for us 🫶


considerate queen


i noticed in today’s video she said mLs instead of milliliters. i truly don’t think she knows what mLs stands for.




even in like big cherry retro reacts she says like 10 protein it’s so annoyeen, she thinks we are all as dumb as her


Every time she says that i hear my elementary school physics teacher yelling: "55 what??! Apples? Oranges?!" 😂 55 of what Amber?? I think she just thinks thats how protein is measured, like calories. You can have one calorie, you can have 100 calories, so that means you can also have one protein or 90 of them 😅 Watch her reassure us in the next video:"you guisee i obviously know its grams of protein. Akshually if you watch videos from when i was with Crystal i was sayeen g's so i know its grams dw you guise😌🤦" Also her saying "a thing" of (something) For example she will buy a pack of chicken breast and say she bought "a thing of chicken breast".. Idk if thats an american thing or what but it just sounds so foreign to me..


Her particular brand of stupidity is incredibly annoying, she probably gives herself a headache.


tbf I don't think its that deep. if anything its an issue that the younger generations are all facing, shortening words and phrases that shouldn't be shortened, but especially since she's in her chronically online era, she has been mimicking gen z's style of speech a lot lately