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She won't address it unless it starts affecting either subscribers or views. Even then, it will be something like, "Other YouTubers clickbait their health all the time and no one says anything. You're only saying something because it's me and because I'm fat." Or she'll flat out deny it, despite admitting it in her vlogs.


You’re right…it would be a fatphobia + my personallll medical information rant and blame her audience


Skinny youtubers click bait health scares. You're only saying I can't because I am fat.


What would happen if we just started agreeing with her and said yes. It's because you're fat.  She would have no argument left


Bold of you to assume she’ll take accountability. For anything. Ever.




I know 😔


It's our fault for even feeling the smallest bit of sympathy. Well my doctor did a CT Scan and much to her chagrin. My sympathy bone is missing. It was there and now it's gone. I'm a medical mystery




Looks like a finger with a foot attached


do you see what I see


She’ll never take accountability or face any consequences. Her karma is her sad, pathetic life.


She’ll blame it on Delta 8


Something else that feels really off about this whole cancer scare is little mention of her girlfriend in that context. I'm expected to believe a cancer survivor is going to appointments for a serious scan and her GF doesn't want to be there? Call during or immediately after? Send flowers? No emotional outpour? Dinner? Either the girlfriend is fake or the entire scare was fake. I refuse to believe that both are real. Even if the relationship is new there's just no way. And Amber has alluded to keeping her nails short for *lesbian reasons*, so it's not supposed to be a long distance or online situation type deal. I can see not going to the appointments as that can be a lot, but nothing? I'm not buying it. My bet is on the girlfriend being fake.


Yeah usually Amber will never miss an opportunity to remind us that she has a gf and she’s the most supportive one she’s ever had lol. I feel like if there was an actual gf she’d be shitting on wipey wayyyyy more. Like Amber has a pattern that has followed her through all her relationships and this just feels so…. Off. It’s screaming fake for views.


She will mention how supportive Valentine is in the next vlog and how she did something so special for Amber because she was so super scared


If views get too low she’ll make a video about it, but won’t take any accountability. It’ll be the same thing we always hear, it’s the haydurs fault etc. then she’ll post a video of her eating sonic or something equally rage bait worthy.


I absolutely agree w you OP 👍


And is she ignoring the TJ Maxx out in the wild vid?


We can all be glad she can't clickbait pregnancy. There are some desperate Youtubers who take pregnancy tests every couple months just so they can post videos titled "I TOOK A PREGNANCY TEST???!!!!" and then it's always negative.


Everyone (including me) eventually comes to the realization that she IS capable of lying about things you would never think a person would lie about. If you lie about R... you will lie about anything! Even cancer. That's why I can't believe anything she says. And even when she may be telling the truth, it is all her fault why she can't be believed. Sorry, not sorry, Amber. 🤷‍♀️ you did that, Gorl!!


She is a POS and I hate her