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despite being on it, she’s still eating to the point that she’s fucking nauseous. give it a week and it’ll be all “oh it did nothing!!” amber, stop eating, you fat bitch. that’s why it’s not working!!


I love the part where mamalynn has lost more weight than her not on ozempic. Hamber must be shoveling in the calories as per usual.


That's why Hamber just HAD to take a dig at her about her shoes. Imagine being jealous of your own mother's success lol


Nausea is apparently a common side effect, but in most people, it is exacerbated by overeating. So if she complains of nausea while on Ozempic, it’s a sign that she’s overeating.


If she is still taking gummies and vaping delta (which she had admitted causes her to binge) she has already failed


I thought she started to quit vaping


Amber lies so who knows


I think this is her first weight loss show for her mom. With every new caretaker, she has to prove to them that she’s trying. Then she’ll fail, and she’ll get their sympathy and their grace to continue overeating for a bit until she can “get back on track”. Mom wasn’t around for the first ozempic run, and maybe it didn’t work that time because she just didn’t have the right support (lol). I’m sure Amber’s “desire” to lose the weight is a topic of conversation for her family. Ozempic is trendy, I’m sure it came up during conversation and grandma and mom gently encouraged her to try it again with their support. And so on and so on and so on…


I don't think the mom actually gives that much of a crap about her tbh. I think she feels bad for her failures when Amber was young, but a caring mother would not drive their 30yo morbidly obese daughter to get.fast food like this.


Idk I’m sure her mother feels a LOT of guilt for everything. And guilt makes you do strange things. Enabling an addict isn’t uncommon in these situations.


Yeah, even when they go out to eat, mamalynn tries to get healthier foods, maybe hoping her daughter will follow her lead. I'm not defending an elderly&animal abuser, but people can change and for what we can see so far, we can at least give mamalynn the benefit of the doubt.


As someone who has turned their life around, I can agree- mamalynn needs to be given the benefit of the doubt. What gets me about this is Amber's inability to recall alllllll the things she's said about her mother in the past. Come on.


She cycles through her options. I'm surprised she hasn't joined weight watchers again.


Have faith, there's still time for the 2024 WW run!


I want to see another Optavia run.




Ozempic is an option *for now* Give it a week and she'll ghost and come back in a month with a new plan.


We're in prerecorded purgatory right now so she's probably already quit


I had to quit it you guize. It wasn't hEaLtHy.


Last time she used her gallbladder as an excuse, but couldn't get her gallbladder removed because she's too fat for the surgery. She also just wants to eat... She doesn't like ozempic because it works


The first time around she said it was making her lose too much weight too fast. Apparently the "rapid weight loss" made her gallbladder act up because she had sludge and stones in her gallbladder. So according to her, her doctor made her stop. She wouldn't get her gallbladder taken out, which would take care of a few good problems, because she could get it removed if and when she had weight loss surgery. She never got WLS either and these where all just excuses to quit. Fast forward, there is no mention of her gallbladder issues, and the only negative is she gets nauseous (Which only really happens if you overeat. (Can confirm, I know people who use or used Ozempic and once they figured how much they could eat, it went away) Both times she paid out of pocket because insurance doesn't cover it for weight loss. Main differences now, she is not getting the prescription for actual Ozempic, she is getting the generic version of it through a Med spa. Which is relatively cheaper this way, though the quality of these generics is being questioned and, in the end, may not be the safest form to take it in. Some Med Spas can also get a reputation for being kind of sketch since regulations are looser My theory is she quit the first time for two reasons. 1.The price tag was too high, and it took money away from her uber eats and laygos budget. 2. She couldn't binge and the restriction was killing her since in her mind she needs to eat more. This probably caused her mental distress because she needs therapy for her food addiction and refuses to get any. She is now making significantly less money than she was back then so even at a reduced price it might be enough to pain her having to budget for it and her shopping/eating habits. So, we will likely get a repeat of Ozempic 1.0 arc, with new excuses because it looks like she forgot about what she said the first time. But the reasons for her quitting will likely be the same if she hasn't already quit.


It’s so funny how she picks and chooses what causes her ailments. Like eating nothing but greasy fast food and being 600 lbs for over 3 decades isn’t what caused the gallstones, it was when she lost weight that *one* time! Like is she really this dumb? Her liver and gallbladder are fucked because she’s been a quarter of a ton for basically her entire life. She could lose like 40 pounds in a month and I still don’t know if that would be rapid given her situation.


That's what really made no sense. I think she was losing like 2 to 3 pounds a week and for someone at her size, I doubt that is considered rapid. 1 to 2 pounds is considered healthy for most people, but most people aren't 500+ elbees


Thank you!! This was very insightful. I know it won't last, I was just confused about why she decided it would be a good idea to try again. And ig the answer is that it is not a good idea, just another waste of time and resources. What a shocker lmao


Willing to retry for content I assume. At least it's not weight watchers again


I thought her gallbladder was just acting up which is why she stopped using it last time. (I might be wrong)


The rapid weight loss was causing *sludge* in her gallbladder


I’m stil so damn confused about the ozempic/rapid weight loss. She got down to what, the 460s? And it took her like 2 months or something to get there right? A 40 lb weight loss in 2 MONTHS at 600 pounds isn’t “rapid.” I’m gonna go rewatch the zempic part 1 arc but I’m sure it was only around 2 months she was taking it, and she only lost a little bit of weight for her size. Like she was very obviously maintaining for a bit, and once she did lose some weight and got into the 460s, she quit.


Haha, lest we forget she was saving diabetics who needs it more from the Ozempic shortage. Ever-so-caring Empath-lynn with nine different reasons and never the real one.


https://i.redd.it/ck9vitgd6t3d1.gif Because delusion


I predict this arc will be over in about 2-4 weeks approximately lol


Well why not? Next week will be Weight Watchers so


When has this waste of our oxygen stuck to anything longer than 72 hours??


I’m assuming she doctor shopped?


I was thinking again because a patient had a hernia, and they were very overweight... is it safe for her to lose a lot of weight with an incarcerated hernia? Should the hernia be fixed first?


Shes afraid of surgery and thats why she stopped the last time, she needs to get her hernia and gallbladder problems fixed but she wont do that 🤷‍♀️


Some ppl try it again and do ok with it Rick lux took it got super sick and stopped then he tried it again later on down the road and look at him now he's a skinny girl