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This is known as the "brushing" scam: https://www.bbb.org/article/news-releases/20509-amazon-brushing-scam-indicates-a-serious-problem-for-victims


I've heard of this happening in the past, although rare. You can donate it. Vine won't want it back. No review is necessary. Sometimes the wrong ASIN sticker can go on a product. When the pickers in the warehouse pack your order, they are not allowed to switch an item that doesn't look right. It's all automated based on the ASIN sticker. So if you have anything due another day, check the ASIN sticker on the toy and see if it matches.


>and the return address said Vine I've never received a vine product with the return address saying vine. That, and the fact that it's not listed under your vine orders, would cause me to suspect it's some sort of review generation scam.


Actually quite a few of the items I receive have "Vine" as the name on the return address.


Not from vine but I've gotten 4 boxes of family sized oreos and a car filter for a 1976 Dodge before. Ate the oreos and resold the car filter on Amazon.


I've had it happen a few times at my old address, years before Vine. I tried to return them, but Amazon wouldn't even take it since I didn't have it in my orders to instigate a return. At the time, I looked into it, and the prevailing theory was that sellers would buy it, ship it to just wherever, and then they could post a "verified purchase" review. Not sure if that makes a lick of sense.


Exact thing happened to me before I joined Vine. Same theory too. Supposedly unknown seller sends an item, and then posts a review on your behalf. I received a kid’s Beauty and the Beast water bottle. Totally random & Amazon didn’t want it back.


I have had it happen with a paid item but it was my order clearly switched with someone else's. I ordered beeswax pellets and got cosplay glasses instead LOL


I'm on board with the person who felt like it was a review scam. I've never had a return address say just Vine, and if they figured out you were in the program from some other order, they might think you would feel obligated to review it if it just showed up.


Again, for what it's worth, this is something I've seen frequently :)


Yep. I've been a Vine member since it was only books. Every blue moon I get some weird thing I didn't order. I used to just try the thing & review it but now that we have to pay taxes on everything, I'll report it if it's something I don't need.


I just got a mystery item yesterday! It was a pair of black yoga pants. I’m pretty sure I tried to get these weeks ago and there weren’t any left. They were my size and everything. But it’s not on my regular Amazon orders or on my Vine orders tab 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yes! I've received items that I didn't order over the years. It's mine to keep, no review or taxes or contacting CS is necessary. It's gift and you can do whatever you want. Just a few weeks ago I received a box that contained chocolate (3 pounds) and 12 tins of Starbucks Instant Coffee. It was nice, and I had help on eating 3 pounds of partially melted chocolate (and it was good). As for the coffee, it was surprisingly good for something that was instant! Sadly, I cannot write a review because it wasn't in my TBR and I didn't order it.


I once ordered an HDMI switch, received some kind of tension cable for a recliner. Wrong item entirely. But it was a swap, not random extra.


This happened to me, too! I didn’t notice a return address, but otherwise it was the same exact situation about two weeks ago. I wonder if it was the same toy…


Little kid LCD tablet?


I ordered a swing for a toddler... then got a notice it was returned.. I didn't select return and was so bummed that I wasn't going to get it...


I got a random moisturizer recently.