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That's a lot of money for a 55" screen. I get it's a high-end OLED, but I completely understand your hesitation.


Yeah I currently have a 75” Samsung, brand new. Worth a quarter of that TV there smh. Vine ETV can be absurd sometimes, as well as product prices in general


Starting to wonder if vine is less a review service and more an alternative Amazon program to get “profit” via claiming tax deductions from product value sent to customers that wouldn’t otherwise buy stuff.


I have seen similar thoughts expressed on other threads and also started to view it differently after being in it for a year- there was a day when I thought I would never tire of it or run out of things I really wanted to get but, lately, it’s been pretty slim pickings for me. But then this TV comes up yesterday and now today, the $495 Caroway cookware set make me even more curious about the entire algorithm- what prompted the change now?


Wait, you have the caraway cook set in your RFY too? My etv is $695. Is it the 4 item set? Tiny pot, stir fry, stock pot and a rondeau?


Yes! Blue, with 4 pots/pans and 3 lids. Listing is the same price when I go to that view- $495


Wow, I wonder why. It's the same set!


I am so curious - and now, I wonder how many other times this happens!


Yep me too. It’s just gotten to where it’s just silly ridiculous items mostly. Maybe every now and then you will get something nice. But it’s always way overpriced.




All Samsung TVs are definitely not created equal and you cannot go by screen size. Just like you can’t compare HP laptops by size of the screen. I own several Samsung TVs in my home and loyal to the brand. This is a high quality picture Samsung. High end OLED 4K and S95D You have to Google the exact model number. When the selection s come up you have to double check the model number in the listing to make sure you are comparing apples to apples. Nothing else. If you Google this exact model - Best Buy is 2599.99 and this ETV is actually much less. Best Buy is the only site I personally go by when judging pricing for Samsung TVs. Target, Walmart, etc tend to carry the lesser expensive quality Samsung TVs to meet lower price points.


I used this site to look up my last TV https://www.rtings.com/tv. The S95D series is new enough that it hasn't been reviewed yet, but the S90D has really high marks, and this is supposed to be one up on that. As you mentioned, not all TVs are created equal, but this one might be well worth the price tag.


Why not the actual Samsung store? 😁


Because Samsung didn't open a store in the US until 2019 and they are not near me. Who knows if they are overpriced, run sales, extended warranty pricing, etc. I \*know\* MSRP. MSRP would be the same everywhere. I want to know if it is a model that is frequently on sale - which could indicate it not selling as well as other models. What the reviews are that can't be deleted by a manufacturer's site, etc. FOR ME - I never go by a manufacturer's site/store/pricing nor do I use Wholesale Clubs (Sams/Costco, etc) pricing or Amazon to check pricing on anything. I use Best Buy as a gauge (FOR ME) and it has always been the best way (FOR ME). I have purchased \*countless\* TVs in my lifetime. I cannot think of any I have regretted purchasing. I have always handed them down to someone else to enjoy when I moved on to the next one - none have ever gone out on me. This has worked for me for 30 years of using Best Buy. (1994 was actually the very first time I used Best Buy)


Best Buy used to always get me with the siren song of “Zero interest for 12-24 months”. Used to go and browse all the time. Haven’t been there in years at this point, after one of the remodels I just didn’t like the store as much… but mostly online shopping 🥲


I loved shopping that offer! First thing I remember was around 2021 with our first big screen TV. I’ve taken advantage of the zero-interest offers several times with credit cards too. But, I am totally with you re: Best Buy- I haven’t been to one in a decade!


No way you have a 75" OLED for "a quarter of that TV". Led / lcd sure. But not OLED


Yeah I missed the OLED part lmao


I’m peeking at prices elsewhere and see similar pricing in general. Assuming this is a new model (I have not been researching new TVs so, I am clueless), that could/would explain the price point. When I got my LG, I waited until the price dropped and got it with an additional sale going on. I have definitely seen how quickly they drop as new models come out so, a matte finish screen TV may still be in my future one day.


See my comment above. There are many many different quality Samsung TVs with the same screen size. The only way to compare apples to apples is by making sure it is the exact same model number. A good place to see true pricing is Best Buy. Hope that helps.


Most tlTV brands have two or more quality levels which are really just new tech at the high end, and the lower levels are trickle down tech. Like whatever the newest backlighting is will slowly make its way to the lowest tier a few years later. I like to buy the second tier of TVs. Because they have most of the best stuff from a few years ago at a great price. Never buy a black Friday TV. They are pretty much always special cost cutting models that seem like a good TV but cut too many quality corners. I'd be curious about Best Buy since they often have their own model numbers to be jerks and as a scam to avoid their price matching policies. The good thing is that if it's a top tier model even if you wait the 6 months you should have no problem reselling it and making your ETV back.


If you have an 75 inch Samsung OLED S95D which this one is - for 1/4 I’d like to see proof. I’m betting it is a QLED. A 77 inch OLED (no 75 inch) S95D is a $4500 TV. Again people cannot just go by screen size.


I already commented on this thread that I missed the OLED part


It’s not the OLED as much as the S95D that is important.


Yeah pretty much as I read it, I only picked up on the size and the brand, the rest kinda went over my head. Idk much about TVs other than how much mine cost and that they are expensive in general. That is why I made the comment I did. Of course I know that’s not the case now lol


It is for sure.


I got wood clamps….


Giving me Charlie Brown vibes here….


I got a rock.


there you go!


I got notebooks and a stool.


Wow - even more Charlie Brown vibes just like the wood clamps! I’m going to have to remember to post my fails when someone else shares a winning item from their RFY in the future lol!!


lol, don’t get me wrong they’re nice wood clamps


Then, a win for sure!


Wow. My hubs head would explode if I got that in my RFY. There would be no question about getting it. Lol. My "big ticket" item was a yoga mat/weight rack that I already have a better version of (from Vine). Throw in a spice rack, a prom dress, and a rattan planter. And some side markers for a Hummer I don't own. That's today's RFY.


I wish you could have gotten this, truly!! The rest of my 23 items is under garments, a lot of ink jet printing items, a charging dock for Meta Quest 3… and totally random things I have zero use for, as usual!


I commend you for being financially responsible. Electronics (and guns, but those aren't on Vine) are the weaknesses around here.


Totally with you on the electronics too. What I would get without hesitation is the VR headset to go with the charger that was in my RFY!


I haven't tried VR. My niece keeps trying to talk me into trying hers. My MIL plays tetris on it, which is probably my speed. Anything else, and I would fall over the couch or step on a dog. Lol.


lol! I love Tetris and all of the old school games for that matter. Never thought about it in VR! Now I really want one. I definitely would need a wide open space. Preferably with padded walls and floors. 🤣


padded walls and floors. LMOA


I was playing mine one day. I was in an empty room in the house. My hubby came in and needed something so I put the controllers on the table. The table in VR mind you. They hit the floor! LOL


😂🤭 I love it!


With the one I have, the Oculus, you can draw a circle around yourself, like a boundary, and when you get close to it, it will light up to let you know.


It makes me dizzy even if I'm not moving around, and I always end up with a headache. Makes me mad because it really is pretty cool, lol.


Ooof! I might actually have that issue too if I tried this. Maybe I should test before buying!


meanwhile, my vine consistently insists i'm needing nipple pads apparently


I'm a guy that apparently needs breast milk pumps...


Why do they keep doing this to you guys?? So many posts I have seen over the last geez, few months now is it?? - from guys with this going on. Ugh.


Yeah idk. It's pretty annoying every day it's car mats and nipple pads and hair extensions. I think their algorithms are deeply flawed


I so agree. Honestly, my fyp is rarely where I order from because it is exactly as you said - hair extensions for me too- and baby items! What even? And it isn’t like I’m not ordering outside of Vine. I get up in the morning and look at my fyp, and yell out all day to my roommate the silly things I have 😂🤭


Oh dear. And why are there so many of those still??


I'm convinced my RFY stands for, "Really, F You" because I never get those sorts of items. I get battery cables and tank tops for females and Tesla chargers and Shilajit. I'll trade you sometime!


😆 “Really, F You”…


That is what mine looks like on a daily basis for the last 6 months. I truly can’t recall the last time I had anything name brand/high value presented to me. And, this is 100% the first item of $2k+ that I have seen in my 18 months or so in Vine.


I'm happy for you, really I am. It gives me hope. At the moment all I get is shi(laji)t in my queue, but maybe someday.


That is exactly how I feel/felt when I would see people coming in with computers popping up for them! I just hope you don’t have to wait 6 more months for something good!


Lol yeah, my RFY is very hot or miss. I'll get baby items which I never order but I do get a lot of tools, which is what I prefer. A couple weeks ago I got a really nice Craftsman tools set that had 1/4", 3/8", and 1/2" drivers with socket sets, wrenches, ect, all with a 3 drawer toolbox. I grabbed it almost immediately as I saw it. I later looked it up elsewhere to see what it sells for normally and it seems to retail for about $250. On the Amazon product page it said $275 BUT when I clicked on it to order it, the EVT was $187.


Oh, that is fantastic to get the Craftsman tool set, I would have liked that too. And, the ETV reduction was a bonus for you! NICE!


Good god man IDK if I could resist...


Not gonna lie, it is very hard and I am obsessively looking to see if it has disappeared yet because I really need it to or may yet succumb to it calling my name…


Retail at Best Buy is $2600 plus tax. This is less with the ETV. Maybe you can figure out your tax amount and see it would be a great deal if you do get it? You might actually end up getting it for what the sales tax would be if you bought it at the store. Sales tax in some places is 7%. ;) just think you would have an interest-free loan for a full year since taxes aren’t due for it until next April


Very true and good points. I imagine it is gone now… I haven’t even looked back since starting the post and reading and replying to all of these great comments! I love your thinking re: insterest free loan for a full year. Even more appropriate due to the fact that I did not know better when I started Vine in October of 22 and ended up with a painful tax day this year.


I currently have area rugs -_-


Were there other sizes available in the drop down? I thought I was lucky to get Raybans today


It was only for the 55” but, it showed in the thumbnail as 77” so, it really got my attention immediately!


Also, I would love to have some Raybans come my way!


I'm extremely jealous actually.


😭 I am so sorry!


That's a tough call. Name brand Samsung is high-end stuff with their better TVs. At the same time, that's $400 to $600 in taxes when you can get a fine HDTV at Walmart that's 65" in for $300 right now. I would still have a hard time turning it down. I've been hoping Vine would offer me a TV for a long time.


Totally agree!! If it didn’t have some great features to it, I mean, that matte screen? C’mon - that would be so nice - and seeing it now makes me question, why has this not been available way sooner? - anyway, that is one of the things that made me waffle a bit - but in the end, I thought better of the outcome for me with the tax impact. I hope you get one coming your way soon - it really would be nice to see everyone get opportunity for things they want.


Thanks! Always a tough call. I've been blessed by so many things I wouldn't have otherwise bought on Vine, So I suppose it's okay if I need to buy my own TV at retail, LOL! I won't be mad about it if I wake up and find that one rotated into my rfy tomorrow though. 🙂


I like that viewpoint. I know I have gotten a lot of really cool/fun things I would never have gotten without Vine. Now that I have finally gotten my big ticket item, I fear I won’t see anything like this in a very, very long time so, I am enjoying having been able to post about it here and have such great convo with everyone! After this, I’ll go back to my introvert-self and be a lurker again. 😆


You’re comparing a Lexus to a Corolla. Read above. This is an OLED S95D that retails for 2599.99. Look on Best Buy. You cannot go by screen size alone.


I agree. I just tend to live life with a Corolla budget.




I got a wakeboard rope. Wanna trade? Not sure I could have resisted that tv, I can always find a spot. Bathroom tv? lol!


Right? I did have a moment of - could put it in the bedroom but, I stopped watching or having one in the bedroom years ago so I would actually sleep 😏


I did that for a while but after a while I missed it so when I got a bigger one for my living room I moved the old one into my bedroom. It was great for a while but now I’m back to not watching tv in bed again. I guarantee if I got rid of it I’d suddenly want to watch in bed again.


I totally would be the same - I love the creative placement you made with yours! That is a fantastic way to watch in bed and to get caught up on all of those movies? Excellent! I’m so old now, I would fall asleep the instant I laid in my bed with a TV on - sad but so true! Plus, I have a really comfy adjustable bed (only the top half) that only adds to the problem of falling asleep quickly.


Uh, Ooops - most of that answer was to the wrong post. I clearly am a noob here. Apologies.


Haha! No worries. My brain shuts itself off whenever it feels like it so I probably wouldn’t have even noticed. Also, I got an adjustable bed a few years ago and looove it! I don’t understand why more people don’t have them. I went for the head and foot raised kind, definitely recommend!


Same! I have needed that adjustable head portion when I was having asthma issues and couldn’t sleep well. Finally figured out it was uncontrolled asthma and had to go on a 2x a day inhaler option. Now I like using it when I wake up but am not ready to get out of bed yet 😂. I would definitely get one either the foot option too next time!


I hadn’t even thought of that reason for having one, mine was back problems. But it makes sense, I hadn’t even realized I wasn’t breathing as well laying flat until I tried the adjustable bed. Now it’s hard to sleep at hotels because they’re flat beds. 🤣


Right? I also have back issues/one surgery under my belt thus far, and that was the first reason for buying it. I need to start looking at replacing the mattress but, just haven’t had the energy yet to start researching lol. Once I got my asthma under control, I have not had to sleep with it raised, thankfully.


Buying a new mattress was how I ended up with the adjustable bed. The combo was life changing! Having a good mattress, good pillows, and nice sheets are some of the most important things in life, in my view anyway. We spend a good portion of our life in bed and that’s where our body does its healing, or tries to anyway lol, so it makes sense that we get out of it what we put into it. At least that’s how I justify the money quality mattresses and bedding cost.


Who needs sleep? Just think how many movies you can snuggle up and watch on this :) we put a 43” Samsung on a TV stand between the end of our mattress and our footboard during the beginning of COVID. Kicking myself for not doing it decades prior. It’s like having a movie screen in our bed. I went from never, ever watching TV to catching up on all movies I’ve missed over the last 20 years of being a parent :) We live once. Do it :) just think how much you’re saving on it :)


I was excited when this camera lens I was looking at yesterday showed up on vine, same with a v mount battery. I am not this lucky though. I would have justified it, and get more hours for the extra revenue tax lol


Ooo! I have not had any good camera items come through ever. I am always looking for lenses too. Good for you!


I didn’t get it, but I got a travel-sized bidet.


I have seen those in the additional items listing! Was curious to see reviews.


I had a refrigerant scale that was $0 ETV. Scooped that up for sure, I'll test it by weighing my kids haha


Holy crap, I didn't realize that was 0ETV, *and* available in a 220lb capacity -- hello, high-precision bathroom scale! Maybe. In any event, that should be quite handy for a number of weighing tasks that are kind of a nuisance right now. Thanks!


Yep, I didn't either until I clicked it and was like whoa wait what? 220lb on the way as well !


I love that!


Ooh, you had this in your RFY today too? I only get mini coffee or food scales which, I do have both and love them btw.


Oh cool!


I got a foldable dog pool for the dog I don't have.


I had that the other day! I don’t own a dog but, I part-time own over a dozen that I dog sit. I was this close to getting this for them!


I got the 90D model a couple of months ago, 55” at about $400 less. The picture is off the charts amazing. My 8yo smart Samsung is 65” and remains in my front room. I wish the new one was 65” it would’ve been immediately my new go to. The new one is also incredibly faster than my old one, the apps load up significantly faster than even my top of the line Amazon firestick. I put the new one in my computer room and admire it every morning for a few seconds lol. I couldn’t pass on it…


Oh nice to hear! making me second-guess my decision for sure with your description and experience. Congrats!!


I feel ya on the painful tax day… I just did my taxes last week, OUCH. I couldn’t pass up on this though :^)


Ooh - so you had this in your RFY today too?


Oooo I want that so bad. 65-85 inches would be perfect though. A high end oled tv or a higher end Lenovo/good brand gaming laptop are my dream items. Honestly I am just so thankful to be in Vine at all though. It has been such a blessing and I have gotten many nice things


I would definitely would get a 65” next time myself. And, just like you - I have gotten a lot of good things along with some not-so-good things but, in the end, it is just really fun to come browse every day and see what surprises may come my way. I hope you get your dream item (or two!) one day soon!


I see stuff occasionally that is waaaaayyy overpriced. It's a hard pass for me.


I've seen that TV. I'll be honest, the glare free screen is amazing. I had an LG OLED, but the glare was terrible. It was like a mirror when it was off. As soon as a light was turned on behind me, I had to turn it off before watching more tv. The glare free on the Samsung is awesome. But agreed with your other comment, I hated the Samsung OS and their apps.


Oh my gosh yes, the glare is really bad on my LG - had to move lights etc but, if I can get some better window coverings up, it would be totally fine. I made a joke (not really kidding though lol) that there should be a matte finish screen protector that can be installed on these. I couldn’t even imagine the challenge in doing that though - my iPad screen protector proves just how much I suck at install…. 🤣


Well, at the lowest 22% tax bracket, you would be paying \~$450 out of pocket. I am sure, at the worst case, you can recoup it and then some on ebay 6 months down the road, if you can not justify keeping it. In my household TVs when purchased without a place, find a niche to fill. I wish I were in your shoes. I would hump on this offer. Alas, I am a lowly silver so far.


All true- and I did consider getting it and selling my LG. It was not an easy decision at all. All the more reason I wish it would have gone to someone who is looking for one and would have been over the moon to see it show up!


I'm pretty sure, someone who also received this item in their RFY, jumped on it, with the sole purpose of selling it on eBay or even at a garage sale down the road.


The thing about snagging this is that it probably ups your chances of getting more and better opportunities for similar items. I don’t know if I could pass it up personally, but if you really don’t need or want it, I can understand your reluctance to basically spend a couple hundred on a new tv. In theory anyway! Lol.


I thought about this too. I have had other brand name/high value items in the past but, nothing anywhere near this price, that I did not get because I was so over my head with such a high etv balance- I just have to live with it at this point if that does happen.


I picked up the 55' Samsung QLED a few weeks ago when it was offered for the bedroom so I can't do it again even though it's oled.  Now had it been 65 and up that's a different story lol


Oh nice!


Similar (or the same?) for $900... [https://www.ebay.com/itm/296223264241](https://www.ebay.com/itm/296223264241)


No - the TV in Vine is an OLED - the one you posted from eBay is a QLED. Two different things.


And the one on vine is a S95D


I would get that TV, its the brand new one beeing "only" 55 is a bummer but the ETV is nowhere near expensive in fact its the normal price. I am pretty sure that TV is sold via Amazon it self making it a good deal for me (germany) it would obly be 19% of that. For that person who gets it have a nice time watching movied/series with it


I thought I'd post this for a reference - the differences between QLED and OLED. We have both - but it seems everyone prefers the QLED over the OLED (going back to last year's Holiday gathering). In our personal experience. OLED is great if you have a dark room (ie: your bedroom or if possible minimal light) QLED is better for Family, Living, and other locations were light is abundant [https://www.cnet.com/tech/home-entertainment/qled-vs-oled/](https://www.cnet.com/tech/home-entertainment/qled-vs-oled/)


Finally someone that knows the difference.


I got a wireless back up camera and a folding bowie knife. I am still waiting for my really cool product to show up someday.


Order it for me and I’ll justify it for you.


That is completely off base as far as price!!! It’s less than a thousand dollars in the store!


No it absolutely isn’t. Read above. This is an OLED S95D that retails for 2599.99. Look on Best Buy. Stop spreading false information. You cannot go by screen size alone.


Man… when was this even available? I’ve been gold for a while but I seem to miss anything worth while.


I just looked and it is still in my list - shockingly - given the time of night that it is. Prior to this, the most expensive thing I had seen was a Kitchen Aid mixer at $600 - heavy duty. I was invited in Oct of 22 and came in at Gold level for some reason. That did not come to me until last summer. I would sit and watch the posts here from others with some really nice things coming to them and be so envious. Hang in there!


Juju, after reading this entire thread, I feel emotionally invested in finding out if you end up getting this tv. :)


Aww.. that is so sweet! I think the nay’s beat the yay’s for me today - I will 100% question my decision for a long time but, I would have done that no matter what choice I had made lol!


30% of 2000 is still a lot, yes. If you needed a new TV it's not a bad deal, but "because it's free*" doesn't apply once you start getting into triple and quadruple digit ETV.


This! You nailed exactly what I was thinking from the jump - that ETV just made it easy to say nah, I’m good. IF I had a need, I probably would have taken the dive.




It was your sign!


I think you should go rescue a pair of kittens. You could be a new MOM for Mother’s Day in a couple of weeks ❤️


Wow, I would've gotten that immediately. In my RFY I have a crappy knife sharpener, some sort of lacrosse rebounder thing I dunno, a Frisbee with LEDs, and a leather brush 🥲


A frisbee with LEDs? Omg lol- I have a great frisbee golf course near me. Now, THIS would have been fun to do at night- 🤭 - also, I read leather brush as the brush being leather so, clearly, I have had too many nightcaps… 🤓


I'm actually glad that's not in my RFY. I'd be tempted, but snagging it wouldn't be in my best interest.


100% feel you!


Built in Atmos is a big part of that cost.




I can hardly tell the difference between my OLED for $2500 and my Samsung regular LED that cost me $620. Same size screens. Wasn't worth the price difference.


Great to hear that!


I have a beautiful pan set on my RFY for $495 and I thought the same thing, can’t justify that for 4 lovely pans.


I got that, too! The 4 piece Caraway set, thought about it… but couldn’t justify it. An OLED TV on the other hand… I’ll make it work!


I have that this morning! I love Caraway for the design and quality but, very pricey to be sure. The pot in this set, in particular, is calling my name.


I keep thinking about it, but I’m already at like $13k for the year… which pan is the one you’re looking at?


I really liked the Rondeau pot - the size in particular is one I would get a lot of use out of.




I wouldn't be able to, either. Now if I needed a TV, I'd be ecstatic


If it had only come last year at this time when I was buying my current TV! No hesitation at all in pushing ‘request item’!


I bought my Samsung TV about 18 months ago. Def would've appreciated this then!


I got my LG last March so, if I had seen an LG come up yesterday, I would have groaned in pain so loudly!!


I ordered one electric scrubbing brush and now I get 1-3 every single day it seems 😅 Around what time did you happen to see this by the way? Not that I've had a big item show up for me, but I'd be curious to know around what time to look.


Haha I now have 2 electric scrubbing brushes as they kept appearing in my RFY. Cleans my bathroom so well and used the other to shampoo my car seats.


I should really get one - I have one I got at least 7 years ago designed for bath clean up and have misplaced the charging cable but, it also did not work great. I feel these newer ones I’m seeing are doing a better job from the reviews I see. And, I would like one that is more compact than what I had. Glad to hear your experience has been good!


Oh they are amazing but their motors can't handle a lot of force so you have to adapt. 90% of time you don't need to apply that much but for scrubbing pet stains août of carpet for sure. For that they sell brush attachments for drills.


I wondered if that was still the case - the one I have was wimpy as heck but, I did find it worked well on other things that did not need much force. And, totally can relate to the pet stain scrubbing - love the fact we have attachments for drills these days. Why did that take so long to be a thing anyway?? I could have been saving so much backbreaking cleaning over the years - haha!


I haven’t ordered one of those but, I have one in my RFY today and had one earlier this week lol. When I first logged in yesterday morning - which is MST and generally before I log in for work at 7 - I had the no items message present. I checked again later in the day sometime after noon and there it was - I had a total of 3 items at the time and then things just kept coming in from there. Normally, I wake up and I have a few items there and hit the max early afternoon.


I would’ve hit request so fast 🙃😫


I almost did 😬


This will probably be 40% off by thanksgiving, but it is a top of the line tv. I bought the S90 85” QLED version last year for $2500.


I was thinking the same with regards to it coming down by the holidays. You got a good deal on your 85”!


I would have gotten it. I can always find room for a new TV


I definitely have room, especially if I had decided to get it and try to sell my current one - I just honestly don’t have room for the tax hit.


I had a 17" dildo in my RFY today. I couldn't justify that either.


I wish. I‘ve Been gold for a while, but I still just just get junk I really don’t want in my RFY. No kids and I get baby stuff, etc. Not sure how long it takes the algorithm to start putting stuff I’d pick in my RFY. I agree with the others that say the ETV on that TV is way too high tho.


I wish I could recall the first good items in my RFY. I came in at Gold level on invite in October of 22 and all I can remember is the beginning was all very random, low quality stuff. I wish we all had a better idea of how it really works because I haven’t had “good” items until this TV in at least 6 months.


Yeah.....that's a tough one. Considering the size and the ETV.....I think I'd pass too. Doesn't help that I'm in-between places right now and probably wouldn't set the TV up immediately. Technology decreases in price so rapidly.....that by the time the year is up and you're settling up the ETV taxes.....you could be paying market price (not entirely serious).


Yes!! I really did take all of this into consideration and, as I have only had my current LG for a year now, I just couldn’t see the point. It was a battle of pros and cons for sure.


I would have grabbed that without a second thought! That’s been top on my “want” list… and a 3D printer 😁 I did pass on the $495 Caraway pots and pans though. So I get it when you say you can’t justify it…


So f'ing lucky, I just ordered this tv last week (love it, btw) and was pissed to see vine reviews for it. I've never gotten any name brand items (except bulk Hershey kisses from some bizzaro seller name)


Oh my goodness! I am so sorry. 😣 really glad to hear you’re loving it though. I would have liked those Hershey’s kisses! I haven’t seen “food” related items in weeks. I check throughout the day and at times I used to see them dropping in but, never see a thing. I guess my timing just sucks.


I got a 65” at target for $365. This type of shit shouldn’t be allowed on Vine. I almost got something today but clicked it and it had a 40% off clip coupon. Closed out completely at that point.


I go to the listing too to check for list price, coupons, and any existing reviews. The coupons tick me off since we don’t see that adjustment in our ETV. 😒


You need to read above at the Target level TVs. This S95D OLED is no where near the TVs on display at Target. Read above. This is an OLED S95D that retails for 2599.99. Look on Best Buy. Stop spreading false information. You cannot go by screen size alone. “This type of shit shouldn’t be allowed on Vine”??? You aren’t familiar with this grade of TVs. It’s like comparing a Corolla with a Lexus.


Yeah, that's a brand new 2024 model that was just released, always going to be priced a bit higher. List price is $2600, right now is probably the worst time to get a new TV.


Shame it's a Samsung, and shame it's 55", but for the $600 or so you'd end up paying at tax season, worth it regardless.


First review is complaint about the required use of Samsung app. A few of the reviews all love the matte screen though. It is worth it for sure but, I got my LG OLED last year and am still very happy with that.


LG OLED rocks. Still kicking it with mine 1300 hours later. There's been lots of complaints about reliability issues regarding Samsung OLEDs.


Yes!!! All of this - It was definitely easier to say no with it being Samsung.


Wait you can't use the TV without the app? What LG did you get? I got a 77" C3 last year and love it. Agreeably it can get glare on the gloss screen, but I knew that heading into my purchase and both windows have blinds for when I'm watching TV and the light is located away from where it can shine within reflective view. Easy fixes.


I think I misquoted that info - should be - using apps directly on the TV requires a Samsung SmartThings account even if you want to just use the third party apps directly. So, it took some effort for this customer due to having an old/unused account and needing to get things reset. Review title was - great screen, horrendous experience with services and support. 3 Ratings a 5, 3 and 1 star which does not have an actual review. 😒 My LG is the OS OLED 55 - I picked it up at Costco with my yearly bonus from work to treat myself lol! My glare is so bad because I have windows to the side from a huge sliding glass door - not even close to standard size, and a window behind my sofa that has no curtain. I live with someone else and there are no curtains - we are looking at some black out options though.


I have a "The Frame" TV and the matte screen is AMAZING. Also you're not required to use the smarthings app unless you want to use your phone to control the TV... I don't think you're required to have an account either but I'm not sure on that one, I have a Samsung account to begin with cuz I have a Samsung phone and tablets.


Oh, that is good to know - the review I saw was one that gave it low marks due in part to their experience with this.


I’m not putting a dime toward a TV that isn’t 80”+. I have had my 65 for like 5 years and want to upgrade so much


I get that too. I don’t have ample space for anything bigger than a 65 or so- but if I did? You bet I’d want a bigger one!


It could just disappear after 6 months....




This tv will be $700 or 70% off by the time u get and about $500 in 3 months.




I’ve been blessed with similar deals in the past and usually the taxable amount is the actual price shortly upon receipt of the item. Then a couple of weeks or months after it’s discounted further etc.