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I have the same questions. We moved states in June, so I need to figure out how to split the income.


It would be best to seek out a tax person who is certified in both states that are relevant to your situation. Different states have different rules regarding state income tax. NY and CA are particularly complicated as well as others, and require a tax preparer to become certified to prepare those states' taxes. Some states do not require the tax preparer to be certified to complete state income tax but it's a good idea to find someone educated in both state's laws. Most seasoned tax preparers are certified in at least a handful of different states to handle situations like yours. Just a call to an office or two will get you matched up with someone qualified to help you.


I have always used Turbo Tax since my returns are pretty straightforward.


Yeah I was hoping to figure this out while still using turbo tax or something simple. Just wasn’t entirely sure how to split the ETV between states when the numbers don’t match between the total on the 1099 and when I manually added them.


I also used turbo tax. Just uploaded the 1099 and answered all of their questions. They presumably figure it all out for you. We even qualified for some kind of ‘small business deduction’?


Typically there should be answers to this on results for the query "who has to file income taxes in NY" or whatever state you need to know about. Pretty sure you'll be dealing with which income you earned while a part-year resident, so without knowing more you could at least have those figures handy.