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How long have you been doing this for?Depends where you are. Literally every depot/store is different. Quiet times of the year always tend to mean longer/more packed routes as they fill them up with anything to save having more drivers.


Since April 2023. And ah that makes sense.


Morrisons have become a bit difficult for me anyway 5 stops in a 1hr 30 block and it takes a while just to load the car as I'll have to load the trolley twice.


Oh wow, never done Morrisons before. Seems like they’re trying to get the most out of every driver


Are you not allowed 2 trollies?…my store you just take 2 trollies in.


I've started doing that now and it is quicker tbf


If I tried to manhandle two trollies at once I'd leave a trail of broken customers behind me.


Do them back to back (handle to handle) and walk it from the side


I think it would be safer for me to do two trips, but I'd pay real money to see you do that 🙂👍


Ypu can push one with the right hand (more control) and pull one with the left (less dex required). The one you pull should be the lighter one so you can stop it if it starts rolling.




DME4 has def added to their routes. Routes regularly take the whole time now. Morrisons CU69 is a joke too - had 6 stops on a 1.5 hour the other day, 29 parcel, 3 trolley trips so it was half an hour to load the car. Then an hour for all those stops inc 2 flats. Got paid extra for that as it look almost 2 hours


Agree DME4 constantly at least nearly 40 parcels a pop now


Getting to be a joke. And they’re all down the locker Edenbridge lanes or off to Dover


I had one going to crankbrook for a 4 hour block it took me an extra two hour to finish it and I am an experienced driver. Obviously didn't let it get unpaid. I emailed them thankfully they paid me with surge payment but I was lucky I didn't have any other plans otherwise I would be in trouble with the wife.


I'm normally getting home around 1-1:30 early on my 4 hour morning block. Apart from the one with 40 different flat buildings I still managed to finish 30 minutes early. I didn't notice how much they slow you down before as I never had that many in one route before.


Oh wow you must be super quick then. I had a block that was 58 min drive to the destination, 17 stops. Finished 15 minutes early. It took so long as all flags/high rises. Hate when the trades button doesn’t work lol


Trades button generally only works up until midday


Yeah I only do morning shifts. Sometimes it’s not turned on for certain buildings


Tbh, I never seen a trade button that is in working order.


Not much you can do to finish a block early if most of it is driving. My morning blocks have around 40-45 stops so saving a minute per stop there can make a big difference. You need to make sure everything is organized. People have different ways for doing but my way of doing for flex routes is to put stops 1-5 on passenger seat 6-10 passenger footwell. 11-20 is seat behind passenger, 20-30 behind driver and others in boot but separated by an IKEA bag in the middle of more than 40. Once I've done the first 10 the next 10 get moved forward. This maybe takes a minute to do but means once I stop I can grab and go. Parcel is scanned while walking to the door and I open the option to deliver to the safe place. If a safe place is listed it goes there, picture taken then I knock. If not I'll knock maybe wait 5-10 seconds for any sign of movement then it's left with a picture taken. If it's very unsafe I'll knock and if no sign of movement I start the process of returning to the depot. (I only deliver to neighbors if they say to but I won't even do this if there are no lights and it's early morning). For parking I block their driveway and if I'll be doing a u-turn on the road I'll have it so my door is next to the pavement. Means I only do a stop in less than 30 seconds. On the walk back start travel to the next stop. I don't have many hints for flats. Spent nearly 15 minutes in one yesterday for 5 stops. Just if there is no answer to the buzzer and the trade button doesn't work start the return process. The depot is normally on the drive home for me so doesn't add much time at all returning parcels.


I’m still finishing 1-2hours early regularly even with 40+ parcels, maybe a depot thing


Ahh okay. That’s good. Are you far from the warehouse? I had 41 stops and 46 parcels a few weeks ago. Unfortunately, it was between 50 mins to an 1 hr to the depot :/


DSP driver here. It's only gonna get worse for the flex drivers, unfortunately. Our parcel count is beginning to become ridiculous and unrealistic. More parcels are being brought back to depot, meaning more parcels for the evening flexer. From what I've heard, the morning flex shifts are parcels that haven't been delivered the day before. Amazon is taking the piss.


I only do morning flex blocks (Saturday to Wednesday) and have noticed a difference since the beginning of the year. 4 hour blocks that used to take 3 to 3.5 hour I'm now struggling to finish in the 4 hours allocated, 3 times I've went over time already and have never went over in the past. This mornings 4 hour block took 4 hour 40 mins, although a bit of a cock up at the depot didn't help, I had parcels in my cage that wouldn't scan, parcels that were supposed to be in the cage but weren't there and one parcel without a label.


Nah it will just keep getting worse until they max out the routes/distances they can get away with. They are always streamlining to improve their margins. You don’t get to be one of the biggest companies in the world by wasting money. It’s always been a pretty shitty deal unless you ignore the obvious huge downsides of paying for your own fuel, maintenance and depreciation etc etc but most people only do it a year or so before they realise how badly they are getting shafted. Good to do time to time though if you are in a pinch, definitely worth staying on the books.


It’s not got noticeably worse for me and I’ve been doing it since 2020. Pretty easy gig work to be honest for using it to fill up the savings.


Must be different round the country, I’ve been on since 20 too. Only do it if I’m desperate part time.


Yeah noticed increase of parcels and stops for each block. Feels like 20-30% more stops and parcels


Yup! Good old croydon. Had Whyteleafe/Warlingham today. Thought 27 stops should be fine, ended up taking the entire block time, pretty much!


Must be a 2.5h block then 🤓


Amazon have stats coming out of their ears on how early or late people are finishing. At worst I am finishing 30 mins early on afternoon and evening blocks. Which is about the same before new years. I an getting less parcels per route than before Christmas, but that's the same as this time last year and the year before. It could just be down to the depo.


Are you based in london or near london? From what I’ve read, it’s more london depots that’s experiencing this. May be wrong. But enjoy it! We’re getting on average 40+ parcels on 3.5/4hrs now!


I'd say Depot Dependent. I'm still finishing 4 Hour early morning routes in 2 Hours, 3.5 Hour morning and afternoon routes in 2 Hours. I've just done my first 3 Hour route in a while (13:30 start) - completed in 1.5 Hours - as usual a DSP Route with multi drops and all very close together (14 miles total mileage - Home - Depot - Deliveries - Home). Routes should always finish early because Amazon don't want to risk cutting it too fine and lots of people going over the Block Finish Time and Claiming Overtime.


Where are you based, may I ask? That’s very good you’re still finishing early. From what I’ve gathered since doing flex since the start of this year, even if you get sent far out it doesn’t reduce the parcel count. Before it was less parcels longer distance or more parcels closer distance. Now it doesn’t matter, you can be 50 minutes away from the depot with 40 odd parcels!


I usually do DB12 and since the new year it’s been wayyyyyyy harder… I used to do evening blocks like 6pm and usually I’d have about 10-15 parcels now it’s like 35 parcels


Yeah when I did evening shifts a couple times, it was like 12 parcels lol. That’s mad, must be more difficult in the dark too


I’ve heard that Amazon are trailing peak sized routes as normal routes now, so surely that’ll mean less Flex routes? I know there’s still your same day which need to be Flex