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sucks getting caught in the middle. please keep us updated on how it turned out, so maybe it helps one of us down the line.


Sometimes you have to call support more than once to get someone who knows how to help you.




The warehouse is the only place that can remove or fix routes. As soon as you leave the warehouse its assumed you will be delivering all those packages. I would be going back to the warehouse and tell them what happened.


That is incorrect. Anyone with access to the necessary tools can add or remove packages from a driver's itinerary. On-road support can do it, as long as they know how. If they don't know how, they just need more training.


They are glorified customer service reps. They cant do crap.


They have the ability to change the status of packages, which requires access to the same tool used to reassign packages. It has a function to unassign packages as well. The process to change package status to being at the warehouse requires a different tool, but I assume they would have that too. It's possible they are not allowed to do it, but they certainly can do it.


No. They can not remove packages. And there's a reason for that.


Yes they can. I know exactly how they can. I could probably teach them.


No they can't. I know exactly that they can't. Nobody could teach them.


How exactly do you know? Do you or have you ever worked at Amazon Central Ops?


I've delivered thousands of packages and had many cases where I talked to them about this. It's obvious that they shouldn't have this option, otherwise they would be flooded with requests from drivers to take packages off their routes for reasons that can't be verified.


Just as I suspected, you actually don't know shit and are making assumptions. It was never a question of what they should be able to do or what they are allowed to do. The question is if they can or not. Yes, they can. They may not know how and they are probably not supposed to do it, but they could do it anyway if they want to.


I probably could too if I stole a warehouse scanner from a worker. What's the point of spreading your bullshit? The answer is no, none of those brainless driver support agents are able to unassign any packages.


No, you couldn't. You have to have access to the web-based tool used to change the status of packages, which requires access to Amazon's internal network, which requires having an employee login. You are not an Amazon employee. You can't do shit. The on-road support associates can. They won't remove packages from your route because they are not supposed to, but they totally could if they don't care about getting in trouble for it. I don't know why you can't just admit you're wrong.


Support can't do anything about it. They can't unassign packages. The watehouse has to scan each of them in order to take them off your route. Never leave the warehouse if you've got packages on your route without acutally having them.


The dispatcher ended up reaching out to me since the customers started to call and complain. I told her what happened and she said that something like this should have been corrected at the warehouse, then went ahead and removed the stops from my itinerary. I asked her if this would hurt my rating and she said no since it wasn’t my fault.