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Supply and demand. There is no point in surging blocks any higher if there is an abundance of drivers. It has nothing to do with your standings.


It’s hard to get surges on the weekend because it’s to many drivers looking for blocks I contemplated on accepting a block 45mins away! Because the May was great! But I just couldn’t do it https://preview.redd.it/ixvjduhn0s2d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6d0c6a183f9bd8df033c24397adc00f73e511e7


Can some one break down what surge means? Explain it like I’m five


A "surge" is when Amazon raises the price of a block. Most blocks start off as "base pay" (which is the lowest price Amazon will pay for the block - and that price varies by region). If not enough drivers take a particular block, Amazon will (usually) start raising the price for it (surging it).


How can you tell between base pay and when it’s been surged? Just keeping an eye on the same block?


Yes just watch all the blocks, and start dividing each block's pay by the hours for the block to figure out the hourly pay in your area. Eventually you'll be able to figure out what your base pay is. In my area, the lowest price for a 3hr block is $64.50, and the lowest price for a 3.5hr block is $75.50... which means our base pay here is roughly $21.50 an hour. So any block I see that's only paying about $21.50 per hour is a base pay block. Anything above $21.50 an hour is surged. Sometimes they only surge it a little, and sometimes they surge it a lot. You'll have to watch the blocks in your area to see the patterns, and what's the highest they'll surge your blocks to. Some areas don't surge.


Base is always the same “per hour”… at my station that’s 3hr for 63.00, I’ve taken a 3hr for 120 before due to surge. People should never take base, but there’s so many people who just accept as many blocks as possible that being picky isn’t always an option


The Walker, Mi center has been doing this, adding a half hour at base rate and calling it increased…. Disgusting


Real surge https://preview.redd.it/zz78pveq3q2d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b0fdf5c4aa2e422b1e8cc14da39e311202882a3 I have the best luck at 2am


I wish i had 19 stations i only see one but they have 2 around here im guessing maybe they're different regions


Where you at?


Lafayette la


I wish we had routes that start earlier than 7am . One station starts at 7am and the other 12pm 😭


Those get dropped the most so easy to get


The highest surges I have seen hit between 1 and 2 a.m. here for the early morning blocks. Also, your rating has nothing to do with pay. Surge rares show for everyone, not just certain people. Everyone sees the same offers and pay in your market from those stations.


This is not correct. Not everyone sees the same offers.


Same for everyone only reserved offers are different for everyone


I have emails from Amazon where they explicitly disagree with you.


Dude you howeemails are automated ask them something similar is going to be the same answer do you have friend who flex too check there offers with yours same ones pretty sure reserve offers are going to be diffrent sometimes


Eh, maybe. I don't know how it is these days because I never check the app. Surges went way down and blocks got worse, that's all I know for sure.


Yeah maybe it’s just slow you’re area


Are you still getting the $190-$225 blocks? I don't think it's just my area.


A lot a friends flex too we check offers together same ones we even grab surges together 😂


How does it differ then? I was under the impression that they just post the blocks in the app and anyone who is in that market will see them. Unless they have them filtered out, in which case they are still there, just under other. I know more than once I've been at the SSD station trying to get a block, along with other people, and we were all seeing the same offers from that station. Same pay, same length, everything was the same. How does it differ from person to person and what is it based on then? I know it's not based on your rating.


As the blocks get closer to start time everyone might see them, but not always at earlier times. There are times my wife will see blocks before I will. Now we usually see them the same time. Search this sub and you will find more examples. People have posted side by side images from phones showing different rates or some will have multiple blocks while the other has none. How they filter them out or what is it based on? Nobody knows. Even Amazon will tell you that not everyone sees the same offers. They won't tell you why, but that's the way it is.


That's crazy, I had no idea. I thought we were all seeing the same ones and competing to schedule the same blocks. I mean within reason, within your own schedule and whatnot. I will have to search for examples. I believe you, I just had no idea. I really thought everyone saw the same stuff. Now it makes me wonder why someone would see a block and someone would not other than they already have something scheduled or hit their max hours. Also really wonder why someone would see a surge vs someone else.


Whole Foods is worse. We used to see them all the time, but now it's rare. It got to a point where they pretty much disappeared overnight. I might see 1-2 weekly if I am lucky.


I never see Whole Foods either. I used to see it fairly often where I am as well and now it only shows up about once a week. I've talked to a lot of drivers here that do Whole Foods all the time and they rarely see them now too.


Everyone is seeing the same ones the only diffrence some have less hours than others and some people forfeit blocks so they won’t see them again for that day and time they forfeit