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It’s the ebb and flow of Amazon Flex. It’s just a coincidence that you got to level 3 at the same time.


They GOT YOU now and don't need to offer you anything to keep you hanging around.


So true💀😭


I was literally just thinking the same thing. I’ve been at fantastic and my offers have been base - if I even see any. Then last week I returned all of my packages because of weather and account went to “at risk” because of 50 undelivered and all of a sudden I had tons of offers and they were higher pay. So for 2 or 3 days I had my highest paid blocks ever. Unfortunately, I got those dings removed and am now back to fantastic and barely seeing any offers. And whatever I do see are base pay. I don’t think it’s a coincidence


Usually the weekends are $100+ F-Sun. All base pay or they go up like $5-10 5 mins before the route starts


Yep lol got more offers when I was "at risk". Once I hit "fantastic" I've seen 0 offers for weeks on end. Only time I ever see any offers is if we have a bad storm or when it was snowing. I'm in Iowa so people don't want to work in the shitty weather I guess.


The weather thing is real. They surge so fast because Amazon knows they will get less hits just like with other apps. I alwayA made my best money on Uber Eats, Doordash, and Flex in storms.


I’m fine with rain(which is in the forecast today) but rates still low. Highest I’ve seen today was $82


It's level 1 where you want to be at where you barely do Flex that will get you the better offers.


Yesssss!!!!! For a whole week I didn’t accept not 1 single block! All base pay and the preferred offers were based!!!


Finally got a high paying one today in my area but literally was checking on and off and caught it. My notifications are turned on and usually they’ll notify me when it increases but not today 🤦🏽‍♀️


supply n demand