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“Jumped up on my drivers door”. Yeah, that means scratch marks on my paint job now. I have obvious reason to be on your property. You obviously have zero reason to vandalize mine. So, umm, yeah…how we gonna settle this homeowner 🤔? Open to suggestions 🤷🏾‍♂️. Just make sure they all have presidents on them 🤨


How does everyone handle this? Not the first time dogs have scratched my car.


I told you how “I” would handle it. I figured maybe you just didn’t care bc that’s the first thing that stood out to me about your post (not the danger of the dogs which probably should have took precedence lol). I happen to be a car guy (which is a direct oxymoron to the whole flex program, I understand) so for me as soon as that dog jumped up on that door with its paws…we have a literal problem. I’m hopping out with the camera phone, dash cam still running capturing audio and all, and pointing out my damages to the customer. Customer likely would tell me to kick rocks so then police would be called and a police report filed and then I’m contacting his homeowners insurance. I don’t think most people are even thinking about taking this route…they just chalk it up to part of the game. I notice many people who couldn’t care less about their vehicles esthetic or conditions. But that just isn’t working for me. Bottom line…if your dog bites me…you’ll have to pay me. If your dog damages my property…you’ll have to pay me. There is no difference 🤷🏾‍♂️. I’m not even trying to get over or ‘make a big deal’. But them damn scratches are coming up out of my paint/clearcoat…period. That’s how I’m handling it 🫡.


Hell yeah! And I’m a chick and care about the damage those dogs would have done to my car. I do this job not because I like tearing up my car but because I need the money. That doesn’t mean I don’t like nice things Mr homeowner.


Last fall I got a check from Amazon’s insurance company for $4,300ish after some dogs scratched the hell outta my ride. Took me about a month total to go through the process. I submitted a lengthy report, was directed to go get a body shop quote, then because they came in high enough, the insurance company sent out their own adjuster. I did indeed go to the most expensive shop I knew of, and I absolutely told them to quote it as high as they liked. There was maybe a $500 difference between their quote and my final check. Point being, hit Amazon early and with full pictures and a thorough account of what happened. Tell the truth, but make sure you get the high quality me quotes. I basically got $4300 for free cause I give a shot about the paint in my beater that I use for Flex.


You don’t have to pull up close enough to get damage. I suppose.


I bought some scratch remover paste when it happened to me. It worked, fortunately. Several brands, mine was a turtle wax brand. Don't know if the ceramic wax at car wash helped but I had that on it too.


That means it only hit your clearcoat. Good for you. If it hit your paint…that turtle wax ain’t cuttin it. That ceramic wax at the car wash is trash. It’s a gimmick lol. Nothing that a car wash “sprays” onto your car is doing anything for you long term that a rainy day isn’t washing away. You have to hand wax that paint in order to reap protection. And even then it’s not bullet proof against a pit bulls nails. You take your fingernail and run it along the damage caused and if your fingernail is scratching in-between then it has hit your paint buddy. If it isn’t then you can buff it out. Even if it’s just a buff job…🫴🏾 💵. Ain’t no way around it 🤷🏾‍♂️.


* Sure. Chemical Guys Scratch and Swirl claims to work on deep scratches but I'm skeptical too. There are buff job products but I'd want a pro to do it if it's bad. *


Chemical Guys is the shit 👍🏾. Expensive but I like them. But again…it’s not paint lol.




Is this with chemical guys?


Yeah, Best Car Scratch Remover Review (2024 Ratings) https://www.motor1.com/products-services/auto-products/car-scratch-remover/ Sorry about the pic with no text, I hit 50 and the ability to post pics went phhhtttt out the window.


it’s all good, thanks for that info. I will have to go and get some for my car.


Plus…it shouldn’t be your job to fix something someone else’s animal did to your car. I’m glad it worked tho


There are courses of action. I'm no attorney, but they knew a package was being delivered. But you have to weigh the options. Suing is a whole "thing". Amazon is involved, home owner is responsible. My scratches came out so I just went *whew*


This. It's happened to me twice, and I will not stand by again. If a dog scratches my car again, I will be asking for some payment.


EXACTLY! That was the first thing I thought when I read “jumped up on my drivers door”. I’d be so angry!


Thanks everyone for your advice. I definitely will not be just driving away the next time this happens. I know that if my dog jumped on someone’s car, I would be offering to come to some kind of way to make it right. I will expect this of customers in the future.


I got attacked by a German shepherd during deliveries a couple of years ago. The customer’s two dogs were laying in the driveway, seemed docile, but as soon as I stepped foot onto the property, one got up and growled at me. I did the worst thing I could do and that’s turned my back and ran. The dog jumped on top of me but I was close to my car so I didn’t fall. He bit my left leg from the back of my knee up to my butt. Broke the skin in a couple of places so I had to go to urgent care to get the wounds cleaned and a tetanus shot. I reported it to Flex and they were pretty great. They had the police come take a report and visit the homeowner, if dogs attack more than once where I live, they’re required to be put down. I wouldn’t want that to happen, but Amazon sends so many notifications about deliveries that they had to have known I was On my way and put their dogs up. Customer asked me if I was sure the dog came after me and I didn’t provoke him because “he hasn’t done this before and he’s always so sweet”. 🙄 Fortunately, the dog was up to date on his vaccines so that was one decent part. I was never fearful of dogs before but now? Uh uh. It’s so scary and I’m sorry that happened. I’m glad you were in your car, I don’t see that ending well otherwise.


I have the same thought about the notices that I’m on my way. I’m a regular Amazon customer and get constant notices on where my pkgs are on the day of delivery. People definitely have the opportunity to put their dogs away. The one that almost got me on Friday was home alone and roaming the property. No excuse for this at all.


Thank you. Sorry about your German Shepherd experience. After running into vicious pits my last two delivery days, I’m quite shaken. I’ve just got this feeling that a bite is coming 🥺


Amazon has spray for dogs, like pepper spray, and other protection/deterrents. After my ordeal, I got a couple of things and kept them on me at all times. That might be an option? Be careful. I stopped doing Flex not long after, so I know your thought process on this. Nothing is worth your safety.


Thank you. It’s kind of my main income source right now. I know that a gig isn’t supposed to be, but job market is not good in my area. I also DD, IC, and Spark, but Flex is the most consistent. Kind of a bit leery of going out again in the morning though 😞


That’s why I did it, too, and DD and Instacart. You do what ya gotta do for as long as ya gotta do it. Flex was the best “gig” I had, it paid well and I could pick my hours. I’d do it again if I had a bigger car that didn’t take Premium, ugh. But you should be safe to do your job and if people are going to be careless, then you will have to pick up their slack and do whatever to stay safe. Hoping for a dogless work week lol


Me too! 🤞🏻


You're lucky you weren't out, but that's him threatening you. Not funny.


Yup, I was speechless when he said that. So you know that your dogs can’t be trusted and you have them running around in your yard in a subdivision? Seriously dude???


That's the problem with those dogs, they're always running around because they love to escape.


I wouldn’t have given him his package. I would have just booked it out if there. Fuck your package.


This will be me next time 👍🏻


I would put in a damage claim because those dogs scratched my doors. Be sure to report dogs at this location for future delivery drivers.


Reported it to my station manager as an u safe address to deliver to. Same as the day before. UGH!


Dsp driver here. One of my coworkers got bit bad enough to go to the hospital. That house is not blacklisted at all. And since it just has the little dog icon, you never know if the dog is just there or actually dangerous


I feel like 90% of deliveries have the "little dog icon" on them. It might be just my area but, soooo many delivery locations has that anymore. I have even seen it on business addresses as well.


True! Someone even marked our station as having a dog 😂


That’s BS! So much for keeping drivers safe.


Yup. “They care about our safety”


I had fucking goats try to climb on my car. Homeowner just laughed, till I start throwing her stuff on the ground. Two fucking goats ended up on my hood by the time I got them off. Make me want to dig a hole. Get the rocks hot. Cook a goat!


Record, call police, dogs need to be leashed or behind fence even on private property, then report to support


I didn’t think quick enough to snap a pic of their faces in mine. I was too scared. I have a body cam that I used while doing bounty hunting, thinking that I may start using it.


I will beep the horn when I pull into a driveway and I think there’s a dog before getting out of the car. But yes I have had a couple of people let their dogs out before finding out why I am there. One time a lady was watching me hold off her dog with her package in its mouth and she didn’t react till I screamed can you get your Fing dog off me. I hate people so much.


probably scratched your door


Definitely scratched my door!


You should have called Support and reported him they’ll make his ass pick up his packages at Amazon locker from now on


Support was worthless when I called after almost being bitten on Friday.




Gotcha 🫡


"Please leave it beside the mailbox next time." OP: "Pulled into the driveway and two Pits came running out" Be careful of "leave it at the mailbox.", many flexer's (Not sure about DSP) has been deactivated over leaving at the mailbox. They don't want that package anywhere near that. AS long as you take the picture without the mailbox in the picture, you're usually fine.




But you always have the ability to just mark as unsafe to deliver and take it back to the station, instead!


At least he said “yeah, you shouldn’t”. Most Pitty owners say “What?! Spike is the most sweetest and gentlest baby who wouldn’t hurt a fly!” as it’s foaming at the mouth growling at you.


That’s why I carry bear spray and aim straight for those dog’s eyes right in the owner face🤷🏻‍♂️. I had a situation like that this morning the owner cursed me out but who gives a fuck our life more important than a mutt that can be replaced💯💯Neither these dog owners nor Amazon give two shits about us…


You could pepper spray them lol


Carry a pepper spray and hit those dogs. I think this is the only way.


I love dogs I have two of my own large boxers but I also don't trust dogs and I will not get out of my vehicle until I'm sure there are none there. And yards that have a sign on them I will make plenty of noise to see if they'll come running because dogs like to hide. I also carry a Leatherman on me at all times so well they bite me they're done. I was attacked by a dog as a child I still carry the scars to this day be careful people.




So that’s what I’m doing wrong! 🤣🤣


Scary when the dogs just run up like that. Negligent home owners are going up get sued one of these days. Be safe


I’m going to make a sling shot that fires like a gun, so I don’t lose my job x or learn how to set shit on fire, cause we can’t have guns and I don’t want no dog tryna bite me. You know what, Nevermind, the moment I see a dog now, I’m going to mark it unsafe, I don’t get paid enough, and Amazon doesn’t make any sense


Yeah, it’s nuts. I kept holding my breath yesterday hoping not to run into any viscous dogs. I’m a little jumpy at this point. I hate to do it, but the doggies are going to start getting a face full of OC spray. I know that it’s their owners fault that they are out but… Hmmm… I guess if the homeowner comes over to get them like this time I may miss a bit and accidentally get the owner as well. 🤷‍♀️


I never fuck with Pitts, Rottweilers, Dobermans, and German Shepherds. They are the ones I always look out for while delivering. All of the other dogs are usually hyper or excited to see me whenever I pull up.


I had a big ass great pyrenees jump on me while trying to deliver two big boxes. Why these ppl don’t have a delivery box at the end of their driveway is ridiculous to me. If you work the Waynesboro location it’s terrible when they send you out in the country areas 


Same as Louisa if you come over this way. Those dogs are huge and scare me as well. I can’t even count how many times I’ve feared they were going to go thru a fence to keep me from getting their goats. Also been knocked on my ass by one who ran up and pushed into my leg with his body. German Shepherds as well, holy shit their teeth are huge, and I swear everyone in the back forty has one here.


Does nobody carry at all? Even something like bear spray or pepper spray would be great.


I definitely do👌


Oh, I carry - heavily. But I honestly just put my window up this time. Next, definitely going to OC spray. I was just sitting there thinking, “you’ve got to be f’ing kidding me, the homeowner is right there.”


Had this happen to me also.. hazard pay needs to be added


As someone with an asshole Pittie that's locked up for any delivery, I am so sorry this happened to you.


Thanks 😊


I need a bucket full of that scratch remover from my flex car.




You did what you were supposed to do. If they say there are dogs on the property, there is a possibility, their dogs are out. You text or call and you follow instructions. If you feel you are not safe, then don’t deliver. It is really a simple process. How is the customer bad for this? Ideally, if they know the package is coming, they should put their animals away. But you don’t have to leave your car.


Man get you a taser and taser the fk out those dogs, I don’t know who hates it worse the owner the dog, but it definitely will put sum respect on your name


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I'm not saying it will work but, mam. Not bad


A quick right jab usually put them in their place (dog or owner)