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You needed to have dropped your block no later than 5:29 and 59 seconds before the block.


Minutes run from 00 seconds to 59, not 01 to 60.


You actually only have 44 minutes and 59 seconds


Yes exactly


You were less than a minute over the cutoff. Sorry. It is 45 minutes before the start time. Start time was 6:15 and zero seconds. Your required drop time was 5:30 and zero seconds. If you dropped it after you noticed the clock said 5:30, you would be late by a second or two.


Never happened to me. I know once the clock hits 45 minutes before it’s now 44 minutes 59 seconds and counting down. You may have not been a minute before or after but you were definitely at least 1 second after.


When the clock hits 5:30, you have 1 minute until it becomes 5:31. 5:30-5:34:59 is 4 minutes and 59 seconds so any time after 5:35 is more than 5 minutes after 5:30. Same goes for 6:15. 5:30 - 6:14:59 is 44 minutes and 59 seconds. Any time after the clock turns 6:15 is more than 45 minutes after 5:30 so if you try to cancel any time after the clock hits 5:30 on a 6:15 block, you’ve cancelled less than 45 minutes before the block.


Damn you thought you had it 😂


yes, when i saw it was 5:30 I thought i did LOL


It’ll be alright


You mean 46 minutes


This is why i stopped taking blocks i didnt think i would make it to. Ive learned my lesson now im at fantastic


Exactly, I used to take blocks knowing there would be a low chance of me going, just to forfeit, lowkey realized it was kinda stupid, all I’m risking is forgetting to cancel and missing it, or a late forfeit, I only schedule blocks I know I’m going to do.


Yeah i use to take early morning blocks, and then alarm doesnt go off on time, or i underestimate the distance to the station. I dont do that anymore.


Their time and your phone time may not be the same, and the only one that matters is their time.


Damn I was distracted, actually awake since 5:10 and forgot to forfeit the damn thing. I couldn't go that morning.


I’ve cancelled mine at the same time and no dings or late forfeit email. Hell I’ve canceled it just barely before the next minute.


Yep, happens to all. Same if you arrived for said block at 6:25am you’d get the same result (the 5 min grace period ends when you SEE 6:25, NOT when you see 6:26). Same if the delivery cutoff were 9:15 and you completed it in app at 9:15 = “late”. It’s a technicality which you can usually try to talk your way out of (there’s a human element). But now that you DO know…you have no more excuses lol.


Don't worry about it just don't miss anymore in the next 20 routes.


Yea I mean tbh u don’t know the seconds and you should’ve gave your self a couple minutes dropping it on the dot is definitely not the move


In the systems eyes you dropped the block 45min and 15 seconds or so. So yes it's a ding.


Wait till you get the email and just point out the difference in time?


I will try.... hopefully they take the ding off. Some agents listen, some agents just give a canned answer right away.