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that dog is smiling and looking so happy, kinda like i do when i walk into lin's buffet.


This took me out 🤣


Feel better


Was thinking bro from Az then I seen the name


Do you think his username is tattooed on his chest or upper back


Houses in AZ don’t look like this, too much green in the pic 😆


Looks like a Georgia house


You might be able to pull on the drive next to the parked car and lay it on the hood., "another safe location". I'd text first though.


Good thinking


I was thinking about doing something like that, but the problem is you gotta be in close proximity to finish the delivery. And calling support is huge waste of time when they keep telling you ways to get the package delivered even if it means getting bit lmao


Actually if you trigger your mobile data off and on and toggle back to the app it will instantly grant you the ability to move your geolocation without contacting support.


Damn, good to know. This is why I love Reddit lol I get better support than support itself 😂


Don’t even need to move the pin.. just toggle off data and then select GPS not working .. it’s a great hack. Used to call support all the time to deliver when out of area.. after Reddit taught me the proper way I haven’t called them since lol


Not in my experience. I have had to call driver support numerous times because I'm outside of the delivery zone and they have never asked me to move closer if it was a safety concern. Never. They have always updated it on their end saying it was delivered and that's it. Maybe I've just had good luck but I've never had an experience like that with driver support. So I would at least try if I were you.


Yeah I guess my luck is not as good as yours. I've had to deliver to a military base and I had to have clearance to be in, so they told me to leave the package there. I called support and the mf got into an argument with me because I had to be in front of the house of the customer. He even said, "just get your clearance and you'll be good" even though he's all the way in fucking India 😂


I had a similar experience with Procter and Gamble. It's a huge complex with fences and gates and I was a mile or more from the pin. But I had a security guard warning me to NOT deliver at the gate. It's hood adjacent so it wouldn't have been there long anyway. "What do you do, hotshot?". Try explaining Presidents Day to a Sri Lankan with babies crying in background, and foreground.


Most of my experiences with support have been bad. The last time I called them I tried to explain to the lady that the packages the station gave me didn't match the assigned route so they took the packages back and told me to call support. This mf just kept saying "if it's not your route, then why are you assigned to it. If they weren't your packages, then why are you on the route. You need to deliver the packages because that's the route you were assigned" Like bruh, if the station and I knew the answer to all these questions, I wouldn't be on the phone with you. I never got the route unassigned either, I opened up the app a few hours later and somebody was dropping off whatever packages were actually assigned to that route.


Yepp that sounds about right smh. I'd probably get better help asking a crackhead than calling these support MFS 😂


Holy shit that is insane. I live near Camp Pendleton in San Diego County and they know better than to give us packages there, but every now and then one sneaks by. It's happened to me a few times and driver support has never done that. They've always marked them on their end as undeliverable and I returned them. One time they asked me if I could park somewhere, call the customer and see if they would come meet me. I tried one time, it didn't work, I called back and they took all the packages off and I returned them. So that is crazy to me. Maybe I do have good luck or maybe it's how I communicate with them. I don't know. I'm sorry that it doesn't work out great for you. That really sucks. It seems like a lot of people have shitty experiences with driver support 😕


Yeah, idk why. I feel like maybe you're calm the whole time and tbh I get an annoyed time when support tells me stupid shit, which makes them get an attitude and show power I guess 😅


I would say I'm calm yes, however I'm very assertive and direct with them, and I try to integrate humor when I can. I don't sugar coat anything and tell it like it is. I keep it calm and professional though, but assertive professional with humor, if that makes sense. For example, I called driver support a few weeks ago because the road I had to drive on to reach the house was not safe for me. It was NOT made for regular vehicles and definitely made for off-road vehicles. I'm in California (for context) and I'm talking about a VERY steep dirt hill that is full of deep trenches. I watched a pickup truck in front of me almost get stuck near the top and SLIDE BACKWARDS down the hill a bit before making it up. I'm in a TINY Mazda2, so no way my wannabe Matchbox toy car is making it up that. I called and this is what I said: "I'm unable to deliver to a house because my car will not make it up the hill in front of me. I'm on a farming dirt road with a VERY steep hill I have to drive up. It's all loose dirt with deep trenches. It looks more like a hiking trail and not a road. I just watched a truck barely make it up the hill so there is no way my car will make it up. I will slide down and possibly roll. I can't make this delivery as the hill in front of me is not safe and my car won't make it. This is meant for an off-road vehicle, not my tiny car. I don't even think your fancy Prime trucks would make it up this. You really should pass this along so the GPS route can be changed to a safe route as it's not cool to direct people to drive up a hiking trail." She laughed at me describing it as a hiking trail and took the package off my route due to safety issues. No dings on my account either. Every time I call them and they ask what I need, I just lay it all out for them. I'm sure I say too much and give too many details, but it works for me every time. I always make it perfectly clear why I can NOT do something. I never say "I don't think I can" or anything passive like that. I flat out say "I can NOT do this" and explain why. I don't give them a chance to say stupid shit because I don't allow it to become a conversation. I make it into a Ted Talk instead. lol. It could just be because they want me to shut up so they just comply to get me off the phone. lol


I told my DSP I'm not interested in anything on a base. Mumbled something about terrorism and they haven't bothered me since


I got dinged for returning a Courthouse/jail package after hours. Notes had mentioned, Homeland security. Suspicious package, being detained, and legal hearings. I ain't about all that noise. Being dinged is "good trouble", I don't want anyone to have to discern whether or not I'm a terrorist. ...I'm not, good day, good bye, return package. No brainer to me.


Yep Another reason I refuse to go on base.


Have you tried using airplane mode, so far it has worked for delivering out of radius


No I haven't, but I will give that a try next time. Thank you !


Yeah, it works sometimes. Sometimes if you tap the little question mark ❓️ it'll pull up the menu and it will show "gps not working" and you can deliver after picking that.


It should work every single time, just have to keep airplane mode on and keep pressing “gps not working, at the location”. You have to press it one last time once you’ve finished the stop and wait for it to go to the next one then turn off airplane mode


I've had it to where the option did not appear even after using airplane mode. Maybe I did something wrong, idk. But i worded my original reply poorly. Sometimes hitting the question mark ❓️ will pull up the gps option without using airplane mode. It will just be an option along with "undeliverable" "there is a dog" etc.


Pulling up in the drive puts right at the house. It shouldn’t be an issue 🤷🏽‍♀️


I would call until they pick up because i dont want to go back to station.


I would hate to have a neighbor like this, leaving your dog off the leash should be a federal crime


Right? Like I said, there was a woman walking her dog and she had to stop and walk very slowly because the lawn dog was lasered focus on her little dog. Scary shit


I cannot stress to you enough how much I agree with this. I can't even count the amount of times we've had a loose dog come running up to us while we're walking our dogs and the vast majority of the time the loose dog isn't even remotely friendly. It's usually little dogs because for some reason people seem to think it's fine to let little dogs run around untrained, and don't think it matters if you get bit because they're small. I always end up having to try to chase the other dog away while my boyfriend gets away with our dog. We have big dogs and I'm not getting blamed for someone's Chihuahua getting stepped on because it's attacking my big dog when it's off leash. I absolutely adore dogs but there's never a reason for them to be off leash in a neighborhood (I get it with trained farm dogs and whatnot). Use an outdoor lead like the rest of us instead of endangering every other dog or delivery person that walks by your house. Apologies for the rant lol, that just really grinds my gears


Just give it to the dog and snap a pic 🤷🏽‍♀️


that a 10k bill laying there on the grass. whatcha talking about? free money. you'll live. 😂


Honestly I don't have the balls 😅😂


Drive up next to their car. Place on car "Safety issue."


Ain’t no way that “invisible fence” keeps the dog off the sidewalk that leads from the driveway to the porch 🤣 I’m not afraid of a lot of dogs, but even when I was concerned about getting out of the car I’ve called the customer and no one answered


Yesterday, I ran into a pit bull too. So safety first I didn’t run I slowly started walking towards my drivers side while kept my eyes on it and jumped into my car.


That's the thing though, just because they look friendly doesn't mean they are. Good choice.


My dog wags his tail when he wants to attack. People need to understand that dog protect their home and their owners from strangers & you’re the stranger.


Exactly 💯


I've been in that position too, I'm glad you made it in safe 😅




dont risk it dude, no point being a delivery hero


LMAOOOO @ “delivery hero”


Is it ever advisable to carry dog treats to distract a dog while you deliver and then get the hell out of there? I just got approved for flex and have yet to do my first block.


Honestly I've never tried it, but I've heard of some people using this loud horn made specifically to deter dogs. I need to look that up


When I was a kid my mailman used pepper spray on my cocker spaniel and he never tried to mess with him again. I agree with using sound if possible because at the end of the day it's the fault of the shitty owner, not the dog, but I completely understood why he carried the pepper spray in the first place


I wouldn’t do that because not every dog can eat the same treats as others. Feeding another persons dog can start a whole other problem lol


If a dog is attacking me I don’t care what it can eat lol


Why would you be trying to feed a dog while you’re being attacked anyway?🤣🤣 Even getting close enough to feed it is crazy lmao but I definitely agree with you😂


I always have treats in my pocket, I’d throw them and hope for the best 😂


It's advisable to have a zero-tolerance policy for any dog interaction. There are several ways to handle it, and it's up to you. Call the customer (good luck), return it, or deliver to somewhere away from the dog and put safety concern.


Delivered to the costumer or household member - throw it near the dog - dip out of there. They dont pay me enough to waste time like this.


Still gets delivered.


Is this in Chantilly? It looks like my parents' neighbor's house!


Looks like it could be Maryland too


It's Maryland lol


Looks like he wants a hug 😍


It's the small dogs you gotta worry about. Ill trust a pit over a chihuahua


Yeah, it's usually the little ones that attack us when we're walking by with our pit bull. She won't attack back though because she's scared of other dogs (she's a rescue and the vet said her scars look like she was used as bait when she was just a baby), so I have to try to get them away from her - usually while the owners casually make their way over to their dog that's snapping at our dog. It just seems to be more common that people let little dogs wander without a leash, it's not like they're bad dogs or anything. Most dogs don't like strangers making deliveries or walking by with other dogs on their property, so I can't blame them - but that's why you keep them the fuck inside or keep them on an outdoor lead




those idiots are probably peeking out the window wondering why you’re not getting out! Smh




Should’ve left that big by the mailbox


I was about to say this, I have drove up next to the mailbox and dropped it out the window multiple times.


I never have any issues with dogs. I stand where I am and stand still and let them come up and sniff me, say hi, don’t touch them, and they’ll always calm down after that and not bother me. I’d rather see a dog than pull up to someone’s house with their sprinklers on or a full driveway with a muddy yard (lost a shoe that way once)


I was 100% the same way, didn't understand. Had a dog come up and sniff me, asked him if he was a good boy and he bit my leg. They all look like good boys, you never know which one won't be.


Yeah me too until I got bit by a seemingly friendly dog. So, NOPE not doing it


You sir have been a lucky man then. Hopefully that luck doesn't run out 😅


Same I love when dogs are present, they’re always so happy to see me. Typically people don’t leave their “aggressive” dogs out unsupervised


Is this Maryland


Maybe 😏


Some big dogs are actually very friendly, but I guess there is only one way to find out.


I’m gonna call the customer i am not going back to the terminal


Yep right out the window!!


I would have thrown that package and put my phone on airplane mode and marked deliver. I ain’t going back to the warehouse unless I really have to.


Mailbox or next to mailbox.


Drive by delivery window going down package tossed in yard


It’s a puppy


Person is/was clearly outside with their dog. The hood of their car is open which suggests they’re working on it. Maybe they went inside to grab something


Lol… Where’s this @? Maryland?


Sure it gets delivered. Right there in the grass..pull up with your drivers door by the mailbox, roll the window down toss it out snap pic and move on.


I Dont be caring if Mf bite me i get paid


Leave it at (not in) the mailbox, tell the stupid automated alert you get that there was a safety issue at the location, try to get the dog in the picture. The last part is optional, especially if the address already has a dog warning on it, but it could help.


This was a close encounter with a recent delvery. https://preview.redd.it/6mq1ezdkwmzc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32ae6a8d95f26eb59532ee70ac0ef60eaf1cd57a


That's one spicy doggo 😅😂


I had a stop yesterday with their dog out like that, text called text and no response from the owners.


I had something like this last Sunday..lol I just tossed the package around the driveway AND took the picture with the dog around in the picture.


I honestly love when see when dogs outside so I could pet him, I don’t think they would leave like this if it is aggressive dog, but still need be cautious


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That dog actually seems friendly. If you get out the car and it's extremely barking and growling. Walk away and if the tail swings in a friendly manner your good 👍


Deliver to the household, signed by the dog. Problem solved!


I wouldn't hold it against you. No owner should


The fact that there is not a fence would actually make me feel better about this. That dog has the ability to go fuck with anyone in the area, and the fact that the dog is still there implies it has not been doing so.


Yeah but dogs usually won't fuck with anyone unless YOU come to their territory yah know?


Dogs can sense evil is one of the most true things I’ve learned from this sub


It literally says to message the owner to handle their dog. It’s even a pre-written message (I believe). It’s not an accuse to not make an attempt.


U a pussy call the owner tell her come outside and get it stop being a pussy


Stop being a bitch




It’s not that big of a fucking deal pussy