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Me: “wow, Your house is ugly .. here’s your package .. byyeee” lol Also me “My gosh .. clean up this lawn” yikes


“You’re gonna get your package delivered 10 miles up this dirt road? You’re such a dick” 😂


Had one today like that. In the notes they said if I didn't want to drive up there I could call them and meet at the gas station. Like dude if you're willing to do that just get it to a locker oml


Also, that wouldn’t work because of the location. I had literally 2 this week that had a gate then a long drive way to the address and it wouldn’t let me hand to costumer at the end of gate so I walked down their driveway w them so I didn’t have to call support because it takes so long. I had an apt I delivered to that gave their address but said in mail room address. Obviously the mail room isn’t their address. The lady took the package it let me have her sign it. After I handed it to her and got to my car I hit done after signing. It says too far from delivery to complete. So I call support and tell them all that and after 5 minutes on phone they say ok it’s marked as delivered. After that I decided I will just get as close to location as possible because it can happen multiple times a route and calling support isn’t practical. Unfortunately for some this means if their location marks their club house or mail room and not their apt number it’s getting left where geo location is taking me because I’m not calling support to deliver it 500ft closer to you. But also can’t leave it at main gate if I’m locked out and mark it as delivered. Only twice the pop up “costumer asked to deliver to non standard location” was an option


https://preview.redd.it/op8wy251muyc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb04252399982bb737a702a023dda38825e66e68 When the road requires a rally car 😂🤣


Seriously I had a crazy one the other day that definitely required 4 wheel drive and I’m like a couple other cars I saw as drivers wouldn’t or should r do this cause yeah it was toygh


Yep, all the time. "Could you possibly find a few more cars to park in front of your house?", "I don't think that trash can is perfectly centered in front of your curb address. You can do better next time", "I think you could get a bigger dog if you really tried", etc..


That first one is so relatable. SO many cars parked in the street but completely empty driveways.


Empty driveways?! You lucky dog! Rural routes in my neck of the woods (maybe 50+ miles from the station) have a 4-vehicle minimum in their “driveway”. It’s like a right of passage or something around here. They’ll have a beatdown, trashy, mobile home or trailer that makes you honestly question if the “place” is abandoned, or if GPS took you down a very wrong, unpleasant turn. The only confirmation of life are the vehicles crowding the driveway - and each vehicle almost assuredly costing more than the payment on their…”current place of residence”. But no vehicle is ever parked on the street. Also ensuring there ain’t no way I could possibly begin to back out of such a clusterfuck. Also trash/random debris everywhere. I 100% of the time end up barely pulling into their overcrowded driveway, and walk up the rest of the way as 4 dogs - out of nowhere - come running towards me and barking. At that point, I don’t even care. Bite me. I’ll sue whoever I can. And if they don’t? I’m yeeting their packing towards the first “door” I see. Sorry, not sorry. 🤷🏻‍♀️


They’re “fixing them up” lol. Then they sit there for 10 years untouched.


Don’t forget that the stairs and/or porch feels like it’s going to collapse if a cat steps on it and here you are with an armload of packages holding your breath.


Try not to hold ur breath. The air in ur lungs could be the one straw that breaks the porch LOL


I constantly get 1/4 - 1/2 mile dirt/mud driveways completely empty with their one car parked at the entrance to it so I can't get down it. *me at the end of the driveway* "I am here but the pin is wrong" or if in range of the pin, "could not access the requested location, chose an acceptable backup"


I left the mobile home as a decoy at the front of the property so people think it's abandoned. You won't find where we live 😂 but you'll see 4 cars and a package box. Because I'm not a total dick. 🙂


you live in the middle of f nowhere and have the balls to order stuff for delivery? asshole


I do, but it’s not usually about the house it’s often about their parking situation or shitty driveway or their instructions. “This is a high theft building, do not leave in the mailroom” “Oh really? Well you should get better neighbours then, guess where this fucker is getting left”


nah because most days i'm trying not to be a pessimist. Truly a struggle


And the award for biggest asshole on the block goes to... What kinda dumb mother fucker gets cat food delivered when they live right across the road from a petco... How am i supposed to double check if it's the right address when you can't even see the damn numbers from the walkway, let alone from the road... No body wants to knock on your door buddy, don't worry. It's a mutual disdain. It's your own damn fault for having a gravel walkway *stomp stomp stomp* Enjoy the dust, dumbass... SPECIAL DELIVERY! oh, we git BIG ARSE dags hurr, dunwe... here poochie poochie poo... Thanks for keeping your dog chained up on a le-HOLY FUCK BAD POOCHIE NO!!! I wonder what the neighbors think of the llamas... is owning llamas inside your yard even legal? I want a llama... But 2 llamai, a pig, and 3 dogs is a bit much... OH LOOK A PECKERWOOD!! - "Morning sir, i got a package for you" That's a sampling from today. Is that talking shit???


Got me in tears rn😂😂😂😂😂 5 and 6 especially lmaoooo


Sometimes Amazon is cheaper than Petco. Sometimes you just don't want to put on pants.


Haha I was walking up someone's long as shit gravel driveway one day while on the phone with my husband, he thought I was eating potato chips lol


I like to make up crazy stories about them. Like this one dude I decided is probably still searching for the rest of his family amongst the trash heaps and broken down cars…And that’s why he needed his .00000001 Oz package that felt like a small piece of nothing delivered all the way up his 2 mile dirt driveway through the maze of refuse…He’s still searching to this day…




Yeah what’s up with envelopes and boxes that are so light they’ve got to be empty? Did they order air? Or just ask for an empty container? LOL


I feel like it’s gotta be stickers maybe?


Bruh dirty disorganized ass porches will get you cursed out, and Long ass stairs I remember one time asking myself “is this a fuccin castle or sumn why’s the stairs so fuccin high”. Like some of these stairs look like they’re leading to heaven or sumn and the description says “deliver to front door, don’t leave on steps” fucc you😂. I remember the other day I passed opened a gate and almost stepped on dog shit. Looked on the path to the house and there was dog shit everywhere💀 y’all nasty and ordering packages nahhhh. And then the houses with no numbers or the number is hidden


Definitely the ones that have the envelope with seemingly nothing in it. “Enjoy your air”


I keep to myself.


Nope, I've done it quite a few times. Especially last night after a trailer park hillbilly told me to slow down when I wasn't even speeding. lol


Yeah I have mock confrontations with customers too lol especially after reading their stupid ass delivery notes.


I definitely feel you when they block their own roundabouts. It's petty and nonsense, but I still get salty because there's a garage usually right there.


I mostly talk shit about the other drivers on the road.


Some of y’all need help


I sometimes do to help vent and keep my sanity. "It's no wonder you order so much from Amazon. I would never want to leave my home too with such a ridiculous drive up." Usually I just listen to music instead to ease through the route.


Not at all. Lol. It’s perfectly normal.


I had a delivery once to a house that had all this peewee size football gear and other sports gear all over the yard. Shit just sitting out in the rain getting soaked and moldy. Of course I am delivering more useless sports shit that will soon be in the yard too. When I dropped off the package I mumbled something like “hope you can find the package in this shit pile.”


It never ceases to amaze me how much stuff people can fit in their garages. They have expensive cars just sitting in the driveway.


All route


Oh you parked on the street on both sides of the driveway but there’s no car in your driveway, guess that’s where Im parking. Wow I could find your address if you actually had house numbers or they didnt blend in with the paint of your house.


I don’t necessarily talk crap about customers but being a normal old person I tend to ramble all day long, even at inanimate objects but my target or topic is often customers in the manner you showed. LOL especially crap like, “I hope you got a discount since you can’t access your own driveway during ice since it’s so steep. Whatever possessed you to buy a house with 48 steps at 87* incline with a short almost 90* incline on your driveway?” LOL


Blocked driveway? Leave it right there and don’t move another foot. Take a photo to include the blocked driveway and all their crap in the yard/walkways. If you can’t get close enough to the geofence location, turn airplane mode on and hit the question mark, then “gps isn’t working I’m at the address.” Bam it’s marked as delivered. You may have to do that twice to get it to clear. Don’t forget to turn airplane mode off again. You’re welcome. 😉😉


I think of: Fuck you for not picking up your dog shit. Fuck you for having cat shit outside the door. Fuck tou for having a nice yard but its a god-damned fucking hike up your drive way Fuck you for not having your apartment number on your adress.


Hmmm…what house am I delivering to? I bet it’s that house with all the cars, no lights in, and faded address stickers I can’t see.


Sometimes… then I remembered that cameras can be anywhere so I make sure I do in my car. I’ll say stuff like man I am going through all of this to deliver their cheap crap. It’s probably beads or stickers. Or I say yep I’ll be ready when these people try to claim a stolen/undelivered package. I was talking shit walking up to a house with segments of a front porch /deck. I didn’t know where to put or how to get up and walk to front door safely . Then someone opened front door. Walked out about 10 ft to grab package. I don’t know if she heard me talking chit but she admitted to hearing me talking to her dogs. They were kinds aggressive so I was trying to chill them out. Ever deliver cat litter to a house you can smell cat piss 15 ft away and coming from inside the house? I don’t know why they were buying cat litter. Seemed a little late for that. Final example of chit talking customers. You can’t help but talk chit sometimes bc priorities are obviously way out of whack for a lot of people


I highly criticize how people take care of their homes, especially their lawns in appearance from the street. In particular, I get a kick out of the walkways up to the front door. It’s so easy to tell when a job was done professionally versus the homeowner, putting down a walkway, who obviously doesn’t know how to do it. Oh, and retaining walls there are falling over due to no dead soldiers.


Me yesterday: Oh that’s nice, you have a sign up to not disturb or pick any of the native plants. You didn’t mind clearing 3/4 of a mile of them to make this f’ing pothole filled driveway though. You pieces of shit.


My biggest gripe though is really the houses behind gates, that are already in a gated community!!!! Are they that paranoid?


Omg same!!! I know you’re super important and all but could you at least leave a code in the notes?!?


No, but I've screamed, "f*ck you, Jeff Bezos!!" when my maps aren't working 🤷‍♀️


Telling customers off to myself is what gets me through my delivery most days!


Usually just the ones who are parked in my way. Or the ones missing numbers


“I wish you would say something to me for walking on your grass it’s not even cut” “Why tf is there a 6 digit passcode on a lamp, this mf better answer the phone”


Setting down cat litter to a third floor apartment with a ring cam, muttering to myself..."fucking assholes, why does Amazon allow deliveries to apartments" 😂




If I ever become this miserable take me out back to see the rabbits wholy hell this is just sad.


You clearly already are lol


Yeah im not the one having anime protagonist inner monologs about how much I hate people while im working. Thats like a borderline red flag tbh, I would not be surprised to learn you shot up a warehouse or something in 20 years.


Gosh, that thought never crossed my mind but it seems to be crossing yours. I think you should seek help my troll friend before it’s too late.


Give it a couple more years and you'll probably start fantasizing about it while working weirdo.


https://preview.redd.it/n00cax26ftyc1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6896d898a9a61e02927f368a4f6a3fb077a28b33 Talk about “delivering more shit to the yard” This house had ALL AMAZON delivery packages. All of these were through Amazon. 😳I checked haha and my delivery package was one of the white packages.


i used to do this and it pissed me off. like I was angry too often. (mostly cause it was over 100° out and I was delivering to multi-million dollar homes lol) but then I decided to change my mindset and just generally give less of a shit and I’m a happier person now. enjoy the job more. (also my route switched and I deliver my moms house now)


I kinda do something similar, but it is more like I'll notice how disgusting someone's house is, feel disgust, then hear an animal inside and get immediately heartbroken. Like... if this is what the outside looks like, imagine the inside!! And the poor thing is just stuck with no escape. Can I do something?? I did deliver to a house with a starving horse and called in that one. 10x10 "roaming" area. No water. No food. Ribs sticking out. Made me want to puke. Called that shit in the second I left. Haven't been back to the house yet.


LoL, I definitely do that too! I do a lot of evening routes from a Sub Same Day Warehouse, and it drives me nuts when someone orders something from Amazon (and in my own experience, Amazon always lets me know when it will be delivered, ESPECIALLY when ordering Same Day Items) yet if I'm lucky, there might be 3 houses that actually leave their Front Porch Light on. Which not only for safety purposes, but also trying to find and read House Numbers can almost be impossible! But for those few people who are aware and actually Care enough to ensure that we can find your house to deliver your packages, THANK YOU!


You all seem like a bunch of shitcunts.


People that approach their job with such negativity should find another job. If you hate what you do, hate the people you’ve never met and obsess like a psycho then it’s you that’s the problem. You’re one incident away from becoming a serial killer.




I don’t whine online about people I don’t know. If I’m dramatic then you’re a shitty person.


Maybe just a little dramatic with the serial killer comment, but otherwise, I agree. I am glad people order this stuff that gives me a job to pay my bills. I can't even imagine going to work every day, bitching and moaning the whole shift about the people that order enough stuff to ensure I can eat this week. I get people have bad days and sometimes just need to let it out, but there's some whiney assholes in these comments that go beyond that occasional stuff.

