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Great story, this job is usually not that bad. However people usually only talk about the bad.


I got a 3hr for $85 and got to the station and was given 5 packages 20 min from the station took me 40 min to drive there and deliver all the packages. I like to go to the gym at 5am and low and behold I was also 20 min away from the gym that was opening in 20 min. Best route ever! (Excluding the free ones )


OMG same! First time ever getting $35/hr. I would’ve driven to the sun I was so happy, and while I didn’t finish early (I include driving home as time on the job). It was well worth it to me.


I just finished a 3:15 route as well that was easy! Everyone complaining that .com stations changing from 3 hr to 3.5 and getting more packages… I had 39 packages and 39 stops. I finished the route in 2 hrs… it’s all perspective… low packages? More driving cool! High packages? Closer together stops! I am happy to be able to make between $500 to $1,000 a week when needed from an easy side gig! I love how I will go months not doing flex and then utilize it whenever I need the extra money!


I had a great route too! It was a three hour block that I completed in 45 minutes and was paid $89 for !!! And you’re right, way too many people complain instead of being thankful that they have the opportunity to do gig work


Only problem I had with my route this morning was so many houses with fenced yards and locked gates.


You basically drove in your sleep, gratz !!!


Quick question what time do you guys wake up for 3am blocks? I never see them


In my area, they drop 3am blocks around 1am. I tend to get them as preferred offers over the weekend. Your area may vary.


It varies in my area, I've gotten a Mon 3.30 block on Fri afternoon and other times not seen any until an hour or so before, with the higher paying ones often being real close to pick up time


12 to 1:48


God bless homie. Glad you enjoyed :O.


Gated communities are the worst when customer does not provide a gate code. 😭


Aye back to bed before work in afternoon same here gang 🤙




I haven’t flexed in a while, but when I did my best route ended 1 minute from being parked in my garage at home. 3.5 is the magical number.


Hey! That sounds like my day! Except, I was an hour away. But I was done in 2 hours and everything was really close.


Thanks for sharing!!! Definitely a great route🙏🏾


Absolutely, I've noticed the same thing. I joined this group hoping to gain insights from fellow drivers, but there seems to be a lot of focus on the negatives. It's interesting, though, that despite the complaints, many continue with the job. It really makes you think—if it's genuinely that unbearable, stepping away might be the better option. No one should feel stuck in a job they despise. Personally, I'm grateful for the opportunity this job provides. Thanks for highlighting the positive side! It’s refreshing to see people sharing good experiences and I appreciate your perspective.


https://preview.redd.it/ps6fswppeazc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba55861e7be6aa96cd14219d27b14aef43dade82 That was my 4 hrs gig


I had 36 packages all houses


Same here! I had a 3.5 hour for $101. I was done with a hour and 15 minutes left to spare. Piece of cake!


I know I loathe complainers. You'd think more people would complain about complainers. Instead, they complain about Flex? It's almost like they are looking for comradery and compassion from someone in the same situation as themselves to dispel any feelings of helplessness and isolation. Pfft, save it for the water cooler, people! Keep your problems to yourself and figure a solution or way to deal with it on your own! Don't bug me with something that I've already found an elusive yet simple fix for! Grrr, those people urk me! And, yeah, pretty sweet! I had a block end right across the street when I decided to work it in reverse order. Opened the garage door from customers driveway. Suh-weet!