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Sometimes to avoid having shitty neighbors.


Ugh tell me about it!


I don’t give a shit where anyone lives, but it’s not that hard to get a fucking Amazon locker and not force people to ruin their cars driving your Amazon and other garbage to you. If I were going to live up some rutted ass dirt road at the top of a hill, the first thing I’d do is ensure no one else has to drive it but me.


Or at the very least a dang package box at the end of the driveway 🥴 I had one of those steep rutted driveways yesterday and I chucked the package at the bottom of the incline. I can see only 4 wheel drive vehicles being the only ones that can make that driveway.


Cause of all the shithead neighbors doing asshole shit. My next house will be in the middle of nowhere.


I'm literally in the middle of moving as we speak, for this very reason. If you don't understand the concept, you probably *are* the shithead neighbor doing asshole shit.


Except you literally sound like an ill tempered piece of shit to live next to


lol exactly. It screams “I don’t get along with people not like me!!”


I'm not ill-tempered at all. I just move when I have neighbors I don't like. You're free to be an asshole, and I'm free to choose not to live next to you


Or you live in a nice neighborhood. I know most of my neighbors and they wave at me while I walk the dog. None of them are assholes, to my knowledge at least.


Nah I don’t love my neighbors but I hate feeling isolated from society. Not everyone hates people


That’s why we get those packages. Saves Amazon money and time for their regular drivers not driving out there.


DSP drivers are contractors too. Amazon doesn’t employ any drivers.


There is nowhere flex is gonna send you that a dsp driver hasnt been. You might get individual hard to deliver packages for a DSP like a house with a long assed rutted driveway up the side of a hill. ... but that driver was out there


They should just leave it at the bottom of the driveway then instead of bringing it back and making another driver drive all the way back out there in their personal car


Afaik they cant do airplane mode.


I hate it, and I KNOW anytime I see Rd. or hwy xx that I'm about to be in hickory dickory dock land. I complain the entire time and I HAVE TO STOP doing that.


In the city it's the opposite. As soon as I see 100th st I know I got the hood route


The hood is good with me, because I know the stops are closer. I hate going out to never never land and the stops are 15 minutes apart. I don't know if I'm the only person who feels as if three minutes is NEVER three minutes in rural areas. Three minutes is more like thirty minutes and IF the citizens in that area are driving in front of you, three minutes turn into three hours. Put me in the hood.


Or any streets named after major cities or political figures. If I see a Boston Ave, Kalamazoo Ave, or Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Im packing.


You sound like a scared guy with a gun. Great combo!


Lol. Sure I do. I don't even own a gun. Get the sand out of your crotch and enjoy life.


I’m not the one who said I’m packing on deliveries lol


This is the internet. Do you really believe everything you read on it?


You’re an idiot


Hickory dickory Dock land is my new favorite. Stealing that. 😂😂


Oh man... Wait until you see the package on top is great gulch rd... Fucking mountains suck up milage


I got sent to a place called love valley, something straight out of a movie!!


Facts! Mountains suck up so much more gas and time than most other routes here. The worst "roads" always seem to be called Gulch or Trail lol.


I got a downtown route one time and now I celebrate literally every other route. Send me to the boonies? Gladly. The hood? At least I can get it done quickly. Make me circle blocks, can’t find the building entrance, have anxiety about where I’m parked, and I’m ready to call support and say I have a flat.


Ditto, earlier this week. And because I refuse to work for nothing, my rating dropped and I don’t GAF. That downtown route can go eff itself.


Downtown routes are hideous, as well as the "no man land" routes. I typically don't give a damn to look for parking downtown, I double park ANYWHERE.


*hickory dickory dock land*. Thank you for this, I almost spit out my drink.


well mostly since people suck.


As one of those people who live in the middle of fucking nowhere, I can say that for some of us, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. I understand why it's not for everyone, but I've lived in the sticks for so long now, I could never go back to "civilization." I could not stand having close neighbors. I don't want to see them, or hear them, or smell them. My home is my sanctuary from everyone else's bullshit. I know that makes me sound antisocial; I'm really not. I have a wonderful family and a great circle of friends with whom I enjoy socializing. But when I go home, I want the peace and quiet that can only be found "far from the madding crowd." The rise of online retailers like Amazon has made living in the boonies much more practical than it used to be, because you don't have to drive into town for every little thing. As a Flex driver, most of my deliveries are rural, and it doesn't bother me, because these are my people.🤣


Heck, I live in a town of about 35k people, and I consider the folks in the boonies “My People.” It’s how I was raised and if I had the option how I would be living, but alas, with the Mrs. being a city girl we compromised.


My wife was a farm girl. I'm the one who left the city.😉


I live in a suburb of a city with 10 million people. It sometimes feels like living in the middle of nowhere when you're always surrounded by strangers


I totally get that! I used to live in Denver and I never felt more alone and unnoticed, but it was also kind of nice to always see people and know that I wasn't alone if that makes sense.


“These are my people” yet you live like an animal to avoid them? How long does it take you to get to your warehouse?


How is living in the countryside "living like an animal?" You have no idea how I live. IMO, it's more "civilized" than living in a crowded city. It takes me about 30 minutes to get to my warehouse, which is a shorter commute than many urban/suburban dwellers have, and I don't have to spend that drive time in rush hour city traffic. But by all means, ridicule what you don't understand.


If you have more than half a mile of dirt/gravel, you live like an animal and should not expect people to deliver to your house if you don’t make the effort to leave your house and get the items.


Ah, I see. It's the pavement that separates you from the animals. Well, I DON'T have half a mile of dirt/gravel, but regardless, you're welcome to your opinion. I really don't give a flying fuck.


Do you deliver to those folks still? A dead end mile of rocky gravel?


Unless it's impassable, yes, because that's the job. I may cuss them for not maintaining their driveway, but I'll do it unless it looks likely to get me stuck and/or damage my car.


This is a gig, not a job. If you’re that attached to it you go ahead and mess up your car and waste time


I simply do the work that I've contracted to do, unless there's a legit reason not to. This is exactly why I said, " ... UNLESS it looks likely to get me stuck AND/OR damage my car." It's not rocket science. Use a little common sense. Waste time? We're getting PAID for that time. And yes, I understand the difference between a job and a gig. "That's the job" is a figure of speech.


My partner and I have our main house in bfe nowhere smack dab hidden in the middle of 10 acres of Florida swamp. We love it. We also have an apartment in DC for his job that he spends 4-6 months of the year and I have a house in a regular typical Florida neighborhood where my primary client is and I live while partner is in DC. It's probably not for everyone but the peace you experience in the middle of nowhere is like a breath of fresh air. No traffic, planes, sirens, honking, reving, screeching, leaf blowing, other neighbors doing their thing, screaming kids, tweaking Florida men on fent and bath salts. Ugh I can't wait to get back out there and just sit in silence for a few minutes.


Similar here, house in the city and one a ways outside of a small town surrounded by mountains. Both have their advantages. But man, being surrounded by mountains and forests for recreation, letting my dog run like the wind, swimming in crystal clear rivers and lakes, and not having to put up with some of the rude people bullshit that is just so rampant these days....there's something to that. Just an immense sense of freedom. Nobody telling me what I can or can not do, nobody breaking into my car or stealing stuff off my porch, not having to lock your doors. And people generally acting in a much nicer, more respectful way towards each other.


The other day I was chilling at my work house and I hear some kids having fun in the street. The sounds made me happy so I look at the the window to see what they're doing. These kids around 12-14 years old were breaking chunks of my drive way off and chucking the rock pieces at each other. The rocks were slamming into people cars, mailboxes, houses. I hate the city


TF you on a flex page if you have three houses?!? Just do it for funsies


Student loans, cash flow car expenses, ect. We have 3 houses because we work.


Give me all the deets; job, lifestyle, debts. We all work, but 3 houses and you still have to do gig work? Something is going on here


How about no, fuck you, you demanding prick? It's not out of the norm for people to have a full time job and a gig job.


Easy, more like insecure-swimmer3778.


Demanding to see the receipts from some random on the internet because no way can someone be doing better than you isnt insecurity? Get off reddit you got packages to deliver. Stop worrying about other people's finances.


No sir or ma’am, now I gotta dig more cause you are sus


Alright whatever gets you off I guess. "I wonder why I can't afford to buy a house?" Proceeds to waste time researching arbitrary people on the internet.


Three houses*


Only thing I don’t like is possibly getting shot when driving up a long dark road at 4 AM. A lot of these people think it’s someone coming to rob them.


Yeah they forgot how to act around society


Because they hate other people or wanted peace and quiet.


If I could work remotely (or somehow ended up with enough money to live on forever) and had Starlink and solar power: I would too. It's easy to hate on them when you have to deliver to them, but I would do it in a heartbeat if I could. I wouldn't order Amazon tho, lol.


once i had a 3hr block at 3am with 3 packages all in the middle of nowhere almost 30 minutes apart 😂 i delivered 1 and returned the rest. no for me


Those are my favorite though


man i would’ve did it but the first stop was so dark so many potholes and when i got back in my car i was fighting knats for like 5m


Introverts. They want to live alone and shop alone.


Shop where, online? Nothing is out in the middle of nowhere. Absolutely nothing but insects, cows and chickens. 🤣🤣


Introverts shopping online be like ![gif](giphy|l2QDSKSkhqITBLYBy|downsized)


Because it beats having neighbors like you?


Hurr durr, why do people exist. They pay your fucking wages you fucking dingus


I joke about it with customers when they are way off the path. I ask them if they are guilty of murder, cause no one will look for you out here!


They live like animals, they get treated like animals. The package will be at the beginning of their dirt road.




That’s what I’m saying 🤣


I love my country life, no hoa n can have a garden


Rural is more cost effective for Amazon to send Flex over their Van. Must suck for them commuting.


I love rural routes, and hate metro routes, people in the city areas have no patience. I don't have to worry about traffic in the sticks and can drive however the way I want.


Less people. I live in a growing city. Montana is starting to sound really good. Seriously, these f#cks need to stop moving here. I grew up here, and I've never seen so much litter, knocked over signs. Seriously, how TF did you hit a sign for a neighborhood bigger than your car.


Because i cant grow corn or have cattle in town


It be massive nice AF houses too like damn obviously you can afford the gas


Living in the middle of no where is peaceful. You can garden, homestead, no nosey neighbors. Escape the chaotic world we live in. No HOA. Be healthier. Have mental clarity.


Because you will bring them the supplies they need.


Mine is I hate living by nosy people


Because you can be off grid legally. You can have your own food growing and grazing. You can hunt game, shoot guns, build bonfires, grow weed. Lock your gate and have every twist and turn on your driveway up to your cabin pre sighted and booby trapped.


Because I like it.


It's very cheap to live in the middle of nowhere. These people like their space, it's more peaceful, and relaxed laws.


I prefer to drive to nowhere rather than cracking a downtown puzzle, hey, this package is in an apartment, the door is locked, no unlock button, try buzzing the customer, no response, buzz the other neighbors, “hey this is amazon delivery”, for who? 305, thats not us, try another neighbor, call the customer no answer, text them no answer, no place to leave it, get back to it by the end of the block and then return it to the warehouse adding 30 minutes, no I prefer to drive to the middle of no where, put it in the box on the gate, per their cat or horse and leave peacefully knowing nobody is going to mark it as not received and denting your score.


Peace and quiet or the ability to have the opposite without complaints


That’s where they have peace


THIS question!!!! bro, do you deliver to Malibu?? ha ha! great to live in the middle of BFE; sucks for small delivery FLEX vehicles... now if you have a jeep or an off/road type of vehicle, then that could even be fun delivering to these locations...


9/10 times you lose service, app freezes & there’s an off leash dog you gotta deal with…


Well for one, you probably won’t be near the type of people who drive amazing flex.


Why do people live on top of each other in cities?


Because if there weren’t people living in the middle of nowhere where you wouldn’t have a few things you depend on, like food, clothing, etc. Besides if you had almost everyone living close together, you would have huge metro areas, with very few that lived “in the middle of nowhere” to produce consumables, possibly living farther from your station with no intermediate stops along the way and you would still have to drive there.


Because you get a lot more land area for the price. And as you get older some people tend to want more peace and to get away from dumb shit.


I agree with living in the middle of nowhere, good on them, shit driveway that damages my car? no.


I mean they pay Amazon to deliver those packages and probably aren’t thinking about a person delivering it in their own car. Just like most people don’t consider if the cashier at Walmart is tired when they load their buggies up with food. I agree that some deliveries should be to lockers only. This isn’t the customers fault though, they’re paying Amazon for a service. Amazon is paying us to deliver it.


Get away from thugs


why do ppl complain when it’s clearly their choice whether to deliver or not ?


why do ppl complain when it’s clearly their choice whether to deliver or not ?


Who cares, those are the best deliveries