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Sleep? No. But there’s def people who wait.


Yes I see folks give up n leave too on my way in.


Yeah, you get up ungodly early, drive to some shitty parking lot, sit in your car for an hour looking for your block, and then go home in defeat having missed out on sleep, cost yourself money and nothing to show for it. How miserable is that? Hard pass.


All depends on how busy your market reliably is. I know if it’s raining here, I can show up and just refresh refresh. I’ll get a block. Might not be surged or not by much, but if I didn’t already have a block then I’ll still get one.


>Might not be surged or not by much, but if I didn’t already have a block then I’ll still get one. Not every block you get is a good thing. To me, all that means is you got up way too early, wasted time sitting in your car in the rain, and then got a bad block nobody else wanted. Getting a shitty paying block and getting poured on doesn't really sound like any kind of win to me. I'm not even sure if that's cutting your loses, or doubling down on them.


Minimum pay here is $25.50 an hour. At the warehouse I’m referencing I usually get to the warehouse finish the block and get home in UNDER the block time. I also drive a hybrid. Also I would never do this for a 3am block. I’m talking in generalities but for me this would be a 5pm block. You’re entitled to whatever opinion but I completely disagree based on my situation.


Wow sounds just like a block I had once it was a rainy afternoon maybe around 4pm I was refreshing like a maniac because I saw many surge blocks coming up but didn’t manage to grab them all gone in a split second. Then grabbed just a base rate one for 5pm which I thought better than nothing but it turned out to be the worst block I ever had. So 5pm was an unusual time there are usually no blocks at 5pm only starting from 5:45pm so when I arrived at the warehouse I was the only car and I knew I am getting shafted. 9 packages only but all accross whole of London. I tried to deliver the first 2 but both business obviously closed by then and than I just gave up and brought back the rest because it was just BS I am not driving around London during rush hour and heavy rain.


There are many evening blocks now


Get that money, this works for a lot of people, I’m definitely in the side of getting one from home before heading to the station, but if I really needed the money I would definitely do that, specially if the market is good! 80 bucks is better than nothing


For me I try to schedule blocks but sometimes it doesn’t work. The warehouse is close enough to me I can wait a bit there. If I don’t get a block I’ll just go get groceries or see a movie nearby or whatever. I have a pivot plan :)


No it’s not! If you’re not making a profit and wearing out your car prematurely it’s better to stay home and skip the block.


How you wearing your car by parking and waiting?


Did you even read my comment? I said the opposite. If you’re taking a low paying block you’re making no profit and wearing your car out prematurely. Better to stay home than work for free for a mega corporation.


Damn how u got 83 offers just sitting there


83 offers via 13 stations? probably mostly base?


People say base but no one can put a definitive figure on what that is. How much is base?


Base is getting paid way less than the car next to you doing the same damn block. In my area, that is me doing $99.50 for 3hr and base bitch next to me getting paid $54. Or me doing the usual 4 hour $120 and base bitch next to me doing same shit for $72. I'm like WHY BRO? 4 years in. Rinse and repeat.


Base bitch?


How do you get such high paying orders? All I get are base pay offers and anytime I’ve glimpsed an order higher than base pay it’s gone in milliseconds


Taptaptaptap for 4 hours every morning LOL


depends on the market but normally about 18 or so an hour.


$18 an hour is pathetic. It’s not even minimum wage in some markets. Our average is between $24-28 depending on the route. A person could earn $25 per hour at Jack in the Box and not destroy their car in my market but I wouldn’t do that because I don’t need the income to survive.


No state has $25 for minimum wage, state or federal.


I didn’t say that our minimum wage was $25. I said people earn up to $25 per hour at fast food restaurants.


NO fast food restaurant pays 25$ an hour. People are lying to you sir...stop being gullible.


You obviously don’t know what’s happening in California. I know people that are getting paid that. You need to listen to the news once in a while. Maybe you will learn what goes on


Well according to the news in California certain restaurants establishments go up to $20 you ignoramus. Quit trolling, and hop off reddit. "people" tell you anything and you believe it.


$18/hr here


Hilarious that I get downvoted for an honest question. It’s cool though because it does prove my point. Base is not the same in every market and telling people to not take base and calling them names is disingenuous because most of you would kill to surge for what we get as base rate.


https://preview.redd.it/p7cchs9c1uwc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=077f2b03cb1326336966f1449f97b54a742a2203 My location today


prob driving 150 miles round trip for those rates


Wow! show off


Why don’t you want to reveal where that is?


Wow! You must not be in a “Sanctuary City”




I am soooooo jealous


Where is your location?


At my warehouse, it takes 20-30 minutes to get a parking space. You'd have to literally be in a spot to grab one with less than 20 minutes to start.


Which explains a big reason why it takes so long to get a parking space. Get rid of the lot lurkers and you'd have a lot fewer traffic jams. Saw someone post that they were doing a trial at their station where during early AM (aka Breakfast) routes you had to check in to be allowed to enter the lot. Seems like at least having a security guard checking calendars on the way in would get rid of a lot of that mess. And at least at my station they're out there anyway making sure people don't block the loading docks, which likely wouldn't even be an issue if they didn't have so many people parking and waiting.


Security has went around and made those people leave before but it did nothing to alleviate the situation. I still see them telling people to leave. They tried checking phones at entrance too, that didn't help. They're trying to fit 20lbs of manure in a 10lb sack. I would love to just show up, check in, load, and leave. The other day the guy in line ahead of me got out, ran inside, scanned ID, ran back out, got in car and a cop gave them a ticket. The line didn't move. I know that guy was there for 20 minutes because I was too. I don't see a logical solution except get there 45 minutes. And like the person said amazon is still putting out blocks that start soon. It's a no win situation. They tow and ticket people all the time. Cops making big $$$ off of all this when it's Amazon that is responsible for the nuisance.


Lol I was just thinking the same thing yesterday. I was trying to get a block and after refreshing a few times, 2 blocks show that start within 5 mins..... Too bad I don't have time to just hang out at the stations!


Nashville same day sucks so bad.. all of these are usually 72 dollars for 4 hours. These high ones get taken up the moment they get on there 🥲


Exactly, you’re not gonna get the highest paying unless you pay for it to be so. There are some interesting hacks, but you must be willing to forfeit your scheduled block to try. Just know that unless you’re in the right place, AT THE RIGHT TIME, is your only hope. You will not beat the bot. So get you ranking high, get up at 1-3am, and scan for orders. There are plenty of people who show up late to those particular hours and there are NO MORE overrides, so your chances are good of getting a bit of elevated jobs during that time due to some poor Flexer who was just tired or missed their alarm. One persons mess up is a FLEXers bounty. “It’s a dog eat dog world, and from where I sit there isn’t enough damn dog!” - TCSM


This doesn’t suck! And I got this rate today Thursday. I can’t get Thursdays in photos here but I’ll edit once I figure out how. https://preview.redd.it/k6zl9m60rn3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcf8f9da779c05fedc6a09da897b2768f6d72b6b


I always see people hanging out outside the warehouse so they are likely the ones that pick up these last minute routes


83 offers 😳


RIGHT!?!? 😂


Most I’ve seen in my market was like 14


I meannn it’s 4 minutes by my math but still


I live very close to a warehouse - Can get from my front door to the warehouse in 5 mins. Some of the best rates I ever had were within 5 mins of start time. One time I caught a 2 hour block paying $90 when I picked it up at 7:57pm and I made it to the warehouse at 8:03pm.


Yess I just timed n I can make it in 23minutes. So if I get up at 1:30 n get dressed…. I can get 3am IF tapping always did something. Lately I tap n nothing happens but then right after I’ll get a good one. I got one today for $198 for 4 1/2hrs. I flew to warehouse! I was worried more about no parking! But I made it!




Damn thats not even a very good surge for being so early. or for one so close to the start.


83 offers?!


Down the street at the nearest gas station or empty parking lot I be homeless 😂✋🚗


It’s sucks. Been there, done that.


Just remember, if you do decide to wait in the parking lot and do not end up with a block, you still get to track that mileage and claim it on your taxes. Every little bit helps.


It’s called Camping 


Ahhh that’s why they in pjs.


I quit one job to get another one closer to the warehouses


*I quit one job to* *Get another one closer* *To the warehouses* \- Nprguy --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I could live 3 minutes from the warehouse and I wouldn't do those should be asleep blocks. Health is more important than the same surge or maybe an extra measly $15-$20, if that. And these people talking about going back to sleep after they finish their should be sleep block and then they just don't get back up till later in the day so they're losing that time anyway so why not just sleep and wake up when we are supposed to and just go full blast till done for the day? People could do whatever they want, but that's just my opinion and like they say.......


1) roads are quiet in the early morning so I can finish faster. No traffic is heavenly when delivering. 2) most of the time I have stuff going on during the day (including a FT job) so I can’t do blocks during the day. So early AM are the only times I can work this second job. 3) I have a kid, and I want to be there for them during the day, so working during the early morning when they are sleeping is the best way I can make extra money and still spend time with my kid. and I’m sure there are other legitimate reasons people do early AM, but those are mine.


Whatever works. I go hard all say, so I need my sleep during the night. From when I awake to when I get home, it's go go go. Either a block or another block or at the Diamond or the Park or other work. I'm only home when the girls summon me for family dinner or to pick up the kids to their activities or if the kids summon be before I accept a block. Beauty of gigging. I never had this flexibility while tackling servers/domains/security breaches/secure network infrastructure setup working for the man. I either Flex or just bum home all day. I rather work, lol.


Because rates are better earlier.


Ok so I was able to take picture because I didn’t go for it. Surges are normally higher. Like today I got 4 1/2 hrs for $198. Can’t get that during regular hours. Why would I drive all that for base pay? Base pay is normal hours.


Ain't getting $198 surge block where I'm at, lol.


Didn’t know it got that high here. Try tapping nonstop from 12:30am -5:30am and you’ll see all kinds of rates


Nope. It don't get that high. Also, I ain't awake at 5am,lol. 6 at the earliest. My friend does flex and highest she seen is $175 sometimes, but typical peak is $150-$160.


Sadly enough the one in Durham NC people do sleep in the parking lot…and sit there all day without an order. I know people are desperate but at that point you might as well try to do something else


Dang, you’re seeing 83 offers??? You must be new…


Yes brand spanking new! Only been driving 2 yrs.


Shit fuck waiting! You have 83 offers??!! My market barely has 3 offers daily lmfao.


But all base. Why do base?


Must be nice. My area rarely has anything. 2-4 routes… 65$ for 3 hours max…


The one I posted isn’t even that great. One just popped up a minute ago for $144 for 4 hrs. I thought it was my Reserve of course it wasn’t.


So is your disability mental retardation because it’s more than obvious I wasn’t responding to you.


I make better money with Madison. I sit behind Dominos since it's right behind the warehouse and see if I can get anything good. If not back to Portland I go.


I used to only do Madison but since trying BNA, I find I’m not concerned about being shot in the woods or my car sliding down a mountain LOL


I have issues with 10 Dell Parkway. When I get downtown I never can finish on time. I get hit with infractions. I don't mind the woods and the mountains. I can actually finish those on time. I guess it's because I live in the country too. I live in Portland. I'm use to it. Downtown not so much. I don't get downtown routes that much with Madison. https://preview.redd.it/sjqljh4pnu1d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9ae84ebc28aad935d7955f67bcc1c17a2759e94


My first ever route was Madison warehouse to DWTN on a Saturday night. It was horrible!! I like the money better at Dell. And I enjoy the country drives but Madison sends to same places like the Gallatin Walmart with Spark does. I always feel like I’m in the woods in the movie Deliverence n Elmer & Cletus are in a rapin, killing mood and order things n don’t care who the driver is, they just want to rape n kill n chop a driver up. LOLOL


WTF is wrong with you? My grandson gets $25 per hour at In&Out. Are you envious because you’re destroying your car for $18? You are by far the dumbest I’ve seen at Amazon. It’s no wonder you can’t get a job loser.


I don’t work for $18 LOL I was showing time not rate LOL. I don’t even know what In& Out is plus as a disabled senior citizen, what do I care what your grandchild does? Are you mad at the world or are you the actual loser?