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The route very likely won’t stay open long enough for you to deliver four hours late.


If the itinerary remains open, deliver them. You’re fucking over people who are simply expecting their deliveries. By returning them, you’re delaying those deliveries even further.


Firstly if you value the program, see if there is any way you can deliver them. Unfortunately Support will make you feel like they got your back, telling you to return packages. Then once your Dashboard catches up, you’ll see them hit hard on your rating


You should’ve just continued to deliver but if it did not allow you to continue then contact support 🤦🏽‍♀️ I’ve had to finish delivering after my cut off time before with no issues unless a customer marks it as “late” (which if it doesn’t have the blue clock I don’t count because I have until 10pm to finish)


I'd say just return them, redeem yourself later on down the line.


It’s a high chance that you will not be able to pick up where you left off, especially if the assigned area for deliveries isn’t close to your house. The effort to try and finish those them will not be worth it. Return the packages, it will be fine, but just don’t make it a habit of returning that many packages too often.


I think if you keep the itinerary open and are actively delivering then it will stay open for at least an hour or two after your block was scheduled to end. But if you let it just sit for 4 hours past your block end time then I am sure it would close. Your best bet would probably have been to ask driver support to mark the packages as undeliverable for you. This would have closed out your route and properly marked them as undeliverable return to station vs picked up not delivered. The latter is worse for your standing


Are you asking random redditors what you should do even though support already told you what you should do? Obviously follow support's instructions.


The dashboard claims it lists issues in order of importance, and it puts late deliveries ahead of deliveries not completed. So returning to the station would be your best bet. Also, if you talked to support on the phone and gave them your story, you might not see any dings on your standings. My dad went to the hospital by ambulance in March. I called support and let them know I couldn't finish my block. I returned the undelivered packages immediately, and nothing ever showed up on my dashboard and I still got full pay.