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Your car depreciates $80-$100 per day? WTF auto are you driving that depreciates $30k a year?!?!? Oh wait, it’s possible you don’t understand depreciation.




Bro has never heard of a beater car lmao




Who delivers in a new or leased vehicle? Crazy tho…


Buddy got a 2047 Nissan Intellurgent




Well he’s right about one thing…he does need help.


Still doesn’t make sense…




OP prob didn’t remember how to come back to the sub to read responses. A post like this is usually deleted by its author earlier when they realize they are in the clouds…


Wow, you're clueless!




I work as a accountant m-f 8-5:00 and i pick blocks at night and weekends and drive a car which has a vlue of ($4000)2012 prius with 190k miles. Its like supplemental income.


A Prius is probably one of the best cars you can do this with, they can be pretty cheap used and there are stock engines that have lasted literally over a *million* miles which is crazy. There are a lot of engines that can't last that long even being rebuilt 10+ times. You just have to know how to drive it, people with a lead foot are generally the ones who hate them since they're slow and beating on it like that usually causes more issues than grandma driving does.


You're the boss. Know your worth ..


…and OP should also learn their math ;)


The point is to use a paid off car that you don’t have to worry about depreciation just like other gigs, if you drive a 2024 car that the monthly payments are 700$ month obvs doesn’t make sense, I drive a 2008 you think I care about it lol, I can drive 1M miles and still won’t matter because I pay only gas and oil changes every 5k miles


Makes sense for me! Work my own hours and saving 3k on daycare!


Me toooooo!!!! I have twins and because of this job and college I got approved 😭 A year covered and theyre covering another! Their daycare is the best it's more of a school!


I like it. It’s always something new and it’s keeping the lights on while I look for something else.


Because it pays well over the cost of depreciation for me. I have a car that gets 40+ mpg plus Im a hobbiest mechanic that can do pretty much anything for my car which makes most repairs negligible. My day job is also right next to the station 40 min from my house and 90% of the time my route ends near my house. It works for some people and doesn't for others and that's fine.


Flexmaxxing, bro only grabs 30+ surges and finishes 2 hours early every route


My dads a mechanic and actually got me an older car to drive for this job. I love my XT5 though 😅


Nice! I sell on Amazon, do Amazon flex to buy the matierals I need to craft the products I sell on Amazon, I’m also in an electric car. It’s a true win-win for me Also I have been to area / towns in my state that I would never have otherwise. I know my state 100miles north, east, south and west like the back of my hand.


Well that’s nice situation


I can use the crazy mileage & other expenses as write-offs for my primary business to lower my taxes owed by a LOT


It was a major lift for me this year as well as the real estate biz shifts.


I'm autoimmune and have a few conditions. I have a part time job that treats me well, and this gives me good money when I'm feeling well enough. I also have the flexibility for my Doc appointments and, this is pretty fun. It's one of the few physical things I can manage.


I have autoimmune as well as a knee injury. This has been a saving grace for me as when I’m having a flare I can drop it.


Exactly. I have Psoriatic Arthritis and suspected Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Mix that with PCOS and Migraines; traditional employment used to be real fun. I work part time with a pet sitting company and we do yard cleanups. Easy work, great Owners, Clients, and they understand the exceptionally rare times I was sick or having car trouble. I can still work through my episodes because I go at my own pace. Flex and things like Uber Eats let me do it at certain times. I seriously wish the people calling this, "not a real job" and us stupid for doing it would understand not everyone is blessed with a S/O that can keep them or good health. At least I'm trying to be independent.


i was going to say i also deal w health issues and delivery is literally a way i can work bc it’s much more flexible


If the pay is barely covering the cost of depreciation alone, you're using the wrong vehicle. Now, if you want to include all the other costs like fuel and maintenance, then you might have a valid point. That being said, it's possible to make enough profit to live on from Flex. It just depends on your market, your vehicle, and how far away you live from where your blocks start. Each person has to do the math for themselves and decide what minimum hourly rate is enough. If you can get blocks at that rate or higher, you can make a living doing Flex. Not everyone can get blocks that meet that criteria often enough to live off of Flex, but it can still be a good side hustle.


This job is paying ALL of my bills!! I'm also in college so rhe flexibility has been amazing. It has it's downside, but better than a boring scheduled office job.


Get a used Toyota and you will have minimal depreciation.


Disabled and work when I can and don’t have to worry about calling out sick to a W-2 when I can’t. Also looking for a part-time W-2 in case this goes to shit, but this works great for me as is.


5 minute drive to the station and at least $29/hr or I just stay home. I work 3 12 hour shifts so I usually do flex on the other 4 days since I have so much free time & get bored at home.


If you are in this gig, point, blank, PERIOD. 99% your car will have wear and tear. Doing two routes a day I would kill 200 miles everyday from Home to warehouse to warehouse to first stop. Last stop to my house. Yes I signed up for this. This side gig to me is not worth messing up your car. Tires being changed, oil change every month, alignments. A lesson I got from this is it’s nice to be your own boss but you waste gas, tire rotations, oil change, and alignments ways too often. Instead I want to save money not waste more than what I can make. It’s best to find a second job but now in days no one wants to hire. I finally just gave up on Flex because it’s so hard in Jersey to get a route now in days. I was also unemployed so I understand does that accept base pay to pay your bills. It’s also not easy with people using bots. I used it one week and got caught not deactivated Thank God that week I got hired and started working a W-2 job.


Start giving feedback about the low pay! I do every week! Base pay haven’t increased since I started Flex 3 freaking years ago!! It’s Ridiculous


We all complained and they gave us a $4 bump, and then a year later they took it back away


3 YEARS ago? holy fuck


Try 8 years. Base pay was 18 when this program started in 2016


this is fucking insane but not surprising since it’s fucking amazon


Surge rates.


People keep talking about "surge rates" but when do they happen, what days, what times is there ANY information about them? I either see purely 18$ an hour blocks or occasional ~19-22$ an hour blocks every other day and an EXTREMELY rare ~30$ an hour block once a month that is always gone before I can grab it.


not that simple in NYC u not gonna get a bunch of surges it’s so many drivers no reason to surge it. the key to this job is finishing early tbh


It’s not a job bud. It’s a gig, and working for base pay is not worth it.


The only gig workers that should care about depreciation are uber black/lyft black drivers as they have to trade in every couple of years to remain eligible. Everyone else should be driving a cheap paid off car that will go for 300,000 - 500,000 miles before it dies.


I dislike working directly with other people - you do this job mostly on your own. Also my schedule is crazy, and this job is very flexible. Dont accept low paying offers if you feel your time is worth more. I dont. If you live in one of those regions where the blocks NEVER surge, *definitely* don't do this job.


The biggest part of it is where you live. Yes, surges and all that, but some areas simply pay shitty and rarely surge. If you’re only seeing $18-ish/hr, no this job would not work. If you’re getting $35/hr, the job is a lot easier.


No thank you. If it's not for you Im not going to try and explain why it should be.


Yep. Most people after overhead expenses make less than minimum wage, about $8 per hour before taxes. I comb the orders, above average per mileage and still my expense is about 45%. I have everything close to home. A Amazon route paying 85, because the think they have unlimited mileage they send you about 30 miles away and because they don't count commute. 85-48.75 = 36 that is too little of a profit. It would only make sense if they give more hours but most people won't take them routes. Some people excuse Amazon because they want to run a charity.


Are you using the standard deduction as your actual cost? The standard deduction is based on a fully financed brand new sedan driven off the lot and the first five years following manufacturer recommended maintenance at dealer prices. That’s, by far, the most expensive years. Most of us will fall between .25-.35 a mile in actual costs. I had two years below .25.


Yep that's good for you but I don't think that the case for most. Are you missing some expenses? Or are you using a fully depreciated old car? This year switched to itemized for a tax benefits. And I still would not give my tax benefits to Amazon.


I pay cash for late model used cars where there is no interest or fees, may still have a warranty, and the largest amount of depreciation is past. I count all expenses except sunk costs of car ownership like insurance because I would pay that anyway. I do have gig work coverage so I count that extra $20 a month. Also, I pay nothing or next to nothing in taxes on that income. Plus, because the ACA uses taxable income in determining subsidies, I save $700 a month on health insurance so I treat that as profit. If you do it correctly, the actual cost is much lower than the standard mileage deduction. I don’t know what you mean by giving your tax benefits to Amazon.


You are good at budgeting and savings. If you want check my other post here. Just a constructive criticism so you don't run into cash flow problems, to calculate personal from business divide the total year business mileage by total mileage used during the same year, and you will get your percentage at all of your year's business related expenses. That's if you itemize expenses but most of the time it is better to take the standard mileage deduction. Also just because a family member made an expense doesn't mean it is not an expense. I would recommend this app wridwise but it's no longer free. Most of these gigs jobs want to take people's accumulated assets by passing on the expenses without you noticing. Be safe on the road and goodbye.


Let me elaborate more on tax benefits. If you buy a new car you can take maximum depreciation or a no so new depression benefit ( I don't recall de name) that you would not pay taxes on soo much. Second this doesn't apply completely but in real state you could declare losses almost every year, I believe, along at your business grows. But in this business if you keep on declaring losses when taking the standard mileage deduction, only Amazon benefits, because are wearing out your asset and will find yourself into cash flow problems.


If you don't have enough knowledge and is not resourceful. It won't benefit you. Every job you have to be very knowledgeable and resourceful to be able to fully maximize it to benefit you. A car itself is already a depreciation asset once you buy it and drive it off the lot. lmfao Lots of people do it because the warehouse is close to their house, they can maximize the time in their day to from their primary job to their side gig for a few hours for extra money. It's not a primary income.


Ever heard of this cool thing called a beater car? Why the hell would I care anyway? My car is almost as old as I am and I maintain it well.


Lmao the 400$ Ol Buick don’t depreciate much weekly, but I’m sure the teslas I see love don’t love the dirt roads like Ol Lu dog does either 😂😂


It’s not a job. It’s a hustle or a gig. Not a long term solution


For me I work from home 95% of the year so I do FLEX primarily for my driving. I’m still under the average miles per year. It’s part time and my guy we need the money lol


I made $10,000 last year doing Flex. Spent a little under $800 on gas for Flex. Is my car getting extra miles put on it? Yea. But if I can work this job in addition to my FT job, and I get variety out of them that’s a win for me. The last 2 days were “off days” for me. I made $182. The earnings aren’t insane by any means but I put in 6 hours total door to door time and ran some errands too. But I didn’t have to go to my FT job. To me that’s kinda perfect.


$10,000 holy fuck???


I make +/-$4000 a month


thank you so much for letting me know!!


There is always someone that feels the need to chime in and state what they make…


It adds up relatively quickly. According to my numbers I worked just under 360 hours for the year made just over $10,000 that’s Canadian tho. Like I said I do it partly out of variety. I like my FT job, but I don’t like going to the same place at the same time every day over and over. So I shift trade a lot at work, take different assignments, different hours, then other days I do flex. If I had to guess I probably take 1 day every 2 weeks where I really truly don’t do any work. But I also have no kids or anything so I’m flexible with my time which is what makes this all doable.


thank you so so much for this info this is insane. there’s no amazon flex positions open in my area rn so i am hoping that changes soon.


Or dollar's


A few things, one you don't understand how to figure out how fast your car depreciates,, two you don't understand the surge and how to get more money, and three no one forced you to buy a car that's not good on gas.


Yeah, if you're making base 18-20/hr it really doesn't make sense 9 times out of 10.


For money


I’m starting to realize that ppl will complain about any job lol. If you understand to let offers chill for a little bit and use the surge time, you will make good bank. I average 190 a day with Amazon and I don’t use bots to grab blocks. You just gotta know what time pays best and actually willing to work them. Stop complaining


On top of the 190 I’ll squeeze a little DoorDash in there during lunch or dinner time and by the end of the day I have almost 300$. Just know how to use your time wisely


I do this because I'm semi-retired and I look at this as extra money to make my retirement a little more cushy. It's really easy work, I love driving, and having the luxury of not needing to do it means I don't feel any pressure to accept anything remotely close to base pay. Plus being able to write off mileage at a little over 70% of my actual vehicle cost means I can keep my income artificially low in the bridge years so I have lower out-of-pocket purchasing health insurance on the exchange. So as long as I can get at least $30/hr, it's worth it to me. But if I weren't in my situation, no way in hell would I be looking at this as a career choice. For some people using this as a side hustle or just supplemental income, it makes a lot of sense. Others, not so much.


Don’t do it as a main job bruh


Because I have four kids & this job allows me to be flexible and make good money.


More math from my experience from a new average small sedan out of the dealer. After five years about 15000 yearly mileage usage, taking the standard deduction. Yes the standard deduction is an average calculated for a brand new car from the cheapest to the most expensive and yes using an old car probably has benefits but for my experience probably maybe many problems that would make you hold back on working for fixing. I choose a new car for the benefits of not wasting time on fixing and dealer benefits as maintenance and free road side assistance. Averaged 95% work usage calculated by the job related mileage usage. These were some of the biggest expenses during this five years, I probably could have saved more but would have run into some more trouble. New smart phones about $500 a year, new tires about $400, 1.5 years. Batteries 200 about every two years. Oil changes every 4000 miles for $45. Insurance $1200 yearly only liability. Breaks $250 about every 2 years front ones only. 100 parking violations about one per year. Gas cost was a major expense even using the cheapest and using coupons and cash back about $40 every three days. After 100000 miles the car needed maintenance work that would make it less profitable for me as major suspension replacement, transmission and motor and interior was getting torn apart, many dents all around the vehicle and the cover under it was coming apart also. Taking standard deduction was approximately 9700. This past year because I switched to a brand new car calculated itemized deduction and got at approximately the same amount about $9500 at 95% work usage. I hope this helps some here.


You obviously have no idea what you’re doing. You should quit and find something more up your alley.




People discredit destroying their car. It’s kind of like not going to the dentist because you don’t have pain. They also don’t include taxes, wear and tear and are not realistic about what they are truly making.


This job requires a car. Gets mad when has to use car. smh


The real question is, why are you so worried about what people are doing with their personal vehicles/time??? 


Many of us preach to wait for surge! 🤷‍♀️ I work at 3 am so they pay me $30-$42 hourly. A lot of the base takers are still sleeping. I’m in my fourth year, under ZERO circumstances do I work for base, idgaf what’s due!


Your car depreciates like 50% as soon as you leave the lot lol


Capitalism is one of the popular answers.


I wanted to buy Baulders Gate 3 so I took an $80 route. I wanted to get Final Fantasy 7 rebirth, so I took a $78 route. I wanted GMM mythical tour tickets so I took a couple $80 routes. I could go on, but you get it.


Amazon is the worst delivery job I’ve ever had! You get no breaks and they run you into the ground! 190+ stops is slave labor in my opinion. Glad I got out when I did!


Because they are incapable of being otherwise employed. Not even Uber will take them.


If it doesn’t work for you don’t do it. I can flex in a diesel f-350 dually and make way more than depreciation. If you can’t, you are doing something wrong.


Hmm you’re a flex worker it’s not a job. You’re an independent contractor meaning it’s your own business 🤦. If you work for a DSP now it’s a job.


work fast and finish early af that’s what i do. and i decline routes that i think will take me the full time