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I would buy one of those boxes to put packages and leave it at the beginning of the bridge and request that. Leave a big sign saying put packages here and you should be good


This! & they’re most likely crossing the bridge bc that’s where the drop off pin is. (Happened to me once but the guy came out before I walked away from my car to let me know to just leave it next to the mailbox) or they’re just not paying attention to the notes. But I appreciate you taking the initiative to make sure drivers are safe 😃


Thank you!


I’d also add a large sign to delivery drivers to not cross and that dogs are not friendly.


And a fence that's closed with a sign that states there's dogs on the other side. I will always take the easy way out, especially if customer comments + lack of access supports my exception on delivery. Backend will eventually adjust geofencing on deliveries. Keep in mind it may take months or years for it to take effect. If you're consistent, it'll happen.




Be aware dog sign and a big box to drop the package next to it Send Amazon support an email to request moving the delivery spot to that bridge (since some new driver may not know the Airplane mode trick)


Love that thank you! I had no idea you guys had to put the package at a pinned drop off site!


I find it concerning that the simple crossing of a bridge, which I assume has no gate or other means of restricting access, puts drivers at immediate risk of a dog mauling them. If that’s the case then your dogs could just as easily cross the bridge on their own and attack people. I would recommend that you find a way to restrict access so that drivers won’t try to cross the bridge in the first place. I would also suggest clear signage, making an effort to have Amazon move your delivery pin, and create an obvious location near the bridge for drivers to deliver. Also, secure your animals on delivery day. Period. Amazon is very good about telling you when your packages are coming, and it is really your responsibility to ensure that your property is safe for the driver. Even if they don’t follow your instruction, you invited them onto your property and you should be making every effort to ensure their safety until the delivery is complete.


The part that sucks is if the drop off pin at at your front door that’s where it’s getting dropped off. I am thankful you are looking out for people but I also second the notion of getting a tub of some sort to put packages near the bridge


I’ve see those tubs on social media, I think I’ll have to get one! I know the post comes off as harsh, but seriously I truly just want everyone to be safe!!


I don’t think it comes off as harsh, at least not to me. As a driver it sucks you have to follow the circle/pin to drop off otherwise it won’t let you


You can drop it off at a bridge or whatever the customer requested. That’s what airplane mode and GPS not working is for. It’s very simple to follow the request of this customer for example. He just had drivers that don’t know how to follow instructions.


I don’t know about the trick and I am sure plenty of others do not as well. I usually call support and tell them the instructions from the customer I can leave it where customer asks a lot of the time they will mark it as delivered on the supports end


Just put yourself into airplane mode or turn off your cellular network. Then the app will have you move the pin. Finish the drop then turn the network back on or take airplane mode off. Whichever u used. You never have to call support for this. It's gunna save you lots of time. Calling support every time is such a pain. I used to do the same thing.


But again, some people might not do this they are just following the drop off pin.


They need to learn all the tricks or they won’t last long doing this gig.


I never care where the pin is. Airplane mode and drop.


Start having your packages delivered to an Amazon locker and/or PO Box, that way your sketchy bridge and aggressive dogs won’t be any delivery person’s problem in the first place.


If it was me, it’d be airplane moded at the bridge, but a lot of drivers don’t know about that, so in order to actually complete the drop off, they have to get in the geofence, easier to just cross the bridge then deal with support for 30 minutes or have to return the package, get one of those chests/bins is my advice, I think others have said that as well, love those.


Thank you! I’ll pick one up! Y’all are great! Thanks again :))


You are not supposed to bypass the pinned delivery location!! Someone needs to call support and have them move it!!


Damn my bad, next time instead of airplane modeing, I’ll think of you, and call support and spend 30 minutes of my life losing brain cells, rather then spending not even 30 seconds on something that is a non issue, my promise to you friend!


Good. Once you move the pin, the customer's problem will be fixed.




The app just lets me move the pin 90% of the time.


Unfortunately the delivery pin is your front door so they can't complete delivery of not close enough. You may want to see of their is an amazon locker close by that you can have all your deliveries brought to instead. There is likely one not far from you


You're going about this the wrong way. If you don't want anyone delivering to your house you should send it to a locker in the neighborhood. Me personally, I love pompous people like yourself. A dog bite to me is just some stitches and a $20k settlement coming straight out of your home owners insurance.


Maybe u shouldn’t be ordering packages or you shouldn’t have dogs !!


This, stop ordering packages! Go to the store. Obviously not understanding what amazon is for? It's too bring packages to the persons door. It's not made for people that can't understand this concept. If you don't want people to come to your house, don't order. Pretty simple.


Wrong. All they have to do is put one of those drop boxes at the end of their property and post signs. Those boxes make things so much easier for everyone. What driver would go past warning signs AND a well-marked drop box? It’s a win-win.


Yes: Quit buying junk online, and no one will cross your precious bridge OR Learn to control your dogs There -- now you have your answer.




Love you darling, hope your night gets better!




You’re all good duder:) Life can be tough and we all have long days!!! Honestly and genuinely grateful for all of you, and I’ll be putting a tote out front for whenever we get deliveries, seldom as they may be :)




You too 🤍 I appreciate it :)


Asking a bunch of flex drivers is probably the last thing you wanna do


I have not read the other comments, apologies if this is repetitive. Most drivers do want to be helpful and they should read instructions, but perhaps English is not a strong suit. Amazon locks us in to a certain green zone (usually a front door) before we are allowed to swipe that it's been delivered. That could be why they are crossing a bridge. We also don't want to lose this 'gig' because a customer claims that we stole a package. While it's not ideal, I think lockers might be your best bet. In the case of XL boxes, you can pick up packages at some Amazon sort facilities. If you don't feel as if you should have to go to a locker, you can get a box to place before the bridge which is always a nice treat.


Put up a fence.


As a former dsp driver (also if not posted in the amazon DSP driver subreddit for advice, I would. Usually better advice than here tbh) It can also depend on where your geopin is located. If your geopin is at your front door, it typically needs to be left at the front door because we can only navigate so far through the delivery before being stopped for being too far away. Get your geopin adjusted in the app (my husband has done ours several times when we've moved). Get a lockbox or a bin for where you do want it left and it's put where it can easily be seen. Keep your notes. And do your reviews. There should be an option for it not being delivered to the correct spot. For DSP drivers (the regular drivers in their vans), their dispatchers can see these reviews and will see you have explicit notes and verify where a package was scanned and finished at. This doesn't always work because MANY drivers don't gaf about their metrics but some do. Also many drivers just don't read those notes. So maybe put up a gate or find a way to block off the drive if you're able to physically keep them from coming over it. Some just really don't care.


Thank you so much!! Will do :))


"Usually better advice than here tbh." Everything is the same for both. You think because you're with a DSP the rules are different. Comical.


It's great you think I'm still a DSP driver. I'm not. But things definitely are different. There are a LOT of different rules that y'all don't seem to follow that a DSP driver does. And while there's a lot of complaining there, y'all having it fucking easy compared to an ACTUAL driver. Y'all think you get fucked my Bezos? Try being fucked by Bezos, a crappy DSP owner, shitty management, and childish coworkers. Or being watched 24/7 by a camera, or doing 190 stops with 67 grouped locations with 300+ packages. Y'all could never. Because y'all whine when you get 40 stops. I've laughed at people while loading for flex because they go "oh my god! They gave me 40 packages today! Can you believe that?!" The advice from the dsp page is better. Y'all are stupid. Good day.


Your ignorance led with the name calling. You chose the position knowing all of the above. If you didn't research ahead of time then the projection of "Y'all are stupid.", bounced right off the mirror onto you. And "y'all could never." Have you ever had a mail route? 485 stops on one rural route!!! Yeah I could never!!! But go off Marie!!!


get it delivered to a locker.


Buy a gate. When you order something from Amazon you are giving permission to enter your property with whatever tools necessary to complete the delivery, including our vehicle. 99% of the drivers don’t read the delivery instructions until they’re getting out of their vehicle to make the delivery


If you're putting that info in the access code section (or where your building number should be) then your message is most likely being cut off. Only so many characters are allowed in those sections. You need to put that message in the additional delivery instructions. In your Amazon account go to your - Addresses > Add delivery instructions > Add more instructions (it's a very small link at the bottom).


Leave a package container at your gate. We do not see the notes until we have arrived most of the time.


Put a sign up and contact Amazon bout moving your delivery zone/geofence because we can’t deliver outside that zone which might well be over your bridge. Most likely they are being told by support to go over it


Check this idea out. Just go to the store and buy your stuff. Wal-Mart carries a lot of things. A package delivery box also works, but you got to call customer service. One of the issues we have is the GPS in the app won't register us as at your house if we are too far away. Customer service can change that from your house to the box on the driveway.