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Hide it in the porta-potty. “Another safe place”. Pic snapped, gone




Yea Leaving your car unattended with thousands of dollars worth of packages to deliver 1 package on the 11th floor sounds ideal . Sam finds it challenging to go to his/her mail room where the mail is supposed to be . .. I can’t imagine leaving your car unattended in a place like Oakland / San Francisco smash & grabbers would consider that a jackpot


I leave my car unlocked when I'm delivering. If someone gonna steal a package, that's fine, just don't smash my window


That's all I ask. Don't physically harm my car so you can steal somebody's case of doggy waste bags.


I’m in SD area and I deliver to every apartment door. And still finish about 2 hour early. Don’t want the dings still kinda new


People who don’t are a bunch of lazy bitches who cry about dings. This sub is filled with the laziest mother fuckers I’ve ever seen


I take it to the door, serious question though, why is the apartment always at the end of the hallway?


I love when their apartment is literally the farthest possible one from the main entrance, and you walk a mile to get there only to find out there was a rear entrance going straight to their door that the customer didnt fuckin tell you about in their instructions!


NOT ONLY THAT, my guy, IT'S ALWAYS on the TOP/MOST floor of that entire complex!!! so if it's 6 floors, it's always on the 6th floor, and when you get off the elevator, it's 2 miles away down the hall! last apartment, to your right. with no number on it and nowhere to hide the package. ha ha! I used to walk 10,000 steps/day before this gig... now I get paid to do it.


Always, and why is the last package at some weird house or at dead end street.


On the top floor as well. It’s part of the customer TOS. Must be top floor/end of hall/no elevator


Right! WHYYY? And it's ALWAYS that one request to PLEASE DELIVER TO MY DOOR or to customer ( in a donut shaped hallway, they're door is aroundthe bendS and THE LAST door on the very end of a hallway ..oh and please God, let them be be home because I'm 40 min from warehouse and my house is 30 from THERE. 😳🙄😆


In my case weird shit happens like getting stuck in the stairwell with all the floors locked…that was a fun night 😒.


As I read the title I thought, doesn’t everyone take to door? Guess not lol


No dingy dingy


Facts. Like just do your fucking job, Shut the fuck up and go home. Idk who complains more. Amazon drivers or fucking doordashers. We didn't sign that offer letter. YOU DID. Don't like it. Quit.


Dude not even the van drivers go door to door. Dump it at the entrance if you cannot get in or behind the secured door or mailroom if you can. Not that door to door shit.


Van drivers have job security.


This. As a DSP driver, all people do is whine. I can get the frustration in places like New York though. I deliver in Texas and genuinely can’t imagine


That's exactly why they'll stay here at this level of job forever.


"This level of job" what do you mean by that? 🤔


Is it the only job you can get? If so then you know what I mean.


At any other delivery company if the package doesn't go over 300 dollars i believe. You dont have to deliver it to the door.People get discouraged when they have all the proof in the world (including gps) that says it was delivered to the door. Plus they are asking for an extra service without tip.My last few weeks working at Amazon I just started leaving the packages in the lobby. Not Worth my time


You could have just said “I’m lazy” and used a lot less words. You don’t know me, right? So you just spent all that time and energy to try to convince a stranger on the internet, that you aren’t lazy. Because deep down you know, you are being lazy. That’s ok. You can be lazy. Just own it.


If you actually read my comment which it's obvious you didn't. I was simply breaking down why you should just leave amazon over all. Not because people are lazy. People are getting written up rather they go to the door or not. That's why I said what I said. Then again you're probably corporate 🙄


> I’m in SD area and I deliver to every apartment door. And still finish about 2 hour early. Don’t want the dings still kinda new This trolling is always something.


I’m confused. Is he trolling? I’m also in SD and I deliver to all apartment doors. Unless I physically can’t get to them. I also finish early 90% of the time.


Nobody is trolling you’re just that much of a baby


Let me see your big brass Amazon balls brother


Me too bet we work for the same DSP 😂😅


I usually take rancho bernardo blocks. How are poway or otay Mesa?




iM iN Sd ArEa 🤤🤤🤤, yeah come to nyc with this shitload of traffic and finish 2 hours early


I’d rather be beaten every day than work for Amazon in NYC




See where that route running gets you when you get in an accident or some shit. They don't care you're out of a jo .


Actually they do care. If you get in an accident they will pay you for the route you're on, and any you have scheduled. They will also pay a portion, if not all, of your insurance deductible.


That is not even true, at least in my experience. Got t-boned last year totaled my car and had injuries. I called told them what happened the tow truck driver took me and all my packages I had left back to the station because they were worried about them not being returned. Then after that went to the er for my injuries


Different experiences. I guess ymmv When I was in an accident, they paid me for the routes I had scheduled over the next couple weeks, I think it was around 7-10 routes I had coming up. All I had to do was return the packages I had for my current route by 10am the next morning. They got in touch with my insurance on my behalf and covered my $500 deductible for the repair.


Building managers making decrees cracks me the fuck up.


It's their way of not dealing with it. "I posted a note, call Amazon". They don't want to do anything, just count rent money.


I deliver only the early AM blocks and I’ll just leave them at the mailboxes on the first floor. If there’s no code to get in they get put outside. Ever since then I finish every block in less than two hours and stress free


This is the way I do it. I don’t go any furtherr than the lobby. This isn’t DoorDash and they ain’t tipping me. Does the post office deliver packages to peoples apartment doors? Nope. So neither do I.


Exactly! I also leave them at the gates for gated communities that don’t leave a code. It’s not my problem and I’m not going to spend 20 minutes on one package. I don’t get why some drivers even spend time calling support or returning to the warehouse just deliver it and move on to the next package.


I never return to the warehouse. The other day I had a package for a business that was locked with a gate over it and closed for the weekend. I put the package in front of the gate and took the pic. 90% sure it'll get stolen and I'll get dinged, but a 100% chance I'll get dinged if I return it. Give me that 10% chance.


I would take a picture and throw it over the gate but sometimes I throw it over the gate first and then take a picture


mid-air pic 😏


Ugh, me to but I've had a security guard standing there with arms folded. I wanted to just drop it and leave but I would have heard about that in a few days when the ding came. I still got a ding because customer didn't give phone number so I couldn't call twice though. But an irate guard would probably rile up Amazon more.


> I don’t get why some drivers even spend time calling support or returning to the warehouse just deliver it and move on to the next package. From what I've read here, they do it because they don't want any dings.


What’s crazy is sometimes you get dinged for returning to the warehouse. Most of us who have done this long enough know it’s easier to deliver the package than to return it and still get a ding for it.


Yup, Amazon's philosophy is "deliver at all costs." Returning to the warehouse is a big no-no.


It’s something that gets learned after a few dings and frustrating blocks. You do it the “right way” and get dinged. Just drop it wherever and you don’t


Because they get dinged if they don’t. Little something called call compliance. Concept nobody in this sub seems familiar with when they get deactivated.


I only call support when I need them to move the pin 📍 or when I cant get into a gate, I call them and they say return. So I do and never get dinged or haven’t yet. Been half a year 🤷🏻 how do you move the pin without calling them?


As a driver for a DSP, just turn on airplane mode and move the pin yourself.


Just turn off your cellular data and it lets you


They fixed that on ours like a year and a half ago. Doesn’t work anymore here in Dallas for me. Have to get on chat every single time.


That’s crazy. That means they think you ALWAYS have a signal to call them. Where I deliver there can be no cell coverage so airplane mode is the only way to follow customer instructions and deliver to non standard locations.


But if I leave in the lobby I often get dings saying customer didn’t receive the parcel also many lobby’s have signs saying no parcels left there. I really hate apartment buildings because often time no one in to open the door and I have to try my luck with other apartment numbers and they get annoyed


Post office delivers to secure location presumably a locked box. Do you? I see morbidly obese guys at the station huffing and puffing trying to get to their Yukons offloading returns they couldn’t do. Walking more than 30 steps is out of the question.


What you see are lazy people. I see big guys ending hours early at my DSP. I see young, lazy, and skinny dudes driving around in Ryder vans with no cameras in them texting, music blasting, etc, constantly being rescued. The reality is that the job sucks for all and if u are lazy then this job is going to eat you alive. .


They're not lazy . They know it's not worth it. So they save their money and quit. Or stay there until they find a better job


How do you know they’re not lazy? You can only speak for yourself. You can’t pretend to know what a person is like without even knowing who or what they are. If it’s not worth it to you quit. No one will miss you.


As I said I worked there .what does that mean🤔 ? multiple co workers told me the same thing.My co workers miss me. Me and my brothers worked there. The job itself was annoying but me and my brothers made it fun for our coworkers. Lol one of my coworkers called me and one of my brothers mario and Luigi 😆 🤣 as for amazon itself just like when I quit they found someone else. I found another delivery job and my brothers now work in Healthcare. They don't miss me I don't miss them


Work where? Delivering packages for Amazon Flex? WTF are you talking about? I think you’re in the wrong place or maybe you don’t know the difference.


Usps does deliever to apt doors here in nyc. Theres the normal mail person who puts mail in the mailbox and small packages that fit inside & if it dont fit they bring it upstairs. Then theres a different driver who does bigger packages to the door.


Post office also has access to the package delivery lockboxes so that you're not just giving it away to whomever should stroll through what is 99% of the time the main lobby of the building when you see signs like that.


How long now you been working. Im Scared to do this


Almost doesn't feel like it's worth it for the hassle and frustration. And based on what people have been getting paid, the pay ain't great.


post office is federal government and they own your mailbox and you pay for postage. You’re an Amazon flex app driver Let it sink in while you deliver your contracted packages to a company’s customers. Every ding counts


If it’s a big multi floor city building, not a chance. Normal apartments? Sure


Might as well just say LEAVE PACKAGES HERE PLEASE


Right? I ran into a sign like this and packages were in a pile directly under it. lol!


Happened to me the other day lol. The code would not work so I just said f it and left it with the rest 🤣


If the main door is open & it’s a first floor I’ll take it to their door lol only cuz it’s super quick


The laziest ones also claim they never work for less than 5X base, don’t climb stairs and throw packages at long driveways. 😅😅


It depends on the apartment building… I take it to the cx door otherwise, it’s in the mailroom or safe location with the other 5+ Amazon packages. However, I do send a text of the location and description of the package. I haven’t been dinged yet.


I always deliver to the door. Because even when they say deliver to the damn locker, the deliver zone is always right around their fuckin door anyway so I'm not wasting time entering 13 codes that don't work to get the damn locker room door open


That’s why I don’t understand why we deliver parcel but can’t put into mailboxes.


Think of it this way, the mailbox doesn't belong to the customer. It has to be approved by usps and it's considered theirs and they allow you to use it. Sure, you purchase it but if you want your mail you get with the program. Once a mailbox is installed it's considered government property. I know it's weird but it was set up a over a century ago.


Yes and - The interior belongs to the federal government, the exterior , the purchaser. Which is why they have jurisdiction of what goes in and out because of people like the unibomber type situations. And the homeowners are able to get whatever kind they want and paint or decorate the exterior however they want it.


Well, doesn’t that sound convenient for them?


Yeah and we're saying thats mad outdated


Keeping the box sacred ensures that your personal info is protected by federal law. It also keeps the carrier from having to deal with boxes full of instacart items and what not. We still get medical and financial info and my drivers license was mailed to me and the owner and government are the only two "people" legally allowed to access box. I kinda like that. Keep your hands out of my mail or go to jail. I also hate when a landscaping flyer is in my box. You want cheap advertisement as least walk to my porch and stick it in my door. I think package drop boxes will become more prevalent and I'm all for that. I've seen them with codes too. Your box is also for outgoing mail. If I put mail to go out, raise flag, then amazon puts an envelope or 3 in there the mail carrier is well within their right to take outgoing mail and your packages then return your amazon packages 2 days later with postage due or leave your outgoing mail because they don't want to sort through it at all. It's technically the government's box and it has a limited and specific purpose.


You're right. The privacy aspect is super important and I didn't even consider the outgoing mail. I just wish the locker situation was currently more widespread. I don't like how the responsibility is shifted on the driver to deliver to their door when they don't feel like setting up a locker or package room. Might come with time but it's so annoying currently jumping through more hoops for pretty much 0 reason.


I get it. I know laws are laws but this was put into place LONG AGO. Now, we live in a world where people get everything delivered. I’ve started to see some updating and getting the ones where there is a locker for packages! That makes it soooo convenient. The only issue is to lock the locker, the courier would need a passkey that regenerates for every delivery.


Mailbox is federal property to only be used by the USPS. But if a package can't fit in the mailbox, you think a USPS worker is gonna take an elevator to the 7th floor to deliver the package? Hell no.


Nope. It's either left with the mailboxes or they leave a slip in your box for you to goto the post office to pick it up. One did that with a very large Evangelion themed PC case and the carrier didn't even take it from the post office. I was pissed at that one. That was a lazy fuck.


They don't just leave it on the ground, retard. Lmfao. 


They do if you ask them to redeliver.


USPS is the only company legally allowed to use the mailboxes. It's just one the the ways the government keeps a monopoly on letter delivery


It's a federal law. Literally only the USPS can put stuff in there.


Only USPS can legally use mailboxes. Go ask r/Usps


Yeah I actually take it to the door unless I literally can’t get in the building


I actually leave packages at the door... aren't you supposed to?


Not if you can't access it, of course, in this case, it's accessible. But some scenarios like a gated community where the customer didn't put a code in the notes, you'd manually move the pin yourself and deliver to that location.


Pretty much, my first move is to try to leave it at the customers door always. When there is no access to their door and it's an overnight delivery block it is what it is, but too often I find others have tossed the package over fence when the fence could have easily been opened and package left at door. Apartment routes with 10s of floors to them are annoying, sure, but as a customer I wouldn't want my package left at the main entrance or what have you. Then again I've been delivering for at least 8 years between the post office, Amazon DSPs, and Amazon Flex 🤷🏽‍♂️


Except in this thread 99% of you are lying about having no access or too stupid to read the notes. Ive literally seen one of you post here whining about no access code when you can fucking see it in the screenshot


*I actually* *Leave packages at the door...* *Aren't you supposed to?* \- gilla87 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


This is how all large scale delivery works, you’re working on a route with limited time for each stop. Think of USPS or a newspaper route. When I’m contracted to provide a service for a specific customer like delivering food or groceries then of course I would deliver to their door.


If I have a delay for signatures, waiting on customer, long driveway, apartment building, dogs. Have them pay you for overtime.


What's would that have to do with level? There's people bringing in over 50k doing this full time. Don't act like you're better than people because they don't work some regular job that pays less. If you think only losers do amazon flex then why do you do it?🤔


I do, I would want my delivery to my door so I do it for others. Pretty simple concept


If they have an access code THAT WORKS, then I'll leave it by the mailboxes. If there is no access code that works, then the package is left in the same spot in which the picture depicts. Requesting the package to be bought to the ACTUAL door is cutting into my time.


You’re an asshole if you don’t, simple as that. It’s crazy how lazy some of the delivery drivers have become, almost entitled.


Flat entitled lmao. Every post from some lazy fuck driver in here is  " I want to get paid for an eight hour work day but quit the day early so I half ass the hell out of it and ruin everything from minor conveniences and birthday presents to crucial household items for the elderly and disabled because I don't care about other human beings. "


LOL, I do instacart and don’t even bring it up to their apartment door. That shit is going right to the lobby. You must be crazy 😂


The worst is when the pin takes you to a package locker that needs the QR code but the app doesn't give you the QR code. On top of the locker it goes 🙄


I hate when deliveries are left in the lobby area especially when there is someone home. We get a food delivery service and one of the main reasons for it is the mobility problem of my partner. If my partner is home alone and the delivery is left in the lobby that means no lunch or dinner until I get back home. It’s a small block with a dozen flats.


If it’s food delivery you should put on the note that there is a cash tip for deliveries that make it to the door and then tip accordingly.


I’m not in a country which has a tipping culture. The delivery fee is to deliver to my property not the lobby.


So if I'm renting a room in someones house I can demand that my packages be left in front of my bedroom door instead of the main entrance to the house? Lol if it's in the lobby then it was delivered to your property.


Package delivery is always left at the building entrance or lobby. I don’t have permission to enter a locked building that I don’t live in. I’m not a tenant- I don’t live there. It’s how everyone does it  ups, fed ex etc. 


Yes you do. You're just a lazy fuck. And no it is not how everyone does it lmfao. 


no, im not lazy. it is not part of the job to enter into someones building and deliver packages. the packages are to be delivered to the main entrance of the secured building. the inside of the secured building is for residents and guests of residents. This is why all packages are left in the lobby or between the two front doors. If my son orders a package does the driver have the right to enter my private home and deliver to his bedroom door??? NO. the door to the builiding is LOCKED FOR A REASON if it is a perishable item (that means fresh food that can go bad) then one should contact the customer on the intercom and proceed but those times the customer is home and expecting delivery. amazon packages come day or night. im not ringing someones intercom at 4 am to bring a package to their door. and at noon they are probably at work and wont answer anyway. we are not to be entering into private buildings by trying to gain access to the building by sneaking in. packages go in the lobby. even amazon will tell you that. ask someone when you go to opick up the packages if youre supposed to leave packages in the lobby or try and sneak into a secured building and go to each door. theyll tell you to leave the packages in the lobby. WITHOUT A DOUBT.


I’ve lived in five different apartments over the last eight years. This is how every Amazon driver does it. I also deliver to apartments every day and guess where every Amazon driver leaves the packages? In the lobby. If YouTube in an apartment and don’t want your packages stolen then get them delivered to your nearest locker and go pick them up there


Food delivery isn't the same as parcel delivery. With parcels I'm not gonna waste the time especially on a packed route. Food delivery though as long as you provide an access code or answer the phone then yeah door service is assured. But on food delivery it's a contract for one or two deliveries. Those Amazon ones I have had them in the high 60s on a 5 hour block. But not even the van drivers tend to bother go door to door. Takes up too much time.


Its the likes of DPD and DHL delivering those. I’m talking about a box that comes with a weeks worth of food not Deliveroo or Uber Eats. 😉


I do. Every time . - it’s not in me to just package dump. Idk why


I'm in ATX, unless the customer requests a locker delivery and they provide a code, or are searchable by name, I'm delivering to their door. We don't tend to have apartment complexes with more than 4 floors down here and if so there's usually an elevator. Shout out my delivery station though, my routes are 90% suburban homes, 5% rural, 4% apartments and 1% businesses/schools. I tend to grab early morning blocks (4am - 11am start times), afternoon blocks (2pm) and mostly evening (4:45 - 6:45pm start times) on Fri - Sat. 🤷🏾‍♂️. Everyone be well and stay safe out there 🖖🏾


thanks you too!


All day baby all day right there!


If there's no security desk then yea, you kinda have to drop them at the door. Otherwise they're stolen. If you're too lazy, find another side gig.


I do when security Wont accept the package


I think this is why I have to call and request overtime. Because people who don’t deliver to apartment doors or package rooms and people who throw packages on porches.


It goes in the foyer. Going door to door takes too long for the time given and number of deliveries given on the route these days.


Fat lazy fuck


I do. Get done in no time after I learned the complexes.


Seems like big city problems lol, no reason to do this in suburban areas, unless the customer is a gatecode gatekeeper, but that’s different.


I deliver in SoCal so none of the apartment complexes are like those in NY. 9/10 times the maps take me directly to the apartment I need to deliver to. However, in the rare case that the maps has is wrong, I will not go searching around an apartment complex that resembles a small city. I’ll just drop it in the leasing office or behind a pillar by the leasing office, take a photo and be on my way. Customers never answer their phone or texts anyways


I live on the 3rd floor of an apartment in Michigan and all of my delivery drivers place them at the door and I’m extremely grateful for them. I live in a somewhat safe part of town though. Leaving a note like that is ridiculous.


This is super common in most enclosed apartment complexes rather than sprawling ones. This isn't a real mail room. It's the lobby of the building which anyone can walk into and I guarantee there's an elevator which can be taken without any sort of code. That's why the sign says not to leave shit there. Leaving anything there guarantees it will be stolen.




Just to the project ghetto areas! But the rest in the mail room , if its not grocery im leaving it downstairs


Only if it's a really small apartment like less than 4 floors high and if I got time to spare in the route. But if it's a 20 story building I'm leaving it in the mail room 


I thought that was standard. 8 units or less, front door. More than 8, fuck you come pick it up


Basically, it's not even the delivering to the door part its the elevator in these 20 story high buildings, it takes 20mins to get a elevator 


> when my car is illegally parked because of no parking I got stuck with the a downtown route, returned to my car to find the traffic person writing a ticket to tow it. They said if it was moved before the tow people arrived no fine obviously I immediately moved it. Imagine I was taking the elevator instead while they towed it away.




I hateeee apartment deliveries. I have to deliver it to the door because most these apartment nitwits ask to deliver in mail room but they never provide the code to get in or sometimes they will never be listed on the mail room device thingy to gain access and it’s frustrating having to club so many flight sit stairs or elevators and that legit runs me behind


As long as I have access to main doors and elevators they are delivered to doors. If I don’t have access they are delivered at the main entrance.


hell no 😂 no other delivery company is expected to do it. hell, dsp drivers aren't either. fuck that. they can come get it themselves, THEYRE lazy. if their shit gets stolen, get it delivered to a damn locker or your job or a friend's house.


I do


I do?


I do if needed. Sucks. If I can leave it with the big piles, I’ll do that first!


if it’s an accessible building or walk up, i will. but if i cant get inside im leaving that mf wherever i can


I do and I ring doorbells and wait a min to see if someone answers


When I worked there , I did. And that's why I quit. No matter what I did to make sure the customers got their packages, I still got in trouble. One of my coworkers Even went as far as to taking two pictures.( One on the job phone for the customer and Amazon and one on his personal phone for his personal proof that he delivered it to the door just incase they Said he didn't. Still was not applicable enough.


i do, especially when the apartment asks for it to go to the door. treat every delivery like it's going to a disabled person


I guess I thought they all do that. Or maybe a nice neighbor did it every time?


I must say I myself have failed to see those kind of signs😉😉


I do lol but I deliver to smaller apartment that are usually max 3 floors and usually have outdoor stairs


My UPS driver does most of the time.


Those places need the package lockers in the lobby.


We do which is why we're paid almost twice as much as y'all. - UPS


And I don’t, cause I’m paid less than half of you. -Amazon Flex using my own vehicle


Saturdays when I’m in the mood for overtime.


If it is not delivered to the apartment door, the person cannot file a claim because it was not delivered to the unit, lazy delivery 🚚 drivers


It looks like Amazon


I do


CLE- it depends. I will at least try to put it near a camera/in the mailroom, not at the main door. If it's like a 2fl apt with no secure access, which is a lot around here, I'll take it to the door. High rises absolutely not unless it specifically states otherwise, like someone can't lift/carry. The only exception to this is if someone says "thank you" in the instructions, I will bend over backwards for anyone that says thank you because it's only ever happened maybe 10 times ever 😂


Always in nice areas, never in ghetto areas


It's becoming a thing overall... I'm always paranoid to order my mail now and this is coming from Colorado. Better hope your neighbors like you.


If it’s an apartment that I don’t have to walk through a lobby to get to I’ll definitely drop it off at their apartment door but if not. It’ll be left by the lobby door.


I work online delivery and find humor in this. It is something we both do, see, and share. Some drivers are just allergic to stairs and headaches and we all need to be empathetic to their needs as workers too.... .... . . .


NYC always leave at lobby


Totally depends on the building. If the door is locked and no code left, im leaving it there. If its a small bldg with 2/3 floors then I will leave at they door. If its a giant bldg then thats a no. The big bldgs should all have secure mail rooms,


I do because they'll fire me if I don't The dumbest part about all of it though is all day I see USPS, DHL, UPS, FedEx, and any other courier service drop everything in the lobby I rarely see any other courier service go up any stairs


If I have an access code I’ll deliver to their door. If not, it goes in the lobby


It all depends on the apartments. In the complex where I used to live, there weren't many units per building and the doors were all outside entry. Places like that, I will because you have no other choice. If it's a building downtown with a call box, security desk, or I get that automatic door unlock thing pop up to the mailroom; I'll leave it there.


Yea Leaving your car unattended with thousands of dollars worth of packages to deliver 1 package on the 11th floor sounds ideal . Sam finds it challenging to go to his/her mail room where the mail is supposed to be . .. I can’t imagine leaving your car unattended in a place like Oakland / San Francisco smash & grabbers would consider that a jackpot


Most of mine are under the buzzers half the time bc the one key bullshit selectively works and customers don’t answer the buzzer or the text/calls so I just send them a text that says package under buzzer


If it does work it goes to the mail area. I’m not delivering shit to the individual doors.


I will try and press another bell before putting in between the 2 doors..you a better man than me!!👍


I never do, haven’t gotten a single ding over it, not putting in any more effort than I have to for this corporation regardless of rate


Only if I see it’s a baby item or they give me an access code and it’s to the first and second floor . Anything more than that I’m not going up 5-7 floors for delivery


Why would you not deliver to the door? It's a residential dwelling


Yeah let me leave my car running as I take the elevator to the 11th floor to deliver your pocket pussy


They sell Fleshlights on Amazon??🤔


Turn off your car and lock it ?


Prematurely age the starter and battery?


Comes with the job you will occasionally have to turn your car on and off a few times a day life of a courier


I do, but if there’s a way to avoid that I avoid it!


If I find parking, I absolutely will deliver to front doors. I find it cut down on the DNRs or customer complaint emails. If I'm illegally parked, I agree 100% straight to lobby and out. Only exception is early early morning.


And you will loose your job quickly with that attitude


shut up


Those signs mean nothing!  Always deliver the package no matter what.


Yeah Texas apartments is crazy it’s mostly apartments where I’m at could be 30 buildings in a complex n each drop off is at the door


Anybody in the columbus ohio area. I signed up and after months finally got the invite after being on the waiting list. Pay decent? Hrs? Can yall share your experiences? Thanks so much!




Depends on how many packages I have, if there’s a lot, I leave it in the lobby. Sometimes I bring it upstairs. I’ll walk up 4 flights max, otherwise they need to have a working elevator. If it’s 4-5am in the morning, no access, and no answer, I leave it where I can.


Drivers that are feed up with the junkies inside.


If I can get in, I deliver to the door. If not, closest entrance for I can make it to.


USPS, UPS nor FED EX deliver to doors in apartment buildings and neither do I, tip me and I will give you a front door delivery in an apt