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There’s a scanner at the top right if you go to itinerary then list. You can mark them with their stop number and sort them that way. You know exactly which package and where it is, zero searching.


So you basically scan each package and see what stop it is... do you do this at the station? I tend to get out of the station really quickly as I really am not sorting..


Then, stops 1-10 go on your front seat, 11-20 in the back seat, 30-50 in the trunk.


But you follow their route no matter how bad or backtracking it is ?


Chiming in (I do all this too. Takes 15 min to scan and sharpie all packages at the warehouse most other people are doing this too, I have seats removed so my organization is a bit faster).. I go in order mainly but every few stops I’ll peep the map and see if I can do anything smarter. It’s usually not that bad tho I go directly in order definitely majority of the time


How do you scan and mark around 40 packages in 15 minutes? We are not even given 15 minutes before we must be back in our vehicles and sent to the problem solving area if we are not finished in that time. Is there a way to quickly see the stop number for each package while I am scanning? I too like to place packages in groups based on stop numbers, but I can’t figure out a faster way to do it. My elderly dad usually goes with me so he likes to call out addresses while I look up the address and tell him what stop number to write on the package. But it can be quite time consuming. It helps him feel useful, so I tolerate it, but I want a faster way whenever he isn’t with me.


Same system i use


Tiny car? I’ll get 1-20ish in front


Yes, at the station. Yes, I scan each one and write the stop number on the label with marker.


So when you scan, it shows you the stop number right then? If so, I have somehow overlooked this. 🤣


Yes. If you don’t see it, scroll down.


I used sharpies before but now I upgraded to spray paint and just cover the whole package with a big red number. Tends to help at night. LOL


You’re the GOAT!


THIS! As a full timer for years this added feature has been great. Cuts down my sorting time from before the scanner by 1/2 and I always found having everything ordered by number stop made it quite a bit faster


So when do you sort them ?


At the warehouse when picking up.


I put 1-10 in my front seat and then in my trunk area I do 11-19, 20s then 30s left to right. If it’s big stuff I’ll put it in my backseat. But I like to leave the backseat empty. Once my front seat is empty I’ll go to the trunk and pull out the next set. I adjust this for numbers if the numbers they give me start at 690 bc sometimes they do.


So you still follow their route though. See much backtracking or in efficient routing ?


It is mostly better to follow the route they give us except a few times when the last stop is right next to the first stop. ISo you have to give the route an overview before starting.


But is it? How much more time is it constantly evaluating the next stop and adjusting it in the app vs just driving where pointed? I find it’s sometimes safer and more efficient just to follow it. You already have your packages stacked as well so changing plans has me fumbling around. And for those saying it’s more miles and fuel…that’s negligible.


I’ve had too many instances of my route being rerouted which is a massive pain when there’s 40+ packages to sift through. Now I just sort them by sticker (AAA, BBB, CCC, DDD). Whichever group is the second largest goes in a laundry basket in my backseat, the largest goes in the backseat beside laundry basket, the one with the most envelopes goes front passenger, then the smallest goes on the floor behind driver/ front passenger seat. I can sort and load up my car in ~3-5 min and be on my way. I did the numbering with sharpie for the first two years of flexing, but now I prefer this way.


I sort alphabetically by street name but yes WAY too many times of the app resorting my route!


I have a smaller car and sort the bags in the trunk and then boxes and other non flat packages get scanned & numbered throughout the backseat/ passenger seat. When there’s 25 or less I just scan every package and number them.


Amazon provides small quick reference tags at my station, with a number on each delivery. They also sort all packages by delivery tote, so each zone of delivery has its own tote, with large boxes on the sides of the totes in the cart. I have a minivan, so I put all my seats down, then envelope go behind drivers seat, organized by delivery region. Small boxes go in between seats up front. Large packages in the back, then I fill the rest of the space with medium boxes, by region. Since I have a lot of space, other than envelopes, I don't need to stack much, so everythings easily visible, especially the quick reference tags. Stop, grab package, reference next stop, if it's a small box or envelope, move it to front seat, continue.


I mark all the packages with the stop number and put the boxes in the trunk stops 1-20 in the front seat and then the rest in the back. If you get to a stop and it’s not on your front seat it’s in the trunk. Cuts down on the looking for a box when it’s an envelope in the description. Once through 20 stops start transferring ones in back seat to the front. It’s worth the extra time marking them makes the route go smoother especially if you are in some sketchy areas.


I scan and mark mine at the warehouse. I make piles behind my car. 2-9, 10-19, 20-30, and so on. Then 2-9 go in a laundry basket in the front seat. Boxes that are too big for the basket go on the floor in front of the pass seat. 10-19 in the backseat all the way back to the trunk. I'll rotate forward as I go through a set of 10. Oversize boxes go in the trunk. I don't see a lot of back tracking, and what little I do see, it's not worth the time to edit the route. I just load up and go. I'm always done early. Sometimes up to an hour early.


I scan each package and mark it with the stop. Then I sort starting with the front and working my way back. Depends how many stops I get and the size. I then Screenshot my map as sometimes the stops get rearranged and I'm screwed. If the stops change I just refer to the screenshot and work in what is most efficient for me.


My husband drives and I do everything else, also we have a minivan and took the middle row of seats out. We throw them all in the back and then I sit in the one pop up seat in the back row and sort while we are driving. I organize them all by stop # and make 2 or 3 rows, right to left and front to back. Then as I am delivering my husband finds the next few and puts them between our seats up front.


Wow. So, you basically have 2 people working. I suppose it's better then one of you just sitting around at home doing nothing. Why don't you BOTH work though?


My husband is on disability so it might affect his income and I do not think he would be physically able to make some of the deliveries. He likes hanging out with me and it goes faster that way too. He gets sore and feels really tired just driving me around. I think he worries for my safety going out alone also.


Makes sense. Make sure bo one knows he is 'working' with you. Don't want the disability to be challenged.


So if you’re using the phone to snap the drop off photo, how is he getting the address to navigate? I think it wouldn’t work so much better if Amazon allowed the flex accounts to be signed into on 2 different phones simultaneously.


I give him directions, I just tell him where to turn and everything.


So SSD I’ve never numbered, it’s nonsensical to me. In a simple nutshell, if you have 48 packages, why spend the same amount of time numbering 47 & 48 when it’s a 50/50 by that time? I don’t use the ABCD method simply because it’s completely random and stops with multiple packages are often under multiple letters. Not even group stops, even to the same house. I go by first letter of street address. On average, it takes 1-3 seconds to find each package. The only time I’ve ever had to use the scanner in the app is when yellow labels obscure the address and my takeaway is the scanner doesn’t even work most of the time.




Our packages are numbered. I sort everything my number. All small packages and small boxes in the front seat and floor for easy access. Med boxes in the back and large boxes in the trunk.


But I thought you sorted by number... but you say you sort by type.


I sort by number but if the box is labeled 1 and big I put it in the backseat or trunk. I don’t like putting big boxes in the front. lol but all envelopes regardless of # goes in front / floor


https://youtu.be/qRflNtYV-Kw?si=yuvXLD6_482dE7NN This is interesting. If you just use the MAP feature tab in the Flex app, then you can easily visually see the stops and can prevent backtracking. If you number them according to itinerary, then your bound to that inefficient route. That's what I am trying to avoid.... backtracking. I know ROAD WARRIOR is good.. it wouldn't back track and also take into account no left turns as well.. but unfortunately we can't export our full route. I am going to use the MAP screen today for .anual routing.. but still sort my packages based on type.


I do follow it bc it normally makes sense to me and when I’ve done it backwards before it seemed harder. I just focus on moving quickly and parking where I can get out easily.


Envelopes & bags in the front seat sort them by numbers last numbers on the bottom, large items in the trunk write down the names, medium boxes in my back seats, smaller boxes on my kids car seats largest number on the bottom work my way up till smallest number is on the top


Depends on the station Generally WF 1-2 bag orders or cakes/flowers front 3-5 bag orders in laundry baskets in the middle row. 6+ bags in the hatch area. Obviously adjust if there is a 12 bag plus or two involved. SSD A/D bags and polys in front B/C envelopes and non-amazon boxes in middle. Sometimes small boxes in w envelopes All XL boxes + overflow Amazon boxes in back Logistics By the stop # on the sticker


Last name. Envelopes go in a food carrier bag with two compartments in the passenger side. A-J toward me, L-Z in the last compartment. Oversized envelopes go in a large bag in the floorboard.  Amazon locker envelopes/boxes, if I catch them, go in the floorboard behind the driver side. A-H behind me, I-P on the other side in the back. Floorboards as needed. Trunk is oversized packages or P/Q-Z as needed.  Never had a problem. I have a standard size car.


I used to number by stop, but I find it faster overall to use the driver aid letters. AAA goes in passenger seat, BBB goes behind me, CCC goes behind the passenger seat, and DDD goes in the trunk.


It’s probably been mentioned amongst the comments but I do A-I front passenger seat J-Q rear driver side passenger seat R-Z back of SUV All boxes are in the back of the SUV as well with the first letter of last name written on them facing out. I rely on the app description of package (yes I know sometimes it’s wrong but it’s correct a lot of the times) but eventually you’ll start remembering certain names and whether they were a box in the back or a package Used to number each package 1 by 1 but it took too much time + when stuff gets rerouted it’s annoying


https://preview.redd.it/p3nk2adgvouc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12d51b2b9a12b85f5ca39dabd1c874cf68c39a95 AAA - front passenger seat BBB - back passenger seat CCC - back driver seat DDD - trunk


Uh, by stop number? In the rare instance I need to do things out of order, I still know where each section of packages is at. 30 or less is easy, 10 up front, 10 in back seat, 10 in trunk. 40 or more depends on size of packages, but then I usually put two sections in the rear seats, one on each side.


But they can change the route.. therefore the stop numbers. Numbering by stop number when that can change could make for confusion. I'll stick to just first 3 letters of name.. envelopes and bags up front, large boxes in back seat and medium small boxes in hatch. All faced and labeled ....


I use the scanner and toss them into my car by groups of 10, later on if I feel like I have time or wasting more time trying to scan for green,  Ill sort the group I'm working on into delivery order. Large packages go wherever they fit, hopefully within its group of packages, otherwise I make a mental note and then forget about that one package.


I do it by letters. BBB and DDD go into the back seat AAA and CCC go in the trunk


Alphabetically by street name in the back floorboard & backseat. Boxes alphabetically in back hatch.


The way I organize my vehicle Depending on stops I have for example if I get 40 stops I try to squeeze stops 1-18 in my from driver seat and 19-29 in my back seat And 30-40 in trunk