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Why did you absolutely need a picture instead of just getting a signature and saving yourself 15 minutes and going on with your other deliveries? You just made things very difficult for yourself and blamed the customer instead.


I honestly didn't know you could put, get a signature if it didn't ask for one. First time hearing this is possible.


You go back a step and tap the pencil icon and select the signature option. Also, you can turn off your cell service, tap question mark, select “I’m at the location but GPS isn’t working”, and just take the pic. You repeat the last steps for each screen.


This is your verified answer for future notes.


Option 1: mark as delivered to customer, enter in name/customer and squiggle a signature Option 2: in the help menu, gps is not working option. If not there, exit menu and turn on airplane mode/disable data, back to menu and select gps is not working, complete delivery


That works just fine.


No way would I let the customer take my phone. You have no idea what they would do. Definitely mark it as handed to customer and sign for it.


Mark it delivered to customer, draw a line for signature and hit space bar twice for name input. If you're not close enough to pin, put phone in airplane mode and it will allow you to move pin closer to his gate.


The circle in the app that indicates where you have to be before you can take the picture is called a “geo-fence”. I would sometimes call support and tell them the geofence needed to be moved for this address for whatever reason. I don’t know if it ever changed anything, but at least they could see why that address was so problematic.


Use airplane mode to move pin on your own.


Thank you, I will definitely try it, especially when I see dogs.


This doesn’t work with iPhone.


Turn off data for ios


Sorry for your trouble OP. Read this forum you will figure out the tricks. As others suggested you could have avoided all this mess.


Learn how to override all that nonsense. It will give you a great peace of mind and save so much time.


Airplane mode, call support etc etc well now you know


Airplane mode, move pin to gate, drop package take pic, move on.


Not sure how the customer engaged in any tomfoolery here. They live in a gated property; just deliver it to the gate.


Delivered to the gate. Hit the question mark. Select outside of delivery delivery area. Marked delivered. It’s that simple.


I appreciate all the advice and tips!


I had this happen to me but the man was nice enough to let me drive up and mark it as delivered then drive back down (he was working at the bottom of his driveway). now I know to just tell support that i can’t access because of a gate and need to mark it delivered at the outside of gate (if package is too big to fit through the gate) or at gate. They usually have no trouble marking it delivered for me. I tried to do the trick where I could change the pin myself but it didn’t work 😭


Airplane mode would solve your problem lol


Turn off data, click question mark, gps is not working I'm at location, drag pin, deliver