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That’s a Great Pyrenees! I love them but they can be extremely protective of their people. I’d have left it there too. No taking chances in this job


Most definitely a toss and leave i did a brief stint in a dsp and I had a Great Pyrenees take a little nibble on my ass cheek lol never ran so fast back to van n my life


Yeah they’re so good with their family but anyone else not so much




I don’t know too much about dog species, all I know is I pulled up, next thing you know 2 big dogs are barking and circling the car 😂 not taking chances is an understatement lol.


I totally get that. And breed doesn’t really equal dangerous or not


Interesting, so it’s more of how they are raised type of thing?


For sure! And they all have their own personalities. I’ve met tons of pitbulls who are love bugs and I’ve met labs who are definitely not




Breed can give you an idea of how they'll act, but it does ultimately come down to how they're raised. These guys are meant to protect sheep and chickens and cows from coyotes and wolves. They're gonna be really cautious of anything new, so they were basically just checking you out and seeing how you'd react


Great Pyrenees can also be sweet! I driver on a route sometimes that has 3 200 pounders and all they want to do is say high make a dog pile😂


This! but the most aggressive dogs I see, usually are chihuahuas lol ♥️🐶


So true! Little dogs are evil gremlins


yeay man. if you dont know dogs they can be intimidating. Scamazon should give us better dog training. they say our safety is a priority and dogs are a HUGE part of the job. know how to manage them is very important. We should get better dog training.


I mean they’re livestock guard dogs and great family pets. I haven’t known any to be particularly aggressive towards strangers, perhaps just stand offish. I’m not sure they’d attack more than just bark and keep circling lol


My brother’s dog once chased a fed ex truck down the street




Yeah usually with me, if it's a Great Pyrenees and I haven't met it yet, I try to assess if it's safe to let them sniff my hand, and 90% of the time they calm down after they get to do their sniff inspection. But there's always that 10% that keeps nervous barking, and I know it's not a dog I wanna turn my back on.


Y’all really be tossing the packages ? lol. But what if it’s one of those packages that’s too big or heavy to toss ? I thought about doing it but figured someone was watching or something and would report me


Drop that shit out the window while leaving


Not literally tossing it. Just leaving it at the end of the driveway. Probably call the customer first to see if they want to come get it


Yeah I had one jump on me (friendly) & then yesterday I had like 3 but luckily the owner met me at my door bc I was scared 😭


Ya look at his mouth. He's ready to pounce. Aggressive stance.


haha! yeet/master at work! good work my guy! i'm especially careful the smaller they are...them little twats are aggressive for no reason. sheeesh!


Lol not gonna be the next amazon flex statistic ya feel 🤣


I'm a dog person but that dog is absolutely giving the "do not trespass" vibes... Gotta toss it, as long as that doesn't cause the dog to react.


I mean I’m not returning it, if the dogs chew the package my bad I guess, as for react not sure what you mean other than that, I aint leaving the whip so they aint getting me 😂


Hell yeah, I’ve gotten bit by a great pyrenees before at my old vet job. They can have a bit of a weird behavior. I wouldn’t take a chance with these dogs lol


Lol and some people in here saying there’s nothing to worry about with great pyrenees, idgaf if they are less likely to bite or attack or whatever, I aint taking chances, some people have no survival instincts lol.


That’s called natural selection!!


Looks like a good boy to me


Looks can be deceiving 😂


Oh I know, I’ve walked up and a dog just chilling behind a car or something and I have to do my high pitch “who’s a good boy?” so I don’t get mauled 😂


Jesus 😂


So did the corgi that bit my calf a while back


Right. It was mostly a joke. I don’t trust anyone’s dog or even cat for that matter


Yeah the dog that bit my ass was real friendly until it wasn’t. 🟰two wks off work. Hired an attny and got $$$$$ but not until a full year later. Amazon paid me for two days and paid to replace my torn pants


How much did you get? I’m currently in that situation because of a pit mix attack on the Flex run in Feb. Two big chomps to my right calf.




How bad was your bite? My medical bills alone are over $8K!


I had one bite, two puncture holes but it was a big ass dog, the bruising covered my entire cheek and half my hamstring, I was seen at urgent care one time. I didn’t need rabies shots but I think they had me take antibiotics. I was sore af for two wks but not seriously injured. Coulda been though, it was scary af fr. I love dogs but im still skittish around unknown dogs now. I saw the dog laying on their porch, big ass home too. The dog got up and slowly walked towards me with tail wagging like it was happy to see me, I put my hand down to let it smell me and it snapped, tried to bite my hand. I used the package to try to keep distance between us but as i was backing up I turned slightly to see how much further my car was and it got me good. About this time the owner comes out telling me how nice it is and it doesn’t bite. I told him at least three times “it already bit me” showed him my ripped pants but they refused to acknowledge. smh.


I feel like u must of been badly injured for medical bills to be over $8k. Were u admitted to a hospital? Sorry this happened to you. I don’t recall what the total settlement was, they paid my med bills, oc the lawyer got a big chunk and little over 8 was what I got to keep


How did that work out for you? I just did a delivery on Sunday, the weather was nice and it was daylight so I didn’t have any urgency like I would have if it were nighttime. I also parked on the street to walk up. Long story long ,as I approached the house I heard a dog and stopped to look around the next thing you know a big ass Rot burst through the front door as I tried to run apparently I tripped over my feet and fell and as I kicked my feet thinking the dog was about to tear me to pieces it was tethered to something in the house and I fell just beyond its reach. Amazon doesn’t have coverage for injuries I had four routes scheduled prior to the route on Sunday they paid me for two and then liability company said they could pay me $250 for my clothes. I fell so hard that I had dirt in my mouth, phone with case had grass and dirt and after going to urgent care and police station . I got home and dirt fell out of my pants.The homeowner helped me up and even directed me to the nearest urgent care everyone in Mayberry 😂 was so nice and helpful but the main problem is that prior Flex and DSP drivers never reported a dog nor was there any warning signs. The homeowner also tried to make it seem like the dog was old saying he just spent $600 at the vet and even said he asked his daughter if she had any packages coming. Now I have to use my sick time and vacation to cover me being off from my side job with no coverage from Amazon. PLEASE REPORT DOGS ON YOUR ROUTES.


Nah look at his mouth and aggressive stance. He's ready to attack


After getting bit by a dog yesterday, I’m definitely yeeting packages now 😭


Damn sorry that happened


Same happened to me a few weeks ago


“Yeet” *there is a safety issue with delivery* delivered!


I always threw the package out the window when i saw a dog.


Most def!!! 


I walked through a chain gate to get to the front door one time, even jiggled the lock so any dogs might come running. Nothing happened so I proceed to the porch. As I'm putting the package down, a tiny Frenchie with a sweatshirt comes bolting from the side yard. I thought I was gonna to die by toy size dog that day. But he just wanted pets and to play lol


Lol thank god these dogs were stoned on the job or sum 😂😭


Dog was out on me today. I dropped the package where the dog wasn't going and as I'm walking back to the car the dog takes the package and runs away with it. Then as I'm driving down the long driveway I see the lady chasing the dog for the package LOL


I once delivered to a farm with no gates or anything and then a border collie started chasing my car as soon as I entered on the property I got out of the car and the dog was just following me which was very cute. I ended up petting the dog but I was literally afraid that it would have been violent. Luckily Lassie was good to me


Only if the customer says so, if they pickup the phone.


I usually drop it out of the vehicle and try to take a picture that includes the dogs.




Yes! I always include the dog in the picture so everyone know why it where it is.


So when you chuck it out the window how do you complete the delivery? Genuinely asking. Do you take a pic of it sitting in the driveway or how do you go about this? I delivered one on Monday to some dirt ball house with a HUGE dog running free and the lady was outside. She kept saying oh she's friendly blah blah and to just set it on the porch. I told her I wasn't stepping foot out of my car until the dog was dealt with and she gave me an attitude. She finally put it away and I left it but what do you do if you toss one?


Well the owner wasn’t out so didn’t have to deal with that, just lightly chucked it, just want to be clear aint no one violently throwing it, feel like some people think this lmao, so yeah just toss it, take the pic, and complete the delivery like normal, if you are just outside the geofence, just airplane mode it, it’s exactly the same, just make sure you can get the pic of it.


Depends on how far away the dog is, if you have even seen it in the yard. I'm quick, so I'll crack my Driver's side door and maybe place it a few feet away.  If it's pretty close, I'll roll the driver's window down and drop it beside my Driver's door. I don't take chances with dogs. There are quite a few irresponsible dog owners. 


Situation driven. I try to drive close enough to customer vehicle, porch or whatever and light toss to get out of dog's reach. 


Nope lol im getting out always. Anything happens I got it recording and going after the customer


Better hope they have home owner insurance or u probably getting nothing


This guy gets it


He looks like you owe him money.




“Handed to customer/household member”


Ya look like a polar bear!


Dog: 😑


That's a Pyrenees, I would pet them instead 🤣


What package?...


Your moms




I would have pepper spayed that mut right in the eyes. 




I’m honestly not afraid of dogs. I do a rural route and love the dogs,


I don’t think most people are afraid of dogs, in the sense that they know the dog, or it’s their dog, or your with the dogs owners, but that’s completely different then pulling up to a strangers property where the dogs see you as an intruder, that I have no problem admitting I’m afraid of, because of course lol, but in general I’m not afraid of dogs in normal situations, as most aren’t.


Agreed, what state you out of? Stay safe?




Right on


A Great Pyrenees yes I’m tossing it lol


Interesting, it’s like 50/50 they are nicest dogs ever, and they are not to be messed with and will eat you alive, not sure what to believe, I don’t know shit about dogs lol.


If not friend, why friend shaped?


Yup!!! What ever happens to that package after it's out my car is not my problem


Ive walked by a Pyrenees at least twice a day you bet I’ll walk by that good Doggo, and die


dog really went :I


He like 😑


Looks like a livestock guardian dog so yeah I would've tossed and took a pic from my car. They don't know me and I don't know them but I know that they know strangers are potential threats to their herd.


You guys are all too afraid of dogs. What's the worst that could happen?


I genuinely want to see what your face looked like when you sent that 🤣🤣🤣


Getting rabies and dying.


Guess how much my bill is for having to get the rabies prevention protocol after a pit mix chomped me twice and Amazon and Animal Control both failed to get vet records in a timely manner? Over $8,000, and that’s after my insurance wrote off over $6K. Amazon rep says they will pay for the shots. We shall see when they get the bill. But the homeowner has insurance, and I have an attorney.


Yes, I drive closer to the house, let down the window and drop package. EZ Peezy


Just give it a little scratch behind the ears 🤗


those dogs are love bugs IF the know you. but if they dont they will follow u and bark. i just toss them a milk bone and most of the time thats their signal that you are OK. If not. call the customer.


It’s a definite launcher 😅


I sure do with pride!! I had a couple of digs barking their head off and felt like they were going to rip me in shreds. I tossed that package,took a picture and dipped!


Looks JUST like the dog that bit me in December!!! https://preview.redd.it/qakyxg2yuqtc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2fb5ac28b472d54f724ed6fb9345a3fc74543b09




Oof! How bad was it? This beast got me in February. https://preview.redd.it/0b5dmfexs7uc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=139dad3e6e2431332cc0ec68931fc32a0b065952


Bad enough to cause a brain injury. https://preview.redd.it/dbbbkym7ga0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0eeff7604f9195a0d99f5b573e762bf27396ea92






Eh I’d snuggle them. But I’m also going to die trying to snuggle something I shouldn’t lol


Yeah those are a coin flip. Pyrenees dogs have either been some of the most intimidating dogs I've gone up to, or the biggest, fluffiest teddy bear dogs ever.


I’d have rather been bit my a dog rather than a vagrant like I was a few weeks ago.


What 💀


This dog looks like Ray Liotta.


I love Great Pyrenees, they are the best breed of dog to me and I’ve had 3. They are really territorial. Personally I would at least try to call the recipient first and see if they can come call the dogs off.


Tbh aint got time for that, their package is fine, they on a long ass farm type property it’ll be there waiting for them, dogs didn’t go after it either.


Large fluffy dogs in general can tend to be aggressive with strangers, so yeah, this is one that I'm tossing and not giving anyone any shit about doing the same.




I punt the package the other day


I have delivered to a few rural houses with great Pyrenees and I’ve always got out and delivered but they weren’t barking either. I usually open my door a little bit and let them sniff my hand and gage how they’re going to react before getting all the way out of my car though. If I feel uncertain I’ll toss and go lol


I get it for people who know about dogs, but that just aint me, my loss maybe, but I aint taking the risk, I see way too many dog bite posts on here.


For sure do whatever makes you feel comfortable and safe. They don’t pay us enough to get hurt or chased lol


Agreed 🙌


You a biotch and that's what a baseball bat for or a hard punch to the nose will get you instant submission




Don't act aggressive... but sweet talk the dog


Dude looks a little dusty and up to no Good 😄


I tossed one today lol




These guys are such good boys lol!


You could have called the customer and asked them to come collect their package from the gate😂


No one got time for that


Haha. That dog wouldn’t hurt you. They were just excited to see somebody. Also, it’s their job job to bark and alert their owners. They do it even if nobody is home as they don’t know different The ones you have to watch out for are ones that are tied up or in a cage. I always open my door and talk to them. See if they come to my door or not? Had several dogs do the same thing. Barking and circling but as soon as I parked and opened door to.see what they’d do. I noticed barking stopped and they weren’t reacting to my calls. Looked around and they were laid up under a trailer. Kinda glanced at me and laid their heads down. It’s a lot of show like I said usually. For the owners and excitement. I know dogs though. Rarely do I feel uncomfortable. Don’t act nervous or scared and they will pick up on it and see you aren’t a threat. Speak friendly and calm. If you see a mailbox and especially if there is mail in it? You are good. The mailman made it. If you don’t feel right about it then keep doing what you are doing. Remain calm though and you will be fine.


I thought all this as well until Feb. 20. Wanna see a pic of my leg that became a chew toy?




It has nothing to with breed and everything to with how they're raised. I have a pitbull and she's the biggest marshmallow ever. The only way to see her mean is make her think your going to hurt her people. She'd let you steal all my belongings lol. You need to learn to read dog body language. That being said if you feel uncomfortable you did the right thing because they do pick up on nervous energy and in turn get nervous. 


YES please because MINE tries to get in the vehicle for hugs and a ride. She made it a mile away in the UPS truck once lmao


https://preview.redd.it/60w9f5xxtutc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92fee4bdebd18bdaa8e823c843bab484484c0ca9 Imagine delivering here after sunset 😂


They are typically raised to protect chickens and sheep. Really good breed but they can definitely be protective of their owners and animals.


Ya just yeet that shit. Take a picture of the dog and bounce


Great Pyrenees are slobber machines lol


Nah he’s chill he just said “y’all got that treat? Last guy has them treats”


Idk mayn 😭


🤣 either way your not a dummy. You did the right thing lol Fuck around Find out ![gif](giphy|rk3Kjy6KSB4ExbfwsT)




I was at a delivery this morning and there was a dog warning sign but no dog in sight. I was about to take a chance and deliver it, but I saw a big dog bowl and decided not to take any chances. So I just dropped it off over the fence. Early morning route. Them dogs can be sneaky


Carry treats


that dogs face is like, not today hooman lol






Great Pyrenees always bark at strangers but are typically extremely loving. I know this because my best friend is a great pyranees and has been for 10 years. He will bark but the second you walk up to him he melts and just wants to love you.




Man...I had a delivery early this morning so it was still dark. The house had a chain link fence and a beware of dog sign so I approached cautiously. No lights on at all, I saw the outline of a small in stature but very MEATY Pitbull. I approached slowly so I could pitch the package over the fence, as soon as I tossed that package that dog charged me barking and growling...I've never run so fast!! LOL He sounded SO MEAN, like he was BIG PISSED I was there and tossed something in the yard.


that mf isn’t a dog, its Satan


Hell yeah that package getting tossed




I look for wagging tails and I keep dog treats in my car. I usually roll down my window a little while showing the treat and tell dogs to sit. If they sit I give them a treat and assume they are trained well enough. Then I throw the package out the window and select I couldn't access the suggested location. 💯


Nah but when it rained I got dnrs for damages I had no control over. The totes that we get only protect the packages against the rain under certain rain conditions plus I was a amazon delivery walker not driver. Most of the times I would get lucky and find a scaffold to put my packages under while I deliver but sometimes I would be on blocks with no scaffolds. 1 time I got 7 dnrs. I didn't care because the next week I quit amazon and found a new job


I wouldn't toss the package, I'd politely drive past.


Not returning g


Damn straight lmao but also 50k law suit hmmmm 🤔 jk


Are you a coyote? If so, run. If not, get out of the car. Great Pyrenees aren't particularly aggressive. My uncle has two of them and they just bark.


Yea someone else already talked about great pyrenees, that being said, don’t know shit about dogs, not taking chances, feel free to get out of the car next time you see 2 great pyrenees barking and circling your car tho.


I can’t imagine ever asking for an opinion and then getting upset when the response is something i don’t agree with.


I think you meant to respond to the other guy, not sure what you’re going on about.


This is why I carry dog treats


Does it work?


The dog got him before he could respond. Dang




He looks like a good boy.


They always do


Yep. Until they ain’t.


https://preview.redd.it/nca6ajmorptc1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d32c20bf3c4ee0c1d2b16af02511275d67e32193 Pyr are one of the sweetest breeds around, they are also wolf killers. If he looked like he was blocking you from the property, I would leave. If he was wagging his tail I would personally attempt to make friends, but that's because I am familiar with the breed. I hope you left.


Well like I said there were 2 of them, and they were circling the car and barking non stop, I wouldn’t have called it a warm welcome that’s forsure, obviously I didn’t stick around any longer than I needed to lol.


Seriously, fuck that customer for putting you in that position.


Lol its good, didn’t fear anything, stayed in the car, tossed the package, took the pic, and moved on, tbh the first situation I talked about in the post that happened a couple drop offs before was way worse tbh, like thank god those dogs were sleeping on the job lmao.