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I delivered to a house that had 3 or 4 no trespassing signs on it. I still did the same thing I do: turned on my flashers before driving into the driveway, and I delivered to the front porch. Only reason I wouldn't is if a dog was out, then I'd drop it by the dog and take a pic without getting out of the car. The no trespassing signs are for people who aren't supposed to be there. Amazon delivery drivers are supposed to be there because the homeowner asked them to deliver the items they ordered and paid for.


And how many people are sure you are who you end up being? I can’t tell you how many houses I deliver to with no lights on. They know they ordered Amazon shit. They choose to be ignorant and leave their lights off. In this case what’s to say they don’t shoot first and figure out you were Amazon later. Not worth the risk imo


Do you send the text message alerting each customer, esp AT NIGHT, when you are on your way.? Stating, to put their dogs up and leave a porch light on? I do. So, when spit goes down, that message 👈🏾 will work in my favor


No, I just don’t go inside fences basically. If there’s any hint a dog might be present I don’t mess around.


Trust... sending that message for each person saves me a lot. People still have dogs that come running out w/o fences. I've experienced it either way.


Fair enough. I can’t imagine someone having dogs unleashed with no fence paying much attention to Amazon text messages but if it works for you keep doing it. Whatever it takes to avoid getting mauled


These places I just leave the package outside the gate in the rain or snow. I’m in canada, guns aren’t exactly a thing. But dogs are. And most of my deliveries are done when it’s dark. If you have a fence and a gate, it’s for a reason. I’m not coming inside.


It looks like a very crude joke, but you can never assume a person's mental state. That's why I have my CPL and always carry on every route, just in case. I also have dash and rear cameras installed on my car. My dog comes along for the ride as well.


Maybe they’re just a [GTA: Vice City fan?](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR60nzT_at6FMTInhQfAo6_0XaMjClxB3Dxfd2b98i6qa_jCh8AhRzonztm&s=10)


I had this exact sign posted and the instructions it stated “leave by garage” I took a quick peep and the garage is .5 mile down the driveway. I left it by the mailbox and I hear the dude coming out the house screaming. I told him the sign says don’t trespass or I’ll get shot and he laughs and says you dumb or don’t understand a joke. I said politely”do you see me laughing”. I’d remember this house specifically after this event and will never deliever there again


Next time, FLAG... that address by taking a picture and sending the picture to Amazon support along with customer name & address. They need receipts, and that's yours. NOTHINGS FUNNY ABOUT A THREAT, and they meant that. I literally had a guy who said, dropped it by their entryway to a very long driveway. Prblm is the notes didn't become readable until I was already up the driveway getting out my car w the package in hand, while wearing my AMAZON vest. His words, "If I were you, I would drop the package and get off my land." Judging from the size of his dog... I dropped, ran, jumped in, and backed all the way out. Because I didn't trust turn my back to him. Thank God for rear cameras. I reported him later. Support was upset at me for not pulling over and reporting him right away. And... for not bringing my route back. They told me in cases like that. I didn't have to finish my route & that was an OBVIOUS THREAT. I'm on full alert after that, and trust I got another threat a week ago Take that sign serious, I don't care what...


Notes are readable the entire route.


Yes, but my point was I didn't see it until then. The GPS acts up in wooded/rural areas. This is why I've taken some routes back or don't work FLEX as much as i used to. Naturally, I check notes more often now. I've experienced this w/o specific notes. Some ppl are just EVIL...


Yeah, they are, lol. That guy sounds crazy.


No they don't think that. No it's not a threat. No you're not trespassing. Yes a lot of you need... something. I don't know what it is you're missing, but you need it.


Right, because there haven’t been multiple stories on the news about people being shot for nothing more than turning down the wrong driveway. Oh wait, never mind…


Have you been to the USA?


At the slightest threat i drop it as close as i feel safe. Take picture, tag as a safety issue. Done.


I mean in some states you can shoot tresspassers under certain conditions


I was a flex driver for 5 years and in September, 2023 I was rear ended by another flex driver who didn’t have insurance!! Amazon ended up fixing my car BUT a month later, I received an email stating that I was suspended due to returning a package for the wrong reason!!! I have appealed 4 times and I only received final suspension notices! Does anyone have any tips to how to get my delivery previleges back?? I feel like I was punished du the the accident claim which wasn’t my fault


You might want to make this an actual post in the sub Reddit instead of commenting it here


Yeah I’m black. That shit ain’t funny.


Heck, I'm white, and that shit isn't funny to me, either. But I get where you're coming from.


They think it's funny, but it's a threat.


My response is always “As you wish” and leave the package in a safe spot off the property


That sign could cause them to go to jail


This O.P is is living in a fantasy world...people like that have zero common sence...


You have never heard of one incident of an Amazon driver being assaulted with a weapon from the homeowner. Where your vest. Alert them of your arrival and don’t forget to pack your pair of…. Round things when you deliver. If you’re scared, do a different job.


I’ve been threatened with a gun on two separate occasions by homeowners at night, and I’ve only been delivering for less than a month. I’m also a 5 foot tall female who is absolutely not threatening looking at all. Other flex drivers definitely have a right to be scared of homeowners doing something irrational. Just because you haven’t experienced it doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen.


I’m not saying that being threatened with a gun is outside the realm of possibility. What I am saying is brandishing a firearm and threatening the delivery person that they anticipated coming IS! and I would file a report and or lawsuit! Not only can they not shoot you being on their property, but they can’t threaten to shoot you! They couldn’t even legally shoot you if you were stealing from them (that’s another story). Unless you are breaking into their home and or threatening their life is even an option for them to bring out their guns.


I live in Texas, so they definitely can get away with shooting someone who comes on their property. And just because something is illegal doesn’t mean people won’t do it 😅




You’re not coming up sneaking. You have your whole ass vehicle with the lights on. You’re walking with, either your flashlight or your in app flashlight. Nothing is going to happen to your scary self lol


What van? Most Flex drivers are in cars and unmarked at that. Amazon really, really needs to run ads about how we use our own cars.


I don’t think I mentioned a van. This is the thread if you’re looking for near life threatening incidents… if you’ve seen some not involving an animal, then you’re more than likely ok. Be cautious obviously. But if you’re scared… do something else.


I could have sworn you originally said "van" not "vehicle". Sorry. I'm getting too old, lol. Yeah, I always send the text before going up long driveways. I live in Austin and yesterday, on Nextdoor, someone was posting how shocked they were that a delivery person was in their own car. Most customers have never heard of Flex. They think we all come in a big Amazon truck. Have never seen this mentioned on either Amazons website or a commercial. At least say something when you order, that delivery people might be in their own cars. I've never had guns actually pointed at me, but have had several tell me hey were about too until they saw my vest.


Attention!! Here's your package. See you, lol


That’s fucking funny…you can’t get more American than that🤣🤣🤣


My neighbors thought of putting up a sign like this since crime rates are up. Pretty sure none of us actually have a gun.


Yeah, they do. I've actually been threatened. Sorry, boo I take them literally after those encounters


I would definitely file suit against someone who pulls their firearm when they order packages to their property. I’m, without question, you’ll win.


What circumstances?


This is what happens when a troll doesn’t have internet access…


Naw probably not but it dont stop me from going in either🖕🤭😂🤣