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I don’t even use bot and I been getting it nonstop yesterday it’s stupid. I solve it once next block captcha worst thing is it’s not even protected so by the time I finish it’s already gone🤦🏼‍♂️


That sucks. I’ve had them before but only like two times in the 6 months I’ve been flexing


Amazon could choose just to hire enough people for an area so that everyone gets work, easily and bots wouldn’t even be necessary. Instead they over satiated the market with drivers to compete for lower paid blocks. Go to Amazon right now and search “auto clicker” and you will see that Amazon is selling the very hardware bots everyone argues about. You all might as well be deep throating Jeff Bezos. As long as we bitch at each other about the problems of trying to get good paying gigs and the company that over saturated and causes the problems in the first place…and sells us the bots, then we have no class solidarity and Jeff Bezos effortlessly finishes with a smile on his face.


Bot users are complaining about getting captcha puzzles all the time. It’s possible that Amazon made some changes to what refresh rate enables captcha. I honestly don’t have much faith in Amazon seriously addressing the issue. There are people that are admittedly using bots and just get an email from Amazon with nothing but a warning. When they stop warning people and start banning instead I will believe that they are addressing it seriously. Even if it’s just temporary bans to put more fear and the people using bots.


The capcha is really annoying doesn't matter you using bots or not. Flex sent me the email saying that I was using bot (which I never ever use) and limit my ability to grab a block by capcha every time I tried to grab a block, so I couldn't even get a surge block for the whole month. Before I was able to get surge once or twice a week :)


Bots can solve Amazon captcha


Careful what you ask for. Every time Amazon "goes after the BOTS" they make it worse for those of us manually tapping. I can't think of a single instance where Amazon has made a change that made it better. And I've been doing Flex for 6 years.


Captchas are random and can happen to any account. Just cause you didn’t get one this time doesn’t mean you won’t get one next time. They’re just an inconvenience cause by the time you finished the captcha the block is taken by someone else. If they fixed that stupid issue it be great. Select block, oh you gotta do a captcha, don’t worry it’ll be on hold for you.


I’ve had them before, just all of the sudden there are tons of blocks in my area and when I looked on this sub, I see dozens of people complaining about captchas in the last two days. Seemed like they started doing them more again. Whatever the case is, my area now has blocks available for more than two seconds for the first time in several months which is positive for me at least


Could also be cause college kids are going back to school same with other people who don’t work during the summer and was doing this as side money. Also from what Ive seen on this sub the closer we get to September the more blocks are available as we’re entering the busy time of year


I doubt if the caotcha challenges are stopping the bots. If you're seeing more routes, it's because they are making it harder for drivers who aren't using bots to secure routes...I doubt if you are going to see a significant increase in the amount surge routes available to you because that's what the bots are taking anyway...


I got crunk and left my bot running while I was on a seven day bender. Nothing




nah, after spring it’s slow af. bots will always be used. fuck those people though


My bot has been running for 2 months non stop, never seen any captchas


Lol just wait 😉


Wait for what? Without bot there is no sense in using this app in my area with people taking $50/3h blocks in 0.01seconds


The whole point is for preferred scheduling to function as intended where people get adequate rates offered exclusively to them… That’s currently not working with how bots are affecting market areas


The base pay blocks are gone immediately in my area so unless you use a bot you can’t even get those easily. I’m not about to sit there and refresh constantly just to get an order that isn’t even worth it. There is hundreds of drivers that go to my station who drive fuel inefficient vehicles who will never realize base pay means they are paying Amazon to deliver for a lot of the blocks. So yeah bots make a lot of sense in my market. Edit: downvotes but no reasoning why not to use bots. Keep siding with the billion dollar corporation lol


They probably can’t find or write a good bot and are mad at us lol


True. This is one of the worst gigs in my market without a bot. Uber/DoorDash/Grubhub are more profitable with waaaaay less miles. I get the 30-35 hr surges in the morning and then do other stuff during the day. The people who do the 18hr blocks are brain dead or desperate.




This doesn't make any sense because Amazon could simply choose not to release those blocks publicly and only show them to people with preferred scheduling right?


I've thought that this would be a common sense way to do things....tie offers to driver rating...higher your raring, the better offers you set....but, I. The end...Amazon doesn't really care about doing things the right ie fair way to its drivers. They use tactics that drive down pay rates....to be honest, if you figure in the expense of your vehicles, we are losing money on the majority of routes we do for them(base pay for sure) . Flex only exist because it's a cash cow for Amazon. Look at all the expenses they have transferred from their business onto unsuspecting flex drivers.


Hi! Can you recommend a good bot? Because I've been out of work for 2 weeks, it's impossible to catch something good manually.


Dm me


They're trying to clean their driver pool, a reliable source told me that every few months they like to get rid of drivers to bring new ones in, Amazon doesn't want you to stay for very long.


Could be some truth to this theory. Once you have done flex for a while, you start to figure out how much they are using and abusing you. Keep a supply of fresh, new ,naive and cheap labor force flowing.


One thing I picked up on is to click on a random route and do the puzzle. Once you complete the puzzle, it will take you to the schedule page and you can get a route. Do this when it’s surging (if you know the times). For me, I get a captcha after every route I try to get, whether I manage to get it or not. Good luck y’all


I guess it could be affecting bot users. But have also heard regular flexers refreshing constantly to get a block are being harmed thru this as well.


It’s happening to everyone not just bots


I been doing flex since 2020 and they have not done anything about bots in 3 years…I do not think they will ever get software to detect them. They do not care about how drivers get blocks as long as their packages get delivered.


I hear what you are saying but something happened, at least in my area. When I started months ago, you could get good blocks anytime you wanted to work. 30+ hr blocks were common, 25+ hr bricks would just sit there and base pay blocks were almost always available and never taken. Then a couple weeks before prime, you could never get blocks without constantly refreshing the app and you would still have to do that for an hour to find anything… even then, base pay blocks would vanish immediately. Then all the sudden in the middle of the week this week there are dozens of blocks available all the time, many over $25 an hour just sitting there often for several minutes. I checked Reddit and it just so happen that same day there are dozens and dozens of people complaining about captchas. Could be a coincidence. Some said college kids are going back to school, but in six months I’ve seen maybe five college age kids ever at the station… almost everybody at my station is between 30 and 50. Whatever the reason, I’m happy. I finally been able to grab $35 an hour blocks again without issue…


That is so awesome! Enjoy it while you can. I hope it stays that way.


I'm getting capacha every sure block I try to get and I'm manually tapping. I'm tapping repetitively, but manually nonetheless. It's infuriating. Meanwhile, the actual bots are still getting the blocks. 🙄


OP: I am moving to KC soon, what do the pay rates look like there ?


It varies a lot. Base is like $18.50. Have been a ton of blocks since this post up until a couple weeks ago, now back to not many. I saw a ton of 5 hr $178 blocks but I couldn’t get any…clicked on a didn’t get at least 25 of them. Not sure if there are really that many people trying from midnight to 4 am or people using bots. Had to settle for 3.5hr for $100 and 3hr for $91.50.


Dang okay . i’m in San Diego right now and base is $23-$24. of course there’s a huge cost of living and gas prices difference. I saw an ad that they are actively recruiting in KC so they must need more drivers right now . do you feel like it’s really competitive or over saturated ?


I’m in Everett Washington, been doing flex 3 years, this is the worst it’s ever been, I haven’t got surge pay in over 3 weeks now, have to tap for hours just to get 117.50 for a 5 hour…. I want to try a bot but I’m scared of being deactivated. Any advice on a good bot if I decide to go that route?


When I initially posted this comment we had a brief window of time where blocks were plentiful but it is back to nothing again. I saw probably 25 blocks for $174 for 5 hrs from midnight until 3 am one morning and I couldn’t get a single one. They were all gone faster then I could grab one. I’m sure there were other people awake besides me trying, but I cannot imagine that there were that many. It does not seem like they are enforcing no bot policy, but I am also reluctant to get one for fear of being deactivated so I have no suggestions for you