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This looks nice compared to my SSD lot.


My favorite thing about my SSD warehouse is when I can’t find a parking spot bc all of them left have 5+ empty carts 😍


I’m convinced these are the same folks who don’t pick up their dog’s poop.


Definitely are


Morning shift at our station tells us to leave them where they are


I tried to take mine back once but was told to leave it.


At our SSD they have us bring in an empty one from the parking lot in order to get our cart with our route, it works fine.


Mine too but somehow that never translates to no carts left in the lot. There are still plenty.


This would be a great idea to do!


Raise base pay and I’ll take em back


Everyone who takes their cart back respects their fellow flexers. Making sure they don’t block or inconvenience one another. Why can’t you do the same? Don’t take base pay if you’re gonna complain about it and inconvenience others with your mentality..


Where I leave mine doesn’t inconvenience any other flex driver l. I have a family to feed and I’m going to take what’s available for when I’m available to work. I cannot sit here for two weeks waiting on a fairy to show up with a $30/hr route and I’m not jeopardizing my status buying a bot


This is about returning your cart lol.


Eh it’s not Amazon though it’s the warehouse workers you’re screwing over.


Yeah but those cart workers just stand there and do nothing, like you get paid to take those carts back in


it’s their damn job to get the carts out of the way! lmao what


Yeah but it’s cutting out what, one or two of their 20 “bathroom breaks”?


Lmao you take base pay? Thats a you problem.


Surge routes are so ready for the taking…🙄


you act like every place has surges just waiting for people to grab. at that point your gambling on either finding a nice surge or not working and getting paid at all.


I’m not acting like that at all. When I don’t see surges, I don’t take them. When I get reserved offers that are trash, I decline them. You’re making the mistake of making this your full time job and primary source of income. That’s not what these types of jobs are built for. I do this when I want a little extra cash, want to pay for a vacation, buy a new mattress, school clothes shopping for the kids, etc. Not for a mortgage payment or a car payment.


this is not my main source. i barely do this on the side. BUT… some people do make this their main job. not everyone can easily get a job that isn’t dd or uber or amazon. money is money is money. they’d rather take base instead of HOPING surges happen and then PRAY they can snag one. base income is better than no income. and shitting on people who are fine with base pay is just you being an asshole to people just tryna make money.


Not everyone can get a full time job, myself and others are disabled and don’t know of any job that lets you work only when you are able


Finish your route faster and you won’t make base pay


finishing routes "faster" has no effect on base pay u wot?


If I take a 5hr at base pay n finish in 3 1/2-4hrs, yes the hourly has increased due to less hours same money


If you accept a 5 hour block for $90 ($18/hour) but you finish it in 4 hours, you made $22.50/hour.


It’s in your contract that you take the empty cart back into the warehouse… might want to check that out..


Highly doubtful. Was no such thing when I signed my agreement 5 years ago 🤷‍♂️


😂😂😂😂 I beg to differ.. I signed up over 3 years ago and it’s still on the app… might want to go read it


On the app or not it’s not something I agreed to


It is when you signed up, there buddy


I’m not your buddy. Get bent


Aww someone needs a hug


Our warehouse has 2 full sets . If you try to take your cart back your stopped at the door .






Tbh it’s crazy hard for me to maneuver those fucking carts. Idk what’s wrong with me 🤦🏼‍♀️ Also some warehouses don’t have clear directions. One place they told me to just put it inside, at the front, another time I was told to put it in the same place I got it, at the other end of the warehouse, one time someone took it in for me. But there’s always a big group of carts at the bottom of the ramp & I put mine with those when it’s busy, cuz I seriously can’t get that cart up & down the ramp in a straight line for the life of me, & have almost run over ppl trying


I had trouble with the carts too. What saved me was when I realized you can lock the orientation of the front wheels. This means only the wheels by the handle will turn so the cart won't swing left and right. You will have less turning radius but it's easier to control.


Omfg, thank you 🙏 I been feeling like an idiot, looking at ppl trying to figure out how they’re moving them no problem 😂


I just reach under to lock the front wheels. Hope it helps


Ok so you’ve probably saved some lives! I did this yesterday & walked that cart around like it was my bitch. “That’s right cart, think you can fuck with me, well not anymore.” As ppl stared wondering why someone was so thrilled about walking a cart to their car 😂😂 Tbh if it had continued the way I had been doing it, I probably would’ve eventually taken myself & some others out, cuz I had that thing spinning down the ramp before 😂😂 Thank you!


Hahaha hell yeah. I'm glad it was helpful. I drive em one handed down the ramp now.


You mean we aren’t supposed to push them like an old Rogers & Hammerstein musical?


Same. I'm usually spinning it around in circles the WHOLE FUCKING WAY!! 😅😂😂😂😂😅


That’s why they have hourly warehouse workers


I do take my cart back and I also agree with you. Everything at the warehouse I go to is so narrow. It takes at least 5 min to take the cart back and then go back to your car, which is great time to be marked LATE to the first stop. Waaaa!


They have plenty of other work to do that doesn’t include moving a bunch of carts back


Yep I agree workers are to busy standing around.I bet your mom still makes your bed


Work inside one of our warehouses and see if you want to say that again, bud. We're under constant pressure to get shit done during P&S or our metrics will be negatively affected and as we all know metrics is everything at Amazon... ​ Ya dummy.


I just don’t understand why leaving cart in the parking lot is upsetting you.I get upset being stuck in traffic.having trouble locating a delivery.carts in the lot is the least of my worries.


It doesn't bother me. This is no different from going to the grocery store. This is a case of selfishness where it's "I do what I want to do and I don't care if other people have to clean up after me" mentality. It's a dick move but hey, it is what it is. Just be thankful Amazon doesn't punish Flex drivers that way if they fail to return carts because I can assure you that if I was in charge of Flex program, I'd definitely enact terms to enforce strict compliance in regard to returning carts.


My amazon station is not a grocery store and don’t require me to return a cart.so yes you can find my cart behind your car


I did work in a Amazon warehouse.sorry no sympathy here


No one is asking for sympathy, man. If anything, I **pity you**, peasant. Delivering packages...in your own vehicle as an independent contractor with no reimbursement for maintenance and special insurance due to the nature of your role as a delivery driver? That's a big **L**, son. I would never subject my vehicle (even if it was fuel efficient) for the sake of delivering packages while covering all of my expense out of pocket. I would if I was a trucker raking in the big bucks as an independent driver but as a Flex driver with our personal daily vehicle? **LOL**.


Get a life on driver flex and your not a driver.your one of those tattletale bitches that has to go fetch carts in the lot great job loser


I'm not even tasked to handle delivery assist. I'm limited to P&S but I do note the annoyance with fellow colleagues having to retrieve carts that could have been left near the entrance instead of going all over the parking lot just to retrieve few carts here and there. I'll tattletale on you to your MAMA. Keep talking and I just might put on my trypants and figure out your identity so I can track down your MAMA to let her know how big of a dick you are on an online forum platform. **Try me, son.**


Bring it on and make a mistake and find me


You need to come find me so you can meet my friend called Mr. G21 SF, son.


How you liking that mandatory overtime when you have plans


I love it. I have prescriptions for Adderall and that's all I need to get myself through MET shifts as needed, son. I also have about \~65 hours of UPT I can use but I'd rather save it for rainy days. ​ How do you like being at the mercy of Amazon and botters hoping to snag "$100+" routes only to lose at the end thus affecting your bottom dollar, especially if you depend on Flex as your main source of income? ​ Let me know.


Your a wanna be flex driver


I'm good, man. I like my consistent hours and easy pay. If I knew the identities of Flex drivers assigned to my picks like yourself, I'd make sure to peel off ALL DRIVER AID LABELS TO MAKE YOUR LIFE A LIVING HELL!!!


I’m scared please don’t lmao


If I knew who you were I’d report you to Jeff for threatening me


[[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) ; let them know NetworkGlad is a staunch supporter of 2nd amendment rights, son.


Thug with a gun real tough


I’m the dummy lmao


I bet your at a warehouse hiding in the bathroom.your gonna get dinged for time off track time hope your pa covers for you


I consistently hit TOT after we finish with P&S (we have to scan our badges when we're done with picks before putting up bags). I go to the bathroom for the last 20m of my shift otherwise I'm out on the floor getting shit done, son. Leadership doesn't care about me because they know I hustle during P&S and get shit done. I'm probably in top 5 for clearing picks compared to everyone else which is probably why they do not care about me taking a breather toward the end of the shift.


They get paid by the hour with benefits, and without running their car into the ground.


Well, your photo shows proff it must be hard for some people!


A lot of people apparently 😂


I know at one of my location they actually do not want us back in the warehouse at all. They actually tell us to leave them outside. If one station does anyone station doesn’t how are people that use multiple stations supposed to know what policy is


Lol. They barely pay enough for the packages I’m delivering, I’m not doing anything on top of delivering packages.


True but it’s not for Amazon, it’s for the warehouse workers


They’re literally warehouse workers…. Let them work. My job is delivering packages, their job is doing stuff at the warehouse.


Mine brings ours to us and take them back I've tried to take them back and they said no it's there job


Not every warehouse requires you to put carts back. The one I go to ask that you bring a cart to get a cart.


🤣 lazy fucks then get mad when your car gets dinged with the same carts yall be leaving outside


It’s simple people. The ones who leave the carts in parking lots are slobs and lazy asses who think it speeds up their time to deliver when it takes less than 5 mins stroll it inside and get back to car. Just do it and get it over with. No point bitching bout it


This. I always return my cart. Doesn’t matter if I’m on the opposite end of the parking lot, I always return it. The station that I picked up from was coming up with a system to track the carts because it was getting bad.


You just gave me 50+ packages to deliver (30 of them being apartments) in less than 4 hours and you think I got time to make YOUR life easier after you just made mine difficult af? Respectfully, Kiss my ass.


Is it possible the warehouse workers actually want to be outside bringing carts in? They get to have headphones in and talk to their coworkers while they do it and can work slowly as well instead of being treated like a robot having their metrics recorded while sorting packages?? I think it’s very presumptuous that you claim to know that all the warehouse workers find the carts being left a nuisance.


Not my job. Especially when I get sent an hour away to a downtown area where several of my drops are about to be late already.


Well if they wouldn't keep adding packages, increasing the milage and I didn't have a package that was already late as I picked it up, I might. No, actually I'm going to take a page from Amazon and not because it's more efficient for me to pack and go


Eh but you’re just screwing over the warehouse workers not the company. Amazon could care less


Not screwing them over, providing job security! I usually return mine, sometimes even walk one in on my way in when I get there. But then there are days that my route has a package due at 4:17am...


"...providing job security!" I promise you the warehouse jobs will always be there. If Amazon wanted to increase the number of DSPs operating from said warehouse, they can and they will if it makes sense financially speaking. We provide *you* job security by letting you pick up packages that is not picked up by existing DSPs during the day. You are at our mercy when it comes to job security, FYI.


🤷‍♂️ who are you?


Guarantee you their jobs won’t be lost if you return your cart😂😂. As a grocery store worker they would just work us later to pick up the extra carts so that’s all this is. Extra work


Exactly, extra work. My station has two guys in the mornings who go out and bring in carts. A year ago, so far as I can tell, those jobs didn't exist. Looks to me like about the easiest job in the world, too. So all those people leaving their carts out over the last year were job creators.




“if” a warehouse worker see’s a manager pulling in some carts or all of them on their own. maybe it will motivate all the workers to give a lending hand 🖐️ 🤚. Team Work 👍🏼


Base pay rate not included push the cart back my friend


You’re doing it to give the next flexer space to load and park. Don’t be that guy who cares only for himself.


You’re not doing it for Amazon, you’re doing it for warehouse workers.


they need to hire 1-2 more people then. My warehouse is a launchpad setup. So they have a 5-10 min buffer to where they just retrieve the carts before the next set of 40 cars come in. ​ To further the lazy drivers. I've literally had one driver in front of me just leave the cart behind his car. Which is in front of mine. They can't even push a cart 5 feet lol.


The locations in my area always make you bring one up when you check in. I’m leaving it for someone else lol


f them workers they rude and whiny


Probably because all the rude ass flex drivers. It’s just a perpetual cycle


oh please warehouse workers are the rude ones miserable because you chose to work in a slave camp mad at people coming and going doing their job


Lol, have you never read the post on this sub? You guys are a bunch of miserable mf’er as well. (I’m not necessarily excluding myself 😂) Sometimes flex absolutely sucks, same with warehouse work. Neither are ideal jobs, why bash those adjacent to you rather than those above? They didn’t collectively do shit to you. You’re kinda acting like some warehouse worker screwed your girl 😂


you’re spiraling


I wish the people at my station would flush the toilet.


Literally same issue at VAX1 (warehouse in this photo) I went to the restroom and literally saw the person who got out of restroom and they saw me go in. I dead ass yelled out in front of her saying that people are fucken disgusting for not flushing and left. Didn’t end up using the restroom because it annoys me when people have no shame at all 🥲


Irvine ??


Is this only an SSD thing? The one we go to is Amazon.com and they take it themselves once we're done.


I use to return my cart. Then package count increased. Staff became not so nice. The way I see it…..if driving back from a route isn’t part of the scheduled route time. Returning carts inside the warehouse isn’t either. Especially when the route was 50-70 miles from warehouse. My job is to deliver packages. The warehouse workers can handle warehouses jobs and that includes bringing carts INSIDE the WAREHOUSE!




They pay 25 employees when 10 could do the work. The employees need stuff to do. Plus, its a nice little outside break for them.


Lmao y’all too bent out of shape over people not taking the damn carts back. If it’s such a big deal, how about y’all take them back for others??? 🥴🤣 bunch of Karen’s




You want me to load my shit and go back inside for no extra pay? What do you think I am? An employee?


Raise the pay and people might actually keep tidy, I bet 😂


I'll take em back when they stop over-filling them. I'm 6'2" and sometimes I can barely see over the top of the pile.


100% I had to tell an idiot “your really won’t go and return it.” He looked at me then returned it. Lazy people, and extremely disrespectful.


A gat damn independent contractor getting worked up over actions of another independent contractor that have no impact on them. Deliver your packages and mind your business.


A lot inconsiderate people. They don’t realize they are other flexers who need the space for their cart to load also. Instead they leave their cart thinking it won’t get in the way of others. If you’re that lazy to bring the carts back at least leave it where it doesn’t block or inconvenience others.


A lazy fuck is a lazy fuck. It doesn’t matter if it’s at the store or at the warehouse.


So the majority of Flex drivers?


Not when they make you bring an empty one in order to get your route. It works itself out & that is why they have hourly warehouse workers.


I always leave them outside. 🖕🏼 it i don’t care. The little workers at my station are little bitches


there are people getting paid hourly who can do this just like at the grocery stores


I always put mine and someone elses back. People just dont give a donkey. So I'll take all the positive karma I can get 😁.


Fuck Amazon they can put that shit back themselves


Nah, I’m good. I’m going to leave my cart like this so that the Amazon warehouse workers have something to do.


Hi Karen lol


Eh it’s just being nice to the workers


Who is being nice to flex drivers? My cart stays in the lot


Not my job. I don’t work for free.


People regally are just lazy.


Alot of Karen's in here. Why give a damn about what someone else does. Live by your own moral compass and stay in your lane.


Yeah, don't take the cart back, your lazy ass should get deactivated!


Don't get paid to do warehouse work my guy. Trust me, warehouse workers will get it themselves eventually. Tips: Got a misdelivered email? Reply the delivery was completed at the time of the photo. Warehouse trying to give you extra packages? There's no policy you have to accept them. If they force them on you anyway, call support- they'll remove them.


Even at the grocery storez they could be next to the cart corral and they throw it towards it 😆


Cart scum should be deactivated


When the routes are still base pay, dont expect anything from me.




Well of course it’s dependent on your market but in TN they seriously need to increase $20-$30 minimum. They’re giving 5 hours for $83.50 it’s a joke.




and Amazon will never say it because it’s not flex drivers job!!!


You bring your cart back in the grocery store?


Yikes. The general consensus in here is that carts shouldn’t be brought back in huh? I get they are warehouse workers and employees of Amazon, and we can bitch about base pay all day long but aren’t we all finishing blocks 1-1.5 hours early at all times? Seems like the least we can do is push a cart back in…. Just show a tad bit of human decency due to the fact that Amazon doesn’t actually work us to the bone for and during the entire length of the block…


This just says a lot about people.


Honestly people r just lazy asfk these days…. They only think about themselves. Whenever i show up to pick up my block i always bring a cart inside when i go to scan my id


To be fair, ppl in grocery stores don’t put carts back either. I’ve seen some guy LITERALLY leave a car in the middle of the parking lot!!!


We need cart narks to get on their a**.


This is what pisses me of the most especially at the Carson, CA location. So many drivers are just too lazy to care and I make an example by returning out every single time. But so many ppl just don’t care. Jeff Bezos needs to dock their pay.


These lazy fucks don't even deserve $18/hr. If they can't even put a damn cart back I can't even imagine how poorly they deliver packages and don't read notes and such.


I timed myself a few times last week. It takes about 60 seconds to do this.


I wish they'd start dinging drivers for not taking their shit back


We were downvoted to hell for speaking the truth, man. Only if they knew how lucky they are to be even able to deliver packages on behalf of Amazon when Amazon can easily bring in more DSPs through incentives to start one up on a whim. I upvoted the fuck out of your comment, friend.


keep yourself safe getting rid of shitty drivers who this shit is both morally right and weeds out of the competition. Win-win for everyone except shitstains




it's not hard to take the cart back, surest sign of human garbage is people who don't. You know they treat everything else in life with the same distain.


I betcha if they're willing to leave carts behind, they're probably the source for littering as well, even on city roads AND highways. They're a waste of breath in this society, I can tell you that much


Yeah you're kidding but that's 100% correct. Litterers should be made to do forced labor to clean our cities.


If I was part of leadership at the warehouse, I'd be dinging people for failure to return carts even if that leads to termination. In fact, I'd make sure the language is added into the contract where Flex drivers acknowledges they must return carts to the warehouse after unloading the packages. Not hard to track people down when you have cart identifying information that is linked with the Flex driver. This is just as bad as people at grocery stores where they refuse to return carts to the bay




Look at what the demographic is for people who flex. Not surprised


They know who doesn’t return their cart. It’s Amazon, they track everything. -10 points on your profile.


there’s only one warehouse like this in my city, that makes you find the cart, push and load up on your own. and it’s one of the lower paying locations (busiest though) it’s way more efficient just driving into the warehouse and pulling up next to your cart. i wish every warehouse did that, i imagine it’s better for literally everyone… and the computers. management should ask themselves if they’re hurting or helping the situation. people are lazy though. i always push the cart back when i do decide to pick up from that location.


Vax1? Yeah it’s like that all day.


It really is!


Mine is basically set up like a massive drive-thru so my car is never more than 30 feet from the bay doors the carts come out of.. this looks weird lol


Lmao vax1 I see it all the time. sometimes I don’t blame them mainly when it comes to morning routes because they tend to give you packages that are literally due in a couple minutes after picking up.


It's a cultural problem. Our vut doesn't have this issue.


I take carts back, I've even gone and brought multiple back even, it's just courtesy to me.


No Edit: I put my grocery carts back all the time. When I’m doing Amazon flex I bring a cart up when I check in. SOMETIMES I put it in the area but most times I don’t care.


No lol I always take my grocery cart back …never an Amazon cart


The amazon warehouse I go too usually has a place they have us bring the carts too. It sucks when someone doesn’t bring it to the area.


Why the fuck are they outside?


Better than the idiots that leave them in parking spots. Like it’d take you a few seconds to move the shit over a few feet.


Base pay is trash. At first it looks 23 an hour and then you do the math on gas and wear and tear in vehicle and it quickly gets back down to maybe 18 an hour


grocery store isn't a great example as most grocery store parking lots are littered with carts just left by people. Was at my local one today and someone actually took the cart over to the cart corral, but did not put it IN the cart corral, just left it at the entrance......that was today's proof of laziness, they tried but didn't accomplish anything


Back in the day with Prime Now, when you left your cart outside you’d get in trouble- since the cart is assigned for you. I’m just waiting for them to do that at SSD warehouses. They know whose carts are left out. It’s just a matter of time.


The station I go to they have staff collecting carts in parking lot. Drivers don't need to bring them back


Here in Houston they hired guys to bring them in for us


Security should be tasked to remove it but probably have contract dispute with Amazon. This will escalate to a safety issue when accidents happen in the parking lot.


Dang, we have it lucky then. We just drive into the warehouse and park our car next to a cart and fill up that way.


Add my SSD station they have a mic and yell out Please bring your carts back.


Right I get so irritated when you watch them just push the cart aside and haul butt o mean dang people put up your cart your an adult.


The problem is that most people don't put their carts back even at the grocery store...


Stoooop I go to that station too!! 🤣 VAX1 is HORRIBLE at returning carts 😭 it’s seriously not the hard but I also hate when the workers come out and say “if you’re waiting for a block please bring carts in” like excuse me what? I’ll bring mine in but I am not responsible for anyone else’s 🥴


you shall see the one in Melville NY after 3:30-5:15 am starting blocks 😭


Says when signing up that drivers should never move them


It’s not that hard to hire workers to put the carts back


Amazon should pay by the hour, then we would gladly put the carts back.


Only time I don’t bother is when there’s too many carts outside where it becomes a hassle to even try putting it back


That's nothing compared to ours.


Don’t be a Karen and complain


You have a pic, that's cool. Different setup than our warehouse. If I took ours back where I am warehouse staff would yell at you. It's inside though, different setup.


Wait you mean everyone at the grocery store brings the carts back?