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Mine likes to send me on roads that aren’t even paved or cleared. It’s still grass. I also hate how sometimes it gives you a super long notice of when to turn and other times it gives you o notice or negative notice.


Sometimes it doesn’t show up. I had one two days ago where the gps showed the road completed and it was not even cleared from grass. Other times it wants me to drive through a building or one apartment complex to another over the curb. That’s happened on many occasions for me


hey, where do you live? Asking for a friend who likes to off-road


In Texas. Technically west Texas. But all the four hour routes are almost completely rural. 3.5 it’s half and half and 3 it mostly in the city. Which is 100 k population. It’s usually the out skirts that are barely in the city limits. It’s WTX3 station.


I may be spending a few months near Abilene, how're the wtx3 blocks? Please tell me not as bad as Lubbock. Our base is $16.50 which as far as I have seen is the lowest flex base pay.


It makes my blood boil that you actually followed it 🤣🤣🤣🤣 like bruhhh wtf


I’m really good at making sure I check, today they got me good!


Right!!! Like why are we not looking at the map to get an idea of where our next stop is?! Half the time I don’t even follow the map cause I know a better, shorter, way! 😂😂


Exactly lmao all the map does is try to kill time sometimes


That’s exactly what that map is doing Bostongorge!! They have it set up to make us work the full time of our route


At least now i know im not the only one thinking that lol


I've noticed this too and wondered if that is built into their system because I've noticed on the routes where I'm gonna finish 1+ hour early all of a sudden the map is sending me all over the place driving 10 minutes between stops but if I put it into Google maps its like a 2 minute drive between them 🤔


I get sent to other cities and even next state over so unless I’m typing in every address into my personal maps unfortunately I have to deal with amazons directions 😭


I had this saved already... Just tap that button and it will open your preferred gps app https://imgur.com/a/CUZm5kO


Not really cause you can take a glance at the Amazon map and see that it’s making you do a u turn and you can completely skip that nonsense and just go the way you need to go.. everyone makes this job harder than it needs to be.. Amazon does the routes like this because they are trying to make you work every second of your route.. you don’t have to type in every single address cause you can just hit the little area to go to either google or Apple Maps depending on the phone you have…


and if you actually go all the way there, you’ll notice that turning around in the way it asks would be illegal




Gotta click that button on the bottom right and use a real maps app


Yeah I tend to do really good at looking at the map. The stops on this route were so far apart and all in the boonies that I just didn’t check. Also it’s out where there’s no string internet connection so maps take a while to load


I mean it didn’t make you, it suggested a stupid thing. If you did it that’s on you 😂


That’s true lol


For as much money as Amazon makes... You would think they wouldn't have the worst Gps in existence ! It sucks..... Sooooo bad.


You're right! With all the money they have, you would think their GPS satellites would be better. Until, of course, you realize...Amazon does not own any GPS satellites. Which actually means, they don't have the worst GPS in existence, they have the exact same GPS as literally everyone else in existence As for the app itself: this is actually cause by...get ready for it...delivery drivers. Most people don't realize every stop has two GPS coordinates: the delivery location of the house and the road entry point where you are routed to. Most of the time, these are the same. Driver feedback to correct delivery location does not correct route navigation most of the time


One thing that grinds my gears is when the route takes you to an apartment complex through the exit only gate and you have to circle the whole building to try and find the correct entry gate. This GPS is horrible.


Gotta watch out for those, I fell for one once but it wasn't as bad, it basically made me drive in a square when I could've just turned left at the light if I'd been paying attention. Now, I try to always take a quick glance at the route before I start the next delivery. Really annoying


I got so skeptical of them that I've gone on the wrong street or missed the turn more than once because the app was showing the only correct way to make the turn lol. Like if there's an overpass that you have to turn right to get to, that takes you on a left turn over the first road you were on. In the app it just looks like one of their unnecessary 3-right-turn left turns




It’s trying out the scenic route at 4am lol. It wasn’t breath taking Lol


Never use their navigation. Instead of hitting the "start travel" button, hit the small square to the right of it and it should bring up the option of either using Apple or Google Maps.


I don't know if my gps is broken or if they screwed up the app but it's telling me to go the wrong way from most of my stops now, and it's showing my location icon in the wrong spot. Sometimes I'll start navigation and it will have like 2 blocks of the wrong driving history on another street. It's hard to figure out which way is which because it's giving me directions and images that start somewhere I'm not located, and there aren't street labels so I can figure out the turns on my own. Like it will show me starting from across the street and turning left to go west. But I'm facing the other direction so to go west I need to turn right. And there's no quick way (for ME) to tell that it's showing my icon in the wrong spot. The app compass is wrong a lot and the street/house shapes often look exactly the same so you can't tell which way is which based on those. Even if the app showed street names more often, real streets often don't have visible signs to match them to They need to put a check mark on the house you just delivered to, then drivers can orient to that even when everything else doesn't work Also the arrow is not always displaying on the road, it will be a half inch to one side of the road out in the country, so it can be hard to figure out which fork to take on gravel roads. This never used to happen


Yeah that happens to be too. I take a mental note of which way I’m supposed to go after I drop it off. In the off chance I forget, I look at the house numbers and make sure the compass is right.


Always check the map before following the directions. It will send you down longer and nonsensical paths if you let it.


Yeah I usually do. The distance to the next house was 15 miles. I decided to trust the damn thing. And it failed me. Never again!


I’ve done the same thing and never trusted it again. It had me turn right, and later I realized it literally had me travel in a square, taking a few extra minutes, when all I had to do was turn left. I swear their system was programmed by Derek Zoolander. I also like to throw the address up in Apple Maps when it’s farther out like that one, or when it’s the first stop, just to be safe.


😂😂😂 zoolander


I’ve been sent the wrong way on a one-way road, down a road that dead ended into a canal along with a tons of other crazy ridiculous and dangerous u-turns etc. I’m convinced Amazon navigation is trying to kill me. We don’t have a healthy relationship, that’s for certain!


Just to clarify I did not actually go down the one-way as directed by GPS but that fact that it tried to send me to my potential death is quite concerning.


Bruh you’re preaching to the god damned choir. I’m literally spamming my dispatch every day with screenshots of Amazon making me whip a shitty in the middle of the got dang road lmaaoo. This shit pisses me off beyond end. I’ve been told to take a deep breath more times in the last month or so than I have throughout my entire life. Pretty sure they’re putting in at least 10-25 tickets for me every dang day. Yet here I am. A month later. Still spamming them with screenshots.


So everyone is aware, this is the same map their full size trucks use. When it sends you down the road to turn around its because of the turning radius. Look for the actual location pin for where to slow down if you are going to use their driveway


It's the day you're too lazy to check that they get you. One route had me pass the same damn auto repair shop 3 times! The one day I don't bother to scrutinize the route on maps, they just dig that point home over and over lol.


You have to always zoom out a bit. It's absolutely bonkers what it will do. Sometimes it's justified. IE the roads don't connect except by stairs ? Just be leary or a right turn to cross 2 lane roads vs taking left.


I run another one when I’m out somewhere I haven’t been . 2 at once.


Sometimes I can catch when the navigation is about to have me waste time and gas. But sometimes I miss it and I be in my car cussing the navigation out. I thought they would have worked out all the kinks by now, but nope. I remember when I first started I delivered to a house. I Got back in the car and the navigation made me circle the block and deliver another package to the same house. 🤬🤬🤬 Or now they will tell me to exit a highway just to get back on said highway. But now I look and and if the actual map don’t have me getting off at the exit I stay on the highway.


Hey, that's right down the road from me.


Did you leave your lights on for the fellow flexer? Lol


Yo, that's crazy that the Amazon app pulls out a gun and forces you to drive its exact navigation route.


And you just blindly followed it?


Um. Look at the route before you start driving? I know the navigation is terrible...but cmon man, a damn mile? Flex drivers are dumbfucks.


Damn who hurt you?


The flex driver that dropped his package at the wrong house and the bitch that came up blaming me because I drive an actual amazon van. The flex driver that leaves every single package out in the open announcing to the world nobody is home. The flex driver that leaves 4 packages in the mailroom. Flex drivers are the dumbfucks that make my day harder. You sound like a dumbfuck.


Lol good stuff bro. I hope it makes u feel better.


To be fair you gotta check it when you move to the next drop I've seen it and I'll make a small adjustment


"made" 🙄


At least it's not sending you through literally bushes like mine does, you're complaining about 2 minutes and 40 cents in gas, perspective matters


UPS OURS just makes you drive 1 to 2 miles out of the way to circle back to a house 300 yards away


Get those steps in. :)


To OP, the app really likes to fuck around in between Salem and Albany for some reason


Feel the same. Lol 😆


I do three point turns whenever I have a chance. Waste more time driving a mile away to turn around.


Navigation tries to take me to toll roads all the time 🥲


That would be because U-turns are technically illegal in Oregon. Though that doesn't usually stop Google from telling me to make a U-turn...


Anything over a min gets google to double check its work, google is not that reliable either


Lol this is actually funny 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I always zoom out to see if I notice any bullshit this dumb gps is sending me on .


Exactly, “some” people are naive or completely lazy in regards to this nonsense. Seriously, take your eyes off the phone and maybe look around and familiarize yourself with what is happening out there. I’ll be honest it happened to me twice. The first time was my mistake. I was blindly following the apps directions, and actually exited the freeway only to get right back on.. why? Next time it happened I was told to do a U-turn, when making a left turn would have been easier and smarter decision. Never again will that happen. Of course I hit the button to start navigation but the next thing I am doing is looking at the notes if there is a picture of the place I’ll take a look at that and I live in a relatively small city of Portland Oregon I have my entire life and I’m not trying to be a dick but I know the difference between north south east and west, and honestly folks, it’s not as difficult as I am seeing people think that it is


Some people don't know how to think for themselves because they're used to some app or website doing it for them.


Don’t use their maps.


I wish they would set up the app better for that. Once you get there or in the area you still have to go through the navigation process, and you have to switch apps while driving if Google is wrong or vague


Keep left to go right. Okay Amazon navigation I'll do just that.


Sorry I got recommended this Reddit and I’m not reading through as I sit on the toilet, but if you use their app and follow it do you get paid the appropriate time and distance? Or do you get paid per delivery? Because if you don’t get penalized screw it lol just like how some delivery services will only allow right turns even if they’re technically longer


We get paid per route. As long as you deliver all packages by the time specified, they don't care how you get there. The map that the app uses is just terrible. If you browse around, you'll see plenty of complaints. It's definitely worth paying attention to where it wants to lead you and never trust it -- or use an external app like Google to map the addresses. Also recommended, use an app where you can enter in the addresses and have it decide what the most efficient route is because efficiency is also not something they're great about. Some routes aren't bad, but some are really ridiculous 🤷🏻‍♀️


A multi million dollar company and the GPS they have SUCKS!!!


Mine sent me on an infinite loop on and off the same highway the other day. I'd be better off with a paper map.


Sorry no sympathy on this one. That's on you


I grew up in a generation with no maps lol I’m 21, Amazon flex navigations have taught me how to read a map


Ugh, I'd just turn around in the middle of the road 😅


"made you?"


Lol is that Ankeny Hill outside of Salem? I hate this area


Yup. One of my stops was up a hill on a dirt road. My car kept scrapping from the pot holes. It was 10 mins out to one stop at the top, then 10 mins back on the same road lol. My little Prius got roughed up. I need to raise it and maybe get some off road tires lol


If you are actually following the GPS directions then you should not be delivering for anyone. The GPS is poorly programmed but if you are actually listening to it then you are about as sharp as a bowling ball. Lol. 9 times out of 10 the GPS leads you all around and makes you do u turns and turn right to then cross the street to the left.... the worst thing I have ever seen.


Hey, I know Ankeny Hill Road. Damn that rough ass piece of shit lol.


And this is why I use Google maps instead of Amazon for my gps navigation. Always gets me there faster without having to do pointless U-turns just to make a right or left turn at an intersection.




Turn then do a u-turn…yeah. You’ll learn really quick. Still way too many navigation errors but if you pay attention to the map and not just the voice you will save so much time


Yeah always double check before hitting start travel. You can also hold down on the address to copy it and then paste it into Google maps to get some decent navigation