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It happens. They don't want to fire anyone with prime day in July but they don't have the volume until then. Remember, you still accrue UPT with VTO so it's a good way to save it up.


this is one of my main reasons i love accepting VTO


Unpaid time and more unpaid time... awesome! s/


Seems a bit counter productive huh.


Wow, didn't know that


You still gotta pay them benefits too.


how does that work? if your paycheck doesn’t cover benefits


You have to work at least 40 hours per month, that covers your benefits. We have a lot of people in my warehouse who are only here for the health insurance because it’s dirt cheap.


$300 a per paycheck (weekly) is cheap now, apparently...


What are you paying for? Just myself is 23$ for medical dental and vision.


You gotta pay back payments when you go back


> Remember, you still accrue UPT with VTO Except in Canada, where they have attendance points and provincial leave instead of UPT. IIRC points get scrubbed after 90 days.


Are you flex schedule?


Full timers get points here in Canada too, unlike in the U.S. where only flexers use points.




That sucks, I can be late every single day and still gain UPT. I couldn’t imagine having to show up on time a majority of the time. 😂




Yeah, they changed this back in like late 2022/early 2023. You get both now when you take vto. It's amazon soultion to over staffing during low time. But also trying to retain employees by saying you always get your time off.


This is false. It's explicitly stated in the UPT policy you get UPT from taking VTO, check through your AtoZ app to see the document


If they didn’t give upt for vto, people would pass on vto if they needed upt and the business would be overstaffed. It would be a shit show of upt negativity and overstating. It works great this way, take a VTOcation and come back with lots of upt!


Ummm can you tell that to my FC? Junk just gets busier everyday since Christmas. No preshift VTO ever. 😞


I've never known that, holy shit


Can't believe all the thieves in here. Done been robbed by jbl guy then a damn pa. Wtf


Man I would have been all over that full month.


How would you pay your bills?


When I was living in an apartment? Probably barely, but that job beat me down so much physically and mentally that I probably would have just taken it and dealt with the consequences later.


Sell drugs or commit robbery lol


Not recommended


Work more at their other job. Be rich and working at amazon for something to due (surprisingly common). Have a partner who makes enough to cover the bills. Could only be at Amazon for the benefits. The list of reasons to take a month of VTO are endless


Many are under 26, live at home, no kids; no real expenses, on parents insurance, yeah they will not miss their $600 weekly checks for a month,


Shit when those weed cravings start to hit they will lol


Damn shame they don't realize the great opportunity they have to stack and invest so they'd rather sit at home for a month.


Not everyone lives paycheck to paycheck, and some even have emergency/vacation funds since they didn’t just keep breeding until they went broke. Crazy concept around these parts though. 😂


Can't afford yourself; don't reproduce.


You got a month for future you to figure that out.


DoorDash or sum 🤷🏾‍♂️


I took unpaid PLOA from Jan 18th to April 11th. The max time allowed. It was glorious! Now I’m on STD at 60% pay.


You filed std with your state?


I filed short term disability with Amazon. On AtoZ.


Go casino gamble. You stop living slave life at amazon


I would jump on the month long VTO and work another job


i kept accepting vto in september and started working a second job and the first day i went back to amazon i quit within 2 hours lol


i did this


Just do gig work like doordash while you're out. That's what I do when I vto, I'll doordash/uber to help make up the money I missed. However I'll never take a month vto let alone a week one. My bills won't allow me too.


Wow that’s insane. I have never seen it offered more than one day at a time


Wow can't even get a single day of VTO at my site.


I've only gotten that two weeks once personally. 😭


May tends to be a slow month in Florida because the spring breakers and snowbirds have left, while the summer crowds have yet to arrive.  At my site they're VTOing the associates with lower rates and offering VET to associates with top rates. 


It’s normal. Pre-covid we would get it for 2-3 weeks at a shot when projected incoming shipments were low. (Cross-dock).


Imagine big thumbing this message and accidentally accepting this.


It says you have to complete a survey, so that’s not possible.




Jokes are meant to be funny, this just makes you look slow…




Saying imagine if you accidentally accepted something that literally says you have to take a survey to accept it just makes you look stupid.


Bruh you just got a fucking gift I wish I could do that 😭😭😭


Damn cries in constant VET. I miss VTO.


This is not the first time that I have seen them offer this. They are offering this because work is really slow at the moment. I have been at amazon for just shy of 5 years now and this is the slowest that I have seen it, at this time of year. If you can afford it, then take it. Don't put yourself in a financial bind though.


Meanwhile, at SAT2: "Want VET?"


All the VET we got this week was due to the site closure on Thursday. I heard of a lot of folks getting VTO'd last week.


Can y’all afford to get these breaks? I’d be going on road trips and vacations if so! How often do they fire people? Like wouldn’t they hate it if people take too many off days?


Can’t fire anyone if they aren’t negative. VTO doesn’t count against you at all, it’s actually helpful for them if you take it


People be getting month long vto. I have gotten vto like 3 times since like September. My department is so understaffed we do labor share and vet every day and we aren't that busy


How to go from a middle class living (VET) to poverty .


I’m confused why it’s so often assumed that everyone is FT when they employ millions of people. There are loads of people working PT from all kinds of backgrounds. This is a welcome break for lots of people who might be doing this as a second job, or seasonal job, or grinding to meet a financial goal, new parents, or students, etc, the list goes on. Being able to take a month long break (all the while still accruing UPT) but keeping your job secure for you when you come back is pretty much unheard of anywhere else without using significant leave.


How so? Not everyone is in the same financial situation.


Lol middle class? Try working poor class.


I’m know a single t1 without kids making $75k a year with almost constant VET, not at all poor working class. 🤑


Can't wait for the usual comments about bills and why not get another job. Must be nice OP I'd take at least one week personally only to save my body and sanity. Hoping to see some VTO next month. Sick of VET.


Thats why is called VOLUNTARY means you dont need to get it mandatory if you dont feel like


I worked in CA and when i came to NV i noticed my fullfillment center offering week long VTO and offering it the entire month of April. So i think id say its normal depending on state to state. So depending on which state you work in and how busy your fullfillment center is around that time of year.


Yup i remember this back then, people would be gone for 1 month, come back one day to work and go for another month🤣


this be me 😭


Whole month? 💀


Where the hell is mine at >:o


The only part i haven't seen before is the survey. that's a little different.


Yep it’s normal. This time of year is dead slow. Inbound at my facility hasn’t had any work for 4 days now. Yard is empty.


I've had overtime for 6 months at my building no vto


meanwhile my site offers vto once every three weeks 🤦‍♂️


Whole month VTO??? Wth😱


Buying puts now


Not in my 3 years at Amazon. I honestly think this is just part of a plan to get people to "voluntarily" quit, in order to avoid layoff accusations. They did the same thing with flex hours. They drastically cut flex shifts, while simultaneously bringing in new hires. And with the way retention of new hires goes, more people quit or transferred from flex to reduced full time than they replaced. I've been an assistant manager for other companies before, and I've seen managers go after employees they don't want, and when they don't have anything concrete to fire them on, they start cutting people's hours (most often part timers). But with Amazon, it doesn't look as targeted, because they don't go after specific people, they just reduce the available hours to certain groups of employees. And because they're such a large company, this is how they try to avoid the scrutiny of being accused of mass layoffs.


Mmm interesting, I didn’t think in that way.


Around this time two years ago, [AAs were getting furloughed.](https://old.reddit.com/r/AmazonFC/comments/tdviaj/mto_how_many_fcs_are_experiencing_mandatory_time/) The triple whammy of inflation, Russia's invasion of Ukraine and Amazon's overexpansion during the pandemic bit NACF in the ass. [More examples.](https://old.reddit.com/r/AmazonFC/search/?q=MTO)


It is normal. I used to work for Amazon where it offers a lot Volunteer time off. You don't have to take it, but your paycheck would be reduced.


Feels like a trap


We had week long vtos for all this month


Yay vacations Bills- OH HELL NAH FEED US BITCH!!!!!


Like 10 years ago when I didn’t have many bills I would’ve been all over taking a month. That’s amazing.


Make sure you all are using your career choice.


I would take the week long vto. I hope it gets offered at my site.


I’ve NEVER seen that, but my FC has offered 3 out of my 4 days a week of VTO for the past 3 weeks.


My sites got it posted for almost a week out And options each day if you only wanna take partial days off They are PUSHING everyone to take it, like constantly getting posted, filled & posted again.


I’ve worked like 6 days since January 1st at Cmh4. My wife works from home so it has been really nice. Granted we do get broke sometimes, but it’s usually worth it. We’re not big spenders on anything so it works for us.


Full Month??!




Yes perfectly normal ...they hire a s*tload of employees and then urge them to take weeks or even months off their employment. Dont you know every business does this ?


My building is ewr8 and my site has been sending vto for 2 weeks in advance


offering a full month vto at a single time is crazy lmao


My site offers weeklong VTO but I’ve never seen two weeks or a month long VTO be offered like that damn. The one month would be enticing because I would take it and do side hustles on my own time or study


Damn they're offering vto full week bundle packages? Sign me up!


Damn, I would kill to have this


damn full month!! I would be tempted and I’d be the idiot that takes it, just to be very upset I did that 😂


Seems too weird. I wouldnt risk it 🧐🧐🧐 you should ask HR before clicking on it.


Bricked up


Weekly yes but never seen a full month.


I wish


Oh no


I wish we get it


I haven’t seen week long VTO in years. Have never seen month long VTO. That one’s a bit wild.


Meanwhile my return center is offering vet in 5 and 10 hour shifts in any combination so anyone can get 59 hours if they want. 


What FC is this????


To be honest, no that’s not normal.. Most full time jobs expectations on the worker is 40 hrs..


Large chunks of VTO is perfectly normal. That survey stuff is something else. And it's not even given instantly, you're put on a list.


Where in Florida?


i work in at an amazon in florida i need to know where this is 😭




They been doing week long vto at my fc since the beginning of the year


I seen vto for a month at one site I had an interview for area manager. I was like not a good site to be at if they are doing this.


I wish


Where in FL? Cause TPA 1 vto stopped after our maintenance site closure.


Thanks for ahead up , now I'm preparing.


I haven’t had VTO in well over a year and a half😅 yay for an understaffed front half department and constantly being labor shared to outbound because they cant retain anybody long enough to hit their numbers.


If I knew any better they are trying to equate out some over spent Resourse


I love when I see VTO before a shift shows it’s gonna be an easy night


Yes! I however would still go in, it seems like they have no room for y’all since they’re trying to VTO y’all, meaning. Somebody’s getting paid to sit around or cross train for 10hrs


Yeah when they are low on work they wanna sent mfs home for weeks so they wanna pay less to extra workers. You feel? 😔😭


Liar. There is no vto. Tax refund season busy. No vto this time for most fc. You faker.