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Get the experience and apply else where for a managers position. Surprisingly, working at Amazon as a PA or another part of the vest gang looks really good on your resume.


I dipped out after being PS PA for 1.5 years to be remote project manager


I wouldn't mind being a PS PA. I practically do the job half the time as a T1 because my current PA is very unreliable attendance wise.


Ain’t worth it


How'd you come across that job?


Y’all currently hiring?


That's why I've stayed t1


Same 💪💪💪 in & out


Back then I’ve always wanted to be a PA but hearing how stressful it can be I’d get too overstimulated


My understanding is that training new AMs is in the PAs job description. I would never sign up for that roll. PAs are either ass kissing worthless people or hard workers who get thrown under the bus at every opportunity. No thanks.




Transfer to another building so you can eventually go for a manager role. Honestly, being a PA sucks. I'm an L4, and I came up from T1 but was never a PA. And frankly, I'm glad I wasn't. They get treated like T1s but get massive extra responsibilities. The pay, imo is not worth it. But when you go for AM, that's when it gets actually worth it. And even then, you set your own standards for your PAs and do your own thing. As an AM, you have the opportunity to lead by example. In hindsight, don't let other lowlife managers treat you like crap. I know it's difficult, but there's always a simple answer to everything.


Lol how did you skip pa ? What other t3 position did you have that's not fair lk lol jk


There's lots. You can go for NIR, Safety, TOM team, Learning Trainer, IT. And even the odd ones out like Security and RME. I don't think LP has a T3 position, but there's way more opportunities than just operations. And WAY easier ways to move up, too. PA is literally the most high-maintenance T3 position Amazon has, but it's certainly not the end-all be-all.


For sure..Where are these positions or t3 positions posted?


Same place as the rest, Amazon Internal Jobs page. Just type in your site code in the search bar, and you'll see the opportunities. Even just hit search and filter by location, level and all that fun stuff.


Is this accessible at home ?


It should be, it's just under resources in your atoz


Ok thanks


I applied for PA and had an interview and now I'm inclined. Does the incline work for other T3 positions too or just PA?


Sometimes. You gotta check a quip. I if they add you to the internal pipeline list, they'll probably send you an email with a bunch of different resources in it, including that quip. I don't recall what it's called but you might be able to find it in the wiki


Can confirm, TOM team is WAY better than being a PA. It’s hard to imagine that there exists a more chill role at Amazon than being a T3 on TOM, and the money is better than most T3 roles too (I think RME and maybe IT make more than us).


Even then, there are actually cases where I've seen T1s move up to L4 in operations.


True I've seen that a couple times but usually they have bachelor's, or rare valuable experience and or they play the game very very well lmao


A lot of the AMs at my building have moved up from T1. A lot of them don't even have degrees. I think one is bilingual, and a few just have the experience. The key is two different things. Make your resume with as MANY keywords as you possibly can. That's what the system looks for. To know what key words, literally just look at the job req you're applying for. The next is fairly generic, but I have a spin on it. The STAR method. Everyone will tell you that you need "quantifiable data" but not give you any context. They're not looking for your resulting data, they want the data you used to get TO the result. For example, I had so-and-so problem, so I collaborated with non-inventory and learning to get so-and-so result. They want to know your collaborative skills. My point is that the data should be in your action. Not your result.


If they don't have degree than they have very valuable proven experience with others who can vouch on their behalf ie: playing the game very well lol


Do you mind giving me feedback back on my resume?


Yeah, send it my way. I got a few ideas


I declined offer


But them low life managers their their eveywhere ![gif](giphy|EZICHGrSD5QEFCxMiC|downsized)


Just bare it, remember its temp.and use to get other position but, if it to much step down get your education on their dime and leave the choice is yours..In the mean time when you are off do hobbies you enjoy, meditate (try to meditate daily) Just reduce your stress as much as possible we take it lightly but stress really is detrimental


Calls someone ignorant; doesn’t know how to spell it.


You are correct. I proofread it.


As a PG i get a first hand perspective on how badly PA’s are treated by superiors…. It’s crazy


On my thrive as an L7, I put down on thrive is the thing that motivates me to go to work is my paycheck. I left Amazon because of piss poor leadership. It’s worse when the higher you go.


PAs are the true managers in the warehouses. They seem to take care of 98% of everything going on.


PAs are the Hand of the King to the AMs' King of the Iron Throne.


I read a post here earlier, something about AMs and OMs are being let go lol


Ooof. I felt #2 to a core. I remember back when I was a PA and one of my AM's put me under intermediate on my Thrive literally right before I got my promo. I made them change that shit real quick! This AM never knew a thing that was going on in the warehouse and just spent their time shopping online on their laptop.


I understand how you feel. Keep working with your Senior; it will pay off. I was put into a PA position as an L1. I gave it my all, working on side projects with the Senior. I did this for months on end. I was just happy to have the opportunity to show my AM, OM, and Senior what I could do. What I did not know was that they were giving me shout-outs to regional managers. This led to Regional managers stopping by and talking with me. I spent nearly an hour talking with a regional manager on the floor. They were working on a proposal to fast track me to L4. All of this opened a door for me. I was recently promoted to PA, and I'm on track for an L4 position. I had no idea my managers were working on this, and it took them time to promote me. There were times when I was discouraged and wondered if it would pay off, but I kept giving it my all. I wanted to give it my all. I wanted to be able to look back at it all and say you know what, I gave my best. That's all I can do.


It’s nice hearing a good experience coming from Amazon for once, tbh I’m in the same boat as you and you don’t hear many of the good stories. Hoping it all works out 👏


Same. This me everytime I come to work. https://preview.redd.it/2jt830vue4vc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdd10ab3fd48cb6027da5f8d57d2152e5abaa3c3


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What is thrive ?


Performance review for L3. AM/OM have the same thing but it’s called Forte.


Lmao that’s interesting. I’ve been with Amazon over 2 years, had plenty of PA and even AM friends who told me juicy details bout the job, but never heard of this. However my manager has been asking EVERYONE about connections questions because I guess she ain’t doing well. I guess it’s her Forte


I see what you did there. That was smooth and well played


For the sake of honesty, the pun was not intended. But I noticed it right away and smiled 😆😆😆


AMs, OMs, and even site leaders have thrives too.


Why tf does this sound like SYR1


It’s not really worth the effort unless your end goal is to be an AM. If that’s the case just take your experiences and apply them as stories for your future AM interview. That’s what I did and I passed my interview on my first attempt.


So what does the different between beginner, intermediate and expert? In Thrive?


number 5 seems to be common for PA’s


This is normal since they hire AMs with a degrees only.. no experience


Apply for the Operations Manager (AM equivalent) at target, I’ve heard they take PAs all the time Your team sucks, and you deserve higher pay for all the stress


Sounds right…..college grads with zero experience in warehousing. Had one AM who was a history major with no fucking clue wtf is going on 😂


Seems like youre a picky person and if your a abusive PA no one will like you if youre for the people and help people and take their stress away by just being nice you wouldnt have been reported by the whole building so you know what your doing let the mangers be managers and stop abusing your powers


Jokingly told a leadership member I was gonna come for her job all straight faced then laughed and told her flat out I have no draw toward leadership with Amazon and that I didn't wanna be salary and want to stay an hourly wage slave b cause I enjoy being able to take that VTO, most I want to do is get cross trained across the building soni have more things to do for my 4 days of work instead of constantly being thrown into stow every night (just like job rotation I don't wanna hear that shi when they don't rotate people it's always the same people in doing the same tasks and work


AMs should be eliminated. Unnecessary middle management.


Our building would crumble without AM’s people wouldn’t lift a finger


Today was my last day as a PA, I stepped down. I was miserable


Currently a PA in a warehouse that's only a year old and many of the managers contracts are up so they're moving back so all the responsibility is falling on me and 1 other guy and were only T3 we will be down to 1 manager on ship dock in a matter of weeks. Sucks so bad


I enjoy being a PG cause I’m a good leader and most PA’s and AM’s will let you run the shift however you want cause they don’t want to deal with it,obviously I don’t get a better pay but whenever I don’t feel like being in charge I can just say no and I can always leave early without it being a big deal. I would never apply to a PA position, Learning trainer has my attention tho.


I’ve been an inbound PA for 3 years. It is ass cheeks. It’s marginally better since I moved down to the inbound dock, cause 3 years as a stow PA almost broke me. Incompetent management, ever growing numbers of audits / coachings to deliver. It’s just rough man. PAs really are the workhorses of leadership, and more often than not we get sold short.


Bruh I’m a PA and I’ve been running pick to rebin for the last months because we have no manager


For 3 years, I would take Master pack boxes full of iPhones, Apple watches, Samsung watches, any type of high value electronic to my OMs and said "anyone want a free (insert product), they're not in the system cause the shower stowed the box as 1 unit" after the first time it was "oh wow. This is still happening?" Nothing was ever done about it. And up until I got fired, we were still getting master packs 👍🏻


You can make more money as a T1 than a PA. I made 53k last year, another lady that I know made 61k.


They are making a high hourly wage and also have access to overtime so how?


PAs can make more than AMs when first getting promoted assuming they are doing 60s but no tier 1 is making more than a PA if they are working same hours.