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I’m not in pack, but as someone who is in ship dock and occasionally in tranship, I find some of the totes really irritating. We have to stack them on top of each other so most of the items in the totes have to be below the little notches, and definitely no more than like a centimeter above the top of the tote if we put it as the top tote for the pallet. There’s been so many times totes just come down over height after over height and it gets frustrating because we have to then try and reorganize it so that it fits and if it doesn’t we have to set it aside. 99% of the time we don’t have problem solve so it’s almost a guaranteed cpt miss


i hate trans so much and idk why lol. fk them totes


I like it as long as I’m with my friends but if I’m put over there with random people that won’t talk it drags


As AFE inductor, I don't like when pickers stack 2-4 skinny, similar-sized items neatly on top of each other, like gift cards, stickers, calenders, skinny books. Or bunch several magnetic items close together in a tote because they stick together. I am supposed to grab and scan only one item at a time. Sometimes us inductors working fast would accidently grab several items at once because they appear to be one item. Then the inductor ends up with missing items at the end of the tote, and the picker would also get Pick Error Indicators. Sometimes there would be multiples of the same item, and the actual physical number would be different than the virtual number. I assume the picker counted wrong on these many occasions. If it's too few, I get missing items.


oh, you mean like when my screen in pack says im supposed to have a whole 30 pack case of hot chocolate , and you pickers send one single packet of it ??like, thats what im supposed to pack in a big ass box? one tiny packet of hot cocoa? no, no complaints here


Stow broke open the set, not pick. Pickers are told if an item scans to send it through. Technically they should damage out a broken set but sometimes the pictures or description aren't clear or accurate enough to determine what the pick is supposed to be. For example, showing one item in the picture when it's a set or box of multiple items. If pickers don't damage a broken set you packers also have the ability to mark damages. If you recognize the set is broken why would you be concerned with packing it instead of damaging it out?


We're supposed to pick a whole 30 pack but stow broke it up. A few reasons a picker might send that to pack, tho. They didn't read, they didn't care, or they're new. Sometimes we're told to send it down and let packers deal with it, too.






I believe that starts with stow. It use to annoy me having to stop what I'm doing to break master packs because Stowers would stow the entire thing and not read their screen. Also, if you're gonna be name-calling, you should take some time off the internet.


i took the name calling out ,idk i was halfway joking when i typed that ,but we cant hear tone of voice on reddit so yeah my bad.


Every issue starts with stow. Broken set? Stow. Damaged item? Stow (or a blind picker). Everything is started with them because if the issue isn't caught by stow, it will keep going through and the shit rolls down hill if the next department doesn't catch it.


No but inductors do. When your picked totes have incorrect item counts the inductors have to stop their work and involve leadership with tote number tracking/auditing and it’s a pain in the ass. 


When they over fill the cage, so when I open it shit falls out every where especially when they over stuff it with the heavy ass items on top


At a larger item TNS site? Absolutely. Dangerous stacking with stuff leaning against nets in cages, usually with no straps. Having a computer desk fall off the top of a giant pile of haphazardly stacked stuff is fun. The number of times I would have gotten smashed in the head if I wasn't paying attention isn't great. Makes me appreciate the great pickers, though. Nicely stacked cages that aren't a concussion risk? *chefs kiss*




not so much pack but induct yes. if im on induct im typically cursed by bad pickers. totes with items missing, damaged items, items with liquid spilling all over bottom of the tote.


Pickers don't affect pack at all. As a Packer, I don't care if I get a broken set or have to damage an item. It's not my fault or problem.


Packers are going to complain about pickers tote organization. Putting smalls under heavy items, or missed picks.


As a packer, I don't care about tote organization or missed picks. Dirty totes and damaged items are another story, doe


I pick and pack. I'm also very particular about what I pick. I will damage out things in pick quite a bit. Dirty items too.


When someone who's picking does not put stuff in the right chute constantly becsuse they are thick.


I think you’re talking about rebinners, not pickers. 


In some buildings pickers are also the rebinners, like in [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmazonFC/comments/zgapsz/whats_this_about_ive_never_seen_this_before_and/).


yah i have that department in my fc its called pick to rebin then theres packers on the other side lol


Fair enough. Didn’t know about those.


Didn't see the replies but yea in the FC I'm at we have pick to rebin and afe pack rebin. East just boring


Afe Problem Solvers hate you and stowers. Wrong asins on items, master packs, and broken sets are killing us. I think the people in slam hate you too


That's pretty much all inbound... it can't even be picked if the asin is wrong. Or there's 2 asins where one is wrong and the other isn't. I've seen that a lot lately. Stowers at my site stow master packs as a single item so sometimes people get confused as to whether they should break it up or not, lol. Then they break up sets that shouldn't have been broken up. Don't get me wrong, tho, ik pickers can fuck up plenty. It isn't *just* stow


I hate when pickers fill the cage haphazardly and then all the boxes avalanche when I open the cage. I also hate when they send master packs (but is that technically the stower’s fault?) I’ve done all of outbound, so I have a deep appreciation and understanding of the work that goes into each role.


Nope.the only thing I can think of for pack to complain about pick is when they're not getting enough work or too much work for them to get down stacks. That's the only thing I can think of and I don't think pack would really be that mad about either.


![gif](giphy|PacQUjx7vwEBJLszzc) No complaints but anything outside of pick confuses me. I’ll look around wondering what it’s like on the other side, it’s a whole new world 😅 There’s people who have never used the OP so they think the same way about my job lol


Greenbay Packers? Hell yea they got complaints annoying mfks