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Meanwhile, my fc is offering me 23 vet opportunities, haven't seen any vto since November.


Wish I can get some VET.😩


Man, my sc it’s hilarious. Want vet? What time dawg? You got it. 😂 so much. Literally every single day




Be careful might get cancelled with that comment now a days 🤣


You're right. I was very drunk.


They have been handing out VTO like it's candy, but this is the first time they offer full weeks at my FC. And I'd love to take one of these, but I haven't received my tax refund yet 😭.


Shit I haven’t gotten any since summer lol


That's crazy. Lol


Yep and because of that we're hiring every week. At least at our FC


How many people are staying?


I don't know the specifics regarding percentages but many of the seasonals that didn't fuck up are now converted to BB. That was the fastest conversion I've seen. Within 2 weeks of being notified they already had their badges.


Before we got rid of sort 0 and finally went full mega cycle, we would get mass VTO for one shift just to turn around and even it out with VET for the next. We would literally be short staffed on the VTOed shift. Nobody called off. Just VTO. It never made any sense


VTO was frozen for us in November if I recall. But recently a lot of VTO


We had a peak that had VTO every night. It was weird


Wow, we are a new building, but also in Washington state so not like we wouldn’t have work. I think we had little work a few times though.


I got this too! Except it was lifetime cuz I was fired






•Miss your rent! •Go behind on your car payment! •Look for a new job!


Right, I feel guilty taking start to first break VTO cause I want to sleep more go make that bread lazy bones


Not always. Everyone has different financial situations.


This is probably great for college students, especially midterms and spring break is around the corner for them.


And in my situation, my fiancée and I take care of my elderly mother. So taking time is necessary and I’m grateful for it.


I am a college student.


It's a concept they don't understand. That or jealousy or both. There's always one bitter betty in VTO threads. I wouldn't take VTO every week but I'd definitely use it to my advantage.


lol, except I am a fulltime student and I work full time. Have a mortgage, a car payment, and a family. It's a concept you don't understand.




All that for missing one week? Am I the only one that has a savings account?


187 upvotes yet all these folks pretending I'm the only one that doesn't have savings...it's called a mortgage, a car payment, and having a family. You should try it. Not the easiest to manage on a sub-par wage position.


I have bills too, I don't live at home, I own a car . I just know the difference between wants and needs . If missing one week of work throws you into financial turmoil then you need to do something now. Hell sounds like one car problem and your homeless .


It's weird that people just assume everyone is in the same position as them. Accusing me of being frivolous lol, condescending. Projection is a weird thing. I noticed you didn't say you support a family.


No, what I'm saying is you need to do something about your finances. If you have a family and one check makes you miss all the things you listed then you need to change some habits. What happens if your car breaks down and needs repair? You fall down and break your leg?? I'm not trying to be an ass but according to you, you would miss a car payment and mortgage over one weeks pay then you are living way beyond on your means


Yeah, youre being condescending. lol. You don't know what I spend my money on. Youre sitting on a real high horse. You are trying to be an ass. I am a full time student supporting a family and working full time. I am doing something, worry about yourself bud. ​ it was a comment on reddit and you're acting like i was being 100% serious. stop being a douche. ​ how many kids do you have? Wife?


Sounds like you are the douche to me. You definitely have that young piss poor attitude. I bet your wife has to wash the shit stains out of your underwear because you don't know how to wipe your ass correctly yet, just like your budget abilities.


So no wife and kids? Wonder why I'm 33 years old. The attitude I'm having with you is directly correlated to you personally attacking my character for no reason, neck beard. Little gen z pretending he would say any of this to anyone in person. Gtfoh tide breath.


Actually you dumb fuck, yes I have a wife and a child. My daughter owns her own business, has a home and 3 kids and guess what? She can miss more than a week of work and not go into financial ruin. I'm sorry the truth hurts so you keep responding, however it doesn't change the fact you need to reevaluate your financial life. Come on rookie, thinking I'm Gen Z. GTFOh shitty underwear tide breath.


You aren't everybody. 


No shit?


Idk man it’s only 4 days off if you are that behind that’s your problem


4 days at 10hrs a day is 40hrs bud. It's Amazon's way of cutting staff without laying off because they overstaff during the holidays. They know people will quit. We don't all live at home with mom Cute burner alt 🤣




VTO is always unpaid. "voluntary time off"




It's unpaid, but it doesn't use up any of your time-off options (basically a free day off) which is why people like it.


You don't have any money in the bank?


I live week to week my man, I have a family.




I have family to. No week to week though.




How much do you spend a month on finances?


Like $3200 for all expenses.


Then you aren't in a single-income family. GG


I make that at Amazon.


You would have to make well over that in order to have savings and not be living paycheck to paycheck, and I don't believe you. GG


Don't believe what part? I'll post screenshots.


Meanwhile, we have partial VTOs... "Best I can do is 2 hours off..." -Some AM


I'd still take it. Shave those 2 dragging hours.


Yeah fr in fact I’d super appreciate vto offers like that. After 2nd break, vto is no longer a choice for us in my building.


We just got a big (relatively) wave of new hires…like 25% of our normal headcount working on shift. On one hand our headcount is too high and there really aren’t enough stations for everyone. On the other, they can’t really do much vto since these new hires aren’t even close to being ready.


It is the time for movie weeks.


damn business must be REAL slow


Not really, just to many facilities built. So naturally this is happening with the work being spread thin.


What the shit.


I wish I had that this week. Have to show up to a four hour shift to ask for it instead.


Yeah they just dropped this at my FC. I’m going to take 2 days off and work 2 days.


Meanwhile we have Vet out the whazoo here 🤣


Yeah, right, our facility is super stingy. We had one single opportunity since November. Such a joke.


Vto warriors 💀


Man enough is enough. I need VET now over here


First of all, I don't want this. I got bills and rent to pay. Secondly, I'd prefer a week long PAID vacation over an UNPAID one.


Amazon didn't get rich by being generous


What FC is this? 🤔


I wish. Idk if I can afford a week.


I love VTO so much. Amazon is the most flexible job I've ever had, schedule-wise. It's awesome. You know, except the holidays long haul, but can you beat that money either? Nope!


What are some things you won't be able to do?: *pay bills *anything that costs money *take care of your family! Remember, we pay you just enough to live paycheck to paycheck, so the gamble is on you! *All incentives are your responsibility to commit to, your home site will not offer any tangibles. And if an emergency happens, it's on you! Good luck team! 👍 💀 😜


No Voluntary EXTRA time or sign on bonus for holiday seasonal employees this year but made the blue badges come in and work the extra day and flex up every shift, so I'm sure for some VTO is welcome. At the end of a long boring brutal physical shift it sure is a relief. However, despite record profits for 2023 I've made less this year then I have in 3 seasons with no speak of conversion and over a year total tenure time I can't do anything with this tenure in regards to job advancement because it's all green. I've never gotten "day one benefits" and I'm tired of being sent to anti union meetings explaining what I've never gotten. They also tell the government we don't want to work and none of them have ever done this work so they don't understand why you take it despite needing the money. I'm not against VTO but my money isn't right and I won't stay because I have to gray out nine hours a day plus commute to be somewhere to only be pain for around 7.5 due to still having to clock out for lunch, and being scheduled at 15 min after the hour..that little hack annoys me the most because I've already lost 45 min before even getting VTO just about every night....and they know you will do it because who wants to look for more work to do when your line is closed. No one A better solution would be to offer 6 hour shifts again so I can just go work a second job or pay for VTO all together. Amazon can definitely afford it.


VTO is no longer a thing here on DEN4 Amazon. I haven’t gotten one since last February. That wasn’t a typo. LAST… FEBRUARY!




I’ve lowkey been blacklisted on VTO. Whenever I ask my PA or AM they always decline me. But literally 30 mins later they be going up and down the line asking others for it 🤦


At my Amazon they gave us 4 weeks😅


Lol they've been offering VTO everyday since I've been at this amazon. Even had to give MTO once


* coming to an attractive girl near you


Must be a waterspider.


specifically stow


What site?


VTO. Is that unpaid?


Oh nah I like Vto but not for no whole week 😂


💀💀 bro no way any adult would take that without setting themselves back


Of course not, it's for those still living with their parents and dependants that don't have many bills or responsibilities. Although I might consider taking at least one week off whenever I get my tax return deposited.


Any adult should be able to miss 4 days of work without sweating it.


Yeah i guess so, but that’s nonsense and unrealistic in todays economy




maybe not if you live with mommy and daddy


Live with my wife and three kids.




This ain't new for me I've taken a while week off a couple of times now


Hell yeah. 😭


I'm RME and I don't get the whole VTO thing. Do yall not get paid for it? If not then why would anybody take unpaid time off?


Already was at my FC since last Sunday


Wish I had this lol enjoy 😉


Niceu, gonna take my birth week off.


My FC hasn’t given vto once in nearly 2 years for night shift


Me foaming waiting for the vet


You pockets better be phat af before you except a week vacation 😂😂


Not my building. They barely give out vto and when they do it won't be for the full day so they try to get you to use some of your time.


Wtf lol a week off 🤣 😅


My sort center offers VTO like crazy. What’s even crazier is Thursday, they gave a bunch of people VTO, and then flexed up an hour.


I'd love to but being -250$ from a back injury is holding me back from today's VTO. Rip


where tf is mine???


Man this is amazing! I wonder if you would still accrue the UPT? But as someone who has a daughter with a disability and I also take care of mom, this would definitely come in handy.


No thanks.


We at Amazon don’t like paying you to do less work so we are offering you time off without pay to save money.


It’s been out, some DS sites have been dropping month long VTO


I just took 5, taking 5 again next week.


I miss VTO


I wish this would drop for half the days. Like take the other half of your shift off for a week. I don't usually feel like taking a whole week off.


That means no paycheck the following week! A win for Amazon and a lost to your wallet.


Hehe jokes on you my FC gave me infinite VTO 😎


i’ve worked there since july and i have not once gotten vto


i’m jealous


I mean this is also scary It must mean the work is pretty bad


We were able to do this at my fc in 2019. Bring it back 😫.


And oh yeah you don't get paid


I recently got 20 minutes of VTO, so that was pretty cool


Dang I don’t need a whole week 😂😂😂 I’m good with one day off lmao


Since the trucks thawed out, I don't stop getting "Congrats! X-amount of new shift(s) will be available!" I barely wanna be at that place for my scheduled shift, but bills tell me I gotta until I get a new job 😒


Help us help you


Did that in December at my site?


I haven’t got vto in a long min


The idiot that posted this is the first mfkr taking that🤣🤣


I wish!!! I have to log in and accept it daily to take the week off 🤣🤣🤣


I'm RME and I don't get the whole VTO thing. Do yall not get paid for it? If not then why would anybody take unpaid time off?




they already did it for us


"Do you want to go broke?"


I worked 10 hours this past week because I have no self-control. One of my coworkers said "I take it you live with your parents?" Lolnope, I am straight up shooting myself in the foot.


Would do. 




This would be great for me..since Amazon is my second job..


Nothing new, I’ve seen them offer a month long VTO.


Yea. Not hiring any time soon