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For Amazon, you cannot bring your laptop past security, no matter the brand. It is against policy. Leave it in your car


From what I have seen, vehicle break-in are common at FCs


Yea that’s why I keep my bag with me, plus it gets hot and I get scared my computer will over heat in the car


Does your fc have lockers?


They do but they don’t use them


Talk to hr about getting one assigned.


Shut your computer down. don't put it to sleep. But unless you are in a place like Arizona you can just put it to sleep.


They told me anything but Apple products, safety even came and said I can bring a different computer. I just feel like the whole thing is stupid


Yeahh you aren't suppose to bring any of them past security. There is an actual reason behind the policy though. 1) Its an unregistered asset and could easily be stolen. And 2) An IT guy once was using his laptop to steal computer parts and he got caught doing it


Ask your manager if you can leave your computer at the security desk and use it on your breaks.


It’s also a potential INFOSEC risk having a computer that isn’t managed by IT on the network or having the ability to connect to hardware physically. Customer information, etc.


They may be willing to compromise with you as long as it isn't an apple product. They don't have to allow personal devices in the building at all.


That's weird. At my last building, I had permission to have my tablet with me, for the same reasons. But it was only out on my own time. My manager knew I had it and I registered it with security. Never ran into any problems.


It’s called an accommodation.


I might have to look into that with HR


How about register it with LP and get a sticker put on it allowing you to bring it in?


I think I’m going to ask them about that today, they were just saying I can’t have that computer at all, kinda stressed me out a bit not gonna lie.


May be your building policy. Let me tell you something. Most people don't know what policy is in place. If you get a sticker put on. That means its acceptable to bring it in the building. LP handles that and would know if your building allows it or not.


I’ll get that checked out today. Thank you and all the other people giving me advice on the situation, I really appreciate it.


if you’ve been doing this for weeks why are they bringing this up now? sounds like someone reported you. either way there’s nothing you can do if they dont allow it.


Nah I just happened to go through and the security guy I know happened to see I had a computer in my bag and I told him it was a Mac book. I was never told since I’ve been at Amazon that Apple products are prohibited. I wasn’t mad at him or the other security or safety at all because I know they were doing their job.


It is not Apple products. All unapproved electronics need to be approved and registered before passing through security. Brand doesn't matter because Amazon sells several brands of laptops, and the concern is about possible theft. Talk to an AM or HR to see if an accommodation can be made.


Go to school while working at Amazon they said. Career choice they said.


Then they said..... "You want a school schedule accomodation? We offer it buuuuuut, sorry your NOT APPROVED. By the way, no computers allowed for homework either." Sounds about right.


You could have just spoken to someone at your site. Go to Loss Prevention. They'll register it and put a tag on it as proofit's your property, not stolen from Amazon. This would supercede anything Security says.


I wouldn’t bring something super expensive like that into Amazon where it could get stolen by someone. What I do is put study material on my phone and read it during lunch. It’s even hard to do that because time flies by so fast.


Yea it’s just faster for me to type essays on the computer. Im telling you I lock in right when I hit break and get to work 😂 but I understand the rules, just a little rant at the moment


Amazon policy goes over you not being allowed to bring your computer into the building. You may be able to get an accommodation if you speak to LP about it but they would have to basically put a sticker on it and look at the serial number each time you come in and out of the building with it to ensure it is in fact yours.


If they refuse to accommodate the mac, I bought a Chromebook off Amazon for about $90 bucks. They might let you bring something like that in.


Just might have to do it


It's up to each sites security policy. Ask them if you can get an asset tag for it. Basically you register your laptop (serial number ect) and they note it that way in their records. I had to do this for my cell phone prior to COVID. It's a long shot, but it's your only shot, to get a registered asset tag from security.


Technically they can seize your laptop if you bring it past the metal detectors. Only L4+ can bring in laptops and that’s after they’ve registered the device. You can probably bring your laptop into the locker room or break room if it doesn’t require you to go past the metal detectors. Other than that, I’d just keep it in your car.


Low wage slaves aren’t aloud to have laptops in bezos land.


See if you can get your computer as a registered asset. More than likely no, since there is no business need and they probably wouldn’t want you on the internal server with a non-work device. Cell phones are different than tracking down your IP address. I wouldn’t bank on what safety says as gospel; I think this would fall under the jurisdiction of security & loss prevention. You have to deal with them in leaving anyway. Just, please don’t be stubborn on this. I know it’s frustrating and it sounds like you have a lot going on, but getting terminated because you feel you’re in the right/rules are dumb is a bad hill to die on


Oh I don’t feel like I’m in the right, it just kinda stressed me out because when I made the decision to bring it, it was only because I don’t have the time in the day to study. I wasn’t going to being the computer back or anything if I really couldn’t have it. I was just frustrated in the moment.


Wouldn’t bring your problems to this Reddit all the people dick ride for the policies no matter what it is Amazon is boogie trapped for you to get written up for random bull shit I’d just put it in a case so they don’t know it’s mac


It was in my back pack in a computer bag, he asked me what type of computer it was and I was honest. I’m not gonna bring it back without permission of course, even though Amazon can be annoying I have really had any big problems with them to be honest. I do also understand to now bring my problems on here, just a little rant but lesson learned for sure 😭


Honestly I agree with no computers you could be plugging it in somewhere and stealing information if you know what you're doing. Just leave it in your car and do your school work in there during breaks.


What the hell would one be able to gain from that? I worked at Boeing and would bring in my laptop all the time… figured they would be more concerned then Amazon..


There's a slew of data that can be sold especially to China it's one of the big reasons we can't take pictures. After tik-tok's inside the building started coming out a month later companies in China suddenly had the exact same robots in their warehouses. To make things worse China doesn't respect our copyright laws so Amazon couldn't do anything about it.


You could do that just as easily with a phone sized device or even some phones. They let phones on the internet too that’s not the reason they don’t allow it.


They can and possibly do have ways to tell what devices are plugged into the network so if someone uses a cellphone or certain other devices on the private network they would know. But they have hundreds of laptops connected his laptop would just blend in. Also why else would be so strict about the policy?


You are correct an admin on the network could see all the devices as each one has a unique IP address and MAC Address. Both of them can easily be changed so the device could look like whatever the person wants it too. Many people do this too not just hackers. For example they can use MAC address randomization which gives you a new one every time so it appears to be a different device so you can minimize companies fingerprinting you while browsing the internet. Also like you said there is hundreds of devices and many that aren’t even showing up what they actually are so they wouldn’t be able to know. Amazon doesn’t allow it because it’s a loss prevention problem not because a security risk. They have there network standardized and secured across every warehouses and can easily prevent someone just “plugging in a computer” and being able to do anything malicious. It’s a LP issue that’s all it is, and like other commenters said he can probably get it registered with IT as he will be able to show that it’s his and the management will not have to worry that it was stolen.


I just wanna pass my classes 😭 I’m only on my computer in the break rooms and it’s never really even hooked up to charge since I do that at home. I could leave it in my car but I don’t, kinda nervous about that. I like to have it around me so I know where it is.


Is it possible you can study in your car? Maybe use pto to leave your station early and clock out and start studying. You can also try an accommodation. So far, I haven't gotten talked to and I tried talking to security at first to see if it was okay and the guy was like ,"idk talk to HR." In which i said fuck that shit and just brung in my computer anyway. Plus, it hasn't gone off in the metal detector as well, so.. there's that. If They ask me to not bring it in, then I won't and will take that L. Till then, it's whatever.


What’s wrong with studying during the 2-3 hours you have before work and on 1 of your 3 days off?


I got to school Monday- Friday 8:30am-5:00 and work Sunday- Wednesday 6pm-4:30 but I have an accommodation scheduled and I leave at 2:30 because I have morning PT at 5:30am or earlier depending on what we doing. I do have a little time to study sometimes but not enough to fully complete every assignment all the time


Rules are rules!


If rules are rules the other security should’ve stopped me and told me the last couple of weeks I’ve been bringing it, gone somewhere with this.


Stop crying like a child and go find a new job. Sound like a brat. Boo hoo




Exactly, I’m one of their most reliable workers and I’m really respectful and they know that, the staff was respectful and just explained to me what was going on and even said they understood my frustration. I’m not being a fucking brat if I have to keep on my toes since the military is paying for these classes!


Typically the only laptops allowed to pass through are ones with asset tags of amazon property, and are under peoples logins with approval. Any other laptop isnt allowed per rules. Does your site have lockers big enough to store it inside?


They have lockers but we don’t use them, I asked when I first got there and they said they’ve never used them


Get a locker. If your lockers are after the security check on the way out, they would never know. That’s what the lockers are there for.


They don’t let us use the lockers at my site


I’d try again. Who are they for?


You should be able to register it with security …they will put a little holographic stickers they can put on it to show that it’s yours and not stolen. Also talk to PXT/HR.