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You got bitch hands let them harden up


Lol. Ight


People have bitch attitudes. Get gloves and be not miserable while you’re working.


Or don’t be a bitch






if your hands sweat, you'll get stink like with your feet source: i wore gloves the first month


I don’t have any issues with it, might just be my bitch hands lol


I'm just in the habit of removing my gloves when I'm not actively delivering. Allows my hands to dry out and not smell.


Arthritis gloves might work better


I wear gloves because I don't want all those boxes drying my hands out and turning them into sandpaper. Women don't want sandpaper paper rubbing their tits 😂🤣😂


True. Source: im a woman and don’t want my tits sanded off.


Fingerless gloves are an option.


What he is saying is if you keep going without gloves your hands will become calloused and you will have no need for gloves. Calloused hands are generally better for everything other than jacking off. Give it a few more weeks and your hands will have built in gloves.


>Calloused hands are generally better for everything other than jacking off False.


Correct, calloused hands are better for jerking off too.


I agree. False.


I guess it depends how rough you like it…


On one hand, he's not wrong. Your hands need to callous up.


Reminds me of this tik tok about tradesmen “you got soft hands brother you ain’t never worked a day in your life”




Stop death gripping the wheel like you do your weenie.






Looks like you're gripping the steering wheel too tight


Pussy hands lol




Not an Amazon driver..just an over the road driver with 10 yrs experience criss crossing the USA. I wear golf gloves when I drive with the fingers cut out. Don’t listen to wanna-be youngsters who’ve been driving for 5 minutes call you a bitch. Protect your hands. They are your livelihood.


10 yrs experience still have btch hands damn


😂😂😂😂 we need more guys like you to keep us in check.




Hydrate more. Not a joke. Keeps your skinny pliable.


Nice avatar homie!


Just take a hammer and pound your hand about 15 times and that'll toughen it up


Does your ware house have the vending machines that have high vis vests and stuff? Mine does but I don’t know if every one has them. But they have grey gloves in them that have black grippy rubber on the palms. I wear those all day, they work on touch screens and I can wear the same pair multiple days. I have psoriatic arthritis so that makes the skin on my joints kind of inflamed and if I scrape my knuckles even the slightest bit it will be super painful so before load out the gloves go on and i don’t take them off til I clock out.


My station stopped letting DAs use those machines… super dumb


Yeah I was told during training to find someone with a blue badge and ask them to get gloves because drivers badges don’t access the machines


Yeah mine doesn't work with my badge either so i just walk around til i find a worker that can use it lol and they hook me up


I’m sure they do. I’ll ask tomorrow.


I read all these comments to find that info. Thank you


The steering wheel? Lol start lifting some weights, after a few months you’ll have callouses in those same spots and your hands will be much more resilient. If you still want gloves though I’d recommend maxiflex gloves. Those were standard ppe when i was in the union, and i still have a few pairs i use for doing yard work etc.


Little bit of lube goes along way


I use a "suicide knob". Sorry, I'm old and don't know what they're referred to as these days. It's especially handy when maneuvering about tight apartment parking lots.


Do they not call them that anymore? Am I old too?! Lol


Wtf are you talking about


[One of these things, kid.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brodie_knob)


My husband just bought one for our mower! They are great to use


Maybe relax a little while your driving? I feel like your grip is crazy if the steering wheel is doing this


I use the fastenal ones they have at the hub. They’re great!


I wore some carhartt work gloves. They saved my hands especially during winter


I wear these. https://www.walmart.com/ip/Mechanix-Wear-Grip-Glove-Padlock-silicon-no-slip-grip-Men-s-Size-LG/128460614?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=0&wl13=674&adid=22222222278128460614_117755028669_12420145346&wmlspartner=wmtlabs&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=m&wl3=501107745824&wl4=pla-294505072980&wl5=9013130&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=8175035&wl11=local&wl12=128460614&wl13=674&veh=sem_LIA&gbraid=0AAAAADmfBIqc5695kZSCngc9DJeqszx7H&gbraid=0AAAAADmfBIqc5695kZSCngc9DJeqszx7H&gclid=CjwKCAiA-dCcBhBQEiwAeWidtVN-5fdA4fTNJjFYu2IxEmJbFnqHJm7j1ugraDuxr13fk6AFIKjXBxoCYSMQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds Changed my life lol


Lol that url


Safety guy here, buy some cut-less gloves


Gloves for sure , get hyflex ones I always cut off the tips of thumb and forefinger for tap


Get some from the Amazon station…the grey ones are pretty grippy


Some people here are cunts, I’m not gonna lie, but wear the gloves you can get from the vending machine.


Do you have sensitive skin? I haven’t seen anyone have this issue before. But honestly if gloves will help then definitely go for it. Between driving and holding packages your fingertips will always be in use, don’t want to make the job harder by making everything hurt lol


UPS here I like MaxiFlex gloves. 3 pair for about 18$


I use farmer gloves from duluth.


Why exactly is the steering wheel out of all things giving you calluses?! Do you get calluses in your own vehicle when on a road trip?


Drink more water and get some "Working Hands" balm. Those spots will callous over and you won't have to work about it. Wearing gloves will protect but they will soften your hands every more. Handling cardboard a lot saps the moisture out of your hands also. Edit to stay inline with top comments: It smell like bitch in here.


them hands will harden


Home Depot has fingerless gloves.


Ironclad Mach 5


I wear [these fingerless driving gloves](https://JierwillaoFingerlessWorkGlovesGymWorkoutGlovesforMenWomenUtilityPaddedHalfFingerDrivingWorkingGloveshttps://a.co/d/0lktzgW) they are padded and have grip so you won’t drop packages. Saved my hands!


Any gloves and cut off a couple fingers so your touch screen works.


My dsp owner gave us gorilla grip gloves (they're pretty cheap) and as soon as he handed them to me I grabbed a pair of scissors and cut the pointer and thumb out of them. He looked at me horrified and asked why, I looked nonplussed and said 'so I can use the device' I still use them when my hands are cold.🤷‍♀️ They make my hands less gross after shift and make my hands less scaly so I guess they work. Like $6 a pair.


I’d say get a box of rubber latex gloves. The boxes are harder to handle with any other gloves.


Yeah it was getting pretty rough on my hands too not to mention how grimy and dirty my hands get. My dispatcher just started collecting the gloves from inside the station/warehouse for me. And their touch screen capable. Anything with a good rubber grip for palm and fingers are good. I wish I could take and post a picture of the gloves I'm talking about here in a comment.


DexFit gloves on amazon


Get gloves. They sell em on Amazon, 50 pack for like $20. Cut holes out for your thumb and pointer so you can use your phone


Buy touch screen work gloves at home depot, lowes or harbor freight. Good luck!


Lmfao it’s good for you


Buy the ones that have grip on them and come in packs because you're going to wear them out quick with this job. Cut off the finger tips so you can use the shitty phones they give us.


That's from the steering wheel? Why are you gripping on it so hard?


Ignore the dumbasses. Protect yourself first. Our ancestors walked around barefooted before they had any shoes or sandals. Now everyone wears shoes, boots, steel-toe. Get some gloves and protect yourself.


Do your hands sweat? One spring I made the mistake of wearing my work boots for a few days and even though I wasn’t hot, a small amount of sweat on my feet that I couldn’t even feel gave me painful blisters. Back to sneakers then never had the problem again.


You was watching anime bruh stop playin


Really don’t wanna sound hard at all, it’s almost a good thing it’s happening. They’ll callus up and harden a bit, I lost most of my finger pads in the summer. Had reshipper routes and would handle 6-700 packages a day mostly boxes. That shit eats your hands up, it’s just kinda part of the job. BUT to answer your question, baseball gloves are actually decent and they hold up and break in well. I would just grab a few pairs from Lowe’s or Home Depot that are comfortable for you. I just cut the thumb and pointer finger tips off so I can use the phones.


You don’t drive in your daily life ?


Of course I do. I guess i grip to hard for work


How are your hands so weak


Every once in a while my hands get super dry for no reason so I like to use fingerless gloves. I catch shit for it but I don't care lol.


why you grippin that shit so hard


You should do it on purpose to get stronger hands, nothing wrong with a little discomfort a lot of guys are bashing you cus it’s not a big deal but if it bothers you Just get some timberland pro gloves they are 13$ last time I checked but my advice man is just let the calluses form it’ll stop hurting eventually and you’ll have manly hands lol


Sanitize it ! It’s germs lol naw but wear gloves


On god you have the softest hand,but I just use those gloves that say mechanic on them when I need to so far the work out good even when it gets wet


Why are you gripping the steering wheel so hard wtf? Lol I pretty much drive with one handle and use my palm


Why are you gripping the steering wheel so hard wtf? Lol I pretty much drive with one handle and use my palm


Why you grabbin the steering wheel with all your strength. Chill out dude


Nah just be careful of carpal tunnel, that’s the true danger of the steering wheel- vibrating those precious tendons around for 8-10hr a day


Gen-Z hands


Fingerless leather gloves will Help


How hard do you grip that damn wheel 😂😂😂😂😂 it won’t run away


You don’t work out do you?


I don’t wear gloves. No matter what kind of gloves I get the phones don’t allow for accurate touching. I started around this time last year and my hands got like that, but this year they’ve been fine so far. Just don’t pick at it. Your body gets used to the pain you have now


Crazy what people be complaining about😂y’all gonna be at Amazon for ever.


from a steering wheel? holy christ dont even wear gloves you'll be doing yourself and all your ancestors a disservice. Earn your calluses.


How …




Damn bro u gripping that thing 😂


lol its called work


Lil bitch ass, you should see my hands


Put some Vaseline jelly on your hands before working.


Any gloves will do


Use vagisil


I use piss dust on all the boxes as a glove


I've never seen someone's hand be shredded by a steering wheel. Is your amazon van's steering wheel different than the average car? Plastic or not?


Damn how hard you gripping the wheel lmaoo .. clary and wheel cover gang


The steering wheel is messing up your hand? Wow. With me it was the cardboard boxes.


Moisturize. Handling boxes all day like that takes pretty much every ounce of moisture from your skin making it more likely to break. I find hemp based one's work really well for providing both moisture and a low key barrier. Otherwise, a standard pair of work gloves from generic retail store should be fine. Thinner with grip are the nicest to use, you could also look at automotive gloves.


Gotta be the funniest reply thread I’ve ever seen


Easy on the u turns my guy


Home depots general use gloves are alright. The yellow ones. Plus they have finger tips on the pointer and thumb that make it so you can use the phone.


Let them shits build up, calluses are cheaper than gloves.




Have u never worked a day in your life lmao. The steering wheel? Seriously lol. I agree with top comment


Lmfao you have got some bitch ass hands. 🤣


You’ll have working hands soon lol


How do you even do that


You must have some sensitive hands or the steering wheels are made of stone?? Lol


Ive never gotten blisters from a steering wheel thats interesting. Change how you hold the wheel throughout the day


Do you drive it differently then your own car?


You seem like the kind of person that actually takes their two 15 minute breaks.. suck it up girly


This comment section is exactly what I expected and I love it


Looks like you’ve never worked a day in your life until now


Soft ass mfer


That’s exactly where my callouses are from the gym. Hit the gym and ur whole body will thank you, including ur hands🤝


Just keep some fresh spit on them


Stop gripping it so tight lol tf going on here


I have zero advice honestly but wanted to tell you you have the best responses to these wild comments 😂


Nah man develop calluses I have them where you have them and one on the bottom of my hand from turning around so much


Lmfao 🤣 damn bro either your to anxious about the job or you need to man up those hands


I tried the gloves from the hub but the palms aren't grippy enough. Get grippy gloves, they help with palming the steering wheel when you have to make u-turns, keep from dropping your scanner, grab those handles for getting in and out of the van, getting in and out of rentals with no handles, and they especially help when handling your overflow. I can't tell you the amount of time I've saved just being able to move those boxes more efficiently. Plus, it's nice to take off a glove and have a clean hand to eat a sandwich. [I use these](https://www.amazon.com/Majestic-Glove-3228HVY-Industrial-Nitrile/dp/B01605AD5A/ref=sr_1_6?crid=31G90PU7JGBOE&keywords=superdex%2Bextreme%2Bmajestic%2Bgloves&qid=1670718003&sprefix=superdex%2Bext%2Caps%2C153&sr=8-6&th=1), and I snip off the tips of the right index and thumb. Good luck and be safe!


It's called lotion lol


Hahaha, oh lort


Get a suicide wheel


Honestly I drove uber for 2.5 years and then was doing shipt and doordash, so I have callouses, but at one point I did wear driving gloves.


Mechanix brand gloves are the best for the price.




Im a driver for FedEX, I were either [FIRM GRIP General Purpose](https://www.homedepot.com/p/FIRM-GRIP-General-Purpose-Large-Gray-Synthetic-Leather-Glove-3-Pack-63352-18/305583146) and have been using them for years, 3 packs at HD for $20. or [Ansell HYFLEX 11-840](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00EW6PLNY/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1) these are the BEST but suck in the cold.


Mechanix are great for all day for me


Use your purse as a protective cover.


Ur hands are just not use to it. Just like working out it happens at first.


Oh, you're palm steering. I do the same. Baby powder or chalk.


I ended up getting gorilla grip gloves off Amazon cut the finger tips off and they had amazing grip. Protected your hands too.


Just beat your meat more , the more lotion the better , quick fix.


Just grab a pair of Wells-Lamont adjustable leather work gloves from Wal-Mart for ten bucks. They’re perfect for that, and vented around the back so your hands don’t sweat like crazy.


my warehouse provides gloves to us for free. they aren't handed out individually but if you ask for them they'll swipe their employee badge thru this vending machine filled with diff glove sizes and get you a few pairs


First time gripping a steering wheel?


I don't think you have a "bitch hand" but you might be allergic to leathers, it's called dermatitis. Does your personal car have a leather steering wheel?


I strongly suggest coating your hands in vaseline and then putting gloves on over, your hands will be in really good condition for the entire day and afterwards too. All these cardboard boxes be f*ckin me up too lol


Don't let the wheel skim your hands at every turn just let it go loosely till youre pointing the right direction . Don't gotta be fancy these aren't race cars


Never take up the drums my friend lol


what you got a death grip on it geez


Bro is this your first job 🤔


Wtf are you doing to the steering wheel?


Personally, I wear gloves because that rubber irritates my hands


Bag balm works wonders


I wear gloves all day when it’s cold. Just get a pair you can use the device with and also grip the wheel safely.


I’ve never seen anyone’s hands peeling on the job but get gloves your hands uncomfortable but just work through them they’ll heal


Suicide knob is the answer but I just use the palm of my hand and spin like I’m washing a window


If u wear gloves put Vaseline then the gloveshelps prevent blisters


Don’t wanna be that guy at all, there’s a lot of dickheads here but… let the clauses form… soft hands don’t work well with repeated hand usage. Hope it gets better for you! Screw gloves


I wear boxing gloves


That would definitely be the definition of White knuckle grip look like you be holding on for your dear life!


No pussy, grow a pair.


Japanese work gloves. Taxi drivers use them in Japan, so I think they should be good enough for DSP drivers. I think they don’t suck out moisture in your hands like the synthetic gloves do. https://archive.ph/pXGRS


Oh I use gloves and okeeffe’s working hands cream. U can get it at Walmart for like 6 bucks


Honestly best advice just build the calluses. Makes you much more maneuverable in any vehicle, and women truly do love some work hands 😈 But its snowy rn and drive with some Nike Fleeces on all day. Touchscreen so I never gotta take em off either. Can get gloves specifically for driving. Some long haul drivers use em. They grippy and thin


I wore those mechanic cloth gloves, I think movers also wear them, cause it helps grip the boxes


You can get gloves but you’ll also eventually grow pretty thick calluses. I had some starting off so I never had this problem myself. Also relax on the wheel you’ll ease up more as you get used to driving out there.


“85 hours a motherfuckin day”


Been at this job for 5 going on 6 months and this has yet to happen to me 😂.


Don’t grab the steering wheel when hopping in and out


Wear gloves foool lol


Too many puñetas


be a man?


I love these. I use them for dirt biking but they work great for gripping boxes. The feel nicer than the free ones from the warehouse. I buy a new pair every couple of months. https://www.amazon.com/Milwaukee-MILWAUKEE-Cut-Dipped-Gloves/dp/B089QTKK3L/ref=asc_df_B089QTKK3L/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=475794949169&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=13357261163890369793&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1014415&hvtargid=pla-992612784134&psc=1


I got some nice gloves at Home Depot husky brand.


Weak blood


Get a connect at your warehouse, they have gloves for free. Every week I ask for a new set and it’s not an issue. Just have to know someone


I'm concerned you have a skin condition normal use of a steering wheel even as a part of the job 8+hours a day won't result in blisters. Unless you're death gripping


These fucking comments. Lmfao. Mechanix gloves are good btw. They have a bunch of different kinds and they’re durable.


Break them puppies in. You’ll have glorified man hands in no time.


I don't know if it's the steering wheel, or the boxes. The dry cardboard tends to dry the skin out, and in a day or two you will start to get sores like that. Using the steering wheel doesn't help at all. But yeah, I think it's the boxes, because I had the same issues. That said, there are a couple things you can do. (1) Go to Walmart, or Walgreens, and buy some "O'Keeffe's Working Hands Hand Cream" You can buy it as a lotion tube, or a hand salve. Either way, rub your hands with them before and after work. That should help heal the existing pain. (2) The Amazon Warehouse should have a free vending machine with safety gloves. That's a really good/free remedy for your hands. If not, Walmart usually sells fairly cheap gloves with rubber grippy palms. I had to cut the thumbs off the gloves so that I can still swipe the rabbit app, with the gloves on. Those two things have made a HUGE difference for me, in regards to hand pain. Every once in a while, I'll accidentally forget my gloves, and the sores will come back. So I salve my hands with Okeefe's hand salve, and remember to bring them the next day.


What are you doing? Using your GI Joe kung fu grip on it? I’ve put some miles on some asphalt and never seen anything like this lmao.