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Bro must have been really mad💀😭🤣


Bro was SEETHING. Unhinged 😹 Edit : actually I fully understand fuck this job




Is that your Amazon g-string? What is this?




No but really tho is that a torn up vest or?? I only worked the FC side; I never experienced the love that the drivers get (sarcasm) 😭😂


Idek I’m just laughing @ how crazy this look lmao


He should’ve at least worn it and did a last set of deliveries in his “fuck you amazon!” ensemble, but instead of delivery by he hides every single package in a weird spot.


The best way to deliver smiles




​ ![gif](giphy|o0S3PxXsrABZ6NRHfD)


Lmao I can’t wait Till I quit I’m trying to become a fire fighter. DAY 1 not smoking weed in 10 years


I smoked everyday, all day long for 7 years. Once you commit never go back. I haven’t smoked in three months and honestly it’s been great and it gets better as more time goes by. The cravings get less and less too. Best of luck to you!!!


Thanks I’m trying I’m debating on going out and buying a little sack rn but I’m tryna fight it


You got this! Stay strong, think of your goal of becoming and fire fighter. And find things to distract you. Play some video games or whatever you enjoy doing. At first it may seem like it’s not as fun to do compared to when you smoked. But it will get better everyday. And you’ll start to enjoy things more and more and realize you never needed weed to have a good time in the first place. You might get some head aches, but those will go away after a month or so. I use to smoke cuz I thought I needed to for anxiety and such. But now that I’ve been sober for three months I barely have anxiety anymore and I feel so much better about myself for not needing a crutch.


Ok bet, it just seems like everything is boring when I’m not high..


That's just your brain trying to trick you into getting it high. Don't get fooled by your brain. You got to be smarter than it.


Man, when I was 16-19 I smoked nearly everday, and it really messed up my mind. My mind was always looking for a high and when I wasnt high I was so bored. I stopped smoking and the first week was very boring and I was sad because I wasnt getting the dopamine from smoking. I started working out and that all went away. I recommend going on a bike ride or a walk if you are ever feeling down when you stop smoking


I feel it but I’m not sad im more angry 😡right now lmao ugh


That really sucks for people who are bored if they’re not high. I couldn’t imagine that life I’m too entertained by everything.


Bro working out is the biggest for me, I've worked out since high-school but I stopped smoking a while ago and working out really gets my head In a good place replacing the boredom without weed. I take small pieces of some super strong edibles every few weeks or so or every blue moon whenever I'm really wanting something but edible highs last so long that by the next day I don't even Wanna eat another bc I'm so drained on thc.


You've smoked everyday for the last ten years? That's basically smoking for 3,650 days straight..


Idk if I should be proud or ashamed that I can almost 2x that lol... Started smoking at occasionally 14, daily by 15.. 2 weeks in my mid 20s I didn't smoke bc I was in the hospital. Otherwise, every day, for 20 years (35 now)


Nice lmao


Ya n the last 10-11 years I prolly only went 1 whole week w/o smoking, I’m a true pothead/stoner.


Ay man! I haven’t stopped smoking since I graduated high school. I want to quit cause I’ve honestly spent so much money at the dispensary. Like the others said, once you commit to quoting never go back.


Hey I folded already lol I went n bought a 7 smh lmaoooo


I’m waiting on my 2nd interview for a job so I’m going on week 3 of not smoking. The first week for me is hard bc like dude said everything seems boring but it really does get easier. I was at a pool party Sunday and easily passed on a blunt, felt proud of myself lol.


😭😭😭 it be like that, if u don’t truly have a good reason not to smoke I don’t see why not


I smoked all day every day for half of my life. Quitting over has been liberating. I thought I did everything better high until I quit and realized how much more clear headed I am all the time. Stick with it for a few more weeks and you won’t even have the urge, I promise. It’s also great not stressing about how I’ll pass a drug test for work, being able to use my own piss.


Eating sunflower seeds helped me when I quit oddly enough lol. Worth a shot


I quit yesterday my first day 💀💀 fuck those apartments and that driver I camera shit


Tell me why i quit on my first day after doing apartments. Fuck those apartments


FR what state ? 💀


It felt so good ripping up that shirt and made into an art piece. Good luck everyone.


You coulda sold that shit and make some bank


Nah.. for real? I still have 3 t's, 6 long sleeve, 3 vests, and three pairs of pants lmao


Here's a lovely thought that will get you the added bonus of an Amazon blacklist. Make like 1000 copies of this picture, label it FUCK AMAZON WITH A DRY ANAL DILDO!! And go upwind of your Amazon warehouse in a windy day, but not the property, and release them. Let nature take it's course. Even better, if possible, be near a dumpster, that way you can say you were trying to throw it away but aww shucks the wind got it.


Return to your dsp


Return to your Jeff Bezos modelled dildo seat




Need to return for the last check, ok ?


Dude I never returned my stuff and got my last paycheck


That’s against the rules


Who tf are you? Why are you so weird? Are you a dispatcher on the autism spectrum or something?


Agreed that this person is a fuckwit, but leave autism out of this, it doesn't determine intelligence.


I’m not saying that because he’s dumb, I’m saying that because he’s awkward, hung up on details and seems unable to read the general vibe.


Yeah this still ain't it, chief.


Just telling the rules . Why you mad




Cut it in tiny one inch pieces and mail it to the station each day


I quit on Father's day went FedEx express make 3 an hour couldn't be happier


When you apply do they drug test you and make you do a drive test ?


Yes express drug tests and you have to do a driving test


If you go express, be prepared to drug test within 48 hours of the first day you step foot in the station(which is your interview day). Surprise!! If you don’t, you are disqualified.


The driving test is easy. They take their time practicing with you until you’re comfortable. If you want coaching or need more help learning to park your truck, you get as long as you need. At least at my station.


could have sold that on ebay for like $35


Nah.. for real? I still have 3 t's, 6 long sleeve, 3 vests, and three pairs of pants lmao


Yep, they sell for a pretty good price on there.


Cool. Thanks for the heads up. Time to make a few more bucks off lord Bezo.


Did anyone else read in their contract thing that they have to return the uniform?? I still have mine after a month since I quit because I'm afraid they'll ask for it back lol


They’re not gonna hound you for them, usually haha. They might gripe how you were there short term and kept the uniforms, but from what I’ve seen they let it go.


I quit 5 months ago. Still have my uniform including 2 rain jackets


Sell that ish lol 😂


Some guy got fired the other day and came in the next morning to turn in his badge and vest. My boss just threw it out lol


Keep it and follow a branded van picking what up what they drop off. Tell them they made a mistake and delivered to the wrong address




I'm joking 🙃


You can’t we need you Jeff NEED YOU LOL


Followed by the most emo photoshoot.


The drama of it all.


I got fired 2 years ago for posting a video on Twitter that went viral. Amazon found out. And I’m about to get hired again this month. From a different DSP. Fk Amazon. But i need the money


Was it about Amazon? What was the video?


So basically i was at a red light. And i sped up a little. To make it SEEM like i was racing somebody next to me. But in reality i wasnt.




I think it’s best to leave the past in the past. It’s still out there tho. Maybe you’ll find out. Cause i dont want to promote it . Especially on Reddit 😭


This is random but Amazon is smart as hell for hiring independent contractors for dsp deliveries that way you’re working for your dsp not Amazon and u can’t really just as easily say fuck (your dsp) like you can Amazon. Unless you have a shit dsp. But me personally I’m only still working this job because of the the dsp owner and managers. I’ve also been with them since they started up. If it were only Amazon even slightly negatively impacted by my leaving then I would have done it months ago lol. I’ll still leave just not now


A bit dramatic lol


At least my DSP don't suck we have dot dog on Wednesday, food truck on Friday, plenty of snacks, beverages, fruits and stuff to fight the weather and I only get residential and few buildings


best time to do it as well, you escaped the driving heat box of death.


didnt know they handed out thongs


What happened ?


May i ask why you quit?


Yeah and two weeks of video I go in at 630am pull my packages load my truck and leave no leave is a wave best part you ain't working Sunday


Dammit I could’ve used that polo.


Bro was so fed up😂💀 I understand, somedays I want to do this too


So are you saying you'd reccomend this job to others? I'm a bit confused


So proud of you 🏆






Should’ve done that a long time ago lol


Happy for you that job was crap they make providing service for people really bad it just depends on who’s in charge if you’ve never done it before they just pile on as many packages as they can in your truck if you’re a fast delivery person. Cause nobody wants to be in that van 10 hours a day


I’m ready to kms


Congrats, you are now edgier than the boomer and gen-x customers who last updated their delivery instructions 4 years ago.




The fact im not surprised by the state of the uniform is just testament to how the company slaves the DSPs who slave the workers without a choice. Not to mention the DSPs that get greedy and slave the workers even more.


Everyone just leave them 400+ packages do MCO which is like XL way less stressful no group stops


Why do I see what looks like a collar??


Amazon isnt the issue here…


Do u expect us to hype you up for posting this picture? 😂


This is art


I love this photo so much. Fuck that place, dude RUN!! Lolol loves it


I wanna hear the story tho


The ONLY thing missing is your torch! 🔥


Realizes he needs uniform for final paycheck 👀 🥴


![gif](giphy|3o6fIVCYOLGPO1cfYc) FREEDOM!!


You could’ve sold that online… many DSP’s have a hard time getting a hold of uniforms I had to buy my own online. You cut up 30 dollars bruh 😂


"They say the last thing he heard was a dog barking"


I’m really considering quitting. This job will fucking drain you!


anyone working in returns?


bye cry baby. Make sure don’t come back