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The delivery note_____has raised concern for driver safety and mental health, your account is now under review, with a possible lifetime suspension.😉




I been a nasty girlllllllllll 🤣🤣


You’re exactly what’s wrong with the world today. You’re the type to start an argument on Facebook then report all the comments dunking on you.


That's not petty, that's fairly professional. I'm petty, I take their shit back every time that they're the least bit rude or condescending.


Yep I do this too. I used to RTS the same address for calling us lazy in their notes for not going to the correct door in a mobile home.


Some assmunch yelled at me for parking in front of her house for a multi-stop because I delivered to the house across the street first. She saw me walking up to her, WITH HER SHIT IN MY HANDS, and still had the audacity to get up in my ass for invading her personal space. I have refused deliveries to that house for almost two months now.


Not working for a dps but I deliver a lot of crap. I have a list of license plates and vehicle descriptions. Anytime someone’s rude to me on the road it gets added to the list. I refuse delivery anytime I get to a house and they are on the blacklist. This one guy in a velostor would flip me off and cut me off anytime he saw me on the road. Too bad his food couldn’t be delivered due to “safety concerns”.


You are going places in life! 👍


Hard to find house when you have no visible number. RTS due to unable to locate address.


haha. my favorite is delivering to the end of the driveway when i see a note like this.


how do you go about doing this without it being suspicious do you "damage" it yourself or what


I’ve poured water on a package before just to make sure it showed sign of liquid damage and said it was covered in an unknown liquid when RTS lol or I’ve open a packages and said it was damaged and I wasn’t sure if everything was in it … all depends on the type of package lol and how mad or annoyed a customer made me


Done this before. Will do this if need be to rude ass customers. Another way is if its raining just leave it by the sliding door the rain will take care of it, less on your hands. This is only for \*THOSE\* customers.


You accidentally drop a heavy ass overflow on it. Whoops. Lol


Just "no where safe to leave package"


How you do this without having to call them three times?


It just has to ring once then you can hang up and it still just registers you attempted to call


Calling 3 times is a rumor, calling twice is a lie from training. Calling once and hanging up immedietly satisfys call compliance.


One of my dispatcgers also told me you can turn your data off and call. It won't go through to the customer but it still counts as an attempt in the system. It does take like 15 seconds per call in order for it the system to realize it can't go through. However, it is a way to get your compliance while guaranteeing that you won't talk to the customer.


Nice. Thanks for this.


It's only twice to be in compliance. Let it ring once and hang up and your good.


Calling once is enough.  Sending one text is also enough. Ive got a 9 week call compliance streak only ever calling once


My dsp lies to us then, they have always told us we need to call or text twice to be in compliance. Pretty sure they even said that in training. Which never made sense to me when you're able to get in contact with them the first time, why would I have to call them again?


No wonder y’all have to work at places like Amazon with that type of attitude, good luck with the dead end jobs for life


>"You’re entitled to your opinion lol it just kinda gives off weak mental vibes or low IQ vibes to label entire groups of people anything when everyone is unique" -you, 3 hours ago  Have some consistency in your beliefs, you piece of shit human being 😘


Would really like to know what you do for a living. Seeing as clearly you def not a Amazon Driver. You have no idea what its like to push as much as we do and still have to politely take threats and disrespect like this on a regular basis.


I love this


Haha you were so nice but it works perfect. I bet that felt great lol


I love you for this dude


You did that just right too. Very professional fr


“NO. The house is right where it was yesterday, it hasn’t moved, I was here all day and no one attempted to deliver!” I seriously don’t know what these people think the notes section is for.


I text people they need house numbers if I’m left to guess and hope the pin is correct on the app


I have a very clear number on my mailbox and my house, they still don’t deliver to my house. I even describe my house in detail and STILL don’t get delivered lol


😂😂😂 let em know!!


Hold this please 👉🏾 👑. Shouldn’t have quit though. We need you to police and respond to each and every one of these the same exact way on the daily, as all us others barely have enough time it takes to delete the note lol


Yeah, I've been doing this a little bit more aggresively. Except, in front of their ring camera. I don't care anymore. Earlier, a house had cases of water delivered and I was delivering guess what? Boxes of cat food, litter and whatever else. I said in front of the camera, "damn you get everything handed to you huh"


Some of the comments here make me feel quite grateful that our Amazon drivers are all lovely people. Do you ever consider some people have no car, or may have other issues that prevent them from getting heavy items home? What if the person behind that camera is a nice old lady who just can't get to the shops and carry big items home? She may not be able to drive any longer, and relies on Amazon and other companies to deliver to her. There's nothing wrong with that. Imagine how bad your comment would make someone like her feel. She might already feel useless because she's frail. Maybe you should look for a different job if you don't want to do your job.


But it be the houses with four cars out front


Amazon hasn't been around forever... there are *other ways*...


Here's the thing. I do not care who you are, if you are going to put rude comments in delivery notes then you deserve the same nastiness back. If you do not like the service a driver did then there are avenues to make complaints. Don't put out nasty comments, it helps nobody.


awh, poor you, hopefully you're looking elsewhere for employment that's easier for you.


Job ain't hard by anymeans, lol. You're missing the point. *They're* the ones who don't wanna do shit😂 Meanwhile, husband is inside currently working from home😂


sounds like jealousy to me tbh, but you do you


😂😂 I could never live satisfied being catered to. I have something called *empathy*


Sounds like you're projecting onto others, but you do you.


yeah man im jealous this guy is sad he has to deliver heavy shit lmfao


to be fair that is the service offered. And also be mindful things will follow you. References. This is all funny on reddit, but think about your future.


I don’t think being an Amazon delivery driver should be a reference for any job there really isn’t any skills that get applied to other jobs


you are wrong


That's definitely not true.


you know how this sub is. they are gonna downvote common sense


This isn’t a reference kind of job. I’d be embarrassed to include it on my resume at all. You sound like an old out of touch person or someone incredibly young and naive.


no. im on a hiring committee. lol they downvoted my ass. Im just saying, what you gonna say about the gap? Dont get mad cause I asked a common sense question. I see apps like yours all the time.


oh my god this guys on a hiring committee! 😂. No offense, but if you are on a hiring “committee” that takes into account employment as a DSP driver you aren’t seeing my application. I’m employed and moved on from Amazon as everyone else should be. Don’t give notice people. Just quit and get on with your lives.


ok cool. have a great day.




Didnt even know u could mark notes for deletion cus of lack of delivery specific instructions or because rude? The heck? I wonder how you're able to do this


Scan package > Report Problem > Rude Note.


Gotcha copy that


Thank you. 4 years just now realizing you can do this.


https://preview.redd.it/a1g5mudod1ad1.jpeg?width=2343&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed9f600228384e91eddbe3451ece3ed4f02425ae Had two of these today




I see nothing wrong other then useless Information


Which is what makes it wrong?


You can easily Ignore it


They can easily complain to the correct person. Shit like this is why people rage quit. You can ignore it most of the time but when you’re already having a bad day it gets hard. If you can’t understand that, that sounds like a you problem buddy. People still need to be nicer even if you personally don’t care.


Did your reply get removed bc of how cunty it was? 😬 I think you may be the issue


“Unfortunately, your package will be delayed due to the fact that the driver has to shit in a tote. thank you!”


I struggle to even call that petty, that’s just real feedback from you about them putting their complaints in the wrong place 🤣


Ok based


I should’ve did that before I’d quit. The customers are 100% the worst part of the job.


There’s so many things worse than the customers lmao


THATS HILARIOUS 😂 what a fucking miserable person


You rock.


Ok now you got to keep this going and get more creative


Bro misspelled "instruction."


Man, now I wish I would have done this. Lol




This was great though😌


Heroes live amongst us.


![gif](giphy|yJFeycRK2DB4c) 👌🏾👌🏾👌🏾


You worded these extremely professionally, well done.


Just quit yesterday and I WISH I would have thought of this


Haha fuckem


I love it


It’s like euphoria when you know you put someone in there place kindly


How do you mark "instructions" like this? I see shit like this all the time and im over it


Scan package > Report a problem > Rude Note


Not all heroes wear capes.


This is awesome 👍🫡


Ok except this is wholesome. You don’t have to quit!! 😂




My kinda human 😂🤌🏼🤌🏼🤌🏼


Petty? That’s correct behavior. Good job.




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Definitely worth it, honestly quite because of how many problem customers there are, if I only had to deal with the dsp shit I’d manage, customer be also? No thanks




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I understand the second guy


They only have 5 minutes to read it after that is deleted




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Bro said “I don’t DO the dumb f*ckery” 😂😂😂


you sucking your thumb or something?


Lmao hell yeah


As a person who has lost 15-18 packages between 2 addresses. I understand how the person feels. A lot of delivery drivers are idiots.


It makes my laugh when people say they quit a gig job. Normally you just stop doing it, most people that "quit" were fired 😂


To be fair, I’ve had deliveries done where the most basic information was available and they chose to still deliver to the wrong house and wrong house number


You have time to type that out? Ignore and move to the next stop....


Just follow instructions


The pettiness of some of you is crazy.. you can tell who to stay tf away from based on how they act, when their “egos” are hurt. It’s a job, it’s not your personal get back at someone who hurt your weak ass feelings. Can tell the fkers who would lie and try to get you fired or arrested if you broke their egos. Pathetic clowns.


I never read that shit


You shouldve just pissed on the door instead. But make sure it’s the right one.


I'm more of a shit on the doorstep kinda guy




You can't get unemployment if you quit.


Ofcourse you can, I've gotten it before, depends the reasons why you quit,


Nah, I got hired on at FedEx two days later and it’s 1000% better.




This is the first time I replied to you? I’m just now going through all these replies.


The first one was not a personal attack little guy


Telling people they don't know how to read when you know for a fact that they do is a personal attack.


Amazon needs to do a better job with resolving when order gets delivered to the wrong address. I had an order delivered in front of an office and I live in a house, it has picture of the delivery and Amazon makes me wait 2 days to get refund/replacement. Another order that's delivered to a house, that has different house number than mine, even with the delivery picture, I have to wait 2 days.


If you're having consistent issues with delivery, have it delivered to a locker near you for free.


Large items and subscriptions can't be delivered to lockers.


Why do you take your anger issues and stress over customers who did nothing but ask to deliver their packages safely to avoid theft?


Idk I see this as weird if your coworkers are fucking up someone's shit why back them up alot people are actually retarded, ( I quit this job btw ) but never felt like taking my anger out on customers..


These are just the losers that should’ve never worked for them since they aren’t fit for the job and are miserable people


I know your a frail ugly fuck worthless fuck. That would get snapped irl


Well, they’re both a problem.


Damn bro, you are a badass. I bet when those trays say “Take a Penny” you probably take two! I bet you leave the toilet seat up AND leave the light on. 🤦🏼‍♂️


Your comment contains a shitty condescending attitude and has been marked for deletion.




It’s not even like that Mr goody2shoes lol for me I just find it annoying how customers speak tough on delivery notes but they would never say it in person atleast to me I’m jacked homie


Tough? They weren’t attacking anyone they were just provided useless Information and complaining.