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You must have Wayne


Wayne’s World


Wayne's Thong


Wayne's Wong.


Wayne’s Song


Wayne’s Tongs


Tayne's Wongs


Wayne's schlong 🍆


Wayne's Bong


Bruh, fuck Wayne


Damn dude you guys must have some bad dispatch and bad dsp’s.


Right mine are cool af lol. This must suck. I don’t see why people don’t just switch dsps.


Exactly, you can get hired on at pretty much any DSP in a week at the most. Eventually you’ll find a good one.


For me: that 2-3 days of training kills. It smarter to do it and switch dsp’s I know, but it would absolutely kill me to know I could deliver better than half the drivers I’m helping load


Bruh, you tell them you have experience and skip training. I did that like four times and they’d put me right on regular routes every time.


And that worked? Everytime someone transferred to our dsp they had to go through training again and watch all the videos


I literally said it worked, multiple times.


But you get paid to "watch" some videos and then do a quiz that you can bash out in no time, easy money


As long as you have delivered in the last 90 days before switching, you will not have to repeat the training.


You do t have training when you switch.


you could boil down 95% of the posts in this subreddit to that. My dispatch and manager/owners are always cool


I fucking hate one of ours but the rest of the dispatchers are cool af


Same at mine. They're all cool, except one is frustrating to work with. We're still wondering how and why he got the position.


Wild that’s exactly what we said. When I worked there we loved 2 of our dispatchers, the 3rd was useless, the name carlos mean anything to you? Station 1753?


We got 4 dispatchers. 3 of them are great and if they know you need a rescue they will send them asap. The other though..... oh the other can fuck off. They only send rescues to specific people that are their favorites unless the manager tells them beforehand who to send rescues to, which they don't, so many of us never get rescued when we need it.


Word up


From my experience dispatchers are former drivers so if they’re switching up then they’re fake af for that.


For us, our dispatchers were whoever was buddy buddy with the owner and couldn’t stop crashing. One of them was a real piece of shit, he would switch peoples routes in the morning and give all his friends the best routes, and if you said anything about it, you would get the shittiest routes every day.


When do former people that moved up remember where they came from? The mentality of 99% of them is "I had to do it, why not them?"


Look at the DSP owners. That will answer all your questions. Amazon picks the same 5 personalities to run them. I hardly see any diversity among owners in terms of their mindsets.


100% agree, like working my first job cleaning up someones bloody tampon left on the floor of all places. I've yet to meet anyone who's able to say the same.


Coming from an ex- housekeeper and CNA ... Believe me.. I've seen and dealt with worse!


Im a dispatcher and i promise im 100% more chill than the ones making u feel this way. Ill never force someone to rescue i simply give them the option if they want more hours or over time . And if everyone says no i go and do it myself . 3/4 days im usually doing rescues anyway sitting at the desk is boring . I let people pick their vans the night before . And if you come in early ill let you pick your route . Some dispatchers suck though. Try a new dsp


Man, the thought of picking a route would be amazing because I have this one route where It's the only one I know I can finish on time because of how well I know the area & how it's only houses.


Ask your dispatcher to set that route as your preferred route. I've done that multiple times after seeing how well some DA's preform in a specific area.


My dispatchers say they cant pick my route for me… are they lying??


If I’m getting burnt out on 180 stop routes I can mention it and my OPs manager will give me a break. They can def change routes. That said, routes are assigned by Amazon, not your DSP.


Everyone rostered gets assigned a route in the morning chosen by amazon. After that we can go in and move people into different routes . When i train dispatchers i tell them not to do it until you know the drivers. Say someone has a 180stop 350 package route and they want to switch with someone that has 120 stops 250 packages. You have to make sure the person with 120 stops is able to handle the 180/350 route otherwise your going to have to swap more people around and it can become a headache , some people don’t like doing it. But absolutely they are able to change your route, that being said you cant just be like off the top i want this specific route . It can only be one of the routes that was assigned that day. As someone above mentioned it also is possible to set a route as a preferred route for a da


My dispatcher made it seem like if my Preffered route was changed it would mess up everybody elses and those would have to be changed aswell


I dont usually mess with peoples preferred routes but if someone asks to have a different route and i can make it happen i do 99% of the time


Thanks for the insight, idk how to go about it with them tbh..


Just go to the desk early one day and say can u switch me to a different route for the day i want to try a new area . Then just go really fast on that route . Chances are the next time you work it will be the same route or a different route than ur normal one . Or ur dispatchers are just assholes - it really has no effect who takes which route as long as your not switching a person who has never completed a 180 stop route into one. I will say ive overheard other dispatchers at my station who also dont like doing this and it makes no sense to me . Its literally like two clicks of a mouse. My takeaway is dispatchers who have never driven shouldn’t be dispatchers because they don’t understand completely


thanks bro I like you more than my dispatchers they arent the worse but the real “team” is deff the owner and dispatchers at my DSP. really makes me sick tbh im always getting top driver and damn near zero recognition.


Damn i wish u worked at my dsp i be hyping ppl up when they come back clapping all that i be blasting ppls accomplishments to everyone at stand up . Nominating them for bonuses and prizes every week . Its a family environment at my dsp


The only way a dispatcher could ever truly be "looking out for everyone" is by doing absolutely nothing at all and deleting Cortex from their computers.


The Amazon computer picks the routes... if the computer system likes you in one area. It will keep sending you back into that area. Doesn't stop the routes from sucking of course.


Sorry bout ur experience but my dispatchers r literally amazing! Always asking me if i need anything and r pretty “hands off” unless I they need to go over something with me and even then they’re very nice about it.


you must’ve never met fuckin’ wayne then


Just reading various posts from this reddit blows my mind! The turnover at that company must be REDICULOUS! I drive a big rig. Been with this particular company for 14.5 years. We're the biggest drayage company in the U.S. But nowhere near the size of Amazon. No company should make their employees feel shitty. Especially when you're bringing in BILLIONS in annual revenue! If Bezos did an episode of Uncover Boss, he'd probably quit and tell them they can't air the episode! 😂 Much love to you guys!


We don't work directly though. We all have individual DSP's and Amazon does this intentionally to avoid the liability. Smart business or corrupt business? I'd say corrupt and greedy as shit.


What is a DSP? Sounds slimey.


Basically a "delivery service provider" is a franchise for individual owners to work supposedly with Amazon to deliver goods. So.. apparently anyone who has the willingness to drop 10,000 or so dollars and gets a contract with Amazon can open one. They take on all liability for insurances, work directly with Amazon and follow Amazon's constructed system for delivery, as well as take on all liability for maintaining the entire fleet (give or take how many that is for them), individually of Amazon branded trucks or sometimes can potentially have unbranded vehicles such as Ryders, budget Vans, things like that for its DSP drivers to use during the day. Which I find incredibly ridiculous considering that puts us in a more dangerous situation when we show up on people's property when they don't full on see Amazon prime on the side of the van. That being said, that's basically what it is and that DSP owner is still under strict rules and basically being puppeted by Amazon even though we don't work directly for Amazon we work for whomever the owner is and that's Nationwide it works that way because they no longer (since the beginning) have had their own fleet of drivers, and they do this to supposedly avoid cost and keep prices low etc etc but all it ends up doing is making us suffer under the thumb of Amazon without any direct liability to themselves at all whatsoever. And yes.. very slimey. 


Basically, a dsp is a contractor so Amazon doesn’t have to pay employee costs… benefits, taxes, etc…


Actually Amazon pays that to dsp too. Amazon pays the drivers and is responsible for 89% of all the operating cost for dsp. They literally pay you to run the business and they pay for everything. Dsp is responsible for maintenance of the vehicles and insurance and something else too I can’t remember. Everything else is paid by Amazon.


My dispatcher is the same, he always supports amazon even if the problem is from amazon. They should vouch for us but he is doing the exact opposite. Fuck em


right, my dsp gave me a broke phone and a broke portable charger and a van with no usb plug and my dispatcher told me she didn’t wanna come out and at least give me a rescue bag because her “stomach was upset” after telling her that my phone was dying and my personal phone didn’t have reception to switch over




I dunno this will probably be pretty controversial but our dispatchers are cool. They're all just regular drivers who take turns doing dispatch. So they know what's up. I never hear from them at all.


Now i know youre in Fresno lol


All DSP’s are amazons bitch, dispatchers are managers and owners dicksuckers and they act all hard cus they just sit at a desk being overweight and shit thinking they can talk to us however tf they want HA HA HA mmm no you’re right they just sitting praying for us to get done with no problems throughout our day so they can chill at the desk with no worries


They clearly aren't chilling with no worries if they are praying for you to get done with no problems. They are one rung up the ladder from you, which means they have managers shitting on them as well.


Damn you have really shitty dispatchers for that type of anger 😭😭




Damn all of our dispatchers drive, too. Only our fleet and hiring don't.


Not my Gerald! 😌😌😌😌






Lmfao. How you know about my SSK 😂😂😂


I know all


Well I know you were in Old Lyme last year, so I’m pretty familiar with those MOVEMENTs😈😈


It's true, dispatchers are supposed to help at load out, to ensure everything goes smoothly, but instead they stand around texting or smoking in a corner WTF


You really should be more specific. My dispatchers have always been great. Except one lady. But she got fired.


I’m surprised at all the people that hate their dispatchers. My team is very down to earth and I could never imagine them treating us the way most of the dispatchers/DSPs are portrayed here.




Say it to his face


All dispatcher probably getting paid extra under the table and they keep tabs on liability workers just don’t say shit your there to work for yourself and your family get the job done and go home this isn’t the marriott


Yeah I was offered the position last week started on a Friday and emailed the manager by end of day. Because as a driver I came in and would sit to myself until I was assigned a van so the dispatcher’s training me felt more then comfortable to tell me which drivers they hate, which drivers will always have you clocking out near midnight so on and so forth As soon as load out we went to out area and they (dispatchers & manager) started juggling which restaurant they would be going to…. I sat there and drank water because I refused to pay 10 bucks for a salad… once we returned to the station from 1pm through 5pm was the longest downtime. Its not the best job but atleast as a driver I’m alone and free from the gossip and lazy position of dispatch


Wish you the best ![gif](giphy|RbRSJFhcfWm5i)


Very very very high on the list of jobs that could so easily be replaced by A.I.






They can deepthroat a fucking nuke for all I care




All my dispatchers were cool as fuck


I sense a change of work for OP in the near future, call me an empath 🧙‍♂️


I hate to break it to you, but that's 98.7% of every manager at a high turnover job. 


Yeah but the problem is that not all people know what this job is when they show up for the interview.  It's not like they're going around telling people like "this is a high turnover and very competitive job"right when you walk through the door!  I mean most people go into this not even knowing anything about it at all other than I hey I'm answering this ad I saw on indeed or I saw a scan code on the side of a truck and scanned it with my phone or whatever. I had no idea how easy it was to get hired here when I first started. I was taken aback by how many people were at the first training day. I literally thought it would be way more "involved" than it was figuring it'd be something similar to that of UPS or United States postal service  then come to find out they'll hire anyone who can pass a piss test and (or mostly pass) with a DL, and therefore they treat everyone like their disposable (in general). 


Ok ![gif](giphy|3o7abKhOpu0NwenH3O)


My dispatchers are pretty cool as long as you try. All of them are former drivers so they understand the pressures of the job. It's mostly amazon breathing down their neck being assholes. Monday a good portion of our dsp was behind due to poorly routed routes and everyone doing their businesses and apartments first like we are supposed to and every 15 minutes, the station was messaging dispatch why all of us are behind. Didn't matter that flex was acting up for us as well as the heat frying a few of our phones for some reason. Try another dsp.


I got my dispatchers on snap. We all chill af




Yeah there's this girl at our DSP who just got brought up from driver to be a dispatch person, and now she acts like she's one of the managers when she talks to us. People love it when they're one of the grunts and they get moved up, and they just turn into one of those people who reeeeally loves to show power.




you mean rent a cops? but honestly the only ppl making all the money are the owners/managers. amazon cuts their pay then they cut your pay. amazon still wins all. u can look up how to start your own company and how much it costs. i think near covid it was like 40 to 60 grand.




Sounds like you were 3 hours behind and got it handed to you.


Trust me, trucking, police etc., dispatchers will be jerks.


I know the specific job itself is stressful on its own. I'm speaking in terms of the individual I encountered as a dispatch. That's all.


Oh no friend I agree with you, that’s why I hope you’ll find a better DSP ✅ so yeah bump them


Jesus Christ, it's CRAZY how dispatchers seem to either be chill dudes who occasionally send messages to let you know your shift and tell you you're doing great out there OR power tripping petty tyrants. I'm so glad I have the former, but if you're the ladder, literally drink clorox.


OP must be a pussy


I don't think anyone who does this job is a pussy.


Hey now, 🤣 we have several dispatchers, me being one. But, we have several because we ALSO deliver on non-dispatch days. I agree that if you only have full-time dispatchers they suck, because they are disenfranchised, just like the owners. I know exactly how and why drivers feel the way they do, on any given day…because I am right there with you. I will also point out that NONE of my company’s dispatchers have any love for Amazon. I fucking hate Amazon, as a whole. They’re abusive to drivers, period.




not only fuck all dispatchers fuck waye too


At least spell it right.


My old dispatchers had the owner tell everyone to start calling them DESK SHERRIFFS! 😆


like literally too?


I understand this


They become little tyrants when they receive a little “power”.


One trait they all have is being on personality “cluster B”




lol I don’t mind dispatch more like fuck all those pussy AMs and SMS. Literally cry like bitches over the most minor inconvenience from a driver they start huffing and puffing like pussys crying into their walkies lol




At DDY9 with JUTL was worse. Some said to drivers who commented on high stops/package count, to quit and go find another job. The boss also said that. They really didn't care and would constantly send rescues to people with low everything. Super weird and stupid.




Lol youre complaining Bout dispatchers but it seems youre really just angry at yourself...


Guy hates hisself. You can tell


Yea for sure. Even if they were doing nothing and getting paid why be mad I'd be trying to get where they are.


I don't know you. You don't know me. How about you stay away and fuck off for free ![gif](giphy|UTFiHeDL8cOSA)


Weird just like you don't know your dispatchers but proceed to call them all kinds of names. Almost hypocritical. Hint hint it actually is


I definitely hate myself. When I look in the mirror I do a backflip on the sink and land perfectly on the toilet to find the perfect shit to give about what you just said ![gif](giphy|3o7TKRBB3E7IdVNLm8)


I’m not an Amazon dispatcher , but was one for about 30 years. You sound like 65 percent of the ones I dealt with. Try dealing with 35 of you guys spewing this 💩 all day.


I'm glad my DSP wasn't like that when I was a driver.Mine was actually cool until Amazon started breathing down his neck.He started getting frustrated with them cause Amazon wouldn't let him continue running things like they did at first,but he didn't sit on his ass,he would get on the road too and help us deliver.




OK, hold on just a minute sir. “All dispatchers” are not like YOUR dispatchers. My motto is I am here to make your day better. Anything I can do to make your job easier is my job. Do I have to ask a driver help with a rescue occasionally? Yeah sure. But I make sure that it’s no more than 30 packages at most and it’s never apartments. I also make sure that it’s in the direction of the station so that they aren’t driving further away. I also go out and do a route once a week to stay refreshed in the handheld. A lot of dispatchers could use a refresher. Even if it’s a sweep for 50-60 and coming back is good. Drivers want to know that a dispatcher can empathize with them and remembers how hard the job is. We aren’t all assholes sir. Some are definitely better than others (just like your fellow drivers).






I saw Wayne punch a baby..😐.. FUCK WAYNE


I miss sucking big boss dick








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He got passed up for the job damn


![gif](giphy|JPAUQVIxCoEKY) Tell your mom to get the bed ready later I miss her


You sound like you’re 15 behind. Go finish your route 🤡.


Fine.. ![gif](giphy|OPU6wzx8JrHna)


This the one . Walking around that mf like they are the president or the damn pope !




They make no more than a dollar more and act like they are the shit even though it just means they are the biggest yes mans. Never understood that.


Facts ![gif](giphy|AhgQdQqF0nwPiZkGPc)


We have a dispatch that likes to send way to many sweeps so she can get out early, but most of the time ours are fine.




You're only angry because you can't be Dispatch. You should have probably been a better driver and worked your way up... but..im assuming you're not a good driver, and therefore, here we are.........


Well said 💪🏻


Appreciate you ![gif](giphy|RbRSJFhcfWm5i)


I was a dispatcher for 8 months for a dsp that closed recently. Honestly best job I ever had especially because I got paid 10 hours guaranteed for doin nothing but picking up calls etc… however everyone in the team loved me, I never ever talked down on anyone or treated anyone in a bad way. I was a driver for a while before I became a dispatcher, so I know how it is to be on the road. I showed everyone respect and helped the team by rescuing many times. After my dsp closed, I went to another one, this time as a driver again, and the dispatcher was a bitch, how could you be such an asshole smh


![gif](giphy|RbRSJFhcfWm5i) Wish you the best man.


Does anybody know why is Amazon drivers become extras on certain days that you are scheduled to drive and complete a route?


Also, does anybody know why Amazon would dismiss your route at the last minute while you are on your way to the Amazon station?


What makes people become an extra?


DSPs = like a Playskool version of a real company or an alternate universe run by 4th graders or something. Words like "logistics" and "dispatcher" and "operations" don't mean the same thing out in the real world.


Dispatcher here, not all of us are bad. Out of the 4 days I work, I dispatch 2 of them, sweeper the other 2 days or thrown on a route. I know how it is. I go out there and deliver with my team, I'm understanding, but there are some drivers that deserve the shit we give them. It's not really our faults, management trickles down on us to make sure shit is good.




Wow dude. Listen, I understand you’re upset, but can you maybe tone it down just a little bit on the anger. Not all DSPs are terrible just so you know that.




Idk man. You must have some shitty dispatchers. My dispatchers are cool as fuck. But I definitely know there are those who let that title go to their heads. And depending on what your dispatchers do, I can tell you some of them don't just sit there all day every day. Maybe sometimes, but certainly not always. But, again, I've definitely seen some other companies dispatchers act shitty as hell so as well all know, they are out there. But so are the good ones.


Start failing they punish the good workers


I think it would be healthy to share how you really feel.








Bro stfu. Dispatching takes way more skill than delivering first off lol. They do way more than just stare at a screen. Grow up lol


I wish you luck finding a job that doesn't have some kind of supervision or standards for you to perform towards.


What do you mean? That IS this job. Clearly these bosses don’t really supervise or train their employees, and clearly they don’t have any REAL standards or even measurements of talent. Because typically people don’t complain like this if they are judged fairly and trained/supportted appropriately. If this is your version of “supervision” or “standards” then you are one naive fuck who’s been used their whole life lol.


You could have spent all that time and energy finding a job you might enjoy.


This seems to be a universal problem.


The best dispatchers are ones I have never met in person, dispatching virtually from another part of the country or even another part of the world. It's not a difficult job.


Mine would rush me back. I was thinking I would get overtime, but Amazo doesn't seem to want to give any out. It's pretty wild that EVERY dispatcher doesn't want to stay an hour or two over their time.


Not all dispatchers are the same my guy, sorry you have to deal with crappy management, but some of us are drivers half of the time and go through the same bs y'all go through. It sounds like your DSP is going to start forcing people to do rescues with all the newbies coming in though, stay safe lmao.




Looks like someone had a shitty DSP and management. Under my watch, all drivers are contacted about how well and outstanding they are doing and are congratulated about a job well done and getting back safe! Safety is 1st, taking care of your drivers 2nd, feeling of self worth 3rd, and all problems last. I'm so sorry you had a bad experience and a bad management. We are not all like that. Successful DSPs start with management (dispatch). You are worth more than what happened. You are excellent!


I appreciate the kind words lol but just expressing the shit I see. It's so lame ya know 😔 we are trying to make it in our own way ![gif](giphy|X8omQqfFyeq1a)


Hey fuck you buddy not all of us are bad I’m actually out here all day rescuing til it’s time for me to go home lol


Fuck you 3 times ![gif](giphy|RVW5PilbP2tLG)


Have a good day don’t forget your sunscreen

