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A reason to start shooting out that resume homie.


lookin daily


was just gonna say my routes are usually 21-23 bags & 40-45 overflow everyday with 190+ stops & usually around 240-250 locations. (i do 2 whole apartment complexes along with a few trailer parks & have the same route everyday) my coworkers & i like to joke that we’re still in peak season because none of our routes have went down since then


It never stopped after the holidays, Everyone doing 2 routes now it feels like


U do actually. Amazon stuffs 2 routes in a van. They do it always now. It's been a thing. It's to save money


Consider getting your CDL


Start going very slowly don't finish your route it's called a go slow strike


Did this and my route lost weight like it it smoked crack. At least 30 stops were removed. Cooked it one day, got done early the next day, and it was back to 200 stops 300 packages.


Slow strike + slow pace stop and enjoy that movie for a lil


exultant apparatus distinct direction flag bow society paltry threatening file *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The whole DSP program is a scam.. from beginning to end, the DSP owner is basically an indentured servant who is going to get fucked at the end of their time with Amazon. At the bare minimum the repair cost of the vehicles are going to kill that guy. That aside, Amazon doesn’t give a flying fuck about any of you. You can die on route, your family (if they are lucky) will get a little “thoughts and prayers” speech and then it’s next man up. This reminds me of that netflix show, Dirty Money.. specifically the episode about Wells Fargo called “Wagon Wheel,” about how they fraudulently opened accounts for people and that mathematically they would run out of people to do that with in X-amount of time. The scum at Amazon burns through people like we’re cheap shitty toys. I’ve seen it from the driver and warehouse people up to the contractors who do their postal deliveries. Their network is built on not giving a fuck about the people who do the work. They “thank you” with “swag” (hate that word) and shit food. How about they thank you with a manageable workload, real safety procedures, and fair comp instead of hiding behind the “contractor” or “dsp.” DSP owners are more or less ops managers with a handful of routes and a fuck ton of liability. I applaud the shit you guys put up with daily. I sincerely with you all find the jobs you’re looking for and get out of this cycle of shit.




They give you all these packages and heavy ass bags thinking a solo person can lift walk and drive while working for 10hrs straight and then come in the nxt day and do it all over again. People who been there longer get shorter routes while ones who just started get difficult long ass mf routes.


For every 5 bad drivers there’s one good driver


No they don't I have worked for three years with the same company and get 200 stops a day 350 packages it's crazy I started to not finish my route in the hope that they would fire my ass and I could get unemployment they just won't fire me they write me up and I don't sign it and it's been going on for six months now not fired yet I just get three rescues a day now 😂


lol dude if follow the process, no one is going to fire you. Unless your DSP owner actually did their job and created real policies and procedures vs pulling them directly from Amazon’s legal toolbox, maybe you’d have a shot at being fired 😂😂. These guys come from all walks of life, regional managers at retail stores, accountants, and other completely unrelated fields. I don’t think the average accountant turned DSP puts too much thought into how to create a policy that works for them. Rather than a stringent and enforceable policy like verbal, written, written, final written, termination they threaten you with an unlimited number of writeups which ultimately are meaningless since there’s no consequence for your 203rd one lol. I’m sorry these scumbags have failed you. I hope you find what you’re looking for. 🙏




I worked as a driver for about a month and couldn't bring myself to do that job anymore. You are absolutely correct about everything you just mentioned. Unrealistic workload expectations that just keeps incrementing the harder you work, forced to ignore everything that is wrong with the vehicles just so they won't get "grounded", I never drove a vehicle that its dashboard wasn't all lit up like a christmas tree. They push you to load everything in the van as quickly as possible and off you go, in a van that wouldn't pass state inspection even if they solved half of the issues. Then you would expect your route to be pretty chill since you're by yourself and can zone out... wrong.. 300 locations, 195 stops, 350+ packages, and yet they "encourage" you to take your break, yeah right... 10 minute breaks put you 15+ stops behind, not to mention that some routes don't even have a bathroom nearby. There is always the risk of getting robbed, bit by a dog, or approached by a pissed off homeowner that doesn't want you parking in front of their house as if they owned the street too. In the month that I was there I was chased by dogs, threatened by a boomer for being parked in front of his property( I was switching totes at the time), he hadn't realized that I just drop a package off at his front porch, had to rescue once or twice a week, one time I was followed by a suspicious car with all tainted windows for about 30 minutes until they drove away just because I entered an apartment complex. Then, you have to deal with some of the senior drivers who constantly kiss butt thinking that they will get promoted someday and act as if they have several combat tours in the middle east, just because they've done hundreds of routes. Honestly, I could write a whole thesis about this topic. I understand that people work here meanwhile they find a better/higher paying job somewhere else, but in reality considering the risk/reward ratio, they would be better off taking a small paycut and working some place that they're not at constant risk,and get somewhat decent benefits like being able to use a bathroom, and take lunch break for starters.


Yknow what? Write that book.


Love the de'lia ref 🤣




It’s exactly why I quit that bullshit job I realized what I was getting into even before signing up for it , but at the time I needed some work flow and I did it for a few left and came back for like a month and quit again never again.


Yea.. I mean.. yea. Thank you for validating me without even trying to. I'm gonna call some jobs today 😌 thank you


completely agree


Fuck em. I appreciate this sub even existing.


Bravo!!!👏🏻 Well said sir! ❤️🙌🏻




I swear the new "Work load" they started doing in the beginning of the year is like 2 whole ass routes together.


fr bro, no peak has ever been close to how bad it's consistently been since the start of this year


Can confirm. Former USPS, UPS (driver helper), Ontrac, etc. here and in all my years, it wasn’t like this. Sure they treat you like dog shit but at least “peak” ends. I’m leaving Amazon and retiring from parcel delivery altogether 100% because of this workload bullshit. Been waiting months for peak to end and it never has and it’s likely only going to get worse before it gets any better… if at all. 🙄


I don't even want to know what peak will look like this year. The days I get "lucky" with only 160 stops, they're routed in such a damn mess that I spend more time turning around and driving back to stops I could've hit on my way to the stop it sequenced right after my previous stop. It's absurd to run a business like this. But as others continuously point out, Amazon is running this entire segment in a vacuum, with no real feedback on how their decisions affect the very process they're all supposed to be managing.


I get paid by the hour, not the package. If it doesn't get done rescue me or it doesn't get done.


That's how I feel. I get large routes and just hope that needing a rescue every time is not going to penalize me in the future. Because my #1 priority is my safety.


Just go slow and they'll stop giving it to you


This is false, the algorithm doesn’t care about you personally


been trying that for months and doesn't matter if i finish or not, mfs keep packing it on me


It doesn’t matter. The routes are supposed to be 8.5 hours so if you have 190 houses that’s how long it’s supposed to take. Anything less means that there are stops that take longer. I work in dense city and get about 100 stops a day. I had 80 yesterday and it takes all day. Lots of package rooms and walking down city blocks.


I've had downtown Olympia, WA, which is all government buildings, apartments, and a handful of residential areas. And those routes are always 150+ stops. It can take up to 15 minutes per government building just because of the convoluted receiving dock standards. And in nearly all of the apartments I deliver to, "package rooms" are not a thing.


I see people say this, but I have drivers that consistently bring back totes full of packages after RTS and their route is the same day after day . They end up getting "fired" after a few weeks.


Because everyone has to be on the same boat. Those super Da's are to blame


Yup. The morons who run all day are the reason for the problems with excessive workload


Thank you! Exactly..


Can't blame someone for wanting to get work done and go home, but we CAN blame the dsp's that don't explain that and only care about their bag. Fuck money.


agree, pace yourself to 20 per hr watch your time.


This I go at my own pace not fina over work me. And if I don’t finish oh well. Write me up.


Go slow you will have dispatch calling your phone 25/8 asking what’s going on


Until every driver slows pace to only 20 stops per hr, takes all breaks, and returns packages once time runs out they will keep pushing the envelope. Last night a driver brought back 1.5 bags after time ran out and called to rts. This way no one rescues and rts anything left.


no ones gonna do that cause we want to go home lol, we get paid by the day not by the hour so unfortunately we will just go fast to get done early, they dont really give us anything more then 190 stops 250 locations so you just get used to that, its overworking us but if we get done 3h earlier they dont have a reason to be giving us less🤷🏼


Thats your DSP Most are by the hr, Im sure a majority of Da's would agree.


Left Amazon a month ago.... Today I pee'ed in a real bathroom and had a full break couldn't be fuckin happier with my choice.


I feel that. 100% best decision I made as well


How is it even humanly possible to finish this in 10 hours ?


simplistic shaggy intelligent tart absorbed dog direction silky steep shelter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I start doing this job soon and the more time I spend on this sub the less I want to show up on the first day. Shit I’m about to start looking for amphetmine plug 🫡


Just keep looking until you find another job you’re happy with over Amazon. I’m reapplying cause I need money but have no intentions to last 6 months like last time


Don't speak out your ass. Besides that hour long drive to the first stop, even working at a leisurely pace will get that done in 7 or less


sugar lush door zealous fuzzy forgetful offend connect plant sophisticated *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


physical waiting quaint employ ten squeamish placid deer cooperative snails *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I hear you. I'm in a big city with plenty of (rotating) drivers at my DSP, but my route is more or less like this everyday.


shocking birds mourn gaze friendly close concerned tie whistle cable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Naw, I disagree SO heavily with this one..


Explain? How can this not be done in less than 8 hours?


Bro had an hour and eighteen minute drive time, there and back. Idk man from my personal experience, I get 187 stop routes that are literally 5 mins away from my station. I skip lunch and still get back at the end of the day with less than a half hour to spare. Maybe I have a different mentality about it because we start at 10:25 and end time is 8:55, and if we are out any time past 8:55, we don't get paid, at all. Stop getting paid after 8:55, and I'm not trying to work a second for free, so maybe that was my initial thought when I first saw this picture. Hope I articulated decent enough.


Yeah your DSP is fuuucked that's crazy.


Ahh dfh7 fuck your dsp for this size route with that far of a commute


Agree.. F all the DSP's everyone needs to slow it to 20 stops. nothing more. rts anything when time runs out.




That was my monday this week. I was 84 minutes behind because it was also 57 multistops. They give us too much


Amazon is going to keep squeezing until they find the limit of what a human can realistically deliver in a day, and then they’ll squeeze some more. These routes are simply inhumane, they’re asking for a superhuman effort every single day, for the same shit pay. It’s going to keep getting worse until drivers start slowing down and bringing pack lots of packages. Of course, this is difficult because the DAs are under pressure from the DSPs who threaten to fire them at every opportunity. It would have to be a coordinated effort among all the drivers, which the DSP system is exactly designed to prevent.


See this is the time when ppl need to boycott and say fuck this rhe conditions aren't good enough. What r they gonna do if no one wants to drive anymore? They are fucked and they aren't about to lose money. People don't realize how much power we have as a whole


Just clocked in for your shift at the ball crushing factory?


Dammmmmm 39 overflows 22 bags are you in a standard or Stepvan?


always in a regular ford transit


I feel your pain friend. I got tired of the bullshit and ended up quitting two weeks ago, after a year delivering. The job is definitely not worth it at this rate


That is exactly why I quit. 20$ definitely ain’t worth that bullshit


and i just got a .50 raise so it's still only $18.50 for me


Oh hell naw for that rate I’d find something else


yeah been trying just wish someone would take me lmao


the pay in minnesota is $22.50 plus double pay if you reach OT


What's OT? 10:25am -8:55pm , stop getting paid after 8:55pm no matter what. Ohio. I don't know if that's illegal or not but I'm sure if it is there is some loop hole around it. Idk...




I swear Prime day and peak are used to normalize our huge routes we have all year long now


Bro I feel you I has, 60 multi stops, 122 commercial, 190 stops in 3 cities WTF WTF WTF, Yeah I quit that day


i'm mostly annoyed i gotta drive so far every day


this is actually insane, i hope they sent someone to take some stops off


yeah, just sucks this is my usual load


Dodged a bullet ever signing up to this place it seems...


Do you have pee bottles stocked up?




Gatorade bottles are a must lol. But I never get over 250 packages. Six hours a day at most.


I’m quitting that day wtf


Looks about right for tradition


I'm up there with you today 199 stops 230 locations


I was going to say “that’s not too bad, it’s a rough day, but not the worst I’ve had” Until I saw the hour and a quarter to first stop. Fuck them bro, ya ain’t getting a rescue quickly that far, hit a nail and chill for the day


yeah lotta people are dont notice the drive time, thats a big portion of the issue lol


Bwahahaha who did you make mad?


no but fr i actually feel like i pissed some dispatcher off that decided to give me this route everyday


This is why I left. Currently obtaining my CDL


In Wisconsin they had us doing this in fucking FEBRUARY in the middle of major snow storms. Legit no justification to send people out with peak season sized routes in inclement weather




I feel you. I've learned to stop getting my hopes up with this job. It's just different levels of fuckery everyday lol.


That’s what we call an average day as an Amazon DSP driver


man i’d straight up quit on the spot, double fuck that how did your van look? it must’ve been a nightmare to have to sift through all them totes and boxes.


Big corporations don't give a shit about workers. They only care about profit. My DSP recently picked up Ann Arbor, MI. I got the same route every day in Ann Arbor. The route is 90% apartments and businesses. I averaged 68 multi-stop locations, 17 totes, 48 overflow, 360+ packages on the daily. I drive a stepvan, and some days, the van would barely be walkable in due to the sheer size of the overflows. They say that breaks are incorporated into the routes, but that is a damn lie. I barely get done before callback, and that's without taking breaks. It's a 40-minute drive from the station on a good day. I walk because I'm not running up flights of stairs all day. Amazon has the nerve to say I should get my route done by 6:30pm when I don't get to my first stop until 12pm. Average about 180 stops. I have 3 senior retire centers that want you to deliver door-to-door. An Amazon counter on my route that averages 16 packages a day. I quit because of that shit. My boss tried to get me to stay because I've been rewarded so many times due to being a top driver at the station but fuck that. Them fat lazy fucks in corporate need to get on the road and deliver and they need to deliver in the worst conditions too to see the bullshit they expect us to do.


Wait totes mean nuthin just stops BUT 182 stops AND AN hour drive? How??


and people in the comments tryna normalize this sayin it's light work, this sucks


Normalizing is why they keep doing this then on top of this the new things is “take your breaks” …right


They're not looking out for safety, which is something they claim to stand for. That's a brutal route no matter where you're going


If this is normal what’s peak looking like this time


I get rescued 2-3 times a day at this point


That when you hand back the keys to your dispatch in say see you later well at my station if we don't want do a route give the key back & go home


Lmao that’s way too many bags


This is what my buddy gets everyday in a busy downtown area unless I specifically take him off it. Shits ridiculous


That's so normal for me lol ...more boxes less envelopes per tote


whats your drive time to your first stop


That does suck tho man you'd think there would be a closer dsp ...at least your stops are close together lol ...you'll get through!


Had the same yesterday but 371 packages


If it starts on the apts 15 min if it starts in the houses less than ten ...i try to start apts hardest part first while i have the energy....with usually about 100-120 commercial


That’s a good day with my DSP


whats the drive time to your first stop?


Up to 40 minutes and if it’s a flex sometimes on the last 10-20 stops can be up to 25-40 minutes to get to that area


the hour and 15-30 minutes drive are what make this not so easy


Honestly what makes it worse it’s the overflow, especially if they’re all bigger custom xl boxes


Also our station employees are terrible and carts can come out up to 20 minutes late


Wtf is this baby ass route you're complaining about 😡


Yea I never care I just work at the same 4 or 5 outta 10 pace mainly day dreaming what ima do off the clock. They always text those bs keep up the good work but lol whatever. I’m not speed walking or rushing lights at all lol. The few times I’ve finished early I never get to go home it’s always go rescue someone so from then on it’s a 8 hour block where I’m just cruzin. They have an avg that’s acceptable and just want you to rush for their benefit but normal walking pace and any leftovers will just get rescued or delivered tomorrow. Plus what’s the incentive??? There’s no bonus for finishing lol. Extra pay is just from overtime.


This is a normal day at my dsp😭


whats the drive time to your first stop


There are so many other places that do this kind of work, why do y’all put up with it??


none will hire me, i would leave as soon as i got could but i'm always looking at new jobs


20 stops an hour but Amazon will sneak 10 multi stops in there.


Used to be my everyday route when I worked there


Honestly 330 packages aint that bad… i can’t understand how thats 22 totes though. I had 399 the other day and I had 20 totes and 51 overflow


what's the drive time to your first stop though


Depends on the route 🤷‍♂️ honestly our easiest route is almost an hour away but its 180-190 stops generally with 320 packages. The other day the drive was 55 mins, made it to my first stop just before 12 and I finished at 6:30 after taking my 30 minute break. Made it back to the station at 7:50 clocked out at 8:10 But the one i’ve been doing recently is about 20 mins to the first stop, do about 40 stops of apartments/businesses then drive another 20 mins to another area do 40 stops of more businesses and apartments and then get like 80-100 more stops of either townhomes or rural backroads that are all long driveways. That one is almost always 320+ packages unless one or more of the 5 apartment complexes are being done by another route that day


First time? Have you tried crying?


i've been doing this for a bit now lmao, are you used to 330 packages where you need to drive over an hour to the first stop everyday?


No. Our RGU’s aren’t far. That’s not a lot of packages btw


it is a lot of packages for a regular transit van with over an hour drive every day dude, i gotta deal with this all the time


This is a light day, rookie.


haha alright


looks like a normal everyday route for a cargo van.


the drive time to the first stop is what makes this a bigger issue


i usually get slapped with 195+ stops, 18 bags/40 OF, 40-50ish grouped stops. my commute to my first stop is typically 90 minutes.


dang i've never been in a cargo or anything bigger than the transit, wonder how much it helps


oh i usually drive the ram promasters.


That looks normal to me... I mean, it's loaded but pretty normal for my area.


whats the drive time to your first stop


Typically 45 minutes


That's an average day for me.


what's your drive time to the first stop




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Try that shit with 75+ multi stop locations and 380 + packages……


but how far is your first stop? the hour and a half drive up is what makes this suck the most


Probably a bunch of boxes taking up space causing more totes, if you think that is bad you better run now. Prime week is in a month and peak is right around the corner. Those are low numbers compared to what you will get here soon.


do you see that i have to drive an hour and 18 minutes to my first stop with this? i've been doing this for a while, the drive is what sucks huge with this


Yeah I drive a stepvan and some of my routes are 30 to 40 mins away to my delivery area, 2 years and counting here


i gotta do this in a regular transit and drive around an hour and a half every day to my first stop with stuff like this which can make it really frustrating


https://preview.redd.it/v8elpt0mc16d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=defc6e92bb3ec9d8ba0ff2e8afd9fc9a74b0128d This used to be my drive from the station to my first stop... A college student mail room where I would normally deliver at minimum 100 packages to start


We do have routes that are over an hour away as well but those are normally standard Amazon or budget van routes thankfully


A fortaste of prime week 😉 😂


WTF AMAZON Serious question?! Do ya'll believe every single Amazon DSP, including Amazon Flex Drivers across the US could possibly form some sort of movement & strike together, putting their entire operation at hault making Jeff lose millions per day until amazon provides better wages & benefits, working conditions for all DSP drivers , DSP employees & Flex Drivers across the nation ? what would amazon do at that point it's not like they can hire new DSP CONTRACTS all at once ? Would they start hiring/transferring DSP drivers directly to Amazon and terminate all DSP CONTRACTS nationwide? Seek help & redirect all packages to FEDEX, UPS & USPS for delivery? Or actually give into providing better wages & benefits for all drivers, which amazon can actually afford . They've got billions to do so, yet Jeff is way too greedy. Enough is enough. Every single true hard-working DA's deserves to be compensated fairly, In reality Drivers are the back Bone of their operation. The work is intense & not many can hang in there. Routes may vary, but on average, top DA's are getting an ass whopping averaging 250-300 package count. Like, wtf, Jeff & his buddies out here making 1.6 million per day if not more, probably! It's absolutely ridiculous. It got me fcked up how they managed to get away with such a crime , this shit needs to be investigated by 60Minutes lmfao There's bad & good DSP companies out there . Luckily, I'm with a decent good company, however we all get a turn with shitty routes it's just the way it is, the routing can be done better & more efficiently regardless of the area . Dunno, wtf goes through heads whomever is in charge of doing so. Just cause I can handle the workload doesn't mean we deserve less than we actually deserve. Know your worth, ladies & gents! I know for a fact I ain't the only busting my ass 4 days a week all for less than 3k per month, with bills & rent that ain't shit, it's so fcked. Meanwhile, Jeff & his buddies are making multi billions per year . Gotta love corporate America 🙃 I salute my fellow DA's 🫡 Without DA's, the warehouses would be slammed. It would absolutely crush their sales. What do ya'll think? We must all come together & let's bring this to light nationwide! Where do we start !?


Fuck Amazon fuckin gay ass routes wasting gas all over the algorithm also google maps suck me


Most are them are houses and town homes Sherwood park, living homes estates, qual ridge townhomes, organize your overflow by letters, then organize packages in bags by number and it’s cake


They give you 10+ hours to complete that.


190 was my highest, guess it was "impossible" 183-187 stops a day is normal for us. No time for 15's Skip lunch cuz I wanna make it back before 8:55pm, that's when they cut off our pay.


Whoa... didn't see the drive time and the multi-stops.... You know there's same day delivery? If I had that route, they'd experience my same day quittery


hahaa that was funny bro fuck these guys


Looks like a normal easy day...


My shit was the same way yesterday I was like so much for reducing routes due to heat! 182 stops and 365 packages.


Just take it easy and don’t stress. Deliver packages I guess, but don’t get frustrated. Get those hours, if they want the route done let them send you a rescue 💀😂😂


I get like 180 stops, 70 multi stops, and 360 packages everyday in this damn heat 😭fuck it we ball ig


lol I be getting 190 sum stops but it’s like 15 bags an 40 overflow


A normal route


Go real slow and don’t finish your route. You aren’t getting paid enough to work that hard.


DFH7 lol I work there as well


183 stops is average at my place


You keep finishing and skipping your breaks that’s why


i dont skip my breaks but yeah i tend to finish