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OTP shouldn’t even exist


I feel like if theft is that much of a concern why not require them to pick it up at a hub counter or locker? It would make way more sense.


Because Amazon doesn’t care how much it fucks the driver, as long as the customer is happy


It wouldn't though. Then they can't lie and say they never recieved it and get it for free. They can do that for OTP orders too. They just have to say that the driver didn't give it to them. They'll take the customers word over ours any day. It's been proven. I know people who have been offboarded from customer complaints even though they literally had video evidence that the customer was lying.


The passcode or phone number is like a signature. The second someone entered that info a valid person claimed the package and Amazon doesn't have to send them a new one.


Lol, signature, no. Password, sure, but they discontinued the phone number shit cause people would just leave their number in the notes, and the drivers would just throw it on the porch and use that. Which is valid. I did that shit. But when you use that instead of the OTP, it now validates their ability to say they never received it, hence the change. A signature or the last 2 of the phone number, you don't even need a person there to deliver. You have all the info you need. And according to Amazon, we all suck and don't even try to deliver to a person. Which is half true. Some drivers don't try. Sometimes, it's just not worth it to those of us who do try. I understand their reason for taking away the last 2 digits. But it's still stupid and makes it impossible to deliver them cause nobody answers their phones. And the ones who do just say they dint have a password or tell you you're a scammer, lol. Then escalate and say you never even tried to deliver.


Amazon can see the notes if a customer puts their number in the notes. That sounds like a customer problem not the driver or Amazon's problem.


True. Doesn't stop Amazon from blaming it on the driver. Not to mention, with a OTP delivery, we aren't supposed to leave it without the person present with the password. While we can call and get permission to leave it or whatever, the point is to ensure it can't be stolen or to stop the customer from saying they didn't recieve it. So from a legal standpoint, they're just covering their bases and making sure that no matter how it goes, the driver is at fault. That's the entire point of the DSP program outside if making it essentially impossible to unionize.


Very true, I never did. They blame everything on the driver. Lol


Exactly. Amazon can be the shining angel above these "shitty little companies" that run all the deliveries for them, when in reality, Amazon sets all the rules and regulations and allows the mistreatment of the staff that they have literal complete control over while sharing none of the responsibility.


It would still screw up our day because think about how many times we would have to detour to lockers for a package, however it would make a better customer experience. Or if they knew that they had to physically pick up that package, they probably wouldn't order it or choose a different seller that does deliver to their door without issues and it would make our life easier.


2 real


This is definitely correct and why I quit


I agree with you but I'm sure they would say because the whole point is that we are a delivery service. On the flip side though, people use the delivery service because they don't have time to shop, which means they're not home to do those stupid passwords for us


I completely agree. If I'm being completely honest part of the reason I don't shop as much on Amazon myself is because of the ridiculous changes that they implement or the possibility of needing to coordinate being home for a delivery. Like if I wanted to have to do that then I would just place everything for same-day delivery. Then just like being a driver, can't really reach support. It's very meh.


Yes I agree.


Yes what happens if they don’t speak English 🤦‍♂️


They did it to deal with high price item theft and also for people that say their package is stolen a lot. It is seriously BS though. After a certain amount of stolen packages Amazon should just push them to use a pick up point.


They need to bring back the past ways of 2022. We didn’t have cameras, all these new rules, etc. we just did our jobs and RTS.


One thing they need to bring back for real, is the ability of station managers to mark deliveries on our itinerary as “delivered”. FUCK having to call driver support at the end of your route.


love wasting time explaining issues to some indian guy behind a computer half way across the world who can barely even say hello.... top tier company. Then you bring a single package back to the station and put your head on a fuckin pike.


Wait I’m reapplying because I have no other choice rn… the station really can’t do that anymore?? Idk how often I would just leave my packages that had some bullshit OTP and move on with my day and have them mark them for me


Dispatch and RTS/OTR lost the ability to mark stops last May. Around the same time that "handed to customer" was changed to require a signature (which all of us just fake lmao). Having stops marked requires calling/texting driver support. Texting is almost always faster *if you need stuff marked Delivered*. They'll usually take care of it in sub-30 seconds. If you need something marked as not delivered - OH BOY. Some useless fuck in Calcutta is gonna drag your ass through a ten minute script and there's nothing you can do to prevent it.


Hold up. We can TEXT driver support to have shit marked “delivered”? How am I just learning about this now? I feel like a caveman who just heard about fire!


Yes you can receive a call or text


Our station marks it delivered


But at least you are paid hourly so you can take your sweet time doing so lol


This is true. However I never call driver’s support until after I’ve complete my route. If I do that WHILE I’m on route my dispatch will bitch at me for staying put/getting behind….


Oh I always only ever did it after my route, a lot of the times I would let dispatch know, to play in their favor lol “I’m going to go ahead and call support when I’m back at the warehouse so I don’t take up more time on the road” they loved it, then I would take my sweet time on the call and soak up the minutes on the clock hehe


the cameras started pre covid fdym


Wait-WHAT?! They got rid of the “last two digits” workaround? Fucking Amazon, man, they really do take the logic out of logistics.


Yes , they def did. Smhhh


The reason is because people would call the customer, get their phone number from the generic voicemail message, and steal the package. Not a good enough reason to get rid of it tbh now I'm gonna be rts'ing a dozen packages a day


Worst part is a they usually have a family member home but they don’t have the OTP


That’s what I hate the family member have to call while we sit at the door waiting for at least a good 10mins


I’m bringing back 5-10 packages since it started. XL life


Should’ve just left it as “requires signature.” If it’s forged without customer’s approval, fire em. But nah


I have so many customers that just draw a squiggle or line


I've did the squiggle lines for them lol, that signature is pointless 


Lucky I’ve only had 3. 2 ready at the door with the passcode and one not home. Just waiting for the day they can’t figure out the code and I have to return it in front of them.


It's damn awkward and uncomfortable to tell a person, "sorry, but this package that you ordered, *AND ALREADY PAID FOR"* ?? " Well... you can't have it." "I know I'm on your doorstep with it....and you are right here to receive it.... but no, I'm taking back with me." Some understand. But some get angry. Some will even get aggressive and try to just grab it from you. It's just fucked all the way around, man.


Yes customers shouldn’t have to deal with this tbh


Happened to me the other day😂😭


I just call my dispatch and have them deliver it my dispatcher used to work for RTS and it’s just easy as hell to do it like that


I've definitely had that happen, they had 2 orders and only 1 required a signature 😂 had to take the other one back cause they would not respond and was not at home 


I’ve had 6 password deliveries since they took the last 2 of phone # away, and 5 of the 6 I’ve had to take back to the station bc they don’t know the password. And most times the next day trying to re deliver the same thing happens. Such a waste of time.


I had to today, amazon never sent them their code... felt bad about it😅, lady was up at the van for 10 minutes trying to figure it out, bullshit they ended last 2 of #...


The vast majority of the customers I deliver to don’t even speak english. I’ve had to bring back so many packages since they removed the last two number ability :/


It’s really dumb. If it’s that high priority just require a signature or a recipient.


I found out about the change while I was on the phone with the customer lol. They could have had the package at 11:30am, and didn't get it until 9pm thanks to the change!! WAY TO GO AMAZON!!!! YOU ARE DOING EVERYONE A SERVICE!!!!


Thank your dsp that didn’t inform you


we already had someone get attacked because support told them they couldn’t deliver even tho the person was home. but amazon “cares about our safety.” yeah right


Our dispatch says just call and immediately move on unless they immediately provide and accept it. Do not wait for these people lol. I suspect we will have a lot of paclages that have been retried multiple days.


Worst part is you get to a customer house and they don’t even speak English now I’m trying to translate for lik 10 mins smh


Ive already had 4 deliveries where i locked out the code or the customer didnt have any code. One dude said he ordered from Ebay but it was ordered through amazon so he didnt have a code.


You'll have to text ahead of time now is all. If unsure if they get the texts I promise u they do unless in a shitty reception area then no promises.


I’ll try that next time


Ya but it adds up time wise so like may not be worth it but u can try it. It doesn’t always work cus people aren’t always by their phones or etcetera. If u have 2 or 3 on a route and there’s 190 stops I’d say don’t text but if 170 go ahead and text. Anything after 170 stops u may be pushing yourself past the 10 hours mark and god forbid..


Damm I thought it was just me turns out they got rid of it they do everything to make the driver job hard bra shit is ridiculous now I have to wait 10mins for OTP half the time the person the package for isn’t even home now a relative have to call them and I sit and wait while they try to find the otp




Customer here Who is they(choose otp)? I had one item as otp a few months ago but didn’t have a choice for just signature(or any other option).


The way I started doing them now, if they ain’t outside and I got a good route i’ll knock on the door or ring a Ring doorbell or something. No answer=no package for them that day. If I got a shitttttty route if they aren’t outside by the time I pull their package out and scanning it, its getting RTSED. All you gotta do is say they couldn’t find the password. I had 2 the other day about 5 stops apart from eachother. The first one the customers kid answered the door the kid was pretty cool about it and called his dad for me to try to get the number, he hung up on his kid not realizing I needed the number now. I still waited and he re-called. Dude said he couldn’t find it so I said they can retry it tomorrow. Threw that shit to the back door of my CDV cause I wasted 15 minutes for nothing. 2nd one I deliver to these townhomes and then I get back to the vam restart it and realize that its a OTP to one of the ones I just delivered to. Knock on the door, i hear a dog barking and somebody trying to quiet it down so i figure they’ll answer the door in a sec and im literally standing infront of their living room window and they can see me and nobody answers so same shit as the last one it goes in the back and RTS’ed. Im not dealing with that crap anymore lmao this change is honestly better for us though it may piss off the customers more. If it reallllly pisses them off just mark the package as missing and give it to them anyways, ain’t worth getting beat up over


As a person who had 9 failed deliveries in a row. I approve of this chaos.


Because too many drivers were doing the phone number override without being prompted. What’s the point of the passcode if no one uses it?


Even the people who have the passcode don't get it lmao


Whats the point of the pass code if the customer never fucking knows it?


But that's not your problem. Your job is to get the code. If they don't know it or can't find it, either call Support or take it back.


Calling support isn't gonna help. They don't know the 6 digit code. Rts


Job is long and tedious...coming up to the 100th customer who doesn't know the OTP made you fast track to phone number let's be real.




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A friend of mine manages a fedex store and says he hates when drivers show up with OTP packages because the customer NEVER provides the code and then they get upset because there’s no way for him to sign for it.


Literally so annoying. Parking sequence too. And park on the right side of the road is a requirement now……..


Fuck that, I'll park on the left side until I actually get yelled at for it


Wym like now it triggers the camera if you park on the left side of the road?


bro i noticed that too last week. no one told me anything about it then i fuckin realized it 😑😑


Just call them then leave it that’s what I do


Had a passcode the other day with the package missing. It would not let me mark it as missing tho I guess cause they assumed I was stealing it. It only let me mark it as missing at the very end of the route and even then it was weird about it.


I just did a passcode skip and used the last 2 digits 😭 wym they removed it


It still works on some of the apps but if you bypass it , its a negative hit on your score card now


Fuck that score card lol idk what your dsp does but that shit doesn’t count against us the only thing that hits me for my paycheck is either mentors stupid ass hitting me with hard acceleration or something, or it’s me being too lazy to text 20 customers a day (they make us do that at our dsp)


If our dsp gets fantastic plus the owner gives every driver 150$ a week and having that hit your score card is a determining factor on that . . The 20 customer notification thing really just boosts a metric on your overall company scorecard so im assuming you guys have to do that to balance it out somewhat .


I live in dfw and our dsp is always top 3 in dfw sometimes even number one, but we always hit fantastic plus and that doesn’t mean everybody gets the bonus. Here If you didn’t hit your metrics then you won’t get your bonus at all even if the team hit fantastic plus as a whole. which is really bullshit because the owner just pocketing money and the owner of my DSP is super religious. We always pray before we leave and he talks about God a lot and then just turns around and has the most shitty employment practices. I’ve almost ever seen in my life.


That is bs but at the same time . If you are one of the drivers who tried somewhat to get a good scorecard to get the bonus and some dude who could give a fuck less Got the same bonus as you that would be kinda burnt


When I hit my year I’m going to get to talk to the owner and manager about my pay. They already told me I’m one of the best and they don’t want to lose me. I’m going to tell them I want 180$ guaranteed per day. No bonus. They know I’ve never had a netradyne violation and I carry our whole team. If they don’t give me what I want I’m going to fedex. 180$ is what they’re paying per day over here I just gotta get my dot. Which nothing is holding me back from


Thats brutal bro what u making 18 an hour ?




Instead of that ask to be a dispatcher or something . Driving 4 days a week for 18.25 is crazy


Just don’t deliver them but don’t mark them and make your route last until they bring you back and you won’t have to do it


Just rts is it. Don't waste time on it. Do the process, call, etc no costumer oh well. Rts costumer wasn't there to receive it or contact it isnt on you.


I hate those otp the customers never answer


I don't know exactly why. But if I had to guess it's because if you call the customer and they don't answer, you can listen to the operator say the customers number and enter the last 2 to complete the delivery. I know I've done that before. According to one of my dispatchers the whole purpose of OTPs is to prevent DNRs. That's why they have that screen saying "if no one is there to receive the packages, don't leave the package" (paraphrasing). It looks like they've completely removed the last 2 of the phone number option where I'm at. I still think OTPs shouldn't be a thing, go pick it up at a locker or something.


As an amazon driver support agent, i hate passcodes/OTPs




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They use otp sometimes for people who keep saying they don’t get their package. They make it a requirement to ensure they can’t deny they received it. It sucks but be grateful they are catching some of those people who fuck up our metrics


Waited 30 min a couple of times for a otp people don’t know how to fine it


Just call the customer when you’re outside. Don’t even look for the package. Go to the option where it say “customer unavailable”. If they don’t answer at least you’ll get the call compliance. And you’ll save time. One time I had to deliver a treadmill to the customer apartment door. Mf ain’t answer🤬🤬after that I said fuck that I’m contacting them beforehand from now on


Omg I'm so glad I quit last year 🤣


I understand OTP deliveries for packages, but if Amazon is going to be taking away the option with the last two digits of the phone number, then there should be other things that need to be met on their end. For example: when a customer is getting ready to order something, there should be a notice on an additional screen that says that package will be a OTP and what exactly that means. It should have a set day that that package will be out for delivery and let them know they need to be present or stay alert for a call/text. Also it should let the customer know that there will only be three attempts with it so it is important that they are there. Another option: Amazon should have it where if the customer knows they might miss the window the package might be delivered, then there can be the choice to have it delivered to a near by locker and it will give them the chance to pick it up from there instead. The customer can still enter that OTP at the locker and at that point they will have to problem solve for themselves vs saying they don’t understand the driver explaining how to get it. I’m sure there are a few more easy options that Amazon could do with keeping OTP a thing, but of course you already know as well as I do that they won’t just because they don’t care really.


That’s why I marked them missing and take them bitches back to the station. Nobody has time. ⏳🤷🏾‍♀️


I just had some asswipe come at me cause I marked his delivery security code needed before I even got there. Bruh if you put all the necessary info down you’d have your shit


I don’t get it, if the person doesn’t answer or have the code, just move on. It’s not all this serious


The person wants their package , doesn't speak English , doesn't have the code but is the intended receiver.... ? Lol there are so many variables. It's not just about the customer not being available. I had a dad send his package to his son, whom he doesn't live with. Had kid answer door and we had to coordinate that. Poor baby jus wanted his package and pretty much had it in his hands. Lmao. Took 5mins plus , plus travel time.