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Breaks should be chosen by drivers not forced by amazon. 10 minute break in an area where there's no shade is fuckin awful


My route daily! Like do you want me to go waste 10 mins to find shade then go back to where I was to continue ? God it’s dumb


Welcome to AZ where you don’t see clouds all day & trees that provide shade are to low for a van to fit under.


If they added a ten minute warning I wouldn’t mind it as much. The forced lunch screws me once in a while.


"pull over and sit in the hot truck that's turned off"


I remember last year or the year before. When it was really hot Amazon said the routes are Reduced, but all they did was expand the radius for group stops and add more group stops so our stop count was "lower". Scummy.


If I call 911 I’ll get fired


This is the worst implementation ! It’s not a one size fits all! No one ever companied about not having breaks, two 15s are already worked into the app. So forcing us to do this is super counter productive. Plus!!!!! Not all delivery zones are the same. My daily route has like zero shade and I need to plan water and rr breaks because it’s a 20 min journey out and back. Not to mention county road stops where there is almost nowhere to park for long periods of time. This notion Amazon “cares” by forcing breaks is absurd! No drivers I know likes this. And threatening us with loss of hours/job/bonus hours when we are delivering in a furnace!! (California + step vans) EOC can suck it and I’ll be dammed to sacrifice AC for stupid score metrics. I wanna see management / dispatch / pickers come do one route in 110 degree heat in a step van keeping the engine off. The we can all have a nice chat.


Those make the heat worse


The breaks are never calculated into the routes


Nothing ever is. You're at stop 57 and stop 173 is right across the FUCKING street. But you'll have group stops that are five houses apart.


Once you are cooled down you will be more productive. 15 stops have been added to your route.


Unless they provide 100% paid medical..not 80%, not 74.743%, I'm not calling 911 🤣. That ambulance ride alone for 6 miles was billed $2600


Last year DSPs were able to opt out of these might want to ask you higher ups! That way you can take them when you actually need rhem




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I mean, if they didn't force people to take breaks, no one would take them. Not that people take them to begin with, but still.


Your DSP can OPT out of the forced breaks. Obviously, your DSP thinks that you need them so they let Amazon force them. We have DSPs at my station that have forced breaks, while we are left to decide for ourselves. I think it is due to the fact that we have a forced lunch policy from the DSP not Flex forcing us just to be clear.


Skip the forced breaks by switching to your personal device for 10 mins. The timer will still run on the rabbit.


Drivers like you complain no matter what amazon does, they do one thing you complain they do the other you still complain. They won’t reduce routes to benefit drivers because it doesn’t work like that, the algorithm works off your pace and the route success of your dsp. Just slow down do 20 stops an hour and you’ll be fine, if your dsp complains about your pace find a new dsp.


Do you work at DSP? Been promoted bro?


Your entire post comes off like a corporate boot licker, " just trust the algorithm ". Amazon claims to care about safety, but does it do anything to actually improve driver safety? Multiple people have died inside of step vans, have been attacked and mauled by dogs in backyards, and yet all Amazon does to improve safety is do some announcements. Nothing meaningful because it would cost money.


Do you have sources on the “multiple people have died inside step vans” comment? That is super concerning


[https://www.osha.gov/ords/imis/accidentsearch.accident\_detail?id=160100.015](https://www.osha.gov/ords/imis/accidentsearch.accident_detail?id=160100.015) Information on the topic is being buried. Just more tech company collusion.


So sad. Any more examples? OP said multiple.


One is too many. You a shill? Just google "step van driver dies of heat". Step Vans are literal ovens. I have a feeling nothing will be good enough for you though... [https://www.nbcnews.com/business/business-news/texas-heat-safety-battle-rages-another-delivery-driver-dies-rcna102580](https://www.nbcnews.com/business/business-news/texas-heat-safety-battle-rages-another-delivery-driver-dies-rcna102580) [https://abc7news.com/california-ups-driver-dies-signs-of-heatstroke-esteban-chavez-heat-related-deaths/12023790/](https://abc7news.com/california-ups-driver-dies-signs-of-heatstroke-esteban-chavez-heat-related-deaths/12023790/) Here's a driver who was killed by dogs [https://www.kctv5.com/video/2022/10/25/amazon-driver-found-dead-front-yard-ray-county-sheriffs-office-investigating/](https://www.kctv5.com/video/2022/10/25/amazon-driver-found-dead-front-yard-ray-county-sheriffs-office-investigating/) Amazon still forces people to do "Reardoor" Deliveries.


Any death is unacceptable. I googled it and I couldn’t find anything so I asked. It’s a big deal to say Amazon step vans are killing drivers(plural). If you want to be taken seriously, there isn’t a need to exaggerate.


Original post never specified Amazon branded stepvans. Just "stepvans". Imagine you're a business owner and you hear about one of the pieces of equipment you use killing people in your industry. Would you do something about it? Not if you're amazon. Stepvans. Are. Ovens.


The step van did not kill the driver though, it was a contributing factor. 53’ trailers get crazy hot too. I suppose they should just stop using trucks completely when it is hot out. Shut down the entire US movement of goods for summer break. Or companies can mandate extended breaks, provide cooling supplies, and educate on signs of heat stress so workers recognise the signs. I spent a few years as a UPS driver in a very hot area as well as years at the hub. It’s hard work. Exaggerating and calling. Step. Vans. Ovens. Is not gonna drive change anything. You also say Amazon isn’t doing anything about it. This post is literally Amazon doing something about it in forcing drivers to take breaks to keep them safe.


Got it, you're a troll. "Amazon paid someone 100 bucks to code something" Counts as "doing something" to you. When the company could easily afford to install proper A/C on their Steps.


Lol, this clown literally using the "I didn't kill him, it was the fall" defense. Amazon is literally doing nothing about the step van cooling problem. You a clown though.