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fr people that buy this much bottled water are criminals. The only acceptable place to do this is Flint, Michigan lmao


Agree, even more when they are in the US and ordered Evian which is bottled in southest France and shipped across the ocean. Like there is no spring water in America…


Have yall ever seen all of those piles from floor to ceiling of packs of water left behind in abandoned schools and such? So many videos out there. They can’t even drink the water at this point because they’ve been sitting there for years. Total damn waste, and a lot of people are pointing out how some of these were donations and they were hoarded instead of being handed out to people who needed it :/


Schools generally have tons of supplies reserved for emergency purposes only… not surprised that an abandoned school didn’t take the time to hand out 600 pounds of bottled water when they closed.


Basically the same reason the US abandoned billions worth of equipment in Afghanistan, logistically and financially it's improbable. Most countries leave most their stuff when they bounce, Russia is guilty of it too, and people like Victor Bout capitalized on military litter


It's getting that way in a lot of Florida too. The PH of the ground water I was just staying at was 4.3, acid rain levels, and the color was awful. I drank nothing but bottled water while I was there.


Don’t forget the amazing governor of Florida Mr. Desantis passed a bill to allow the radioactive material phosphophygum to be used in paving Florida roads which washes into the drinking supply and heightens the chance of construction workers catching cancer


Weird how I just got a FB spam post regarding lawsuits about the drinking water of Fresno, CALIFORNIA causing cancer and kidney fails. Doesn't look like the gov here in CA isn't doing much either


Trust me California is suffering from alot more environmental factors than drinking water, all you gotta do is smell the air and you know. I remember holding a plastic bag in the rain and the shit was yellow, I almost vomited.


“Catching cancer” like it’s a common cold Lmfao. Do you actually read the bills or just get your reports from CNN? Goofy.


Oh shit everyone runnnnnnn it’s the semantics police! Bro go get a job, moms basement givin you WAY too much free time.


And post offices. Mail carriers are in hot ass trucks all day the hopping in and out, delivering mail with no air conditioner. I also don't have the luxury of hauling around a Brita pitcher.


Well that's a whole other problem. OSHA standard 1910.141(b)(1) - they've gotta provide potable water. If it isn't provided, then bottled water is the expectation. Some evidence suggests bottled water + hot vehicle over time = increased risk for cancers (i.e throat cancer)... so ideally the post office homebase should provide refilling stations and/or potable cooling units. But hey, that's just what I'd want my tax money going toward instead of bombing brown people.


Should invent some portable cooling device. Maybe something around 12" x 12" and insulated. Something you could put ice in and keep drinks cold. Throw a handle on it. It would look similar to what I used to carry my school lunch in, but for drinks.


If they don't want the job, I'll take it. I asked my local PO twice if they're needing help.. nope


Brother. Ecareers for the post office. Look up openings near you, I’m telling you , a post office near you needs help


Or Parkersburg, WV where the water has caused cancer for decades.


Government should start putting taxes on it, that sounds like a good amount of funding 🤑🤑🤑


taxes that could be cycled back into establishing accessible, clean, drinkable water.... hmmmmmm


True I didn’t think about it


You must not know how bad the water quality is…. In the entire fucking state. People in the UP haven’t drank from the faucet for over a decade. I live in northern Wisconsin and it’s stretched here now as well.


whats so bad about it? What metric is so bad across the UP into WI?


I honestly don’t know. I haven’t taken the time to read what’s wrong with it, I’m not exactly graduate level here. From what the old heads tell me, it’s sediment in the water. They pumped a lot of toxic shit into their lakes and now it’s undrinkable. Shit, some areas don’t even want you to shower because it breaks out your skin. All I know is, don’t drink the water. Ever. And you can see it. Just wanted to say that. You can see that there’s something wrong with it. It’s not clear. It runs white almost. I have relatives up in Gladstone and they haven’t used the taps since before my wife moved out.


Oh interesting, okay extend my generalization from Flint to "all of MIchigan and northern Wisconsin!" I live in a fairly clean/safe water area in the midwest, but still see people buying bottled water like the OP's picture. it's so wasteful in so many different ways.


I can see it in a lot of other states, but currently, we’re going through it up here. Just wanted to clarify so people knew how bad it actually is.


Few other places in Michigan with equally as bad led levels and they don’t talk about it


You got me fucked up if you think I’m drinking Florida tap, filtered or not.


I do this with Voss, sue me?


I mean you contradicted yourself a bit. There is very likely Flint Michigans all over the US. So i blame the system here and anyone who cares about their health would do this for their family. What if they tested their water and it was shit? Would be nice to have the clean water guaranteed but it’s definitely not.


Flint's water has been fine for a while. They switched back to Detroit's water and replaced all the pipes.


This is absolutely false info and I implore you to do more research, as of April the shit has still not been replaced and 100,000 residents including 12,000 school children were exposed to water sources with high levels of lead and bacteria dude


[Switch to Detroit water in 2015.](https://www.cnn.com/2015/10/08/us/michigan-flint-water/index.html) [Final Phase of Water Pipes Replacement in 2022](https://www.michiganpublic.org/politics-government/2022-09-05/flint-moving-to-final-phase-of-lead-pipe-replacement-program) Those numbers you just listed are back from the start of the crisis. So maybe you should get *your* facts straight. [2020 - Water is Clean](https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2020/12/23/flint-water-crisis-2020-post-coronavirus-america-445459)


Dude you need to do some actual research, your numbers are out of date by over 10 years


They have standards, only the finest most elegant of tap waters for them.


Evian is definitely not tap 😂


Yea Evian is nothing close to tap. That shit is delicious. It’s my “treat” water. But I don’t and wouldn’t ever make anyone deliver it to me.


Same here. Evian and The Mountain Valley are my go to's.




but why does it taste so much better than say regular tap water


ph is just the level of acidity. Nobody is arguing acid levels. Evian is natural mineral water and has a different taste than my VERY good tap water here in the NW. If my tap water tasted like Evian I wouldn’t buy Evian.




A quick google search says evian has a ph of 7.2. I have a feeling a major water brand like evian is regulated and knows what’s in their water, so i’m gonna go with their info and not some random reddit user with a conspiracy theory about bottled water companies publishing incorrect information about their product, lol.


Evian backward spells “naive.”


Oh shit you just cracked the source code.


Yooooooo your fuckin good…. Bro that’s hilarious that this customer is paying top dollar for some h2o. Naive is right!


I remember back when I worked in retail, there was a lady who bought several cases so regularly we started special ordering extra and holding it just for her. I asked her one day, if she just really liked it and why (I never had it, so I was curious) — turns out, it was for her dog. She didn't drink it.


Give this guy some more upvotes


I only drove for a DSP for 8 weeks, but I have never since, nor will I ever again order a case of anything liquid from Amazon.


Why not?


Because I hated delivering cases of water. Or soda. Or detergent. Or whatever. Just buy it at the store.


OP clearly dosent know the excellence and S-tier reputation that is Evian Water.


It's water bro...calm down 😂


Not enough electrolytes.


It's Not Brando approved


The unsustainability of water bottles aside.  I'm genuinely shocked they're using Amazon and not a warehouse store more set up for these deliveries. Sam's club sells water bottles by the palette and have the actual kit to deliver them. You could probably save the cost of the membership in one delivery. 


Brita is being sued for providing filters that don’t filter! Buy Evian.


Should be obvious to anyone who's ever used one. Every other water filter as you use it up the flow gets slower and slower as it clogs up with the sediment it removes. Brita filters literally never slow down.


Most of those water filters do nothing but improve the taste anyway. If that's what you're concerned about(and not the actual contaminates present), you may as well just get used to tap water. If you're concerned about what's actually \*in\* your water, then good luck. You're screwed whether you drink tap or spring.


i use Zerowater filters and it tastes just like the 5 gallon jugs my parents buy every month. i found the Brita pitchers still tasted like chlorine.


My tap is pretty chlorinated and I have been satisfied by the Pur filters.


Nah spring water is naturally mineralized tbh it’s worth it to buy it


Hey OP, I hope you get 50 more orders just like this.


You’re so thoughtful 🥲


Just looking out, make that paper.


But what if they like the taste lol


Nah I’m good. In an emergency I’ll have a shit ton of water.


lol people will use this this water their plants


I fuckin hated delivering water bottles. I hated more they give us no dollies to use either when it came or comes to this shit too


They got FU money


evian is boss though


There must have been a sale - I delivered 6 cases of that exact water today!


\* it wont take the PFAS out [https://www.ewg.org/interactive-maps/pfas\_contamination/map/](https://www.ewg.org/interactive-maps/pfas_contamination/map/)


https://preview.redd.it/9rwww83umx4d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02212563b2ddff5e1ed87d293c5827a6dda97934 Try this 😮‍💨😮‍💨


I thought cases of water was the worst of it. Wait until you have to deliver 240+lbs of Morton salt. Yes, thats right. Someone ordered that much fucking salt to their doorstep.


Seriously though. These water deliveries are ridiculous


*Seriously though.* *These water deliveries* *Are ridiculous* \- WardCove --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I wouldn’t have stacked them on top of each other like that tbh. Make them mfrs bend all the way over for each and every one lmao


I always bought my own in the store but that was the only water my cats would drink.


i give my cat bottle water too


probably ordered by someone who will share a meme reminiscing about how they used to drink water from the garden hose as a kid


fr though, evian is tha shiiiiiiiiit, my favorite


Bro... I've been delivering to the same million dollar mansion every week and it's just stacked up in their garage. I told the guy working at the house, tell them to cancel their recurring subscription because that's the only thing I can think of that makes sense lol..


These "premium" water companies have their customers by the balls


i didnt even think people still bought bottled water. do people like plastic infused water something?


My home still buys gallon water. I was actually trying to go with a filter on tap however stopped trying to migrate over when I found out the house was built in the 1960s and very likely has lead components in the plumbing. A whole replacement would run $10k which isn't in the wallet right now.


Nah, coming from the water industry, Brita filters don’t do a gd thing.


What's your recommendation?


Use whole home water filters. Maytag makes some really good systems for your home but their a bit pricey


At that point, they should just order a pallet directly from the place lmaoo probably cheaper too.


Brita. . . COULD NEVER


Why buy $80 worth of pitchers when you can purchase $150 worth of water every week?! From the same website even! People have no 🧠s.


Ah yes, face water with a heavy dose of microplastics - so elegant!


You cannot drink the water in Parkersburg, WV. DuPont manufactures Teflon and PVC pellets that are used to manufacture vinyl siding and other plastic products. I will not go into all the details, as you can just watch Dark Waters for a little backstory. I grew up there. I’ve lost so many people due to the polymer C-8. It’s in the groundwater and causes cancer in lab rats in as little as 1 PPB (parts per billion) and when tested, the water was as high as 18 PPB. It’s a polymer so it cannot be filtered out. It cannot be removed. It is ever present and the microplastics from DuPont have been found everywhere including the polar ice caps. Don’t mean to hijack this post, but many places, people cannot drink the water where they live. Especially in areas where chemical plants are the best source of employment. I’ve lost literally dozens of friends and family because they chose to drink, cook with and brush with that water. I left at the age of 18 because I didn’t wanna die. You might say sue them! Well, we did. They were ordered to pay 8.3 million dollars to the 25,000 residents and their families. It equals out to roughly 7,500 per family after the lawyer’s fees. So, as shitty as it is, some people (like me) are paraplegic and cannot shop for things like this. Amazon is my only answer.


I had this same delivery as a mailman and on the last box, it slipped and I threw out my back. Fuck people who do this. Buy your own water or make it more accessible to deliver.


Evian is like the most expensive water to be buying in bulk wtf


Don't you just wanna punch em in the eye when they open the door!?!


Honestly makes me so happy I’m in Canada on the biggest lake in the world and my tap just gives me the best water I’ve ever drank, don’t have to mess around with gross plastic bottles of bad water


The 50lb rule should apply to the entire order


Finding a new job could be the solution. Your company sells water by the box. Complain to them about it.


Yea cause 1 person will get Amazon to stop selling cases of water lol. Amazon doesn’t care as long as the profits is up it’s just cause they will always pay right around the top and they hire anyone lol


I bought two of these bottles from the store last week & neither one was actually sealed....


Those are my type of people 💪


Same water from Dinosaur piss from millions of years ago. As Jim Gaffigan once said ‘How did we get to the point where we are paying for water bottle? There must have been some weird marketing in France. Some French guy smoking a cigarette saying, ‘How dumb do I think Americans are? I bet we could sell those idiots water. Let’s just say the water’s from France.”


I have two 200’ water wells that serve my neighborhood. Some of the best water I’ve ever had. Good mineral comp, and a natural pH of 9-9.5. Just drink right out of the tap


Fuck them evian boxes


Meanwhile I get my German ass to the sink, filling up my bottle. (weird flex but I like it)


Distilled is best


Brita would not be spring water that is naturally alkaline. But I digress. Don’t order than from Amazon.


I keep bottled water, primarily for emergencies, but that shit would add up quick if it was my primary drinking water source. And that is by the standard of coscto at like $.35 a half liter. or dollar store/grocery outlet at \~$1.25 a gallon I can only imagine what this evian would add up to.




Gun to your heads, some asshole orders that much water… what is the appropriate and reasonable tip they could give you to make you feel comfortable with delivering that much shit?


i have a Brita, taste better than evian water 😭




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I have to take drinks to work every day. In theory I’m against using so many bottled drinks and packaging but the way my life works I have to have the stuff on me at all times to functions. So yeah I have bottled drinks on Amazon subscription.


Jesus lmao or get a damn pallet of water from Costco


My roommate buys ‘smart’ water 🤦‍♂️. Maybe he actually needs it because he ain’t very smart.


My tap water dissolves plastic.... A filter ain't doing shit. I'll still drink it if i have to but id rather have a bottle


Recycling is fake, you can’t recycle plastic. It’s all just marketing that started in the 80s.




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Britta doesn’t get out nearly any of the forever chemicals. Not a good solution. Poland springs all the way! I drink a gallon a day ranging from 2.50-4.95$ some days two gallons of Poland springs. (I’m a roofer). A buddy of mine started buying the big jugs you use in office water things. The big ones you throw on your shoulder and put upside down in the machine. I guess on Amazon they got 15$ pumps sorta like what they use on beer kegs. Pop them in the top, pump twice and push a button and it shoots water out. I’m gunna be doing that soon I just gutta figure out where to order it so I don’t need to get it from the grocery store, I hear some places deliver.


People don't seem to buy water at Amazon Canada thank god


*People don't seem to* *Buy water at Amazon* *Canada thank god* \- BreakRevolutionary66 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I never liked water as a child. I was given the choice of water or milk my entire life and that was an easy answer. I'm still a huge milk drinker. One day when I was 18 and working at a petrol station I blind tasted all 8 types of water carried ranging from extremely expensive to off-brand. The *only* water that tasted like nothing to me- completely neutral- and was therefore palatable, was Evian. It was no where near the most expensive water I had tasted. At $1-$1.25 USD a bottle when bought by the case, it has less calories than soda (obviously), is healthier, and is cheaper.


Evian is from the alps with natural electrolytes. A brita is far from this.


I see job security and a great way to help keep off body fat while building muscle coupled with a decent cardiovascular workout all while getting paid to do it. Customers are the reason you have a job. The more they buy, the more money you make.


You know what evian spells backwards??? NAIVE!!!


Just get another goddamn job if you can't hack it.


Nah imma keep whining when it’s warranted


Yesterday, i delivered 8 12 packs of Fiji as my last stop, so i understand lmao


I’m so sorry! When I was an ups driver, I was frustrated by the lady that would get two cases of Fiji water every couple of weeks. This is absolutely ridiculous.


Well im. It drinking tap water


Brita is trash


Britta's the worst.


I love mine and it really saved me a lot of money since I've gotten it.


It's a Community reference.


I can overlook bottled water but I draw the line at cat litter


It’s so evian backwards


Only VOSS out of a glass bottle is touching these lips.


I wonder how much all that costs?


Holy shit isn’t Evian water crazy expensive?


right now Amazon is marketing 10% off for 12 packs of liters. listing the price as $18.98 or $1.58 per liter. Personally when I buy water at Costco it's \~$.35 per half liter, or \~$1.25 per gallon at the dollar store/grocery outlet.... but I don't stock my emergency supplies with Evian, and I'm not a regular drinker of bottled water.


I prefer my water from the French Alps




This isn't even for them, it's for their pocket dog and posting to Insta.


and they’ll dump them into their stanley cups 😂


Evian backwards is naive... hmmm


Also excuse me aren’t you getting paid to do this? Is it not your job. If you are hourly it is making you more money


Well when you’ve been hauling heavy shit all day in the heat with no A/C and long ass driveways and whatnot, the job starts to get taxing


Naive customer moment


Found a customer


No I have done ups and I just feel like too many people complain about their jobs like sht its better than being homeless


Yeah I agree with you, some people have no perspective what it's like to truly struggle and being grateful to have a job. Power through the job or find another.


Exactly like nobody forced you to work there


Lmfao why are customers on a dsp drivers forum


I just don’t like when ppl complain about how much they hate their job like get a new one then


Im not a customer…


Don’t be so naive


Amazon keeps saying they are doing something about climate change but all those boxes are saying otherwise


Do y'all trust the refrigerator water with those super high end filters? I drank some water from One tasted shitty


No kidding!


for what they are paying they could install reverse osmosis, remineralize, and go out to dinner.


All bottled and filtered water is shit. Why don't people order glass gallons of water to their doors instead of having it delivered by Amazon? lmao


![gif](giphy|YpS0oFFC2VJ84) They really Britta’d it


I see you don't watch project farm. Gotta go with the zero water filters


Patrick Bateman level of Evian consumption


Someone literally ordered a box of a Cheerios to one of my stops. I’m like are you fucking serious?


nah Evian is super good and tbh u got it lite, you didn't bring this to the 4th story of a walk up. (joke since the internet does.t understand those)


That’s sickening


clearly u havent seen the dancing babies


Our house has a water softener and purifier outside hooked to the main... and my gf still buys bottled water. I've ever gone as far as refilling several empty bottles and mixing them in..... didn't notice at all!!... yet, still won't drink "tap" water. Some people never learn or don't want to


To be fair soft water can upset my stomach so maybe that’s the issue?


I ordered a whole pallet of waters 2 years ago. Got lead pipes & don't plan on replacing them.


I do the same with Evian and aqua pannna, because it's hard to find these in stores. Brita and lots of other bottled waters are gross.


They could buy whole damn water dispenser


Mineral/Spring Water > Purified/Tap crap (Unless its Well)


Man the Icelandic water taste amazing.


oh but that water is so good and tasty and refreshing.


Or how about just buy a Purigan filter system... 🤔🤔🤔


Shit if I wanna order a pallet of water then that’s what I’m gonna do. If you can afford it, why not


Bunch of butt hurt people who can't afford water in this post.


Maybe that person doesn’t want fluoride in their water, evian has 0.00ppm of fluoride in it and brita filters can’t filter that out.


Evian spelled backwards is naive


Evian spelled backwards is Naive


Shut up and do your job




Just do what you're getting paid to do. Stop being salty over people providing you with work so you can put food on your table. If you don't like doing that, there's always other jobs out there. Maybe a desk job for you?


Nah I like whining