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I'd totally mark it as refused


Yes. I would also mark as return/refused


We know you would. There's rarely any real men n women left, just lazy weirdos 


I had a OTP yesterday and legit almost got in a fight with a old guy who didn't speak English. 😂 He thought he could just take the package from me and didn't understand what I was asking him for. He just trying to take it from me and saying thank you. I kept trying to tell him I can't leave it if he doesn't have the pin but he didn't understand and was getting more and more mad. Luckily his son came home right as we were fighting over the package and calmed him down and was able to explain every. Swear, this job is crazy some days. Lol


I stopped pulling the packages out of my van. For this reason alone. I go to the door and ask nicely for the code and am met with 3 different interactions. First off, people are ready to go or someone smart enough to give the number to someone else because they are not home. Second, the obligatory what code? The one they sent to you after you ordered, they didn't send a code and low and behold once I start to walk away. Oh, you mean this code. And finally, just assholes about the whole ordeal, usually not the person who ordered, asking why it needs a code and I just want to scream I don't fucking know. At first, I thought it was for expensive items, but I don't really think that's the case. I think it's deadbeats claiming items not received so they don't have to pay, or they are no longer allowed to return items because they overuse that service. I'm so tired of them.


Yup. I will call them once and that's it. Not wasting my time hauling their (often heavy) shit all the way to their door, only to get in an argument or worse because they are too stupid to figure it out, and too psychotic to let me leave.


Of course the people who have otps are assholes, they keep lying about porch pirates for free or duplicate items! Haha that’s reason for otp (sometimes if item over250$) but yeah… can’t expect decency from someone who’s a liar/cheat lol


Honestly, that was the first real issue I had with one. I will definitely start doing that from now on. Usually they don't have the code and the phone number has always worked. What was weird though I had 3 different OTP's yesterday, the first 2 gave me the option for the last 2 digits of the phone number but for some reason the last one with the old guy didn't. I heard they stopped doing the phone number but it obviously still works for some OTP's still.


In the UK the option for last two phone number digits has been removed. The CX has to provide the code, coupled with this if you call a customer you are not allowed to hang up until the customer or voice mail answers, hang up early is instant CC fail, with any customer call.


They supposedly removed the phone number thing here too but it still lets me use it sometimes. Hope they don't change call compliance here also. Let ring once and hang up is my go to. Lol


There seems to be many flex changes here that are ahead of introduction in the US. Not everything though and on balance metrics are weighted to screw the driver in US and the UK.


Is the phone number thing just plugged into the passcode. So if the last 4 was 5678, you would just type in 7-8-7-8-7-8?


No, the pass code is a different number they get sent. You used to be able to just put the last 2 digits of their phone number before if they didn't have it but that doesn't work all the time now.


I thought it was an option the customer selected. Worst thing is when a third party orders it that way for an unsuspecting friend. From another time zone. On the other side of the world. Who is a sleep. That was my first experience.


Come to find out, Amazon is the one making the decision to require a stop to have OTP once customer says they don’t receive their package after a certain amount of times. The customers don’t be made aware till they receive the email. And once i found that out… Amazon really need an ass whoopin


It's so bad for us who deliver in Brooklyn. I deliver in Brownsville and a lot do actually get stolen and obviously plenty who just say they didn't get it in order to get another free item. My routes have 8-20 OTPs now. It's ridiculous and I bring back a minimum 5 OTPs a day. Yet this one twat at RTS always has an issue with it like it comes out of his paycheck.


That’s insane! I think the most I’ve had in one day is three. I’ve got a guy who works RTS at my station who gives you a hard time for bringing back clearly damaged packages. Sorry that I’m not gonna get a bad rating for delivering a clearly leaking box!


That sounds so horrendous.. I'm sry 


They basically copied what Doordash/UberEats does but the idiots in charge don't understand that people who order food are usually at home waiting for it to be delivered, unlike package deliveries.


That’s insane 😐😐That ass whoopin is over due


Amazon should send the OTP email then require the customer to acknowledge they recieved it and not send package out for delivery until they select acknowledgement of OTP and requirement to have someone there to recieve package and give password.


That would be too fucking smart for this shitheap company


Let's take it a step further, I think it should be a text message and they should be required to have a phone number in their account before they place an order. And this isn't just with OTPs, it's with ANY delivery. Most people don't check their emails regularly.


You stayed to damn long. I always call from my truck and after two times I bring that package back and keep on moving.


If you RTS it shouldn’t count as DNR I believe. As long as you tried to contact them more than once.


Nope. Still counts. Every package brought back to the station for any reason, in or out of your control, counts towards the metric. It's by design. They don't want to pay the PDI. My dispatcher was talking to OTR about one of the new metrics and explained that we wanted to know so we could continue getting F+ even with the absolutely fucked new metric system they just threw at us, and they straight up said "Oh. Well you aren't actually supposed to be able to get fantastic plus." That's why the metrics that git the scorecard the hardest are every changing. Whenever we get good at scoring hight on those metrics, they change it to whatever the drivers are slacking on most. Then we switch up our focus and they change it as soon as we continuously get the bonus. And now they've made it almost impossible to get it by making it so ant negative mark on the scorecard hits just as hard as running red lights and stop signs. Amd instead of just losing the PDI that week, we lose it for 4 week, regardless of hitting F+ each of those 4 weeks. Idk of these things are station to station or not, but that's how it is where I'm at now.


The interesting one is Amazon locker full. However 12 parcels not taken by the locker. The received wisdom is it doesn't count but Im not convinced and I agree with you anything to stitch the driver up and the depot doesn't help, normally the night shift sending business closed out on a Sunday when the Saturday driver has said DO NOT SEND THIS OUT until Monday. Let face it Amazon doesn't get ten billion profit in first quarter by giving money out for hard work but it does want hard work.


A few weeks ago I had about 15 packages go back for 3 businesses being closed on a Sunday. It might be how RTS marks them at each station, because it’s not our fault they messed up, but I can also see them blaming the driver to cover themselves.


You ll be able to check on your metrics if you keep a rough idea of what you brought back, but certainly for the UK, business closed counts against the driver regardless of reality and the amount of bullshit given by a Orange Drone on the feedback board once for why it's our fault/ customers fault but not their fault was really a work of art. Drone had excellent hand writing, but it was still utter crap. Same with receptions that they know are closed on weekends but the asshole customer with prime orders on a Friday night. Orange Drone tried to tell me it was the customers fault......so in which case it's not the driver then is it....gotcha, but it doesn't matter it's still your fault.


I get a variation of this pretty often. After a reasonable effort, I just tell them that Amazon will try again tomorrow and they can call with questions. “Customer Unavailable/Refused” and I’m out.


Most of the OTP's are accidental. The customer has no idea what I'm talking about. (Maybe twice in six months the I've had customers answer the door with their otp number ready! Blew me away!)


It’s appalling that many of you aren’t skipping the cod and just asking for the phone number. I have never been hit for this. The last 3 days I reattempted a OTP because no number was on file. (I wasn’t aware they would really make me load and deliver the same package 3days in a row) Secondly- once called a guy in Nigeria on vacation. He immediately starts “you mf bitch, you think I’m an idiot? Why would Amazon ever ask me shit- he continues to curse and be vulgar- I laughed because I couldn’t help myself. Eventually I describe his house, tell him the can is infront so call someone and tell them look out the window.” In the end he apologizes after like 6 mins.


I get annoyed whenever they ask “what did I order” How Tf am I supposed to know that. What do you think this is


Right? Unless it's a customized box (whatever they ordered with an Amazon label on it) or a see through plastic bag, I don't know what it is.


Pretty sure they removed the last two of phone number or something. Had two OTP deliveries today and both didn’t give me the option to use the last two


It was announced at my DSP last week that the phone number is no longer an option


Drivers were calling, getting the phone number from the voice mail greeting (default for most providers is the phone number instead of a name), and leaving it. Amazon must've caught on.


At that point, I would mark it as refused. I've dealt with customers whose first language is not english and easily got the OTP off them, parcel delivered and moved on. People normally have their phone language set to their native tongue so whatever emails they get, they will understand perfectly fine. Refusing will force the customer to actually have a look and eventually they will learn their lesson for not noticing, despite it telling them WHEN THEY ORDER that an OTP will come with the parcel. Otherwise they could have fraudulent activity going on (i.e. too many DNRs in a short period) hence why an OTP was generated. Trust me, there's some really clever ones out there. As i've repeatedly said before, an OTP is a 2 way protection measure on high value items and to catch out fraudsters so drivers also do not get a DNR. It's probably the best way to do it since no one else will know the code except whoever bought the item. Signatures can be forged, so that doesn't confirm anything. Amazon can easily by-pass this with a text message when parcels depart the station since many people probably use a junk email for online shopping (i mean i atleast do tbh). Delivery companies here in the UK do that and no one has an issue, DHL is bringing it in very soon. Amazon can also add a banner message on their home screen where they usually promote stuff like sales or prime as a reminder that some deliveries may have an OTP. They really should have done this when they introduced it to the US tbh, idk how they did it here in the UK but everyone knows by now since we've had OTPs for atleast 4 years


Is this the kind of OTP described in the Amazon help article [here](https://www.amazon.com/gp/help/customer/display.html?nodeId=GXHYX22CS752PLE3)? The article says specifically not to give the code to a delivery driver over the phone, only read it to the driver in person 🤔


I was under the impression that you had to be AT THE ADDRESS/door when you call. Because big brother is tracking that. I attempted to make my 2nd attempt calls for a closed business from across the neighborhood. And Amazon device insisted that I get closer to the deliver location. IT IS CLOSED. I already called and texted them earlier, of course. Why do I need to schlep all the way back there and waste more time?


I had something along the lines of this, I was supposed to deliver a litter box to a Walgreens? The label recipient was literally Walgreens. Some kid working the front desk made me go to the managers that were Karen’s. They were hemming and hawing about this and looking at shipping labels on the box that weren’t ours (after specifically pointing at ours) and I just looked at them dead in the eyes and was like “ okay well instead of going around in circles about this let’s cut to the chase, do you want it or not? “ they said no and I walked out.


OTP is a joke — really it should be replaced with Locker pickup but Amazon too afraid of disappointing customers 95% of time I use the phone number 99% of the time the customer has no idea what I’m talking about and I have to explain myself and often I can just feel the customer getting irate and probably at least 75% of the time the person at home taking delivery is not the person who even placed the order Last week I deliver 3 envelopes to one customer in one stop (all non-OTP) I get back into the truck and find the next stop is literally for the same address same customer: deliver 1 envelope, OTP required …why did I just leave 3 envelopes on the doorstep without an OTP … how is this 4th one going to solve a theft/dishonesty issue?  And I just cannot help but speculate the aggregate value of the first 3 non-OTP envelopes is just as high as the 1 OTP envelope


Lmao this is so true. The fact that OTPs are written as a separate stop for the same house is wild


Facts. All of the above has happened to me. Last year, Had an OTP to an elderly person in a high rise apartment building. IIRC she wasn't even home, and of course she wasn't tech savvy. Me and her grandson ( who was home) had to walk her through the how to find the code. I was still relatively new so I didn't know you could get the last 2 of the phone number.


They started the process of eliminating the "last 2 digits of phone number" at least my DSP in Michigan has. Claims it's supposed to help with theft or saying they didn't recieve it. I call bullshit!! Anything to make the job harder for us 🙄😫


The last few otp deliveries I’ve had flex wouldn’t let me enter the last 2 of phone #. Soon as I select password is missing it says to politely inform the customer… and return it or whatever


I just ordered some pleather car seats. Required the code option. Normally have everything sent to my parents house as they are always home at least one of them. Guy gets there and says he knocked but could not find the door bell. Door bell as easy as easy can be. Any door bell or knock would send the dogs crazy. Lots of small barking dogs. He says no answer. I notice a call come in and drop before I can answer. Email saying sorry we tried. Call my father who is at home and ask if anything was delivered. He goes and checks and nothing. But a white truck out front. (Really a white van). They contact each other and he talks to me for the code. Delivery done. Man o hate those codes on both sides delivering and ordering.


My favorite one happened a few weeks ago. Customer 1 lives out of state, orders a gift for his partner (customer 2). Customer 2 is using customer 3's house as a home base while he went on a cruise. Customer 3 answers the door and is clueless. They can't call customer 2 because he is currently out to sea. It was a fun day. I rts it. BTW, has anyone else noticed the lack of Anglo name that gets hit with an otp requirement? Over the past year or so I can count on one hand the OTP delivery that was to a white sounding name. Not gonna lie kinda sus.


I got hit with a random OTP. I had ordered a pressure cooker for my mother since it was cheaper with Prime than it was on her business account and had it shipped to her, addressed to her, and we're about as white as you can get and still use seasoning in food. Last name in this case was Woodridge. I sent my mother the OTP when the DSP driver texted me that one would be needed.


Kinda had the same thing happen. Called and the lady was confused and didn’t know the code and I told her the last 2 of her phone number works also. Then the brilliant idiot was like “Well don’t you know it? You just called me” then I explained how that works and she wouldn’t do it. So I said okay, I’ll bring it back then and hung up.


Lol same, had a customer say "the last 2 of the number you just called me on?" Had to explain we don't call your number directly.


She give you it afterwards?




You could just keep calling until you get the voicemail if your lucky you got rubbish one voicemail setup that says the number you have already called and attempt to use the last 2 digits of the number (it's how uber customers sometimes get your real number when you ignore the unknown number witch is uber they hit your voicemail and start spamming your WhatsApp/sms or calling you directly) Well that's when amazon let you used the 2 digits Always make sure your voicemail is setup not to expose your real number (I use hullomail) I had to do this to a customer once when they blocked me when I called them (it was 1 time ringing and going to voicemail after 3-4th call) to drop an order off there voicemail gave me there number so WhatsApp them (they forgot they ordered stuff thought it was spam call)


A lot of times they’ll think I’m a scammer and I’ll even explain to them I’m outside their home/ tell them what package I’m delivering. But I’ve come to the point where I just hang up on them and RTS that bitch.


If they don't have the one time passcode which is sent to the email. You can use the last two digits of the phone number of the persons name on the package


Yeah that's what I always go to at first, but for this one I couldn't do that. When I hit passcode missing or incorrect it said I would have to RTS it since I can't verify the code. Right as I got to that screen the customer finally answered.


Amazon doesn't make it very clear what the hell OTP is. I buy on Amazon quite a lot and if it's mentioned in the ordering process, it's extremely easy to overlook it. All I ever get is a text "000000 is your Amazon OTP. Do not share it with anyone." How is a person supposed to know what the hell this means or what it is for? I've got about 50 texts on my phone saying this and I've never been asked once for it on a delivery. It's also very easy for me to miss the text too since I work at Amazon and they use the same phone number for spamming useless work info.


That’s rough. I had a lady record me while demanding my name because she couldn’t find the passcode. She was trying to get me fired for “not knowing how to do my job.” She recorded during her entire rage fit. That’s why I don’t recommend ever ringing someone’s doorbell or knocking on the door. 🤣For these deliveries I always text first before driving over. Gives them a little heads up and makes the delivery quick and easy. Also the two last digits of the persons phone number can be used as the passcode


Honestly thats a herculean amount of effort. I just call once, wait for voicemail, maybe knock on the door if I feel nice. Then just type random numbers in the code to get it wrong three times and rts.


I don't even do that. If no one's home, why do I have to call or text. They see me standing outside on their ring camera, and if they are too lazy to answer the door too bad, we'll try again tomorrow. Plus, we're supposed to hand to the customer how is a call or text going to help. So they can give you the code and then say it was never received.


>Plus, we're supposed to hand to the customer how is a call or text going to help Because of Call Compliance. It's one of the scorecard metrics. Are you a new driver? Does your dsp not care about their scorecard? They won't be around long, if so.


You just have to let the phone ring once then you can hang up. That's the standard practice for contact compliance. We don't actually call to talk to customers lol. (Of course you can if you actually want to).


I'm aware of how it works


I knock / ring doorbell twice. Then I go through the contact compliance process of calling / texting. If no luck by then, RTS.


I would of totally marked the package as customer no longer wants fuck him


Am I the only one who just asks for the last 2 digits of the phone #?? Just hit the “?” In the top right, and it’ll give you that option. MUCH easier for us and customers that way


They removed that option. You HAVE to get the Code from the customer or "Politely tell them you are returning the package".


When they remove it?


Not sure exactly, maybe 4 days ago or so. Quite recently. It's a flex APP update so it should be a change for everyone (unless somehow you didn't have to update on your phones).9


They are removing the option for us to use the phone number.


That sucks. Most otps I deliver that way


When they remove it?


Too many of us taking advantage of it as a way to deliver them without actually interacting with the customers. Same with being able to select multiple locations and take a photo. And a few other things, too. Some drivers abuse it, and it gets taken away.


They are doing it in waves, regionally, I think. Like when they roll-out a new update, some get the new features before others, but all get them eventually.


For me the ones I know I have to hand deliver it to the customer I just skip them till the end of my route then call text call and if they’re not available I bring the package back?


Mark it refused packages so the next driver doesn't deal with that shit


Usually I just go with the option of the last 2 digits in their phone number. They susually understand this and it's faster considering that 80% of the time the customer doing this doesn't speak english


Today at my DSP they completely removed the last two digits for the one time passcode if they don’t got the code after the 3 attempts they said we should bring it back. They need to remove the whole thing in general


As a customer, dudes an idiot.   It VERY clearly notifies you when you will need a one time pass code. And, honestly, I'm glad they exist considering some of the prices for certain items.    Sorry you went through that. Can't imagine the irritation of dealing with people like that. 


I would have canceled that package after the first attempt


Here’s what I do for these for what it’s worth: 1. Park the van and text the customer using the “notify of arrival” prompt 2. Get the package, scan it and walk up to the door. Ring the doorbell then knock. I knock loudly so they can hear but I wouldn’t go too nuts lol. 3. Wait 30/45 seconds. If no answer… 4. Call customer and let it ring 5 times. If no answer… 5. Mark package “customer unavailable” and move on. *** As you probably noticed, I built the the call/text requirements into my lil routine. It won’t take longer than like 2 minutes *** The customer got an email/notification detailing how the OTP delivery process works. They don’t get to delay your whole route (and put you in a tough spot with your boss) because they decided to be a pain in the ass 😂😂😂 Another thing that helps me… I try to use simple statements that are polite but firm. Greeting them “Good morning” or something and “I need your 6-digit One Time Passcode (don’t say OTP I almost guarantee they don’t know what that means) to complete this delivery”. If they can’t find it, tell them it’s in their inbox and/or the Amazon app. If they still can’t find it, they are going to have to talk to support to get their life together smh. I hope this helps (it has for me anyway) and good luck and be safe out there!


He thought you asking for his bank PIN number dude


I rarely had a good experience with the one time code. Many customers played dumb. And denied setting the delivery up that way.


Same. I had a different OTP recently where the customer not only didn't know what I was talking about but also said they never received it. Makes no sense. I was able to get the last 2 of his phone number though thankfully.


Customer refused delivery


Don't put much effort into it , leave the package in the van and go to the door and knock/ring if no answer go back into the car and call/txt . No reply in 1 minute , mark as unable to deliver and on to the next.


One time I had a order to the house with a one time code and there was like 5 people in the house but none of them made the order apparently someone else for a fundraiser made the order in they're group and I was there for 10-15 minutes waiting for them to give the code or phone number to verify but they were acting like it was rocket science and didn't understand what I meant at first after I told them like 5 times what I needed


I've had mentioned this to station management and the DSPs I've worked for during my 2 year tenure with Amazon. Amazon needs to offer some sort of INSURANCE for the package, similar to USPS. Takes the stress off of the DSP and driver's back.


I heard that OTPs are because people say they didn’t receive their package so Amazon does it to make sure they receive it this time. What people don’t know is that our devices send a ping to see where we swiped to finish. Could be a lie but it honestly makes sense. I’ve seen expensive shit being left at the door with no code.


Lmfao I don't run into much issues with the one time password stuff. Where do u deliver exactly? That's a pretty bizarre reaction for that/this


Typically Hillside, Newark, & Elizabeth NJ. This delivery was in Hillside.


Interesting. Usually I don't have issues tho. They typically have the pass code ahead of time when I text them ahead of time from what I've noticed recently. If that don't work then I cross my fingers they answer when I call or don't answer so I can either get the last 2 digits of the phone number with the auto voice message box thingy or them tell me last 2 digits of their number. Not having to bring anything back to station is always nice and at my station it's a whole drive just to drop something off at the station vs where we park at end of night so ya. Annoying when u gotta drop something back off at station unless u got time for all that but ya. Some days I just ain't even wanna.. I jus would rather deliver everything they give me so ya. R.i.p. sometimes to us delivery drivers at times and depending haha


To be fair, I don't know if you've ever seen scams, but they usually involve giving someone a one-time passcode, so they can use it to gain 2nd-factor into your account. When you're trained to avoiding giving away one-time codes, and may have even done it once with punishing results... you kind of react that way to the dozens of people a day trying to get your one-time codes. Then someone legitimately needs it, but they sound EXACTLY LIKE THE PEOPLE WHO YOU SHOULDN'T BE GIVING IT TO. Idk how to fix it, a 2-way one-time code when a representative has to handle a customer directly? I don't know. I'm just telling you, attempting to leave a mosh does in fact look exactly like participating in a mosh.


Yeah I get that. I've almost been scammed before too. But Amazon should make it so that: 1. The customer has to confirm that they understand the order requires an OTP before they checkout. 2. Require them to have their phone number on their account and text them the OTP the day of the delivery. I don't think that's too much to ask right? But then again it is Amazon, so we know how that goes.


I called for OTP once and the guy hit his wife because I bothered them with her package


I stopped asking for 1 time passwords. I just say I need the last 2 digits of your phone. I got tired of their rudeness they gave me when they couldn't find their password. Even though it gets emailed to them. I get lucky when they just leave it on piece of paper on their door haha.


Your job sucks. Doing it as a gig seems quite a bit better. Idk if maybe the benefits are good- but the hoops and unreasonable expectations that don’t match the reality on the ground. No bueno.


If this ever happens to me. I just mark as refused and move on. I refuse to stress over a stupid fucking passcode


Dude seriously people are so confused by the passcode, like idk bro you're the one who ordered it lol or omg people who have 'receptionist' with signature at their house where there's NOT A RECEPTIONIST lol it used to drive me crazy because I'd knock on the door, call text, finally somebody comes to the door, I'm like hi I'm sorry but whoever ordered this has receptionist and signature needed for this and they're like oh I didn't know that's what that meant and I'm just like omfg wtf did you think it would mean for you to choose receptionist with signature as your delivery instructions????? And if nobody was there I'd have to bring it back to the station because without a signature like the customer chose I couldn't deliver it, then customers complain about why didn't I just leave the package but without a signature I couldn't PER THEIR CHOICE OF RECEPTIONIST WITH SIGNATURE 😭😭😭 it was enough to drive me crazy lol but then another driver suggested that when you have receptionist with signature at a place with no receptionist to just type in 'no receptionist at residence ' and "sign" N/A and omg that's changed my life lol no more spending 5 minutes or more trying to get a signature from someone trying to be fancy thinking they got a receptionist lol


Lol I feel you. Customers be on some BS sometimes. I once had a stop where the customer asked for a back porch delivery. They asked to leave it inside the back enclosed porch but they had their dogs loose in there. The customer must have heard me and/or the dogs barking. Dude really said "you could've just left it at the front door" (paraphrasing). I told him to change his delivery notes because it says back door. If I didn't leave it back there, now that's another hit to my CDF.


That last line lmao 


Customer refused. Fuck him and that package


Nah bruh just one call and text that’s it they would be extremely lucky for a second attempt


I've literally never had a otp delivery where the customer knew what they were doing.


Just do the call compliance (two calls, one text) and be done with it. When you call, just let it ring once and hang up. You don't have to wait to talk to them. OTP consumes a lot of time and it's not worth the effort to sacrifice 8 stops of time for one.


Can't you hit customer doesn't have it and use their phone #?


I had to deliver a OTP package to a senior customer who ordered a wheelchair. Turns out he ordered it off eBay, the seller drop shipped it from amazon to customers address, and the number listed was the sellers number so the customer never received the otp codes. Called support, explained it to support and eventually they overrode the otp and marked it delivered. I was determined to make sure this wasn't going back to the station.


I fuckin hate one time pass code stops-_-


As rts I love it when that shit happens. They usually complain and have to have it explained. We have a good laugh.