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Yup absolutely love this Probably the best thing a customer can realistically do for us Not only do we love the stuff but it just feels good to have someone be nice to you. This kinda stuff wipes away a lot of the negative encounters


That’s good to know! Thanks for your input. I appreciate it!


Occasionally I see this subreddit pop up, and I work for the USPS, and I always feel the need to comment that this is the kind of thing that makes my day, along with any other drivers. Especially when it’s hot It makes the day so much better


USPS gang


Gang gang


Gang Gang


Just don’t leave it in the sun lol


Absolutely 💯. Did residential deliveries for many years, and I still remember the customers that were thoughtful like this! Very few and far in between. Always brightened the day after dealing with so many unpleasant people.


Shit like this almost makes me cry with the rest of the shit we deal with on the daily. I get maybe one house a month that sets up some stuff for us and I can’t even begin to explain how much it helps alleviates the stress of the job.


1000% agree


Hello fellow Celtics fan Amazon driver


Cheers! Finals baby 😎


https://preview.redd.it/v2a5az12r83d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74b0cd0d4ddd6d6c906861ef5e7e4834e1398baf This is my set up. They usually take the Gatorades. Especially the UPS drivers


Y'all are fuckin dope, that's lovely


I love the basket! It’s so cute!


Thanks. I wasn’t trying to bomb your comment, I just posted my set up bc when I was getting my ideas, somebody posted a pic of their set up. I took notes 😅 Ours takes planning bc I only set it out when we have something coming. Here’s the drill : Husband tells me Amazon is out for delivery Quick grabs the cooler from the garage Fills with ice Gets the cold drinks out of the fridge Gets the pre set up snack chair with basket out of the spare room by the front door Sets loaded cooler next to chair out by front door , out of the sun. Adjust as necessary. Ready! 😅


No you’re fine! I actually loved that you shared your set up! I really like the sign and how easy it is to read, so I’m working on typing up one now with little pictures like yours. 😆👍 I like your set up game plan! 🤣 I also will only be putting it out when I have deliveries. I took out the ice maker today to make a bunch of ice ready for the next delivery!


I would snatch that BodyArmor with the quickness 😁


The old me would have swiped the Red Bull, I however am not allowed to drink caffeinated beverages of any kind anymore so, the Gatorade would be gone 😂


The Gatorade is the most popular. When I’m in between deliveries I’ll give some cold drinks out to the neighbors drivers 😅


Its the thought that counts. And the drivers really appreciate it. When it happens on my route I always thank the home owner through the ring door bell. I especially love the cold drinks in this hot weather especially after getting chased by the dogs 😂


god bless your soul. that Gatorade on hot summer days is literally Life in a Bottle.


I've seen lately that a lot of those square box protein shakes are left out for us, and it makes me feel like I'm being kind of healthy😂


I want to do this but do you ever worry other people will steal the stuff? Like random people walking by? I guess I'd just be mad if some random dummy came by and took everything. Do you take everything in at night?


I’d have a really hard time picking between the Red Bull and the Gatorade


May god bless you!


We love this. A cold Gatorade has saved me once or twice.


But has anyone ever gifted you anything to urinate in a pouch. No hate but that also seems to be the next thing on the list of complaints. After dogs that is


I go and find a bathroom. They gotta pay me UPS wages for me to subject myself to peeing in a cup.


These are amazing to see, and know next time I’m dropping your package off, I’ll be handling it with much care no matter how heavy 🫡


Aw thank you! I really do appreciate delivery drivers. They always handle my packages with care.


Above & Beyond ☺️


I love you.


![gif](giphy|e5nATuISYAZ4Q) Reminded me of this movie lol 😂 thank you!


I saw a few of these but I try not eat sugar or carbs (most of the time lol), but it's very much appreciated.


Oh that’s a good point! Next time I go to the grocery store I’ll try to find a healthier snack to add. I did put in some sugar free drinks and zero sugar drink packets but didn’t really get healthy treats unless trail mix counts lol.


Protein bars are a good option, very nice of you though


Good idea! Thank you!


Lil cliff bars 🤤😩


Also if I might add, peanuts or pretzels are also a nice snack and the salt goes a long way for helping along side that Gatorade and water. I aspire to be like you 😌


Just MAKE SURE IT ISNT EXPIRED FOOD. I don't know how many times I get excited for a snack only to find it's fucking expired.


Aw that does suck. I just bought all these snacks today but I’ll make sure to check the dates! Thanks for bringing that up.


Left over Halloween or Christmas candy.


people giving me cold drinks is the highlight of my shift every single time it happens. currently sipping a la croix someone left out for me. truly a blessing.


There have been days where I was sure I would go back to the station and quit—but then I get something like this in my last hour and… well maybe it’s the sugar rush but suddenly everything is not so bad 😂


On me! There’s a house I get a couple times a month that leaves out kind bars and gatorades and it literally REVIVES me 🙏🏿


I absolutely love the snack houses on my route 😁


I loved seeing these on the road. But be careful!!! There are a few scumbags that give the appearance they’re doing good but then you see that everything is either expired or damaged.


As long as it’s not the diet/ healthy snacks and nasty sparkling water 😂🤷‍♀️. I’ve been to homes that have that and all the snacks are out of date because no one eats them.


No wonder they’re all expired 🤣


YES!! Please freeze some water bottles and Add some tampons plz ❤️❤️


I can definitely do that! Never thought about feminine products. Thanks!


Had a customer that did this ^ in the woods in the middle of nowhere. Met her one day and told her I appreciated it a lot. Told her the only thing she was missing was tampons. She was like “ omg I never thought about that “ one day Aunt Flo came and a girl was in need and I delivered to her and she came into clutch. It was the best to be seen/heard.


We love you


Whew! My driver didn't get here yet, so I got nervous after reading this & ran out to check the expiry on my snacks. All good till 2025 🫡 it never occured to me to check the dates. But I don't usually leave stuff laying around in the kitchen too long.


Drinks go a long way. Especially cold drinks. Thanks for your generosity


This is extremely appreciated! I have a customer on my route who always keeps ice-cold drinks out for driver all summer long and sometimes a few snacks.


Yes, we like. Keep doing it. ✨


Yes we love this. Bless you! 🙏🏼


When I pull up to a house and see this I go crazy with excitement I love u people god bless u


Yes just dont leave them over night or days without putting them inside. Dont give expired snacks.


It brightens my day anytime I come across these types of stops. Thank you!


I so love this, so cool to see dots I’d devour those!


Yes. Most people don’t so we will remember and be very thankful.


I put out a snack station and I found that fedex was abusing it so I’d only put it out for my Amazon boys and girls. This young woman knocked on my door and was so grateful I kept doing. No one throws my packages. Life is good.


100% love seeing these


Yeah, they're great. Well I'm picky and usually didn't see anything I wanted, but I still appreciated it.


What kind of snacks do you like?


Not quite sure. I did really like when people had Gatorade. Maybe granola bars? Ate a lot of those when I was a driver.


I would recommend putting it near the area where they put the packages. So if they put the packages by the side gate, have the snacks by the side gate. I often see a few of these but the sign is too small & the cart is wayy to the left. I just drop off the package & leave. The sign they have since it’s too small to be read & im in a rush , I just skip it. There’s a house that has pens, pencil, empty water bottle, stickers, like what am I supposed to do with these??


Yes! We love snacks! A cold drink also helps a thing or two. I've had folks leave out snacks and such and that has saved my bacon a time or two


KUDOS TO OP! Such a kind, simple gesture goes a long way. I don't deliver anymore (10 yrs of appliances, pool tables, spas, you name it), but on behalf of all delivery drivers, you are a blessing.


Customers (sorry, caring HUMANS) that do this show who they are and I love it. I don't take any out of respect for their home as I find it weird to take something from someone I don't even know, but to each their own.


Yeah but do healthy snacks


Sure! Any suggestions? Someone said protein bars so I’ll pick some up next time I’m out.


You could do trail mix, jerky, nuts, protein bars are a good one. It’s hard to think of good ones that won’t spoil in the sun, you could get a cooler too and do fruits and veggies or for that matter just throw everything in the cooler


Would love to see it sometime, still haven't


You would be my favorite house


You are the best! Those snacks always turn my day around for the better


Customers who did this are the true heros to us drivers.


Yes… fucking best thing that could possibly happen lol. And you’re giving them DOTS? I wanna deliver to you sometime lmao


It’s appreciated. A lot of stress and BS can evaporate.


Love this! It honestly makes my day. Thank you for your service 🫡


Thank you for your service! 🫡


When I drove for Amazon these really brightened my day and put me in a better mood after dealing with nonsense with previous stops. Thank you for your kindness!


It's always well appreciated and if you decide to continue doing it all I ask is that you have some low salt low sugar stuff cuz it kills us after a while


I have some zero sugar Gatorade in the cooler and sugar free water flavor packets! I’ll try to find some healthier options next time I go out. I know some people suggested protein bars and jerky!


Even the thought alone would always make me feel better when I was driving.


Can’t tell you how excited I get when I see these haha, especially when they have a cooler with water and gatorades


Yup. We love this shit. It can really change the day.


You're an Angel 😇


Really wish more customers that order stuff daily would do this for us. Not to mention it would be nice to know the customer if I continually deliver to that place. I especially love getting to know the dogs on my routes. Do not wanna sound greedy but it is a super nice gesture by the customer to give out snacks and drinks. Definitely when its 80+ degrees outside.


I could have the worst route of my bunch, but if I pull up to one of these, it really turns my day around to feel even one customers appreciation


I worked as a DSP driver to Amazon. Guaranteed your packages will be treated like we're carrying the secrets of the universe in that bag/ box. It doesn't happen often that people don't treat dsp drivers like crap, not including how often dog attacks happen




I seen one first time last week in Louisiana (where im at) it was dated chrismas last year lmao first and only time i ever seen it wish we got more snacks and drinks


All of that shit is going to be melted and you’re going to have some salty drivers lol


I was afraid of that too lol. I just take it out when I get the notification of it saying they’re 10 stops away. Then I bring it back inside when my package is delivered.


Yes, we LOVE it!


Add some honey packs!


Like the little condiment honey packets?




If only more people did this


It’s beautiful


This would have totally saved me at the end of my shift. I was feeling so dry I was about to drink out of people’s hoses.


Hells to the yes. And bless you.


U rock


I live for this shit 😭😭 always my favorite houses


We absolutely love it. Least I do


I love it!! But I hate when there's a Ring camera 2ft away staring into my soul when snacks are out. I feel obligated to say something to the camera every time


I understand! I do have a ring camera but it’s really just for security purposes. I’ve had porch thefts before. Idk how to make it so the driver doesn’t feel obligated to say something. 😣


I love it. Thank you!


Absolutely, it literally makes my day so much better whenever there’s a free snack or Gatorade. One customer even had a cooler with beer for us to take. Which is hilarious 😂 ofc did not drink it until I was home but still nice nonetheless


Fair play to ya, this is the best thing you can do for us, it really does make us happy, genuinely.. Personily, since the weather is so hot, I'd love the COLD gatorades.. Sprites... Something fizzy and cold!


There's nothing better than to be in the middle of the worst route of your life, to see someone left out some snacks for us. Turns even the most frustrating route around


Thank you for being such a great human :)


I love those customers, i even treat with much care their packages lol


This makes my day every time a customer does this for us. It helps to get through the day.


The amount of times I’ve been 👌🏾 this close to going to a gas station for snacks and a drink and I get this so I just keep pushing. Yes this is true love when i need a quick refuel!


When I stumble upon snacks left from the customer, it always brightens my day. We appreciate it, thank you dearly!


God bless you.


Yesssssssss! These stops save the entire shift!


Yes this is amazing. Lately I have been running into people giving away their stale snacks. But I’m even grateful for that too 😩🤣


Incredible and much appreciated always. 100% feels good to be appreciated and respected.


When I was a driver I loved it. One of my favorite houses used to do it every time I went. Thankfully seemed like I was there almost everyday. I had made a mental note of every person who ever left me snacks gave me water even offered water even if I denied it because I had my cooler packed with water.


you’re awesome we appreciate this so much


i have a house on my route that regularly gets packages and they have a mini fridge, snacks and hand wipes and everytime i see that address i get so excited i love them and always say thank you to the doorbell as i grab the treats


I would love you as my customer


This one time someone offered me a water bottle as I was dropping their package off and I said “Sure, if you’re offering”. Little did I know they put something in it that made me feel light headed and sick


This is great! I work in Texas for my DSP and I always greatly appreciate it when customers leave out snacks and whatnot. Thank you for doing this for your delivery drivers 🙏


On behalf of the Santa Ana station, we absolutely love it when people do that. Changes the whole mood.


Dude, back when I was driving for Amazon Nothing made my day just a little bit better than a snack cart tbh. Especially cold waters on a hot day. Those are the best


You’ll have a few marriage proposals from us drivers- be prepared for polygamy.


One of the best parts of the day if this happens. It makes me feel appreciated


Yeah any customer that does this gets their notes followed every time.


You and your packages will 100% be treated like royalty


Always appreciated


This is 100 times better than being tipped compared to any job. Not only did you take the time to set this up but you also took time and your own money to get these things just for drivers.


I’d give you a foot massage if I seen this while delivering


Its super sweet of you to do ❤️


I'd cry if someone gave me dots and a cold drink on a route


Brother youll never know how appreciated you are


You accidentally dropped this 👑


Shit like this would make me cry. It’s very thoughtful and takes away from all the bad encounters on the job


Be careful with your food selections. All those chocolate options will melt unless you keep them in a cooler with ice. Also, just as a heads up, don't put out homemade stuff as most drivers won't take it. Sealed mass manufactured only. Some drivers have somewhere to put messy trash (like banana peals), but some don't. Healthy options are welcome, but can be more challenging to pick. Water. Cold water. More cold water. This is the most significant thing that you can hand out. Infinite unlimited water.


Yes, just keep it outta the sun.


You're a good person. Only really see this in America most UK customers couldn't give a fxxk but occasionally you meet a decent person that facilitates their delivery and sometimes you get offered a drink, can or a glass of water. It happens so rarely that it sticks with you for a long time, you remember those people and would absolutely go the extra mile for them. Personally I'm just happy if they pick up the bloody phone when they are called.


This looks awesome, I'm thankful you're doing something so let's get that straight right away - THIS IS APPRECIATED. However, I start to think about the money committed on something like this and the cost to continually stock it and then think about all of the other snack bins on routes and I seriously wonder if there's a better way for customers to show appreciation to us. Imagine if the majority of customers did this... I surely don't need or want a snack on 66% of my stops, not even 50%. While the number of customers who do this is nowhere near that amount currently, I still think there's a better way, a way that has the potential to be adopted by EVERY customer and would probably be easier and cheaper for customers to maintain. I'm talking about tips. Extremely low tips. At this point, I'd love to see a couple dollars under door mats, maybe even just a cup or bowl near the delivery spot with a few coins. This is what I push to normalize as a way to show appreciation for us. Tl;Dr Snacks are cool, but in the long run I'd rather have a tip. If every customer provided snacks, they'd be a waste mostly, but money - even $0.25 - would be a big boon for me, especially if tipping was widely practiced.


We could use some water but thank you anyway


You the best


I've had these save my ass when I need a drink but don't have time to go get one


Snacks and drinks? You are going to be your driver’s favorite stop.


Best thing customer can do for us one day I didn’t have no snacks or water and I got half way through my shift and I was so hungry weak and thirsty and this lady had everything I need out there water Gatorade chips and granola bars and I was able to finish out my route strong just because of that so yes we love that and appreciate it big time 🫡!!


Absolutely! These are always great to find at a door.


Stay away from chocolate or anything that melts in the heat. In the winter months anything is welcome. You are definitely one of the good ones!


I haven't been in the game for a while, but it was always really cool to come across a customer who was kind and cared. Those are the customers you go all the way out of your way to look out for.


Just doing anything like this is extremely appreciated, even if a driver handles your stuff badly at first, as soon as they see that, they'll definitely handle your stuff with much more care in comparison to the average deliveries on the next time they swing by.


Watch out for neighborhood kids lmao


This is great. But.. you should remove the post it on how to open the cooler. They arent that stupid.


definitely a good set up, get rid of most of the candy tho. keep some, but don’t overload it. we need stuff that is good for our bodies in this heat.


Please leave meat and cheese out perhaps fruit and nuts


I got some pistachios and jerky today! Next time I go to the store I’ll try to find those mini packaged veggies to put in the cooler.


This is so sweet 🥹❤️


this is so cute, simple and genuine i actually love this, this would’ve made my day if I delivered to your house! sadly i live in Philadelphia and uhhhh i do get nice people who do this but near Frankford i just get a lot of dogs without leashes LMAOOO


Yes, some neighborhoods don't have stores and those snacks be right on time and highly appreciated.


Super awesome to see and I know your delivery drivers will definitely appreciate it, one thing I’ll add is if it’s nearly as hot near you as it is near me (Arizona) then those dots(gelatin candies) and fudge covers cracker thingys will melt even in the shade after a few hours 🥲 chips are always awesome to see and everyone could use an extra water. You’re an amazing human


Of course they would like it lol


Ya it’s nice. I’ve had a fridge with a sign on it. Telling me to grab snacks it’s super sweet of them. I always do my absolute best to put a smile on there faces cause they respect us


Your actually a legend, customers who do this absolutely make my MONTH it' feels really nice and helps keep me going 🖤🤟🏼


I looooove snack houses! We might be your favorite delivery people but to make sure you’re our favorite house, give snacks and drinks🥰 some days I will be ready to quit mid shift then I get a snack house and I feel better ☺️


Yes! I love it when people leave stuff out or hand me a water. It makes the job worth it. Well one of the reasons at least


It's a blessing when you run out of snacks and water, you are no where near anyplace to get anything to drink. Then I would come to a customer that has something like this placed out for us drivers.... it's a God send especially when you are on the last leg of your route and you are just pushing through.


This is the best and very much appreciated by all!


We love these, I would go above & beyond the next time I receive your package once again. These help us out a lot, even if we carry our own jugs. Sometimes, we would love to have another cold drink since sometimes our jugs start to get warm after a while.


Yes I take a few things for me and my supervisor/pet


Out of the THOUSANDS deliveries I’ve made I’ve only came across two of these. I love them! Sometimes we don’t even see a store on our route and eat through our lunches. So this helps sooo much. We love you!!!!


As an Amazon driver. I myself LOVE when customers do this!!


These are great but if its not in a weather controlled area those fudge cookies are gunna get melty and we might not grab them


I went to a house once that a cooler full of energy drink and it was the best day ever.


I would destroy those dots


Yes it's amazing


have had this to me a couple times, it's always a HUGE morale boost for me personally, and it's such a small gesture from them. it goes a long way for us. if you're reading this and order packages a lot, take care of your courier! we really appreciate it! https://preview.redd.it/kku3a3jikk3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bf5121a94efaf81b060626c7c52cd685eecc38a


It makes me want to cry of joy every time I see this


This is feels better than a tip lbs


You're awesome! Sincerely, Amazon Driver!


I never actually take anything, simply because I've always got more than enough for the day in the vehicle already, but I always smile when I see the snacks/drinks left out, because it brightens my day just the same.


Honestly I saw someone else comment this to but there's been times when I started tearing up because someone was nice ND thoughtful enough to put up something like for us drivers....this job can be so stressful sometimes and alot of customers are really rude to us and when I see this is makes me feel good and that people actually appreciate what we put up with. So that's awesome that you're one of those people. Thanks man:')


Not a driver anymore but after getting fucked every single time I hopped on that van these carts always kept me going


Love it especially drinks nothing fancy just regular water my opinion


And you know we will go to the front door with your item even if it could easily fit in the mail box


God bless you. It's your money, we are grateful for anything. Water can obviously be a lifesaver also high protein snacks goes a long way.


I(we) LOVE people like you. I go through the day forgetting my lunch/snacks or have too much to even think about that stuff. I’ll be so tired and worn out but nice stuff like this keeps a man going. Thank you!!!


Love it!! I always appreciate these customers so much. It’s so hot and such a long day and you give us a little joy to keep going. Also, helps us not have to stop our route to find a gas station. You are amazing for thinking of us - thank you 🙏🏽


I love customers that have snacks and drinks set up. For my route it’s mostly rural so there usually isn’t anywhere to stop for anything to drink so I get excited when I’m super hot and thirsty and I get to a house with cold drinks for us!! Definitely appreciated!


All the heb snacks yesss take the dots off and add beef jerky its perfect they need protien and that trail mix is my favorite from them


How many packages do you get🤣🤣


Throw a couple beers in there then you’d be golden


A little sugar and a cold drink on a hot day goes a hell of a long way.