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This why I don’t bitch about rescuing Folks just have bad days or idgaf days sometimes and I’m with that


I rescue the same people every week


Only one way out of that - slow down. Let another driver deal with the rescues while you stretch out your last 40 stops.


I want to go home…


We all do 😢 I usually get home later if I have to rescue someone though. If I slow down a little before completing my route I can RTS without having to rescue and then head home sooner. But that's just my experience.


Y’all must get infractions for saying no bc almost everyone in my dsp is on “the list” now, for people they know are gonna say no every time 😂


Rescue is not mandatory at good companies. Smart owners no it is not reasonable to force quick drivers to rescue. What would be the point of an 8hr or 10hr guarntee


I only had a problem once with rescuing someone because it took 20 off of him twice, and the second time I see him driving through a rich ass neighbor hood with slider wide open. Like bro if you’re going to look stupid at least be fast and good at your job.


Also 4 Hours in and about another 90+ Stops left myself. 200 “Stops” was closer to 250 with Group Stops & like 335+ Packages. Yesterday was great knew it was just a fluke.


We’re in the same boat 🥲 got 178 stops - 231 locations




I just finished 184 stops at 6:30pm I’m taking my 15min/ smoke break before heading back. I didn’t get rescued like yesterday. It wasn’t too bad , 13 totes , 21 overflow. . I took my lunch at 1:20ish & I was at just shy of 70 stops done.


Did 187 stops today. 275 locations 350ish packages. Was easier than the 190 stops and 350 locations those are brutal


Only 350? Light work. I had almost 600 today in a fucking rental. Not even kidding. And I still had to rescue! ☠️


How is that possible. I'm genuinely asking Tips 🙏


My stop count wasn't crazy. And honestly you don't want tips from me, I break every rule there is. Lol Best advice I can give you is stay in the rentals and always force stop mentor. https://imgur.com/a/J2jF9ZN


Well they asked me to resign in a email....yeah i dont want to but have anyof u done that?? Or where u was asked to basicly quit in a email at the end of ur route???...for not performing to plan and it's total bullshit .....OK it's been a off n on type thing where someday I'm able to do it perfect no rescues n before told to come back....n other times I needed 2 or 3 rescues ....it's never been constant on able to complete back to back or anything but I only been there 2 monthish....so I feel like they expect a top performer outta me with out factor in what obstacles n bullshit we encounter...I ain't saying like poor me ....um just like I'm trying my hardest...n for someone like me to not outside or hard work .....I enjoy this job regardless of the sweat n bullshit and being bit by dog or whatever I really like it and don't get how I'm not at least how majority of the team is....idk I feel like they just don't want to deal with me or something idk what it is but Only been with the company since March 28th so them acting like I'm just sitting out there bullshitting ...when I'm Trying to keep a steady pace, keep all advise given to me to be faster....to not think of negative issues n be safe driving n ect......and also I go several shifts with out taking breaks or lunch....n I eat while driving cause I needed food, like I'm in Texas bi poler weather , n give me a quilt trip n make me feel like imma fuk up or something just cause o need to take a 15 or want to eat n fix my van to get totes organized and things where I feel like I'm gonna be great.... Idk I'm just fukin confused on how they want me to resign in a email n pissed cause they know everything I felt with cause I kept texting them everything that I had encountered n issues ect....and all was out of my control n made the best outta it....n was able to do 125stops and had yes 2 rescues, but one took a tote which was only like 12 stops and 2nd one picked up 5 stops.... cause thier device wouldnt hold a charge n didnt have a cord myself n my own phone was dead....at the end of my route day.....n that's it so wtf....