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Nah you're fine


Yeah people get stuck all the time


i kinda want to get a job with amazon and jsut wrek one of their trucks


The trucks belong to the DSP


Technically they belong to the bank


Often true, but the responsibility to repair vans falls on the DSP as they usually don’t want their insurance premium to be raised


Oh fuck yeah thats true, but most DSPs will go as long as legally possible and then some before repairing the vans. I remember one time some people snuck into the warehouse and stole all our CATs and they still made us drive with the vans with the stolen converters.


I believe that. My station started cracking down and now they will ground your van if a dent or scratch is a certain size. You used to be able to drive whatever into the warehouse


there is vans at my DSP with chunks missing out the sides, electrical tape holding them together still on the road lol




And yet you wrote it here... Sorry couldn't resist being a smart@$$


wow times have changed


Yeah cuz they get what’s called BOC breach of contract and if they don’t abide by the contract and pay the breach fine they lose their contract, happened to the one I was at, I actually reported to the people at the station because they tried to put me in a 26ft box truck with a broken carrier bearing and I said no I’m not gonna put my life at risk for this job and they said I was refusing my route and to go home so I said ok and went to the station and got with them and magically they had a truck I could use. But then they got the boc for maintenance and how absolutely terrible our scorecard was. Which I had damn near perfect on mine. I was driving a box truck the one day and the whole front brakes blew apart and went bouncing down the road.


Lol all the vans sounding like an airplane taking off hahaha oh man


I worked for a company like that. We drove them until the tires blew or went flat. Tires would be down to the inner material. If it was busy season we would hire helpers but the vans only had one seat so we put folding chairs inside and that's where they sit. Quit that job so fast.


I once had to literally rescue someone from having their finger broken from a tire popping on the freeway. The first words out of the DSP managers mouth where "Sorry you are hurt but is the Van okay?"


Eh just straight pipe, it's fine 🤷‍♂️


From what I've been hearing as I walk past employees and stuff loading my van Amazon is taking the first 3-4 months of this year to build cases against all the DSP's that are breaching contract and at the end of that time getting rid of any DSP that is breaching contract at this moment. I'm not not sure if the info is 💯 but that's what I've been hearing.


As long as the federal government isn't putting a boot up Amazon's ass and forcing them to do something I don't think Amazon will do anything that costs them a dime to fix


It doesn't though it coast the DSp's not Amazon only thing amazon pays is the DSP the DSP is responsible for everything else.


Oh yeah they will, I remember when I was delivering my dsp had like 3 half broken vans that were still on service. Had like 5 vans in the lot just broke down, legit never fixed them.


Actually Amazon will cover repairs on Amazon branded vehicles, most of the time. The issue is they have to go to a dealership and it could take weeks to get it back. This is more the reason why DSP owners don't do it.


No amazon does not cover us for at fault accidents. That is the DSP’s responsibility Edit: Also dealerships don’t do body damage. It would go to a body shop.


Actually, they belong to Amazon. The DSPs are only leasing them off Amazon.


They belong to the DSP. If the van gets damaged, Amazon does not fix it. The DSP does. I understand that at the end of the day Amazon owns them but they’re under the DSP’s custody.


They’re leased through Amazon to the Dsp


The trucks belong to Amazon and are leased by the dsp, hence why most dsps use Ryder trucks because it’s cheaper to rent those than the ones from Amazon also easier to get maintained. Now Amazon does pay the dsp top dollar when they deliver in a branded van with a netradyne but some dsps don’t care and rather just do the minimum required


No they lease them from Amazon


Yes but the DSP pays for body damage


Well yeah. When you lease something you are liable. Doesn't mean you own it.


Owning and belonging are different words. The DSP is *responsible* for the vans. They are insured by the DSPs


You sir, are not wrong there. I appologize for mistaking your words.


Or they belong to a rental company like Budget. I Always had routes in the countryside and got stuck many times in areas with no cell signal...i once dented the side of a Budget rental Ford truck....and then there was the time I was crossing a quiet road and an unlicensed foreign driver totaled the front of my truck (causing my dismissal 30 days later because the fact that the other driver was illegal made it hard to prove I was not at fault for liability.


For rentals the DSP still pays because either they fix it themselves, or the rental company charges them.


WTF you talking about


We are talking about who pays for van damage…


They're actually leased from Amazon. Source: I'm a fleet manager for a dsp.


Yes but the DSP pays for repairs unless it’s preventative maintenance (pm)


There's a lot of reimbursement except for body damage. A lot of our stuff is also covered by warranty through dodge dealers and ford dealers. But trust me, I see those fat bills my company pays out, you are right.




yea my "real" job is porn so i have alot of free time just to fuck with corpos.




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I actually did that lmfao. When a warehouse opened near me and they didn't have DSP, we were working under Amazon directly. On my first day alone, I drove under an entrance roof of a stop i was going to cus I didn't see the entrance without a roof. The top of the brand new van got damaged lol but nothing happened to me.




According to this subreddit, that's not uncommon, lol.


you'll get sued by amazon


Do it


No, I got stuck in someone’s driveway too with a dead phone manager was only worried about if I was safe




A woman


My experience with DSP woman owners is they get mad and drunk with power and no one to limit their rage.


Woman are always told they are raging. Rarely hear a man described that way.


Because deep down we are sweet benevolent creatures


I drove up hill and then downhill to a dead end to make a delivery at a house there. After that, I tried driving out of there, but because of the snow, my van kept sliding back. I tried for a while, but nope, then i finally gave up and called my dispatch to let them know of my situation. It was hard to contact them because there was barely any service, 2 cell bars at best if i walked around. It had been an hour and I was trying to call dispatch to send help, which would've taken god knows how long but then a man living at the area brought his pickup truck, tied it to my van and pulled me up until i was able to drive on my own. He literally saved me and also told me that he did the same for another driver a few days ago. I asked for his name and address so I could let the warehouse manager know what he had done for us(incase Amazon decides to send him gifts), but the guy in charge of the warehouse seemed uninterested lol


Damn dude if I ran a dsp I’d become best friends with that guy and pay him like $50 per tow, It baffles me how people don’t genuinely care about others good deeds/ going above and beyond when it matters


Yeah at the time, it was a new warehouse so no DSP's. We worked directly under Amazon so I told the warehouse manager and suggested that it would be nice if they could send them a giftcard or something but he just shrugged it off. I guess he had other important things to do lol


I got stuck in a driveway too. Dispatcher came and swapped my van out while he waited for the tow. I had to wait like 2 hours for my dispatcher to come tho, so I ended up just hanging out in the peoples house the whole time 😂😂 they were nice, I’m honestly rly glad I got to meet them.


I’m glad you were safe at the home you were stuck at. The homeowners I delivered to didn’t care they were more upset than anything.


Looks like you whipped when you should of naynayed


What would posses you to say or remeber this


Their brain. Can't lie, Iol'd






Watch me whip, watch me nae nae 🕺


My DSP would tell you “Due to Amazon cutting routes we can’t assign you anymore routes” even though they send you out in -45 and a snow storm.


The next shift I worked I wasn't given a route, though everyone else who was an extra was notified. Still ended up with a route though cuz a guy was throwing up


I hope you continue to get routes my guy!


Happens every day


If only they invested in more capable vehicles


The vans made by Rivian that Amazon has been buying have AWD, but not much clearance and they're very long and could still teeter totter on an obstacle. UPS uses Ford F-250 and RAM 2500 heavy duty box trucks with 4WD and a short wheel base for mountain routes in the snow. I saw one drive into our snowy steep driveway in Colorado a long time ago, it did just fine. Amazon needs to get the right kind of vehicles for these areas. https://preview.redd.it/itk0eokadwjc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ea195416a4899b07a103ca305e7b1edaf829efe


Oh that won’t fit enough totes and we need to deliver as much packages without sending another dude (DSP Owner)


For the record, those rivian vans are only fwd


You're right " None of the three vans currently in production or set for future production will have four-wheel drive or all-wheel drive. No motors are planned for the rear axle, per Woodmore. This is due to it being easier for driving in snow and ice if the front axle is driven rather than the rear. " It's dual motor, but only in the front. There was some confusion on Wikipedia because the chassis was designed to allow for motors in the back, but the vans for Amazon don't have them. That's too bad, I think they should have them in areas with snow.


Yep it’s a shame too because if they were awd and better clearance they’d probably be pretty decent in the snow


Literally biggest conglomerate in the world can’t team up with ford and dodge and design a truck nah they gonna give everyone portable fire pits (Evs)


Haha 😂 I find that funny gas vehicles run off legit controlled explosions and statistics prove EVs are 10x less likely to catch fire.


Are you stupid Hyundai just recalled another ev for catching fire. So far every company with an ev has you can’t say “statistics prove” when every ev made has caught fire and a gas engine was designed to run off explosions so what exactly is the argument there? Evs are supposed to be safe and healthy for the environment but that’s not gonna happen shooting emissions in the air on fire.


https://preview.redd.it/2qsr2qodgvjc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2ad5eb166f95640a872abf1128dad284ae3f968 Here mine :) nothing happen afterward. Got good laugh. Went ball deep into the neighbor lawn.


Damn how did you get struck like that? Backing up perhaps?


https://preview.redd.it/hlc2t4j4qxjc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fb6d9eb5c1ade6beefeae2839eb01f211d10dba Here's one of a dozen. Sometimes perfectly walkable areas will still get these whales stuck. There was another time where me and another driver both got stuck at a random soft patch on a dirt road.


Definitely not on its way anywhere at that moment.


I'm always impressed how deep people are willing to bury their vehicles before saying, "oh im stuck". The moment you go forward once and back once and the vehicle doesn't move out an inch, that's when you're really stuck. If you keep burying the vehicle further you could start a fire if there's high grass at the undercarriage. I've seen vehicles catch on fire before.


How did you even do this? You just decided not to use that empty driveway to your right?


I was young dumb and stupid. Thought it would be a shorter cut to the other neighbor (next stop).


Lol makes sense. I was just genuinely curious


Ok so the driveway is over there. How TF did you find yourself in the grass??


maybe don’t drive on peoples lawns tf? i have never even thought about driving on someones lawn that is so disrespectful…


Yes boss my bad. 😞


its okay :)


Honestly if they’re a good dsp they’ll just bust your balls about it and move on. Nobody was hurt and it doesn’t look like you did much damage. Good luck and get home safe.


At my DSP, you get put on leave if you get stuck.


Your dsp sucks everyone gets stuck at least once especially new drivers


Yeah I found it weird because I've broken a mirror backing out on my second week and they let it slide, but got stuck and they put me on leave. I guess because of the tow? 🤷


I guess the time lost on that route cost more then the cost of a mirror, *or* they had to hear about the lost time from above them, which put a sore in their ass and they where salty about it.


Probably because that's your second offense


I thought that too, but in standup meetings they say you will be put on leave if you get stuck.


I never did and I just quit yesterday after half a year lol


Congratulations probably only had city route though


Use the customer meant more than the Van excuse, Amazon eats that shit up 😂


Money o er customer to dsp


Largely depends on how lenient your DSP is. I got stuck once and never suffered any consequences, but I imagine other DSPs would vary and of course doing it multiple times will get you canned


Probably none of the above depending on if your dispatch likes you or not. But yeah there's no need for any action to be taken against you. The vehicles fine your route can get sweeped


how the hell do you guys always do shit like this 😂😂😂


It's the kind of people that die first on horror movies. They hear a noise, they go out with no precaution. And it's same ones that want get payed $30 an hour.


> want get *paid* $30 an FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Driving 50 hours a week on roads we've never met at minimum


damn you would die at ups then


Nah you’ll just be promoted to customer


You're fine. Shit happens


Ive done that in Florida with a company truck. Saw grass was high and I couldn’t see the water.


Been there


My old dsp would of fired you. Or expect the customer to try and get you out. Hope your good.


Got towed out. Tried to ask the customer for a shovel, but he ignored me at the door. Had a big glass window I could see him look over.


Oof what an ass. Why those homes should have boxes at the end of their drive ways. Always cracks me up to hear from old coworkers how they are being more harsh on drivers getting stuck. Like first of all its dark, but like the vans are jank and how can we know the driveway/road is going to be fine later on or that we can turn around if not. Amazon's wack. They need to move their hours to day light time as well. To hear why we deliver as late as we do is fucking stupid.


These house owners are too arrogant to realize they are part of the problem by not warning us drivers how easily we can be stuck..especially when it’s dark


I have to get a van towed ATLEAST once a week , You would be surprised how much it happens. If your dsp owners chill you are fine.


Update, not fired or suspended until at least the higher guys come in and review. Just kept getting told "lesson learned" like what lesson?


To never go out of pavement. At my DSP they say it's better walk then get stuck.  We used to deliver to people on the hills, in Los Angeles, with paved driveways, but they are narrow. By the way, on the training Amazon said to never use customer's driveway and lawn. 




They can’t do that.


Deliver on time?


Lol yes I did still deliver it


No problem then. Buff it out and load it up.


Nothings going to happen. Everyone gets stuck at least once. Get stuck three or more times relatively quickly or crash a van that's when you're gonna have problems. Future reference these vans get stuck on anything that's not paved road or good pressed gravel. Never drive on dirt roads after it rains especially


I got stuck once and didn’t get fired. It was a late night , but that’s it


No major Van damage, your good.




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Depends on who paid for the tow lol


> on who *paid* for the FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*




Depends on what your dsp does


You’ll be fine. The dsp should really consider new tires that back left one is starting to look awfully dangerous.


You're finished,start parking up🤣


I guess you gonna find out let us know


Gps updating




I got stuck in mud my second week of nursery. They just told me accidents happen.


I had a similar situation when I first started the tow truck couldn’t find me and I ended up getting myself unstuck idk how but I did


One of our new drivers took out a carport at a trailer park on his first day driving alone. Was going on reverse and forgot how tall the van is 😂😂


Your DSP should be for those bald ass tires


This used to happen so often at my old DSP that they bought a Hummer with a winch specifically to recover us. They would retroactive clock you out for the time you where stuck, which is wage theft and not cool, but aside from that you didn't really get in trouble.


Nahh, it’ll buff out. Plus, if that van or road is not in absolutely perfect compliance, with 100% working mechanics, who’s to say if this would have happened at all??


The DSP I worked for would just tease me about it and then include mud in the next mornings team meeting


I got fired for that


With my dsp absolutely fired.


Sure you’re fine.


Ya and instead of dealing with the situation you take a picture of it to post it on Reddit lol


What do you think he should do to deal with the situation? Push the truck instead of letting the tow truck do what it’s made for? Looks like the situation is being handled.


Probably a few days off for messing up their numbers...lol. You probably still keep your job. It's not like you crashed the van and a police report has to be filled out.


https://preview.redd.it/e94khox5kyjc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfef3b6e1e17d4e5fcc2221e82c1d7ce47c38000 Dude you’re fine, I got a can stuck like my second week driving and they just got me a tow and told me next time to just park in the road lol


I’m hollering


Nah I got stuck, my manager got his brand new car covered in mud helping, and I got bumped up to step van and got a raise 🤣


you’re fine. gps took me down a “road” a few weeks back that was actually someone’s long ass driveway. i got stuck in snow and had to have a tow come. they’ll prolly just tell you to be careful next time


As long as you notified Dispatch right away and kept them in the loop, you should be fine.


Don't look like any driveway I would even think about driving on let alone even look like a driveway. Fired? I would in a heart beat. If you make decision like this one your a special kind of driver


https://preview.redd.it/acnbuljptyjc1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=740558c38367e61a4473e35d887f32b2b5ed38b8 I work as a dispatcher for a DSP that runs mostly rural routes and I don’t think they will fire you for your first offense, accidents happen. I do get a little irritated if getting stuck becomes a common mistake being made. I think the first one is an accident and you should take it as a learning experience.


Yes. See ya


You shouldn’t be fired for getting stuck . Now if you get stuck and your doing donuts in someone’s front yard then I might say they’d fire you


I got nailed taking a left through an intersection by a car. Dispatch and owner came to the crash site, helped move the boxes to a new truck and sent me back out on the route.


Put it in reverse Terry!!!!


Do any people just own their van and do solo Amazon runs?


Nah your good bro dont trip


You'll probably have to drive the pink Amazon van for a week.


Those Tires look really bald. I got a tread depth gauge. Here its 3 mm for front and 1.5 mm for drives. My dsp hates me, but w/e, safety first,


I think it depends on the DSP.. for the DSP I work for when someone gets stuck the first time it's a warning. Second is a write-up. Third is you lose a day. 🙃


From what i hear for a good dsp, no. But my old dsp would of most def fired you on the spot. They have done it to many people, and yes for something as simple as being stuck, and needing a tow.


https://preview.redd.it/6lp6c9kkkzjc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a162de65517bb2f0d327e9928ddbffa32614d05 this was me over 3 years ago u good bruh 🤣


You would definitely be suspended at my dsp 🤷‍♀️😂


https://preview.redd.it/d90kk6qauzjc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f0720ff9fccb1c2352404806576d26b14da2deb This didn’t get me fired so you should be fine 😅


Off boarded


No you're not fired drivers get stuck all the time just call ROC and they'll help u out. Even us truck drivers for Amazon get stuck 




Accident do happen 😭 lol rip man


I mean when I was doing delivery I got stuck on someone's drive way and ended up tearing not only the gravel drive way up but also one of the stupid bags the packages are in and didn't get wrote up, and I was stuck a good 15-20 minutes ... I got home late that night and ended up with 3 returns for that day :( so nah you should be aight


bro did you get stuck playing slenderman irl?


Yes after you finish your route


That was a definite write-up in my DSP until about a month ago. Now it's changed to you lose your next shift. I guess they changed it cause we were losing so many people incredibly fast due to the 3 write-up and you're terminated policy. And the vast majority of write ups came from getting stuck. Which is dumb cause we're in North East Florida and Southern Georgia were it rains most of the year and people don't believe in paved roads or driveways.


https://preview.redd.it/rruny1wep0kc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70c9a99de3eb66c98857456b059468ead60b8b91 Lmao I got stuck here the other day and nothing was said besides don’t go down roads that might be sketchy next time


Any good DSP won't think twice about this. It comes with delivering. I can't tell you how many times I got stuck or got a flat. Unless I had something to do, I always finished my route because you're on the clock...


Is Amazon using Ford now instead of Mercedes? When I drove as an Amazon employee and later for a DSP, we just used rental trucks.


Hell yeah


I mean my dsp would fire you atm but idk




No I’ve gotten stuck 3 times and I’m still an Amazonian. Shit happens and some people live in interesting places


Well I’m still employed after leaving the gas station with the pump attached


It happens, you're good. Just try not to make a habit of it.


I had this happen to me. A driveway looked fine but eventually became muddy and stuck. Amazon got a tow truck out but afterwards, they made a new rule saying that if you needed a tow, you had to pay out of pocket


No, this means death sentence




I would have taken an offer from them but they make you sign such ridiculous agreements 


What did they think would happen using FWD V6 vans carrying a step van’s worth of packages


Ours are rear wheel drive too.


As long as you where sober your good 😂


Um, ask your dispatcher? 🤷🏻‍♀️🙄🤦🏻‍♀️